Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 67: City Problems

The princess led the squad through the right hallway at the entrance, intersecting the throne room, which took up so much space that all the other rooms were regular size. As they slowly walked through a long corridor, they took a good look at the overwhelming decoration found on the walls. Every inch on each side had been seemingly covered by either big paintings, plants, and bushes, or some shiny pottery. Despite the windows facing the garden letting in tons of light, the hallway was extra lit up by the colorful lanterns hanging on the walls, adjacent to each door that Priscilla opened one by one to show off what little was found inside.

-This castle belongs to my family. It was the very first building in this city, which was a pain to build a hundred and sixty years ago because our workers had to climb up and down the mountain. Just imagine how tedious that was… That’s why we built the main road to create a direct path from the entrance to the castle…– Priscilla explained calmly but boastfully as she drew attention to every single detail found in each room, to which most of the team didn’t pay attention. While they were listening mostly to the story, none of them showed any interest in the decoration, despite how striking it was, except Candy, who couldn’t stop looking around with her jaw open.

–This place is very pretty– Candy claimed with a gasp of awe as his eyes wandered around each room in admiration, fascinated by the different paintings, the color choices of the furniture, plants, and even the designs of the doors and windows. The rest of the squad couldn’t share her opinion, but as Priscilla turned around with a big, grateful smile, they pretended to agree with forced nods.

–Thank you. Isn’t it?... Sure, there have been a couple of strange noises at night, but besides that, this is great! I’m so happy I finally get to rule here, it’s like my dream house…– Priscilla replied casually, directing all of her appreciation towards Candy, who smiled in response, wearing an almost identical expression. But as the rest of the squad nodded along mindlessly, Frost wasn’t distracted by their cute banter and quickly picked up on a concerning detail in the princess’ response.

–Wait… How long have you been ruling this city?– Frost interjected with slight worry but still being polite like Indie, even though he wasn’t able to keep up a smile. The question caught Priscilla off guard, but as she shifted her eyes to him and saw some slight interest, she gladly responded after a little apprehension.

–A few weeks… Our previous princess retired because of some personal problems or something. I think she just got bored of the job and threw the towel. But that’s why I’m here now, so I’m grateful…– Priscilla replied without much thought, keeping a prideful grin that made Candy smile in response. No one else smiled; they shared the same concern as Frost, but unlike them, they couldn’t hide it for long.

–You are kiddi-...?– Frost blurted out in frustration right as Priscilla turned around, but he was shut up by Indie’s hand as she foresaw his insulting reaction. And while she looked just as disappointed as him, she stepped forward and tried to play nice after preventing him from offending the princess.

–Well, congratulations on getting such an honorable position. I know every girl would give everything to be a princess– Indie said in a supportive and cheerful manner, sounding convincingly jolly, which almost fooled the rest of the squad when they kept doubting the princess. However, not even forcing herself to fake admiration was enough for Indie to ignore the increasing dislike of Priscilla that she began to share with her squad.

–Yes… I doubt you could become one though, they usually pick cute girls… like her!– Priscilla replied teasingly, pointing at Candy after dismissing Indie with an arrogant laugh. In response, Indie contained her fury and just stared at the back of Priscilla’s head like it was a target, though she composed herself long enough for Candy to step in and change the subject before any of her teammates could say something mean.

–It must be cool being a princess…– Candy said with curiosity, although she awkwardly looked past her squad’s disdain for the princes. Priscilla didn’t have any witty response for her and addressed her with honesty and confidence, almost like they were already friends, which further fueled Frost and Indie’s bitterness, especially the latter, who was still in shock after being insulted directly by the princess.

–Yes, I can do whatever I want. I can make new rules, ban people… kill them if they make me mad… Have multiple suitors fighting for my love, eat excellent food, party with more princesses…– Priscilla replied with a few hearty laughs as she mindlessly listened to all the things she liked to do, getting herself distracted alongside Candy. She was the only one interested once again, with the squad becoming bored and impatient for something new since they were still in the hallway, though they could see a staircase and a larger room at the end.

–Have a festival all about me, get praised by the public, get paid by the public, get the public to work or fight for me, maybe even-...– Priscilla continued rambling, getting Candy even more excited, but she was eventually stopped by an eager Indie, who saw Frost growing irritated and took matters into her own hands before he could.

–Alright, we would love to hear more about it. But you mentioned something about potential threats to our commander, is that right?– Indie asked in her forced polite demeanor, which finally brought the princess back to her senses, prompting her to think and remind herself of the main topic they were discussing.

–Oh, yea. I’m sorry, I get a bit distracted sometimes. Here, follow me to my office. I’ll show you what you can help me with– Priscilla replied nonchalantly before picking up the pace to lead the squad to the end of the hallway. Relieved, everyone followed her, except Frost, who had to take a moment to get rid of his pent-up frustration.

–Finally…– Frost sighed and continued to take big breaths to calm himself down, but in the process, Candy walked past him and took the opportunity to talk while everyone else wasn’t near.

–What’s wrong? Does she talk too much?– Candy asked playfully, teasing Frost with a smile similar to Priscilla’s, though she was taken aback when she received the same bitter reaction.

–Yes… She’s almost like you sometimes…– Frost replied in exasperation, making Candy frown worriedly at his cold stare. But just when she seemed insulted by his response, he brought one hand to her hair to pet her gently before finishing his sentence.

–Maybe a bit cuter…– Frost added with a smirk before catching up with the rest of the group. Candy tried to hold his hand in place for a little longer to enjoy the warmth of his hand, but just when she reached for it, he was gone. He returned to his stoic demeanor as soon as he turned around, but in return, Candy was left staring at him with doting eyes and blushing as he walked away. But as she was lagging behind, she quickly ran to the large door in front, where she joined the rest of the squad in the princess’ office.

They walked past a spiral staircase that connected to the floors below and above, heading straight into the office, which was much more appropriate and welcoming to have a discussion thanks to the absence of overwhelming decoration in each corner of the room. While it wasn’t bigger than Snake’s office back in the base, it did seem more spacious due to the large, open window right next to the door, leading to a balcony facing the garden.

The sun lit up the room entirely, especially the desk right in front of the window, where Priscilla promptly sat and faced the squad while they found some seats. They looked around the room, pleased to see more furniture than paintings and plants, though they hesitated to sit down as there were only colorful couches surrounding the desk. Nitro and Tricky tried to sit down, but as the sun hit them right in the face, they chose to stand up alongside their teammates, letting Frost and Indie stand in front to speak directly to the princess as she started explaining the situation.

–So, since I started acting as the official princess not too long ago, I’ve had a hard time figuring out how to protect mysel-... I mean, my people. I want to maintain the safe and peaceful nature of our city, but lately, there have been a few groups threatening my authority– Priscilla disclosed apprehensively, becoming gradually scared of her issue the more she explained it. But as concerned as she looked, her vagueness only raised some suspicion from the squad, with Frost taking the incentive while Indie reflected for a second.

–What do you mean by that? Have you received death threats?– Frost asked eagerly but restrained himself to remain respectful. Despite everyone staring at her skeptically, the princess thought for a second, and while she hesitated to respond, only focusing on Frost helped her muster up the courage to reveal what was bothering her.

–Sort of… I think they are just jealous and want to take me down. I fear for my safety sometimes, like when I leave the castle, and, you know, because you never know what those people are capable of…– Priscilla replied in trepidation, holding her hands to her chest to draw compassion from the team, or at least from Frost, though it had a different effect on Nitro, as well as prompting the rest of the squad to keep thinking in doubt.

–Tell us more about these potential threats… What do they look like? What do they carry? Do they have a leader?– Indie asked attentively, trying to help Priscilla remember, but to no avail. She only shook her head nervously in response, leading Frost to sigh and turn around to look at his teammates while Indie kept listening to Priscilla.

–I don’t know… I’ve seen them a couple of times, but I know they don’t have good intentions. They are terrorists, that’s what they are…– Priscilla responded sheepishly but turned hostile as she condemned her harassers with a ferocious gesture that sparked some excitement within the squad.

–Nice!– Panda exclaimed quietly, getting a few similar reactions from his teammates as they now shared his enthusiasm and Priscilla’s disdain. But as Indie looked back to make them shut up, they restrained themselves from making any comments to let her ask more questions.

–Alright, well I see that you already have a few troops guarding the castle, but I haven’t seen that much law enforcement in the streets, so…– Indie said calmly, keeping a keen eye on the princess to get a positive response, but as soon as she brought up the topic, Priscilla’s attitude changed drastically.

–Oh yea, we don’t bother with security. This city is very calm, there isn’t much crime… at least until now… Besides, we have shy of a thousand citizens, so pretty much everyone knows and respects each other– Priscilla replied nonchalantly while playing with her dress and a carefree smile, drawing more attention from Nitro, who tried to get a peek past her crossed legs. But he was the only one who didn’t put much thought into her response, everyone else dropped all optimism and couldn’t hide their concern. But as they all grew anxious, Indie stepped in between her teammates and the princess to control the situation and proceed with her composure intact.

–So how many guards do you have?– Indie asked with subtle worry, remaining somewhat hopeful for a comforting answer, especially when the princess took a long moment to think of a number, but it only served to warrant a bigger disappointment when Priscilla inevitably replied uncertainly.

–I’m not sure… Twenty? Yea, I think about twenty…– Priscilla answered dubiously but without showing much concern, which only discouraged the squad further once they realized the city’s defenses were minimal. But as alarming as that fact was, the entire squad stayed quiet, with everyone waiting for Frost and Indie to say something, though they were more focused on keeping their cool.

–With their gear and weapons, they won’t be able to fight against terrorists…– Panda commented assertively, getting a nod of agreement from Frost despite his frustration. He didn’t say anything, but it was only when Priscilla noticed his negative reaction that she tried to inspire some hope in the squad.

–I mean, we do have a special mini army, if you could call it that…– Priscilla assured nervously, grabbing everyone’s attention immediately, even getting Frost excited for a moment, but it didn’t last very long as she only got their hopes up.

–But they are on some sort of expedition right now, so it will take them a few days to come back…– Priscilla added with an uneasy frown upon seeing the squad’s collective hope shatter in front of her eyes. Frost looked away and hid his face with his hand to not lose his temper, with his teammates growing worried about him as they stared in awkward silence. They braced themselves for the moment he burst, but luckily, Indie stepped in to handle the trouble.

–It’s alright, I’m sure with our support we will neutralize the terrorist threat– Indie claimed with resolve, instilling some courage in her team with a promising, confident look that seemed to calm down Frost while also entertaining Priscilla greatly as she began cheering and clapping in excitement.

–Yea, and with our weapons, piece of cake. I can just blow them up with my grenades an-...– Nitro added with a smug grin, but he was interrupted by the princess, who abruptly stopped cheering to shut down his idea.

–Oh no, no, no, no… No explosives at all. I don’t want to risk damaging the buildings or the roads. It’s very expensive to rebuild the city, so please try not to cause too much destruction…– Priscilla opposed politely, becoming serious but keeping her high-spirited tone, which still managed to crush Nitro’s illusion.

–But…– Nitro whimpered dejectedly, but he didn’t get a say as he instead got laughed at by Tricky and Panda. Priscilla quickly focused on Frost and Indie once again, and while only the latter faced her, she paid close attention as she waited for confirmation.

–Yes, we will be discreet and only fight once we identify an enemy. But do you know how we could find these terrorists?– Indie reassured and then asked, prompting Priscilla to ponder for a moment, turning around to look out the window and over her garden, only to remember something when she looked up at the sun.

–Actually, you arrived just in time for the Sunrise Festival. It will take place tomorrow, it’s the perfect opportunity to catch these guys…– Priscilla replied with an eager smile, encouraging each member of the squad with an optimistic look, though it only sparked confusion and some disappointment.

–They are really not fond of me, so when I cross the city in my float, they are definitely going to take that opportunity to hurt me…– Priscilla elaborated, now sounding convincing enough to make Frost consider a plan, with Indie doing the same but still keeping her focus on the princess.

–So, you are saying we should infiltrate the festival and keep a watch on the audience? I’m not sure if we have enough people to do that…– Panda asked skeptically, checking on his teammates’ reactions to see if they were convinced. While Saint and Kiwy looked confident enough for the task, the rest of the team only began trusting the idea when Frost turned to them with a determined look.

–We definitely can, we just need to be organized. I can hide in the float and slash every bastard that dares to approach the princess…– Frost claimed self-assuredly, giving his squad a tenacious stare that got rid of any doubts, but it also inspired them to think together and form ideas. But as he finally spoke up in support of her, Priscilla covered her mouth to squeal in elation as she stared at Frost intently.

–Oh how knightly of you… I can see why you are the captain…– Priscilla replied with adoration but turning frisky as she gave Frost a tender smile that Frost just ignored, though he did smirk as he turned to Indie, who hurried up to clear any misunderstanding.

–He’s not th-...– Indie objected in disbelief, but the princess and her own teammates’ attention shifted to Frost, who interrupted her and continued to steal the spotlight as he began plotting.

–Well, then we better start planning. We will need some details about the festival… How it will play out, what streets must we cover, have an escape route ready, everything…– Frost added with conviction, being resolved with his decision but uplifting at the same time, getting his squad pumped up as they praised his incentive. But while Indie stared at him enviously for getting all the support and attention, Priscilla continued to stare at him fondly until she hopped off the desk and approached Frost.

–Of course, I’ll tell you everything you need, my heroes…– Priscilla replied cheerfully, giving Frost a brief but enticing look as she brushed past him to take a seat behind the desk. He showed no reaction but followed her to begin planning the operation, though Indie made sure to join as well to not cede all control to him. And as the rest of the squad stayed back and watched from the couches, they began chatting a bit behind the princess’ back.

–Why would anyone want to hurt her? She is such a sweet girl…– Candy asked quietly as she stared at Priscilla with admiration. Saint smiled in response, and Panda and Nitro just laughed at her, but Tricky seemed to disagree the most with her opinion as she couldn’t figure out the princess’ appeal.

–Are you serious? She is so incompetent…– Tricky responded in annoyance and bitterness, dismissing the princess with a judgmental stare that made Candy doubt her own opinion. While Panda, Saint, and even Kiwy agreed with Tricky, they just stayed silent, unlike Nitro, who seemed to have formed a clear impression of the princess after ogling her so much.

–At least she is pretty, maybe that’s why people don’t like her. Maybe these terrorists tried to date her and then were rejected, so they are seeking revenge or something…– Nitro added lightheartedly, getting more weird looks from his teammates than usual as he didn’t take his eyes off Priscilla once. Her beauty delighted his eyes to the point he was drooling, but while most just scoffed and ignored him, Saint had something to say.

–Like that could happen… Sounds like something you would do…– Saint replied mockingly, remaining somewhat timid when speaking up, but as his unexpected response made his teammates crack up in surprise, he laughed with them comfortably, which only appeared to offend Nitro even more.

–Hey, come on! Not you too!– Nitro exclaimed in genuine disappointment, sounding betrayed after Saint joined the squad to make fun of him. But they all had to shut up since Indie and Frost were now beginning to form a real plan. The team approached the desk and formed a circle around it to listen carefully while Frost and Indie explained the operation for tomorrow’s festival. But while they all looked focused, Saint paid extra attention as the excitement of preparing a plan with his squad for the first time drove him to become more determined than anyone else, although he didn’t get to speak much during the whole discussion.

| There’s something wrong with you
But what do you expect me to do? |

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