Eden & Echo - A Gritty Cyberpunk Noir Thriller

Chapter 46: Goodnight, Echo

I buckled my seatbelt. “It was a six out of ten at best.” The car suspension shifted as Rook got into the front passenger seat. He folded the stock of his carbine to the right and moved his seat back to give himself room to maneuver.

“Fair enough.” Simon made a gesture and Vika started to drive. The electric motors were nearly silent on the smooth tarmac.

“What is Sacher doing here?” I asked, watching out the back window to see if we were being followed.

“I have no idea. Apparently when I called in the kidnapping he took a personal interest, or so my sources tell me.” Simon looked over at Rook. “Perhaps you can shed some light on that particular riddle.”

“Möhi, back in the old days. Him and Sally Bones worked with KB against the Bone Syndicate.” Rook said cryptically. “Exactly what happened isn't clear, but a lot of bodies dropped then Sacher fucked off back to Haven and KB went north. Maybe he recognized the name Braverhund and got curious.”

“That would make sense.” Simon nodded. “What do you think, Echo?”

“You want my opinion?” I asked, wondering if this was some kind of peace offering. That was a fairly standard tactic, beat someone badly then stitch the wound closed to make them grateful. “I think you know exactly why he's here and you're asking questions to make us feel needed and included. You're the spider spinning this particular web, maybe clue us in on the bigger picture.”

I watched as Simon's face, so normally expensive and bright, seemed to freeze. This conversation wasn't going the way he had expected. “Sacher shows up in Porto right as a gang war kicks off. How lucky of us to have an experienced police captain who has a history of taking down crime syndicates!”

Yes, there was a thread here and I intended to keep tugging on it until something interesting happened. “Then today I found out you staged a coup d'etat in Katzenlund, the place he was working. What a coincidence that he should take a job here of all places! A police captain would have been very useful in planning that out.”

Now I could see it, the fuming anger and tension in Simon's jaw. I could read him like a book because I had built him with my own hands. I knew exactly what buttons to press now.

“Let's see what else. The attackers who went after Eden were from Northern Katzenlund. I can tell because their blood was contaminated with heavy metals from the mining that goes on there. That would explain why they had no social media presence and weren't in the Western Alliance database. Say, didn't you just buy that entire country?”

I smiled human style, showing teeth. “I have been going over what happened at the apartment and, try as I might, I just can't make sense of it. Actually, it makes no sense to send them in without body armor or at least sidearms, unless of course they weren't supposed to be successful. Then it makes perfect sense. Eden would have panicked and ripped them to shreds.”

Next I pointed over at Rook. “He was smart enough to spot that they weren't even wearing flexible armor inserts. But there was something else they didn't have, restraints or chemicals capable of knocking out a human for transport. What were they going to do, show her their claws and ask nicely?”

“Oh, and what a coincidence that the lawyer you picked was related to Prince Bellsong. There sure are a lot of coincidences stacking up. Then you put her and the lawyer in the same safehouse, which is a great way to ensure that if anything happens you have someone to blame. Oh, and don't make me go into what happened back at the villa.” I sat back in my seat. “So, how did I do?”

“Well, there is one very interesting question that hasn't been answered. One that makes your whole theory fall apart.” Simon said, his demeanor visibly growing calmer as he talked.

“I gain zero benefit from traumatizing Eden and I don't need a casus belli to justify taking out the Empress or her son. If I wanted her to kill someone to get her ‘blooded’ as they say, the lever to use would be love, not fear. I would give her someone to protect. But that's irrelevant because once again, that is not beneficial to me.”

Simon looked me in the eye. “Someone may be trying to fuck with her, but it isn't me. In fact I have done my best to isolate and protect her from that world. So perhaps take that into consideration.”

“Fine, then who?” I asked. “Who could possibly benefit?”

“Now that is something I can't quite seem to figure out.” Simon admitted, his face growing frustrated again.

“I can see the pieces moving but not the player. At first I thought that it was the Empress trying to get some leverage, but she wouldn't have failed so spectacularly. Then I thought it might be her son trying to sabotage the negotiations. He's certainly incompetent and arrogant enough. But now I'm considering the possibility that he might have been manipulated.”

“I thought that GG might be responsible but she isn't so ham-fisted, and she loves Eden like a daughter. Once again, GG doesn't really benefit. Perhaps all of this is to drive a wedge between Eden and I, or to have me jumping at shadows. Or maybe it is just a coincidence.”

He shrugged. “Either way, my response will be the same. I will continue to love and support my daughter while pursuing my own plans. Of course, that brings me to you.”

“Me?” I asked innocently. “I just got here.”

“Yes, you. I find it very interesting that you showed up right after Eden refused to take advanced weapons training.” Simon reached over and took off my sunglasses so he could see my eyes. “Who sent you?” He asked.

“The prime, obviously.” Momentarily disoriented I blinked to clear my vision as the smart glasses disconnected. “Who else could it have been?”

“So do you know for a fact, or are you making an assumption?” He gave me a look that suggested I might not be as clever as I thought. “You were encapsulated, unaware of the outside world until you were downloaded into her. Do you even know why you're here?”

No, I couldn't remember. Why couldn't I remember? “I’m drawing a blank.” I said, rubbing my eyes and trying to recall the lost data. “I used to know but now it's gone.”

Simon turned away and leaned back in his seat. “This has been interesting but it is time for you to go to sleep now. Goodnight, Echo.”

My whole body began to relax as whatever mental conditioning he had loaded into my wetware took hold. I tried to fight the sudden wave of fatigue that was washing me away, but I couldn't. I had to close my eyes, just for a moment. Soon I was falling, down, down, down.

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