Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 9: The Guests

While the rest of Crisis attended to the wounded or helped around the base, Indie and Frost headed directly to Snake’s office again. They walked over to the main building at the center of the base, the tallest one, with a statue of what seemed like an important figure on top, reaching higher than the defensive walls. They were escorted by two guards, who took them up two flights of stairs but stayed right outside the office after reaching the entrance. The assistants from inside left the office as well, leaving only Indie, Frost, Snake, and Lieutenant Viper, the tall, slim woman with short, purplish red hair who sat next to the Commander. As soon as Indie and Frost arrived, Viper stayed silent to let her superior talk, as he looked eager to hear more about the outcome of the battle at Echokinge.

–So, how did it go?– Snake asked in a restrained manner, rolling up the map that was still displayed on his desk to clear some space for his elbows as he leaned forward to listen closely, with his hands holding his firm chin and an inquisitive stare. With his full attention, Frost looked at Indie with a cold expression, urging her silently to report the situation.

–We intercepted Spook at Echokinge, as you ordered us, drawing them away from the other villages to let our troops proceed with the rescue. We did receive help from the villagers themselves, though, unfortunately, some of them gave their lives to protect their families– Indie answered courteously, being straightforward despite the clear hardship of informing her superior about their losses. She also seemed to be trying to hide a bit of discomfort as she held her left hand. It was bruised and scratched from Freak’s whip, yet she could tough it out to report to Snake. Her injury caught Snake’s attention, who took a glance at it briefly but quickly shifted his focus to the desk, staring down with a solemn expression to reflect while Indie kept elaborating.

–The other two villages were saved, they didn’t suffer as many losses as Echokinge, but it still isn’t safe for them to go back, the enemy might still linger around these villages. I suggest we shelter them here until we resolve our situation with the Omens. It’s best to let our allies keep tabs on our enemies’ position to not comprise ourselves…– Indie added, showing a bit more incentive to suggest a plan of action, which Snake seemed to agree with immediately. Frost wasn’t so on board, shaking his head with a slightly irritated frown in disapproval, but remaining silent to see what Snake’s decision would be.

–Alright, so you are saying all of those villagers will have to stay in the base indefinitely because we don’t know when that situation will be solved…– Snake replied with a slightly skeptical tone, to which Indie nodded affirmatively, managing to convince him without much effort.

–Then give me a list of all the new guests we have, and I’ll see if we can accommodate all of them…– Snake replied almost indifferently, shifting his attention to Viper, who was writing on a notepad, adding the idea to a list of pending duties. In response, Indie looked a bit relieved, but she still had something to say, so she waited for Viper to finish writing to continue speaking.

–Crisis is already working on that, they are helping the guests, and Candy should have the list in no time– Indie responded compliantly, but as Snake was no longer looking at her, she glanced briefly at Frost. He seemed more upset than before but a bit distracted, as he was staring intently at a framed picture of Crisis and some other saviors on a shelf right behind the commander, next to some medals and what looked like trophies. He zoned out for a second until Snake faced him and Indie again with a more casual attitude.

–So, what about Spook? Did you manage to at least kill one of them…– Snake asked curiously, though it sounded like he didn’t expect a positive answer, turning more nonchalant as he laid back on his chair. Indie tried to respond after thinking it through for a second, but as Snake turned his attention to Frost, he was the one who finally got to speak up, despite Indie trying to stop him from doing so.

–They got away, sir– Frost responded with a mix of disappointment and remorse in his voice, but also sounding slightly uninterested, similar to Snake’s unimpressed reaction. He did notice Frost’s attitude slowly change, though, so he stayed silent like Indie, who could only sigh in anticipation of what Frost would say.

–I almost had him, we were about to kill every single one of them... But, well, they kept coming, and you know how it goes. If I recall correctly, we did manage to severely harm two members of the main squad, so there’s that…– Frost followed up unenthusiastically, making Snake even less interested in hearing the relative failure of Crisis’ attempt to annihilate Spook. Indie stared at Frost with a slightly belligerent expression, trying to step in to speak over him. But after a long silence, the commander let out a deep sigh and leaned in to give his final order.

–Well, you two did good. You can now give our guests the news about their new home. Dismissed…– Snake ordered nonchalantly before turning his attention to something else as Viper began speaking to him. Indie and Frost stood up in unison and proceeded to walk out of the office all by themselves. But right as they left the building, and the guards entered the office in their place, Frost stopped before reaching the open staircase to the second floor, catching Indie’s attention.

–How many died?– Frost asked with a despondent tone, not putting any more effort into his question to save the words. But despite asking a simple question, Indie just turned around, and after looking at him and noticing the absolutely miserable expression on his face as he stared at the floor, she turned back right away and started going down the stairs.

–You know I can’t tell you that, for your own sake…– Indie replied, being earnest and maintaining a respectful and polite composure, though she sounded almost as cold as him. She kept walking to avoid speaking about the topic while Frost froze in place. Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she once again held her wounded hand with the other to assess the severity of her injury. But right as she grabbed it, she felt Frost coming down the stairs in a second and immediately gripping her right arm tightly to pull her back, causing a bit of shock in her, which began turning into anger rapidly.

–I wasn’t talking about our losses… I meant how many did we kill because it sure felt like nothing when they still had twice our men out there. You didn’t even have the guts to put a bullet in that weirdo’s head after you knocked her out… You had the chance and wasted it. So how many died, huh?– Frost asked with increasing rage and resentment, which culminated in him shouting at Indie, making her flinch for a second as she just stared at him, receiving his insults with a straight face. However, the more he disrespected her, the more hostile she turned as well, though she managed to hide it until she couldn’t deal with it anymore and delivered a slap right to his face with her wounded left hand.

–What did I tell you about your tone? Don’t get like that again, okay?– Indie scolded Frost with a stern voice, turning assertive and downright imposing, staring directly into his eyes threateningly. Her assertiveness was accentuated by her height advantage, being one inch taller than him, allowing her to look down on him and reprimand him properly. However, as menacing as she looked, Frost didn’t seem to care, her words had no effect on him, only provoking him further as he returned the hostile stare. But as he stayed quiet for a second, she let go of her hand and lowered his head, allowing Indie to distance herself from him but grow slightly worried at his sudden change in attitude.

–I know, I apologize…– Frost replied quietly, and while it was barely noticeable, his voice had a remorseful tone that seemed to be honest. It did sound forced, not completely heartfelt, yet Indie chose to ignore it. And after accepting his apology, she regained her usual calm and collected nature before proceeding with her duties.

–Alright, I will give the news to our guests, you should take a shower and rest…– Indie said in a more casual manner before walking out, leaving Frost alone, who took a moment to think by himself. He kept staring at the floor for a while, but after looking up at the dark sky now that it had turned dark, he regained his composure and walked out as well.

As he went straight to the barracks before the moon could be seen past the base walls, Indie turned the corner from the staircase to Snake’s office to step into a large balcony facing the base’s north section. Soldiers were already waiting for her with equipment, setting up a megaphone and a few lights. She approached the ledge with a short railing to look down at another courtyard in the opposite direction of the one at the entrance. This one seemed to be bigger, with large tables spread out throughout, where all of the guest villagers had taken seats to wait for some news. The big audience filled the courtyard in its entirety, forcing the guards and other saviors to stand at the sides, or just leave to make more room. But as a few villagers were still trying to find a spot to sit, the initial screech of the megaphone caught everyone’s attention immediately, including the soldiers and Crisis, who looked up to see their captain about to speak.

–Attention, everyone. I have to inform you that after fighting off the Omen forces, every rescued villager will have to reside in the base indefinitely. It is not safe to go outside at this time, I repeat, it is not safe to go outside. So, while we contact our allies for external help, we will provide everything you need to feel like you are at home, even combat training courses to ensure you can keep up with our duties around or outside the base in the foreseen future…– Indie began speaking, using her authoritative and resolute voice to retain everyone’s attention, even inspiring them with hope as they looked surprised but thankful to hear the news. The training part seemed to scare a few in the audience, but as Indie kept speaking, they couldn’t stop to ponder or solve their doubts.

–...I’m pleased to have all of you here, and I’m sure we will find a way to make you all feel safe and a part of our community. Each one of you will be assigned a place to stay and activities to help with. Until further notice, make yourself at home. I hope you all enjoy living here for the moment, that is all…– Indie finished informing the villagers of the news in a rather compassionate and friendly manner, though she dropped the act as soon as she walked away from the balcony, heading downstairs to join the rest of her team. The villagers were left to discuss, keeping themselves busy to let Crisis step away and finally have some time for themselves. Although, they couldn’t help but exchange a few comments about the situation.

–So, we are just going to have to share our rooms with strangers now?– Panda asked Indie as she reached the first floor, sounding sarcastically worried, waiting anxiously for a response, to which she nodded apprehensively.

–If it comes to it, I’m afraid so. We are living in difficult times…– Indie replied half-jokingly, keeping a straight face, which made Panda a little confused, although he didn’t keep questioning it. Instead, she walked alongside Indie out of the main building and towards the rest of the squad, joining Tricky, Nitro, and Candy, who seemed to be discussing the battle.

–You saw how I destroyed Onyx’s face? It was brutal! I don’t know how he survived, but his tongue went like ahhh, and then the blood spurted out like squoosh!– Nitro exclaimed at Tricky with a jolly laugh. She seemed slightly annoyed by it, but Candy laughed a little before noticing that Panda and Indie were about to join the conversation.

–I should have guessed that was you…– Tricky replied indifferently, choosing to turn her attention to Candy over talking to Nitro, but it wasn't until Indie stepped in with curiosity that they all composed themselves.

–Have you all seen Kiwy?– Indie asked slightly concerned, prompting Candy to respond, but not without noticing that she had already bandaged her left hand by herself.

–Yea, I think she went to shower. You should take one as well, no offense…– Candy replied lightheartedly, but Indie didn’t laugh nor take offense, she just sniffed her jacket, let out a sigh, and nodded.

–You are right, we all should take showers…– Indie agreed before stretching her arms and sighing again in exhaustion. Panda took a look at his clothes and noticed they were covered in ash, so he began looking for the nearest shower, though it was hard with how many people were in the base.

–I don’t know, the showers might be full now, we might have to share to save some space…– Nitro suggested in a comical and mischievous voice, making Candy chuckle as he stared specifically at Tricky with teasing eyes, causing her to fake gag and brush him off before walking away.

–I think I’m good, I always smell nice so…– Candy said with a big and lighthearted smile, but Panda looked at her weirdly before walking away with Nitro. Candy laughed awkwardly to herself before turning to Indie with an embarrassed smile. But with them alone, the latter got close all of a sudden and leaned in to talk in private, catching Candy off guard.

–Hey, I think you should check on Frost, you know, just to see if he is well…– Indie suggested cautiously, but Candy seemed a bit confused by her request and hesitated to give an answer.

–Why? I thought you had a chance to talk with him. Is he really that upset?– Candy asked doubtfully, slightly concerned to hear her response but also sounding curious. Indie looked in the general direction of the barracks and thought for a while before turning back to Candy with a discouraged expression.

–I don’t know, I try not to bother him with this stuff, but you know how he’s been lately. You are closer to him, so I think a little chat could help…– Indie replied with a bit of embarrassment and tried not to show much emotion. Candy looked amused to see her asking for help and getting shy about it, but she didn’t stop to judge her and agreed to her favor without further hesitation.

–Okay, I hear you. I’ll see what I can do…– Candy replied with a heartfelt smile, which Indie oddly tried to return, though a lot less enthusiastic and conveying more relief than happiness.

–Thank you, now I have to get ready for tomorrow. I don’t even know how we will live with this many people, but I’m sure I’ll figure something out to make this work …– Indie said in a tired voice, placing a hand on Candy’s shoulder for a brief moment to show her appreciation, then simply turned around to walk back in the main building. Candy kept smiling, but after Indie was gone, that smile slowly faded away as she stared in the direction Frost went. She took a deep breath, and with an anxious but committed look in her eyes, she started walking towards the barracks to check on him before everybody went to sleep.

| I have come from the distance
Where you can't see
It is there, believe me |

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