Elegy for a Star

Chapter 3 – Sleeping Arrangements ❤️

“Evil?” Tess stammered.

“I see it used in demon-summoning rituals where the ritualist press-ganged the demon into servitude. Usually makes for one very upset infernal,” Gwendolyn explained in a dry, tired tone, “But you aren’t a demon, as far as I can tell. Or at least you don’t know if you’re one. You’re just… some perversion. Go to sleep. We’re traveling early tomorrow.”

Perversion. Tess could feel a sinking in her chest at that word. Suddenly there was some resentment of the beautiful, argent-haired girl, “Excuse me?”

Gwen stood up and faced Tess, raising an eyebrow, “What is it?”

“A perversion? I didn’t ask for this. I don’t even know what this is. Can you lay off the insults?”

Gwendolyn’s eyes widened just a hair, and there was a palpable feeling of remorse coming from her now. “I apologize,” she offered, “That was wrong of me to say. All I meant is that you’re… unusual, but not outwardly demonic. You are just like anyone I’ve met, except.. You have a..” Her voice tapered off. The woman’s eyes darted to the ceiling.

“A cock?” Tess offered.

Gwen’s face burnt red, but she hissed, “A lack of memory.” She turned and went to her belongings, unpacking her brown sleep sack. 

“I don’t have two sets of sleep gear,” Gwen explained, “I’ve been traveling alone.”

Tess sighed. She figured. Who would carry two sets of sleep sacks? “I’ll make do with the floor, I guess. At least there’s a fire, right?” Tess knew it was going to be a painful night, and one that granted very little sleep.

Even Gwendolyn must have felt that the stone floor wouldn’t heat up anytime soon. It was chilling, like ice. She let out a sigh and gestured to the sleep sack, “You can sleep in it too. Just for tonight.” The thought made Tess’ cock twitch, which was certainly an unusual sensation, especially as it began to stiffen and push against the sheet she’d wrapped around herself.

Gwendolyn must have noticed, because she cleared her throat and turned, working to set up the sleep sack near the fire. Tess bit her lip and blurted, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s a normal, healthy response. Think nothing of it,” Gwen stated, and Tess almost believed she meant that, “I certainly won’t.” By Gwen’s tone, Tess imagined she would be thinking about it a lot. She didn’t trust Gwendolyn’s stoic and honorable facade.

“Just..” Gwen paused, standing up straight and pointing toward Tess’ length, “We’re sleeping back to back.”

“Oh. Right.”

When all the preparation had been made, it was time to sleep. Tess began to awkwardly shift her sheet-wrapped body into the sleep sack when Gwen interrupted, “What are you doing?”

“Oh. Do you want to get in first?” Tess offered.

Gwen huffed, “No, you need to take the sheet off.”

“Oh.” Tess paused, looking down at the sheet that still revealed an ample amount of cleavage, “I just thought you’d be more comfor-...”

“I’d be more comfortable if you didn’t get too hot in the sleep sack,” Gwendolyn suggested, “I take it you didn’t do much traveling before you were summoned here.”

“I don’t remember,” Tess reminded Gwen, even though she didn’t need to.

Gwen nodded, “Right. Look, if you sweat in your sleep, we’re going to wake up wet and have to waste time trying to dry off, lest we freeze to death on the road.”

“It’s already going to be hard enough to split the cold weather clothing,” Gwen added.

Something dawned on Tess and she pointed toward Gwendolyn, “What about you?”

“I’m undressing too. We’ll put our clothes at our feet so that they’re warm in the morning.”

“Oh,” Tess blurted, “Oh…

Now even Tess’ face must be red, because Gwen held up a hand to pause, “Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to happen. You try anything and you’re getting a knife in your windpipe, demon or not.”

“Right,” Tess said, holding her hands up, “I understand. You don’t have to worry. Promise.”

Soon enough, Tess was naked in the sleep sack. There was hardly any room left. Even if Tess was rather slender in most places, she had no idea how Gwendolyn would fit in this with her. It was definitely not made for two. Regardless, she couldn’t help but look when Gwen was undressing.

Bent forward to remove her trousers, Gwen was in nothing but her smallclothes; a white bra and a pair of bottoms that looked almost like skin-tight shorts that reached only to the very tops of her thighs. They hardly even covered her ass, which was, Tess thought, absolutely divine. Full and plump, with the perfect layer of rounding fat to it. Wide hips and full thighs completed the image of that perfect ass.

Tess was eyes wide when Gwendolyn cleared her throat, “Do you mind?” She was looking over her shoulder at Tess, who blurted a quick apology and rolled over the other way. The mental image remained, though, and Tess could feel the blood rushing from her head and into her new appendage. It thickened and swelled between her legs, and Tess could feel her heart rate quicken.

Before she knew it, Gwen was stuffing her clothing and boots past Tess’ body and into the foot of the sleepsack, before trying to squeeze into it with Tess. The feeling of skin-on-skin contact caused the hair on the back of Tess’ neck to bristle, and she had to let out a tense breath through pursed lips. You can do this, Tess thought, It will feel normal soon and you’ll sleep.

As the pressure of Gwen’s body squeezed against her, there was a pause, “We’ll.. Have to spoon. I don’t think there’s enough room for our legs to be bent in different directions, or for us to lie on our backs.”

Part of this revelation thrilled Tess, and all she could say was a quiet, “Okay. Do you want me to turn over?” The thought that she’d be pressed up against that perfect ass of Gwendolyn’s drove her crazy. If there wasn’t enough room in the sleepsack, there was less of it with the swelling of her cock. It remained pressed up against her belly, trapped against the sleepsack. It reached an inch above her navel, which seemed obscene.

“What? With that thing pressing against me? No,” Gwen said, “Absolutely not.” The tone of her voice sounded uncertain, but Tess wasn’t looking at Gwen and couldn’t quite tell for sure. After that, Tess was wedged against the side of the sleepsack as Gwen navigated her way inside.

Spooning was an understatement. They were squeezed together, the sleepsack stretched taut. Tess could feel Gwen’s modest chest pressed against her bare back, the warmth of her sex, the softness of her thighs.

“Comfortable?” Tess asked with a shaky breath.

“I’ll manage,” Gwen replied stiffly, and after a bit of a pause, she asked, “What about you? Are you going to make it?”

Tess could only think of Gwendolyn’s naked body against her own, and the cock trapped against her body and the soft material of the sleepsack. “I’ll manage,” she echoed. She wasn’t as confident as she tried to sound, though.

They wished one another an awkward goodnight and tried sleeping.

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