Elegy for a Star

Chapter 37 – Making Up ❤️

Tess lied on her back, staring up at the long unattended ceiling of the abandoned building they were camping in. She drew in a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. Miri had been rubbing her body and, admittedly, her touch was fantastic. She just wished she could’ve had it somewhere else, too. It hadn’t been that long since Tess had gotten off, but there was something about a brush of death that made Tess want to fuck something.

She reached between her legs and softly began to stroke herself, feeling that swell beginning to cause her to tent the thin blanket they’d managed to scrounge up. Tess slowly closed her eyes, parting her legs a bit, and started to gently pump her cock within her own small, soft fingers. It wasn’t long before she was using both hands, biting her lip to keep from being too loud and waking the others.

Toes curling and uncurling, hips rising from the floor and back arching, Tess was building her own pleasure. “Haa~..” She moaned, feeling a pressure building beneath her belly.

Then she stopped, lying flat upon the floor. This wasn’t right. Why was she jerking herself off when there was at least one other girl willing to do it, with the other two almost certainly on the fence about it. Yeah, Mairaela might be mad at her, and maybe she tried killing Tess just a few hours ago, but what was all of that between lovers? Besides, she was a really good lay, and Tess was certain that they could patch things up if they fucked enough.

Tess gave a long stretch, rising to her feet. She’d been naked in preparation for her rest—she found that underwear was too confining when she slept—and so she was naked as she approached the door to where the others were. The lantern lights were off. Tess licked her lips, and for the briefest moment she wondered what had come over her to try something like this. However, it was a very brief thought.

Pulling on the handle, the door creaked slightly as she opened it up. The moonlight that came in from a broken board on the ceiling was enough to illuminate the sleeping forms in the dark. Joyona was apparently sleeping in a third room. Gwendolyn and Mairaela slept on opposite sides of a low featherbed. Mairaela had the only pillow available. Gwendolyn would only be a few feet away, but Tess was confident that wouldn’t be a problem. She could stay quiet enough. Maybe Mairaela couldn’t, but oh well. Gwendolyn wouldn’t be that mad.

Tess slipped over to Mairaela’s bedside, crouching down so that she was head-level with the Fey. “Mairaela,” she whispered, reaching out to tap her on the shoulder, “Hey, it’s Tess.”

Green eyes opened up and a brow furrowed. “What are you doing here?” Mairaela asked, her eyes flicking downward for a moment, “And why is your dick out?”

“I’m horny,” Tess whispered back, a smile on her face, “Want to fuck?” She was bouncing on her heels, far too excited to sit still.

“What?” Mairaela hissed, sitting up a little bit and glancing down at Tess’ cock. She whispered, “Wow, you aren’t joking. What got you all worked up?” There was a blush forming on Mairaela’s cheeks. There was certainly something about the situation that must have been getting her worked up, too.

“Thinking about you,” Tess hummed, “Last time was so much fun.”

“Tess, I literally shot you in the heart earlier today,” Mairaela replied with lidded eyes, “Don’t you think that’s grounds for, I don’t know, not fucking that night?”

“Yeah, but I want to cum,” Tess pouted, “And you haven’t said no.”

Mairaela’s ears perked up, then settled low. A blush was forming on her adorable cheeks and she said in response, “We’re going to wake up the Dame.”

“That’s okay, she’s watched me before,” Tess replied confidently.

Mairaela’s mouth opened, but she couldn’t get the words out right away. Eventually, she managed, “You’re going to have to explain that one to me someday.”

“So, was that a yes?” Tess asked with a hopeful expression.

Mairaela looked like she was battling with herself for a moment and then relented with a drop of her ears, “It’s a yes.” She rolled over onto her back and started to shimmy out of her pants, “Bring that monster up here.”

Tess followed directions, slipping beneath the sheet and settling atop Mairaela. The Fey’s legs were parted and as Tess got close, Mairaela wrapped them around her back, locking her ankles. Tess could feel her thick cock pressing up against Mairaela’s cunt, rubbing her shaft between those wet lips the more she moved back and forth. Mairaela’s blush deepened and Tess rested her weight onto the taller Fey.

“Hi,” Mairaela whispered, face-to-face with Tess now. She was smiling, her hair spilling out underneath her head and atop her shoulders, framing her bust. She was still wearing her undershirt, which Tess grabbed and pulled upward, exposing the Fey’s expansive chest. Of the four of them, Mairaela’s had the biggest pair of tits, rivaled only by Miri’s. Tess leaned in and began kissing along Mairaela’s breast, eventually taking one dusty pink nipple between her lips. Mairaela’s breath drew in, and she brought one forearm up to cover her mouth. Her sounds were muffled, but not entirely silent. Tess drew her hips back, took her cock into her hand by the base, and pushed forward. Her length didn’t quite reach where she was hoping, slipping upward through Mairaela’s folds.

The Fey nearly broke out in laughter; the most noise she’d made so far. Kindly, she reached under the sheets with her free hand, took Tess’ cock, and guided it to the right position. Tess could feel the blush on her own cheeks and whispered, “Thanks.” Mairaela just nodded with a wide, wide smile.

Tess pushed forward, squeezing her dick inside of Mairaela’s pussy. The Fey was still so tight, and every inch felt like an achievement. She could feel her cock being forced to taper into Mairaela’s body, her tunnel only able to stretch so much before it was at its limit and Tess had to squeeze herself down in order to fit. Mairaela was moaning into her arm, but Tess could only bury her head into Mairaela’s chest.

“There,” Mairaela huffed, taking deep breaths, “Are you all in?”

“Almost,” Tess whispered back.

Mairaela tried to suppress a laugh, “How the fuck are you so big?”

Tess pushed until she managed to get that last inch inside, bringing her body up against Mairaela’s. The Fey, meanwhile, let out a soft cry against her arm. Mairaela wrapped her arms around Tess’ shoulders, letting them drape behind her. She began to plant small kisses along Tess’ cheek.

Tess replied with a soft nibble against Mairaela’s ear, which caused her to give an audible whimper, one that wasn’t muffled against her arm.

Gwendolyn shifted beside them, causing the other two to pause and go completely silent. Mairaela especially looked horrified, looking over at Gwen and covering her mouth once again.

Tess started moving her hips back and forth, milking her length within Mairaela’s body. The Fey looked shocked that Tess would continue so soon after nearly waking Gwendolyn up, but she couldn’t protest with how much she had to pant and moan instead. Tess picked up the pace, with the sound of flesh against flesh beginning to fill the room. The bed creaked and shifted as Tess lost all semblance of control or care about being covert.

Its effect was pretty instant. Without turning around, Gwendolyn spoke, “What the hells..” She rolled over and sat up, eyes flitting back and forth between Mairaela and Tess, “Did you two make up?”

“Working on it,” Mairaela replied softly, “Want to join?”

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