Elf Master

Page 91

Since Team Rocket has the most poison-type elves, this time many alliance trainers will bring super-power elves to restrain Team Rocket's poison-type elves.

From the perspective of the situation, the Rockets have more people, but from the perspective of attributes, the Elf Alliance has the advantage.

For a time, all kinds of energies on the field flew, and the elves on both sides had no room to dodge, and they could not dodge.

The two sides fought for a while, and began to fall into anxiety. From the scene, neither side could defeat the other in a short time.

The two sides were divided into two battlefields. On the one hand, a large number of trainers focused on attacking each other, and on the other hand, high-level officials from both sides fought against each other.

After advancing to the quasi-celestial king, the trainer has already touched the door of the heavenly king, and the power of the elf's skills in his hand will increase substantially, which is obviously at another level.

The battlefield where Yulongyin and Hunter J fought was still the sky. The two sides had played against each other once two days ago.

Xiaoxia and Xiaoming's opponents are Lance and Radam, and the two sides use the doubles mode, relying on each other's cooperation to compete with each other.

Although Lance and Radam are both high-level cadres of the Rockets, the relationship between them is not harmonious. Even so, they still work hard to cooperate with each other in this crucial battle.

When he was in a state of anxiety on the field, Duan Chen waved his hand and led his players to sneak into a relatively secret path, aiming directly at the Zhenghui Lighthouse.

The place where the two organizations fought is a large flat land, which is some distance from the Zhenghui Lighthouse. After all, the Zhenghui Lighthouse is located on a cliff, and the terrain is narrow and complicated, resulting in a very small space for battle, which is only suitable for small-scale battles.

At this time, the members of the Rocket team were basically concentrated on the flat ground to fight against the alliance trainers. There seemed to be not many members of the Rocket team around the Zhenghui Lighthouse, but there were dozens of them, not including the Zhenghui Lighthouse.

As for how many of them, we can only know after the fight.

Although the number of Duan Chen and his party was not large, there were still hundreds of people, and there were no covering objects around the Zhenghui Lighthouse, so their whereabouts were quickly seen by the Rockets members around the Zhenghui Lighthouse.

In a piercing humming sound, a lot of Team Rocket members began to run out of the Zhenghui Lighthouse, mixed with the guards outside, shouting and rushing towards Duan Chen.

Duan Chen took a few glances with the binoculars, and immediately found that most of the Rockets members were also players, and the rest were NPCs.

Among the few NPCs, Duan Chen saw the Rockets trio, Xiao Saburo, and a man wearing a low-quality elite member suit.

This man is about 30 years old, with a pair of green eyes, a dark blue middle parted head casually draped, sword eyebrows and star eyes, while the whole person looks a little rebellious, he also has a heroic spirit.

He is Fulinduo, a low-level elite member of the Rockets. He once commanded the Rockets' trio to perform missions one after another, and may be the person in charge of the Rockets' trio.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, the difference in numbers between the two sides is not big, and the apparent strength can only be described as almost the same.

Sure enough, the tasks of the system have always been relatively fair, and the strength gap between the two sides is not large.

Although the Rockets have low-level elite members Fulinduo, there are also elites like Duan Chen in the alliance player group, who belong to the same level in terms of top-level combat power.

However, the players on the alliance side have a trace of worry in their hearts. After all, the comprehensive combat power ranking refers to the total combat power of the elves in the player's hands, but the player's personal command level is not included, and none of them know whether Duan Chen can fully play. The strength of the elves in their hands is the reason for their worries.

After all, although combat power is crucial, in a battle at the same level, once the command is improper, it may fall into disadvantage.

But even so, the players on the alliance side still had to release the elves in their hands.

Compared with the more organized and disciplined NPCs, it is difficult for these loose players to combine them into a whole in a short period of time due to their lack of pure minds.Therefore, players rarely use team mode in small group battles with players.

Whether it was Duan Chen's side or Fulinduo's side, the two sides spread out in tacit understanding, and each found their own opponent and began to fight.

However, due to the fact that there are many enemies around, in this chaotic battle, it is possible to be attacked by the enemy next to it, or to be affected or hit by shrapnel.

In short, in this dangerous situation, the elf in the hand may lose the ability to fight at any time, and the trainer himself is not safe.

"It's him, it's him who rescued Zhenghui!" At this moment, Miaomiao pointed at Duan Chen and yelled, obviously it was quite impressed by Duan Chen.

"Come on, let's test his strength!" Although Duan Chen was wearing a formal trainer suit, Fulinduo did not despise Duan Chen because of this. In any case, Duan Chen is the leader of this group of alliance trainers. There will be no two brushes.

In order to test Duan Chen's strength, Fulindo sent a team of three from Team Rocket.

As for himself, he set his sights on Duan Chen, wanting to try to find out Duan Chen's general strength, and then personally take action to solve him.At that time, he believed that the alliance players would collapse without a leader.

Chapter 90 The Rockets Trio

The Rockets trio rushed to Duan Chen immediately, and then Musashi and Kojiro each made a POSS and began to write and direct their own lines.

I hear any voice of doubt, I answer you for the world of tomorrow;

Future White tomorrow is the color of sin, Universe gives the black world a hammer of justice, I will engrave this name here;

Passionate Destroyer - Musashi

Dark innocence - Kojiro

Infinite Sanity - Meow Meow

Assemble ~ In the name of Team Rocket!

"SO~NANSU~" Sure enough, Ong automatically ran out of the Poké Ball around Musashi's waist and forcibly inserted his own lines.

Sure enough, Musashi's Ong never takes the initiative to attack. Usually, he likes to automatically run out of the Poke Ball when he has nothing to do. He always runs out and shouts "SO~NANSU" after the Rockets finish their debut lines, and also shouts in the Rockets' trio. "What a disgusting feeling" and shouted again, often making the Rockets' stupid trio helpless.

However, this one really has a high IQ and can judge when to make a rebound trick.

"Go, Pumpkin Freak!"

"Cage of fangs!"

Musashi and Kojiro seemed a little impatient, and took the lead in releasing their own spirits.Among them, when Fang Fang came out, he immediately bit Kojiro's head.

Duan Chen glanced at the two elves, and then threw a elf ball from his waist. In the blink of an eye, the majestic Wind Speed ​​Dog appeared on the field.

And with the wind speed dog, there is also the light elf.

In order to avoid unknown changes in the situation, Duan Chen didn't want to waste time, and wanted to quickly dismiss the Rockets trio.

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