Elegy for a Star

Chapter 8 – New Experiences ❤️

They kept watch that night, wary of wolves or other dangers. Despite Gwen’s concern, Tess was familiar with the concept of a camp’s watch, so after some convincing, Tess was given first watch.

“Miri?” Tess whispered, looking around for her body-partner. There was some irksome feeling of jealousy that Miri could get in touch with Tess whenever she wanted, but not the other way around. She wondered if Miri felt the same way, about Tess’ fortune of being the one to be seen and to interact with the world. Well, at least interact in a visible way. She still didn’t understand how Miri could affect the world around them when she was just a prisoner of Tess’ mind. Of their mind. She wasn’t sure how to phrase it to be respectful to both of them.

A warm hand came to Tess’ shoulder. There was a brief startle, but she turned to see Miri’s face looking into her own. “You called?” The demoness whispered.

“I’m trying to puzzle this thing out,” Tess explained, sitting cross-legged by the fire. The crackling and the distance should be enough so that Gwen wouldn’t be able to hear her.

Miri looked uncertain, floating around to levitate in front of Tess, tapping her chin in thought. “Thing? You mean the inexplicable merger of our minds, bodies and souls into a single entity that can not only communicate to itself with two distinct personalities but has the power-...”

“Yes,” Tess interrupted.

But Miri continued, “...to allow the unseen personality to still affect the world as though it were the physical body-...”


“But with a huge girlcock?” The demon said with a mischievous smile.

“Miri!” Tess whispered harshly.

“That thing?” Miri inquired, feigning curiosity.

“Yes,” Tess confirmed, “That thing.”

“Oh. Well, good luck.”

“Miri, please.” Tess said in an exhausted tone.

Miri let out a sigh and rolled onto her back. Well, as much as someone floating in the air could. She reclined and supported her head with her hands. “Tess, I’m not sure how I can help,” the horned one replied with a lazy whine, “I could try to dig into your head to figure out more about you, but that seems quite invasive. Not to mention dangerous.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t make yourself at home already,” Tess mused, to which Miri scoffed.

“I would never,” Miri said with a wave of her hand, “I’m all about consent, darling.”

Tess looked away from the fire to the darkness that stretched beyond. She could see lights up in the higher mountains. Gwen had said it was Hastenburgh up there, and that they would reach it tomorrow. They may have made it sooner if they weren’t interrupted by the wolves, and slowed by their wounds. Tess was relieved to be done with the traveling soon.

“So you think we need to go to the Black Sun for answers?” Tess asked.

Miri nodded, “That I do, sweetness.”

“And the only ones that do that are the Expeditionary Corps?”

“Among others, but that would be our easiest way.”

Tess hummed in thought, “Alright. So we join the Corps.”

“Babe, I’m sure you didn’t need my help to puzzle that one out,” Miri said with a little laugh. Tess rolled her eyes, and Miri asked a question of her own, “How much more time until we wake small, bright and beautiful?”

“Not sure,” Tess said. Gwen had already said that the orbits of the moons were irregular due to the Black Sun’s pull, and without some reference she had no means of knowing what time it was. “Maybe a couple hours?” Tess estimated.

Miri slipped through the air and ended up face-to-face with Tess, cupping Tess’ cheeks in her warm palms. Tess went eyes wide as she stared into that gorgeous face Miri possessed. “Wanna fuck?” Miri proposed with a soft whisper.

“What?!” The word was too loud, Tess knew immediately, and the pair both waited in silence and stared at Gwendolyn’s sleeping form to make sure she wasn’t waking up. She didn’t move, at least.

Miri broke the silence first, “Do you want to fuck? Easy question.”

“Miri, we’re the same person,” Tess insisted, “Aren’t we?”

“To others, maybe. But to us, we seem to be two pretty distinct halves, don’t we? Besides, in the other case, how would it be any different from jerking yourself off?” Miri nudged Tess with the curve of one of her horns, “How about it?”

It isn’t that Tess didn’t want to. She wanted it. She very much wanted it. A part of it felt wrong, though, and she couldn’t place exactly why. Was it too good to be true? Was there some downside to consorting with a literal demon? What would it look like if Gwen saw her? There were so many questions that Tess wanted to have answered before trying something like that.

Regardless, there was a lot less room in her pants than there was a second ago. Her cock swelled and filled with excitement, bunching up in her underwear and forcing her to shift and pull at her clothes.

“Miri..” Tess protested.

The demoness laughed, “Well, someone wants to, at least.”

Tess could feel her willpower breaking down. The only thing that could go through her mind was just how amazing it had felt last time, and that was just with Miri’s hand. Who knows what kind of pleasure she could experience being stuffed into Miri’s pussy. The thought left her cock fully erect, showing through her pants as a bulging tube running down the inside of her thigh.

“Oh, come now, where was all of this hesitation last time?” Miri spoke so sweetly, “Tell you what, maybe we start small. How about another handjob? Wouldn’t that feel nice?”

They’d already done that much, hadn’t they? What’s the harm in doing it again? On the scale of perversion, it wouldn’t be going any further than she’d already gone, right? What’s the harm?

“Yeah,” Tess replied with a husky, distracted note, “It would.”

“There we go, baby,” Miri whispered, bringing a hand up Tess’ thigh, just a hair’s breadth from touching Tess’ length through her trousers, “Can I touch it?”

“Yeah,” Tess replied with a hazy look in her eyes.

“Do you want me to?” Miri purred, leaning in and nipping at Tess’ ear. The sharp poke of fangs gave Tess a little jump, but it was ultimately pleasant.

“Yes,” Tess affirmed once again.

“Yes, what?”

“Miri, please.” Tess whined, arching her back and bringing her hips forward.

Miri kept her hand drawn back to keep any contact from happening until she got what she wanted, “Yes, what, Tess?”

“Please touch it,” Tess started, her back arched sharply now, “Touch my cock. Make me cum.” Miri’s hand laid down atop the bulge in Tess’ pants and she purred, "You are just precious, Tess.” Miri let out a warm breath along Tess’ ear and assured her, “Right away, dear.”

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