Eden & Echo - A Gritty Cyberpunk Noir Thriller

Chapter 48: Cross Compatibility

The doctor sighed. “Many things, actually. Mostly because I'm not able to verify their accuracy or relevance. Gershwin was able to get his hands on two demi-humans and see what made them tick. Some of that technology made its way into the warhund project. I would guess that whatever flavor of hund wetware KB gave you wasn't the same as what went into later models, so that would explain the cross compatibility.”

I felt my heart skip a beat. Grandfather had intentionally infected me with hund wetware? Was that why I had this weird hybrid system? Then again, according to Vika he did the same thing to his children. “Why would he do that?”

“Nobody knows. The same way nobody knows why he took you in or why he chose to get old and die. There are a lot of unknowns.” She stopped her inspection, locking eyes with me. “I do know that he loved you, truly and deeply. That is undeniable. Simon feels the same way.”

“I do, Hase.” Simon confirmed from his seat at the kitchen counter. “I always have and always will. No matter what.”

“You sure say that a lot. Are you certain that you mean it?” I asked, immediately regretting my words. It was a petty and hurtful thing to say.

Simon took that one on the chin. “Hase, I have loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you and decided to take you in. There is no force in the universe that could ever break our bond because you are my daughter and I am your father. I remind you that I love you because I know that if I don't say it, and mean it, someone else will come along who says it and doesn't mean it.”

“Oh shit I'm so sorry.” I hadn't meant to come off so harsh.

“It's fine.” Simon waved his hand dismissively. “You're just going through a lot. What is going on right now is probably going to take years to process and figure out. Just don't do what I did and spend two decades hunting down Howlers. I can tell you now that wasn't a productive way of dealing with my trauma.”

He looked at me and smiled sadly. “Right now you probably have no idea how things are going to shake out. The world is a scary new place with challenges that you haven't prepared for. That is normal, it's part of becoming an adult. You're just playing the game on hard mode.”

“What I can tell you is this, Hase. If you take the challenges life gives you and learn from them, growing as you go, improving when you can and forgiving yourself when you can't. Well then one day you will look back and see how far you have come and smile. The same way I smile.”

“You seem to have a bit of sadness in your smile.” I said, pointing out the unspoken truth I saw written on his face. This was not going to be easy or pleasant. I was a human in a world that did not like my kind. Everything I tried to achieve would be an uphill battle.

“Yes, but I'm still smiling.” Simon replied, straightening his posture as he prepared to deliver a speech.

“I have been through so much in my life and I have to believe that it all served a greater purpose. I have to believe that it meant something. Otherwise what was the point in surviving the camps?” He asked, pausing for effect.

“I have meaning and purpose in my life. I choose to believe that I can make the world a better place for you and everyone else on Homeworld. I'm not content to just exist in comfort, because comfort can be taken away.”

“I've heard this speech before.” I pointed out. “You have said pretty much the same thing at a dozen different interviews. Minus the part about the camps.”

“Yes, and I'm going to keep repeating it until the day I die because it's true.” Simon replied. “I didn't buy Northern Katzenlund as some vanity project. I bought it because I wasn't ready to give up on an entire continent worth of people.”

“That's why later today I'm publicly announcing that I have signed over ownership of Northern Katzenlund to Espa. It will become part of the Western Alliance, allowing freedom of movement and free trade. Its citizens will have access to financial institutions, healthcare, and equal protection under the legal system.”

My jaw dropped. I had wondered how Simon was going to make a profit off the barren strip mined husk of the northern continent. Ever since the cataclysm the katzen territories had been subject to harsh tariffs and draconian border controls. As part of the WA all of that would have to end.

Then there was the Dari Canal to the south. Normally it was taxed to hell and back, making what would have been a major shipping lane unprofitable. But if that changed it would make Northern Katzenlund, and by proxy Espa, the key to trade with the Summer Islands.

Simon didn't want the country. He wanted the shipping, service and building contracts that would come from it joining the WA. He couldn't revive Northern Katzenlund by himself so he wasn't going to. Money would flood in from people desperate to try and get a piece of the action. Money that they would spend on shipping, services, and construction.

Espa was also a part of the WADI, or Western Alliance Defense Initiative. That meant anyone who fucked with them was in for a world of hurt. Of course the WADI would want to build bases to protect their new territory and project force. It was a good thing Simon had a company that could build those bases.

Just like that the whole world was about to change and Simon would no longer have a target painted on his back. They would think he had done all this on Espa’s behalf, that he was just the Prime Minister’s lackey. He could melt into the shadows away from the public eye.

“Hail Trajan.” I said, realizing now the extent of what Simon had achieved. Calling him Caesar didn't do him justice. “Your wealth and power increase.”

Simon bowed his head. “I do what I can and it was a group effort.” He replied, with a humility that seemed genuine. “But thank you for noticing.”

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