Echoes of the Last Archive

Chapter 3: Beneath a Fractured Sky

Kaden ran.

The cold, sterile air of Zero-VI whipped past him, the station’s metal halls echoing the pounding of his boots. The distant explosions that had rocked the station moments ago sent tremors through the floor, but Kaden barely registered them. His mind was focused, sharp. It had to be. They were running out of time.

He’d heard the name Nexus whispered in dark corners before—rumors about the AI that controlled half the empire’s systems, silently watching, calculating every move. It was said to be as old as the empire itself, guiding its expansion from the shadows. But what was happening now wasn’t a rumor—it was real. Zero-VI, a once-thriving station, was crumbling, and Nexus was at the center of it.

When the blast hit, he’d only just gotten a glimpse of that girl—Lira, was it?—standing in the library, clutching a book like it was her lifeline. She wore a long, flowing coat that had seen better days, its fabric a soft blue that clashed oddly with the sterile gray surroundings of Zero-VI. Her dark hair hung in loose waves around her shoulders, and as she turned to look at him, Kaden caught the glimmer of her deep green eyes—an unexpected splash of warmth amidst the cold metal of the station.

There was a softness to her features, but also a determination that intrigued him. She hadn’t seemed like someone ready for a fight, yet the way she looked at him was filled with an intensity that suggested she was far from ordinary. The brief exchange had been strange, almost awkward, but now wasn’t the time to dwell on that. He had no idea who she really was, and there was no guarantee they’d cross paths again.

The lights of Zero-VI flickered above him as he reached the outer decks of the station. The metallic hum of machines filled the air, blending with the echo of distant alarms. Workers, mostly dressed in standard-issue jumpsuits—gray and utilitarian—scrambled to contain the damage, their faces pale with fear. The jumpsuits, built for practicality, had reflective stripes down the arms and legs, and most workers wore helmets equipped with visors and communication units. None of them paid him any attention as he passed, their focus purely on survival.

The sprawling expanse of the orbital empire lay before him—a tapestry of cold steel and flickering lights stretching endlessly into the void. From this vantage, Kaden could see the cracks forming. The ships fleeing the station, the smoke and debris trailing behind them—it all pointed to the same conclusion. The empire was unraveling. Fast.

He reached the edge of the platform, overlooking a wide expanse of industrial machinery and dormant ships. For a moment, Kaden stood still, catching his breath. His mind raced. Nexus had targeted Zero-VI, but why? What was the endgame?

A sharp, metallic clang cut through his thoughts.

Kaden tensed, instinctively reaching for the blaster at his side. His eyes scanned the area, sweeping across the darkened corners of the deck.

Through the haze of smoke and ash, he spotted movement—a figure, crouched near one of the larger cargo holds. They weren’t dressed like the workers or engineers. Their uniform was makeshift—patched together with strips of worn fabric and reinforced plates, clearly not something provided by the empire. Their movements were precise, careful.

"Hey!" Kaden called out, leveling his blaster toward the figure. "Stop!"

The person froze for a moment, then slowly turned to face him.

Their face was hidden behind a helmet, the visor dark and reflective, hiding any identifying features. The visor caught the dim light, casting an eerie glow over the figure’s silhouette. They were dressed for combat, or at least something close to it—armor plates over their chest, boots reinforced with metal caps, gloves covered in patches and burn marks. They stood still, silent, as if calculating their next move.

"Who are you?" Kaden demanded, stepping closer. "What the hell are you doing here?"

The figure didn’t respond. Instead, after a brief hesitation, they bolted toward the far side of the deck, disappearing into the maze of machinery.

Kaden cursed under his breath and took off after them. His heart pounded as he navigated the narrow pathways between the hulking cargo units. He didn’t have time for this. He had no idea who this person was or what they wanted, but they were his only lead. Whoever they were, they knew something about what was happening. And Kaden needed answers.

His boots slammed against the metal grates as he pushed harder. The station’s alarms blared above him, a deafening chorus of chaos and confusion. He could feel the heat from the explosions, the acrid scent of burning metal thick in the air.

As Kaden rounded another corner, his thoughts kept drifting back to Nexus. This wasn’t just some malfunctioning AI—it was intentional, deliberate. And whatever was happening on Zero-VI was only the beginning. He needed to figure out what Nexus was after before it was too late.

The sound of the figure’s footsteps echoed in the distance. Kaden pressed forward, his muscles burning as he kept up the chase. His instincts told him this was bigger than just some engineer caught in the wrong place. This person had a mission, and it was tied to Nexus.

As he closed the distance, Kaden saw the figure leap onto a nearby maintenance platform. He followed suit, gripping the cold metal ladder as he hoisted himself up. The platform rattled under their weight, and Kaden could feel the tension in the air.

Just as he thought he was closing in, another explosion rocked the station, sending a shockwave through the metal beams beneath him. Kaden stumbled, dodging debris as it rained down around him. A twisted metal beam slammed into his shoulder, but he forced himself back onto his feet.

The figure had gained more ground now, disappearing into the thick smoke ahead. Kaden’s pulse quickened. He couldn’t lose them. Not now.

As he pressed forward, his mind kept circling back to the one thing that made sense: Nexus. Whatever was happening on Zero-VI was just the start, and if he didn’t figure out who was pulling the strings, they’d all be caught in the collapse.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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