Edge of the Ocean


Orion and Cole keep going under the atomic sky.

Soon, like a skyscraper breaking forth from the water, the ship appears.

Cole has a lump in his throat, and an excitement in his veins like he is returning somewhere, or a new adventure or advancement will occur.

"How's your menu?" Cole asks, staring out.


"It's still upgrading, isn't it?"


"You a legend yet?"

"Are you?"


They get closer to the aircraft carrier.

"Was there more than one room? Did you see other rooms full of pods?" Cole asks.

"No. Do you think there was more than one?" Orion asks.

"There is only one way to find out."

Soon, the shadow of the of the sunken aircraft carrier, now more exposed, and the small island of hills it is shipwrecked into, comes into full view.

The sideways ship looks more futuristic and advanced than Orion remembers.

On its side, it still has the look of a regular aircraft carrier, but with more radar and weapons and towers and a advanced flight deck.

It is horrible sight to see, and Orion shudders to wonder what it was like during war time.

I should remember. I was there.

Orion parks the boat into the massive mound of dirt that the ship collapsed and shipwrecked into years before.

The two get out and stand on the land that held on to the monstrosity many decades before.

Was the ground that much higher?

Was the explosion that great that it threw it?

Had the water raised that high?

It is now a small bay with a huge machine of war sticking out of it, connected to a hillside with a few trees on it.

Orion starts to ready his bags, looking through his guns and ammo, rope, lights, and other provisions.

Cole stares at what little gear he has and shrugs. Whatever.

Orion points. "I climbed and repelled from up there. That was when the water was still high. It's receding pretty quickly. A whole new world is going to be revealed soon."

"No need to repel. There is a door right over there."

"How do you know?" Orion asks.

"I remember now. Even if it is upside down."

Orion doubts it, but doesn't question him.

"It is too quiet around here," Cole says.

"I agree. It should be crawling with fallen," Orion says, satisfied with how his gear check is going.

"Probably waiting for us in the ship," Cole says, squinting under the massive idol that builds into the sky.

Suddenly, a roar and scream fills the air.

"Not again," Orion says.

Then, another roar and scream, though in a different pitch or tone, answers.

Orion immediately readies his big gun.

"What is it?" Cole asks, getting his own gun ready.

"Sounds like a Demon Lord. Just a normal, horrible one. Not the one I just fought."

"First, how will I know it is a Demon Lord? Second, who comes up with these names?! Demon Lord? Really? Not some dragon or snake name?! Demon Lord?" Cole snaps.

"Hey! I'm not taking any naming issues from someone who just remembered who they were! I'm sorry we're not that advanced! What do you want me to call it?! Captain Demon?!"

"That sounds better!" Cole yells back. Whoever or whatever is coming can hear them yelling. "Is it a captain?!"

"I don't know! We've never had the conversation! Why don't you ask yourself?! They usually boss the others around."

"So they are a captain!"

Cole and Orion are on each other's nerves, and if they weren't about to be attacked, it would be hilarious.

Orion starts to laugh at it.

"It's not funny!" Cole says, as the growling becomes louder.

"It sounds like there are two of them," Orion finally gets out. "They usually surround parameters. And if there are two, they have a trainer or guard with them."

"What is this?! A zoo?"!

Orion turns. "So you know what a zoo is now?"

"Orion, there is a lot going on up here," Cole says, almost in pain.

Orion feels pity. "If it is a Demon Lord, run. We'll have a better fighting chance up there."

Cole nods.

Orion and him lift their guns. The grunts and screams are coming from nearly behind the ship, where a patch of shallow bay and land is.

Then, on cue. They appeared.

Cole's mouth drops.

Orion is still taken aback by them, even though he fought the largest one ever seen hours before.

The Demon Lord's stomp forward. Much like the huge troll, but in a way, scarier.

Like a huge demonic bear on its hind legs without fur. Fleshly and bloody and grotesque.

Really just a large and obese demon creature from hell, with teeth and claws and sharp points all over their body.

Low to the ground, but with huge legs that can run and squat.

Their trainer or owner walks behind them is also a horrible sight. A larger male fallen creature , but with chains wrapped around his body, that look like he tries to control the beasts with.

He bangs on the chains like a war drum, as the creatures move and stomp in time.

"Is that them?" Cole whispers.


"So, we should run."

"They don't see us yet."

Suddenly, the chained owner sees them and sends a horrible scream of announcement from his mouth, and rattles his chains.

The two demon bears stop and stare at their meals.

They roar and then take off towards Orion and Cole.

Orion turns to talk to Cole, but he is already running. One beast takes off towards Cole, and the other comes straight for Orion.

Orion says a simple but heartfelt prayer of protection, and steps into the water and lifts his massive gun.

Cole tries running up the small hillside. He gets on his hands and knees, crawling and scratching and nearly gets to the top.

He turns when he hears the hound of hell upon him, snarling and running on all fours.

Cole slips as he tries reaching the top of the hill.

He spins and starts sliding right for the snarling, horrible creature, which is trying to climb up to him.

Cole pulls his pistol and starts firing at the monster as he, somewhat heroically, slides down the dirt hillside.

The creature is hit by the bullets as Cole is sliding towards its horrific embrace.

Cole then stands as he slides, guiding his feet another direction, away from the hurt creature.

The dirt surfing warrior continues to fire at the Demon Lord.





Orion fires his massive gun in bursts, marching towards the beast, then slowly walks deeper into the water, hoping to slow it down.

The bullets strike the creature, tearing its flesh, but it keeps coming forward.

Orion then trips on a small rock, and falls into the water with a huge splash, as his gun comes from his hands.

The Demon Lord sees its opportunity, and runs across the water like a mad dog, snarling and splashing.

Orion frantically tries pulling himself up in time.

He emerges from the water, looking for his gun.

The Demon Lord is upon him and its massive, clawed paw swings.

It backhands the water logged soldier with its fleshy paw, throwing Orion into the water with a huge splash.


Cole slides to bottom of the hill, as the creature snarls and rolls down the hill.

The monster finally gains its feet and stares at Cole and screams. It drops to all fours, now like a zombie lion or tiger, and growls and slowly tries to encircle Cole.

Cole keeps his eyes on him and his gun close, without firing.

The monster and Cole make eye contact.


Schematics of the creature and all of its weakness fly around Cole's eyes, but he clears it all, and keeps his small gun up.

"I'm not scared of you."

Orion pulls himself up from the huge hit and throw. He is near the ship, where the water is a little deeper, but he can still stand.

He looks around and sees the Demon Lord slowly coming for him, with its owner watching in the back, screaming orders.

Orion then looks to see Cole in a dance with the other one.

We got no shot.


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