Elegy for a Star

Chapter 13 – Miri’s Room ❤️

After an introduction to the dining hall where Tess could fill her stomach once again, the two women departed to the “little bit famous” Dame Gwendolyn Mirabenise’s room. It wasn’t spacious, per se, but it was definitely better than the description of the dormitories that Tess had heard. It was room enough for two simple beds, a small bathtub, a writing desk and a pair of dressers. Everything was lit by a pair of those rune-made torches that didn’t produce any smoke.

With all of the day’s events, Tess was sore and tired. Just the astral travel seemed to take a toll on her body. She was ready to sleep. Gwen seemed to be in a similar position, entering into the room and immediately doffing most of her clothing.

“Hope you don’t mind if I go right to sleep,” Gwendolyn said as she pulled her blue undershirt over her head, leaving her in nothing but her bra and simple, thin undergarments. Tess was surprised by what the Dame wore. For having such a fancy title and coming from such a fancy family, she wore underwear that was barely more than thin straps slipping over the hips and barely covering her sex.

A sigh pulled Tess from her staring, and she looked up to see Gwen looking right at her, “I understand that you have a dick and all, but must you always ogle me when I am undressing? Do I need to change in another room?”

Tess felt embarrassed, and more so because of the swelling between her legs. “No,” Tess assured her, “Sorry. I don’t mean to stare.” She truly did feel bad for it, but part of her wondered if Gwendolyn liked the attention. She certainly wasn’t covering up despite Tess’ gaze. “You’re very beautiful, Gwen. It’s hard not to watch you,” Tess explained.

“Gwendolyn. And thank you,” the Dame replied, tucking some hair behind one ear, “Get some rest, Tess. I’ve got enlistment tomorrow, and you… well, like you said. You’ll figure something out, right?”

Tess tried to take it in stride, but couldn’t help but feel a bit mocked. Gwendolyn must have sensed it.

“Sorry,” Gwen explained, “I didn’t mean it to come off as sarcasm. I really do hope that we can convince them to let you enlist. But I’m.. I’m worried about you. The Black Sun is a dangerous place, as you might’ve guessed. And I’m worried about that demon in you.”

“It’s alright,” Tess said, giving Gwen a soft smile, “I am too.” She could feel a sting of Miri’s amusement at the nape of her neck.

It wasn’t long after that the pair had covered the smokeless flames and tucked themselves into their beds. Just what could she say to have the opportunity to enlist? Like Gwendolyn said, she had no training. Having Miri’s phantasmal help was beyond useful and probably made Tess worth having in a fight. The demon seemed to be quite adept at slashing creatures to ribbons. But Tess knew that if she used Miri’s help in front of a Corps official, it would raise a lot of questions. If Tess were found to be harboring a demon, then who knows how they would respond?

Tess could feel herself fading quickly, letting the weight of these questions drift out of her mind and off of her shoulders. Just as quickly as her consciousness slipped away, she awoke elsewhere.

She was lying down on a comfortable rug, feeling the warmth of a crackling fireplace on her skin. The ceiling was high and decorated with crimson drapes. The rest of the room was equally luxurious. A large hearth, a chaise lounge and one of the biggest beds Tess could imagine. It looked expansive enough for 4 people to fit comfortably side by side without touching one another.

The sight that most tempted the eyes was Miri posted along the edge of the bed. She sat with her legs crossed, hanging off the side, with her hands pressed to the bed just behind her, offering support. As Tess arose, she couldn’t help but gaze at Miri’s form. The athletic, lean muscle of her limbs and abdomen softened along her many curves. Everything about Miri’s body just screamed enticement, and Tess was no exception to the demon’s draw.

“Evening, Tessy,” Miri hummed with a big smile on her face. Tess could see the dark lining around Miri’s eyes that made their amber glow all the more gorgeous. Her lips were painted a light red and even the demon’s horns seemed to shine in the firelight.

Tess’ voice was caught in her throat for a moment, but she managed a couple words, “Hi, Miri. What is this place?”

“My room,” Miri said, gesturing around the place, “You like it?”

“Yeah,” Tess’ voice slipped away toward the end as she was more distracted by the surroundings. Regaining her focus, Tess raised her brow and asked, “And… where is this place?”

Miri lifted a sharp-tipped finger and tapped at her temple with a wide smile.

“In your-...” Tess caught herself, lips parting wider, “In my mind?”

Miri gave a delighted little cackle. It was cute, without a hint of malice. “Well, of course! If I’m going to be stuck here awhile, I may as well make myself comfortable, right?”

Tess couldn’t argue with that. She had so many questions, but none of them came to the forefront of her mind. Miri patted the bed beside her, and Tess slowly approached, unsure of what else she could do.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Miri cooed, “Your body is still getting the rest it needs. And you are going to be well taken care of tonight.”

Tess couldn’t deny that she craved it. There was something about Miri that made every touch, every word, every sensation all the more tantalizing and exciting. The demoness sure knew how to satisfy her own carnal desires, and those of others.

“Miri?” Tess asked, drawing the demoness’ attention. With a cocked brow and a tilt of her head, Miri looked receptive to another question. Tess continued, “You aren’t a succubus or something, are you? You’re not slowly draining me away each time I..?”

“Cum?” Miri giggles and waves away the concern, “No, I’m not. I just know what I want and have no shame in asking for it. Everyone should be that way. World would be a much happier place for it.”

Tess was skeptical. There wasn’t any law that succubi had to declare themselves, right? Tess didn’t feel drained at all, but the temptation was overpowering at times. Even now she could feel herself hardening down the length of her leg, reaching mid-thigh.

“Besides,” Miri continued, perhaps sensing Tess’ uncertainty, “I’m a part of this body as much as you are. Why would I want to kill it? I have no idea what would happen to us if the other died.”

“Right,” Tess said, most of her worry washing away with that reasoning, “Okay, that makes sense.” She would be lying if she didn’t worry about that too. Luckily, it seems very unlikely for Miri to die before Tess, considering her ethereal nature. But Gwendolyn could see Miri that one night. Why was that? Why was she sometimes visible to others, but usually not?

“Now you made me a promise,” Miri said, patting the bedside once more, “Come sit.”

“I didn’t promise anything.” Tess assured her, but took a seat beside Miri anyway.

“Either way, it’s time for you to give me what I want,” Miri said, her lips curling. The smell of roses was coming off of Miri. The red of the room and the glow from the fire gave the demon an absolutely sanguine appeal. Tess couldn’t help but lick her lips.

Miri did the same, sliding down from the edge of the bed onto the floor. She sat upon her knees, hands on her thighs. Her lips curled with catlike mischievousness, “I thought we’d step things up a little this time.” Miri gave a little laugh and added, “Lucky you.”

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