Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 60: The New Guy

After drinking so much last night and not having food in the morning, Criss went to their lounge to relax and eat. While half the squad prepared some food in their kitchen, Frost laid back on one of the couches with Kiwy on his side, who was about to nap on his lap while he chatted with Panda. But just when he was about to pet her, the door suddenly opened and grabbed everyone’s attention. Indie showed up, but what really caught the squad by surprise was seeing Scott timidly peeking into the lounge right behind her, staying outside while she stepped inside casually.

–What is going on?– Panda asked right away in suspicion after turning to the door. Candy and Tricky reacted similarly as they stopped cooking to pay full attention to Indie, with Nitro accidentally dropping a plate when he spotted Scott. Indie took a moment to look at each of her teammates after noticing Scott being intimidated by them, but with the squad gathering on the couches, she turned back to invite him to step in. Scott hesitated after seeing the squad’s reaction, but with Indie insisting, he had no choice but to follow Indie as she walked over to her teammates, only to stop in the middle of the lounge to take a firm stance.

–I know this might come off as a bit of a shock, but…– Indie announced apprehensively, taking a breath that put Crisis on edge as they anticipated the worst. Just when they were getting an idea of where she was going, Frost stood up to interject, but before getting a chance to say anything, she revealed what the squad wasn’t ready to hear.

–I’d like to welcome our new teammate, Saint. He’ll be joining our squad on all our missions for the foreseeable future…– Indie added with more resolve, stunning everyone with what appeared to be a definitive decision. Nitro, Tricky, and Panda gasped in shock, with the rest trying to argue back, except Kiwy, who looked distressed to see everyone so confused. But as an argument inevitably broke out, Indie didn’t waste time calming her teammates down and only confirmed their doubts.

–I’ve already discussed his inclusion with our commander, and he has approved my decision to let him join the team…– Indie assured, remaining calm and slightly enthusiastic as she turned to Scott and saw his reaction. He was just as shocked and in disbelief as the rest, but with the announcement of his inclusion, he began smiling confidently as Indie invited him to give a good look at his new teammates. But just when he stepped into the lounge and showed some concern towards Crisis’ mixed feelings, everyone’s focus shifted to Frost as his anger overshadowed any other actions.

Frost was able to hold back from yelling or even saying anything after hearing the news, but since he approached Indie immediately, it was clear he had a strong opinion on the matter. However, he didn’t show any emotion but repressed bitterness as he grabbed Indie by the arm and dragged her out of the lounge before she could react. He passed right by Scott without even acknowledging him, and before he knew it, Frost closed the door behind him, leaving Scott to stand awkwardly in the way of everyone’s gaze. He didn’t know what to say, but with the rest of the squad already rushing to the door, he nervously stepped aside while a loud discussion unfolded right outside.

–What the hell are you thinking? Have you gone insane?– Frost asked Indie right away, turning aggressive but not physical as he let off her arm. Still, his fury drove him to yell at his face despite trying to be quiet, resulting in Indie calmly shushing him before pulling him away from the door. But since it was impossible to look over his hostility for even a second, Indie was forced to get defensive as Frost continued hassling her.

–You think I’m not mentally capable of making decisions for our team? Are you questioning my leadership?– Indie asked back in a passive but harsh tone, giving Frost a severely critical stare that got him to retract his aggressiveness. He reconsidered his approach for a second after glancing at the door and seeing the shadows of the rest of the squad on the floor, but as he was too upset and couldn’t delay a civilized argument, he chose to continue disputing Indie before she could return to the lounge.

–You know I don’t mean that. I meant, why in a million years would you let that kid join our team??– Frost doubled down in a more subdued manner, trying to keep his voice low to not be heard by his eavesdropping teammates despite almost bursting in rage. In response, Indie let out a sigh and composed herself to be rational, and although she struggled to look into his incensed eyes, she remained uncompromising.

–We need another member, you know that…– Indie replied in a restrained manner, heavily contrasting Frost’s sudden burst of anger with her steadfast stare, opposing his spiteful yet confused expression as he tried to make sense of the situation.

–But why at a time like this? You were the one who said we needed to take this next mission extremely seriously. You know what is at stake here, but you still choose to recruit a novice like him? I don’t get it!– Frost exclaimed in disbelief, having to laugh hysterically to calm himself down. While he was infuriated by her decision, the fact that she kept her cool demeanor and didn’t raise her voice once only provoked him further. And unlike her, he wasn’t being too discreet, allowing the rest of Crisis to become well aware that he and Indie were engaging in another one of their intense verbal fights.

–Hey… Yea, this is pretty much a daily thing by this point, you’ll get used to it…– Panda affirmed Scott with an awkward expression, who seemed almost guilty for causing such commotion behind that door. He distanced himself a little to not hear more of the argument, and while Panda tried to dismiss the gravity of the situation in a friendly manner, Scott remained uncomfortable even when standing behind Candy.

–Don’t worry, they secretly love each other…– Nitro said playfully, breaking the tension in the room with a couple of laughs. Scott became a little relieved, but he noticed that Candy seemed a bit insulted by Nitro’s joke, though no one appeared to notice as everyone was focused and more concerned about Indie and Frost.

–Didn’t you say he was the best in his class?– Indie asked sarcastically, showing a bit of disdain after being yelled at repeatedly by Frost. She had lost her cool and grew annoyed at him, especially as he got closer and tried changing her mind with a desperate approach.

–No, I only said he was the most capable out of those five. I already allowed them to join us on the mission, but adding an inexperienced teen to our squad is just nonsense. He will be useless! There is no way he is at the same level as us…– Frost replied with contempt, and not just for Indie, though she still noticed the disrespect towards her. She wasn’t having it but took a moment to think while giving him a stern look before responding, letting him recollect his thoughts as well, though that just gave him a chance to come up with more reasons to argue.

–Well, he does have experience with that last mission. Do you need me to remind you who was the one who dragged him into that cave?... And you are saying he is useless, but didn’t he save you back there? I might be remembering it wrong, but I’m pretty sure you even thanked him and gave him a nickname for his brave act…– Indie asked repeatedly with a sarcastic, scornful tone that made Frost grind his teeth. He scoffed at his persistent arguments against him as he tried to hold back, but the more confident Indie got with her reasons, the more she fueled his anger, and just when she finished mocking him, he couldn’t keep it together anymore.

–I get it, you don’t need to rub it on my face. He just got lucky once, that isn’t skill… Besides, I only awarded him so he could stay with his friends and stop snooping around and sabotaging us…– Frost replied in a somewhat composed manner, now speaking quietly and slowly to get his point across, but since he was seething with frustration, he appeared to be losing his mind the harder he tried to be calm. Indie was taken aback by his response, but the more she listened to him, she began seeing some flaws in his argument that she questioned with a confused stare, prompting him to elaborate.

–I don’t want someone like that on our team, alright? Couldn’t you have chosen Cookie or someone who actually knows how to fight instead?– Frost added frantically, growing desperate to convince Indie as she remained stubborn and refused to even consider his opinion without some actual foundation in his argument. But as she seemed to take him less and less seriously every time he opened his mouth to speak, he had to turn away to get a hold of himself after growing tired of her judgmental stare.

–Cookie? Really? The guy that allowed Nitro to blow up dozens of chil-...?– Indie asked derisively, almost offended in her tone as she approached Frost to completely tear down his argument. But as he quickly realized his mistake in his stance, he turned around and cut her off to backtrack and actually think before defending his stance.

–Okay, maybe not him… But what about Bones? O-or Groovy? Or whoever, I don’t care… Just don’t bring a rookie with us, it will end badly…– Frost explained more rationally, but with his temper running short at this point, he just gave up on trying to argue and just started begging Indie to change her mind, which only got her to question him further.

–You are saying that because…?– Indie asked again with skepticism, remaining very adamant about her decision as she stood still and firm, unlike Frost, whose character was falling apart as he moved around repeatedly to contain his anger. He took his time to calm himself down, letting out a few frustrated grunts and huffs as he kept thinking of more arguments, all while Indie watched him indifferently, though slightly amused by the sight.

–Look, we don’t even need another teammate. We are fine like we are currently, there’s no need to bring someone else into the team. If anything, it will break the balance we have going on, it will only give us one extra thing to worry about…– Frost argued compellingly, trying to speak sense into Indie with a forced, considerate tone that didn’t manage to convince her, not even get her to consider it. But what he did manage to do was get a more flexible and thoughtful approach from Indie, as she became rather understanding and sympathetic.

–I know why you are so strongly against this decision, I get it. I’m not choosing him because he is the best, he is far from the most competent, but he has shown a lot of potential, and you can’t deny that…– Indie replied in an understanding manner, showing a bit of compassion and slight pity towards Frost, which caught him off guard, but since he had lost his energy to argue, he began agreeing with some compliant nods. He was still doubting as he thought of a more thorough argument, but he didn’t get a chance to speak as Indie began playing into his feelings with an oddly caring look.

–Besides, he is not going to replace him, alright? I’m not trying to fill in the role of-...– Indie followed up with a peaceful, soothing voice that subdued Frost, but only for a brief moment. She was almost about to smile when something triggered him, causing an inner snap as he clenched his hands in frustration, prompting Indie to stop talking immediately and give him a concerned look.

–Just don’t… Whatever you are trying to achieve by doing this won’t work, trust me. Bringing that guy with us will only cause more trouble than we need, and I really think these aren’t the times for us to experiment with new teammates…– Frost responded as he looked down in a defeated manner, sounding almost remorseful yet tenacious with his opinion, with his strong-spirited voice becoming melancholic but conveying some earnest emotions that surprised Indie. His sudden change of attitude made her reconsider her approach, and since Frost was visibly distressed and unwilling to continue arguing, she sighed and stopped trying to win him over.

–I understand. If only you would actually listen to me, you would know why I’m doing it… but oh well…– Indie replied compassionately, regaining her usual demeanor but still condemning Frost’s behavior in a somewhat lighthearted manner. In response, Frost took a moment to regain his composure, and once he was finally calm, he looked up once again to talk without any anger or resentment.

–So he is not joining Crisis, right?– Frost asked with an eager expression, but he still worried in case Indie would oppose his opinion since she began considering it. For a moment, he was led to believe he had won the argument as Indie thought about it for a while with a docile look. However, once she cracked a cheeky smile, it didn’t turn out quite like he expected.

–You do owe me one, so…– Indie replied in a teasing manner, almost smiling playfully as Frost immediately gave up on his hopes with a sigh after realizing she was objectively right for once and there was no way to argue it. He remained defiant and kept staring at Indie with disapproval and irritation, but after losing the argument, he quietly turned back to open the door to the lounge, and with her right behind, they stepped inside with completely different attitudes.

The team immediately pretended to be eating or chatting instead of listening in on their conversation, all but Scott, who stood right next to the door, not knowing what to do in the meantime. While Frost and Indie could tell the squad was nervous and trying to play dumb, they focused their attention on Scott instead, with Indie giving him a nod while Frost approached him. Scott flinched in fear of what he would do after hearing his hatred towards him, but to his surprise, Frost walked over to him only to give him a rough pat on the shoulder.

–Welcome to the team, Saint…– Frost said begrudgingly, forcing a smile that didn’t last too long as he immediately dismissed him, leaving Scott in an uncomfortable position as he processed what had happened. He was relieved to see Frost focusing more on the rest of the team, though he noticed he remained highly obstinate in his refusal to look at or pay any attention to him. Indie forced Frost to play nice as she kept him disciplined with her stare, but as soon as he turned his back on Scott, he acted like he didn’t exist.

–Make sure to teach him the basics about team roles and some morals as well…– Frost ordered his teammates in an indifferent tone, turning around again as his interest shifted back to Indie. Some soldiers appeared at the door, scaring Scott into joining the squad on the couches while Indie talked to them. Scott remained timid as he hesitated to sit near any of his new teammates, but since they all seemed to ignore him at first, he played it safe by sitting across from Panda.

–Who are you to talk about morals?– Panda asked sarcastically, more laughs, as well as getting Frost to sigh as he paid more attention to Indie and the soldiers outside.

–Just give him a proper introduction…– Frost replied dismissively before following Indie and heading to Snake’s office. They closed the door behind them, and after a brief silence, the squad continued chatting like usual, except Scott now seemed to be the center of attention as he was sitting all alone. None of them were willing to speak to him, especially after hearing Frost and Indie’s thoughts on him, but since Candy didn’t seem to care about it, she sat right next to Scott while the others took their seats around and resumed eating.

–I guess we already met, but maybe we should get to know each other now that we are working together officially…– Candy suggested in a slightly sheepish tone, not enough to match Scott’s nervousness but still a little insecure after the awkward moment from earlier. Scott hesitated to respond, but after seeing her casually approach him and welcome him with her usual bright friendliness, he tried to calm down and be cordial.

–Yea, I guess… I don’t really want to know Frost though…– Scott replied anxiously, making Candy chuckle but unable to think of something else to say. He looked around to see the rest of the squad giving him all sorts of looks, most of them out of curiosity, but Tricky and Kiwy looked a bit more skeptical. However, Nitro and Panda seemed eager to have another guy on the team, and while the former just stared at Scott intently, Panda leaned in to get his attention.

–Good call, he does not look happy with this decision. I mean, it was to be expected, but you are lucky he didn’t immediately kick you out via termination… aka, murder. You can thank Indie for being the captain and the one in charge, she’ll protect you if he gets a bit upset…– Panda said lightheartedly as he got comfortable on his couch, and while he got his teammates to lighten up, Scott only laughed nervously and nodded before turning to Candy once again.

–He’s been a bit different lately, so don’t take it personally if he insults you or says something mean…– Candy reassured apologetically on behalf of Frost, although Scott didn’t seem too bothered by it anymore as he found safety in the comfy lounge.

–I’m getting used to that…– Scott scoffed with a shy smile, getting a short laugh out of Panda, who stood up to grab more food while casually keeping the conversation going, though Scott shifted his attention to the rest of the squad as they still appeared to be judging him with their eyes.

–We used to have another member on the team not too long ago. I’m sure Frost isn’t used to having new guys in the squad, so that’s probably why he is angry… But don’t worry, I’m sure if you behave and don’t look at him, you will feel right at home…– Panda added in an amicable but jesting tone, prompting Scott to smile with relief as the rest of the squad seemed to agree with Panda’s advice.

–Yea, I hope I never get into a fight with him– Scott replied playfully but turned genuinely concerned when he briefly looked at Candy, who immediately shook his head like a warning, but she was mostly ignored as other teammates began speaking.

–He can be scary, but on the inside… he is way worse…– Nitro claimed with a mischievous grin as he laughed alongside the squad, except Candy, who rolled her eyes and drew Scott’s attention away from Nitro’s distasteful jokes to properly introduce him to the squad.

–So… That’s Panda and Nitro. They talk a lot, maybe too much…– Candy said as she gestured to both of her teammates, to which they waved at Scott while he awkwardly smiled. He could barely focus on Candy with so many teammates to meet, but as she did all the work for him, he stayed quiet while she got him acquainted with the rest.

–That’s my sister, Tricky. She is quite smart and good with tech or whatever nerdy stuff she does…– Candy explained with a teasing smile towards Tricky, who stared back in fake disdain to tease her back. But as Candy noticed Scott was shocked by the reveal, she stopped talking to let him compare both her and Tricky. He looked at both of them back and forth with confused eyes, but they didn’t say a single word until he was able to put it together.

–Wait, she is your sister??– Scott exclaimed in disbelief, getting Candy to giggle and nod in response with a proud grin.

–Yea, don’t we look alike?– Candy replied playfully, but Scott still had to take a good look at Tricky for a few seconds, making her look away in discomfort before he awkwardly turned back to Candy with a puzzled expression.

–I guess you do have similar eyes…– Scott said with a nervous laugh, but luckily Candy kept smiling and quickly moved on to introduce him to the last member of the squad, Kiwy. She was sitting next to Nitro and staying quiet as always, though she was still attentive to her surroundings and everyone’s movements, especially Scott, as she stared at him curiously.

–There’s Kiwy, she is a bit quiet… I’m sure she likes you already. As long as you treat her right, she will show her appreciation, even if she doesn’t say anything…– Candy affirmed with a charming smile, with Kiwy imitating her as she waved at Scott. He got a bit nervous to see the cat girl greeting him so innocently and cutely, but after waving back and nodding, he focused solely on Candy as she kept speaking.

–And, well… We kind of already know each other, don’t we?– Candy asked with a hearty laugh, making Scott laugh nervously again, but unlike her, he kept staring at her big, lively smile with one of his own, admiring her cheerful spirit for a moment before she could even notice it.

–Sooo… Do you want something to eat? I can cook something real quick…– Candy added casually, to which Scott composed himself and tried to play it cool, though he wasn’t able to fool the rest of the squad, whose suspicious stares lingered for a moment.

–Umm, sure. Thanks…– Scott replied slightly nervously, and with Candy leaving the couch to prepare more food in the kitchen, he laid back on the couch to relax and look around the lounge. The rest of the squad had already found something else to talk about, and since he was no longer the center of attention, Scott took his time to get acquainted with his new surroundings, glancing at each of his teammates to reflect on their first impressions.

–So, this is Crisis…– Scott muttered under his breath, but as Panda caught him pondering, he became interested in his reaction and walked over to his couch from the kitchen with a plate in his hand. Scott didn’t notice him approaching until he was right next to him, and while he was dwarfed by his size, he remained comfortable as Panda sat next to him with seemingly complete trust.

–Not as impressive as you thought, huh? We are completely different when we are out in the field… Right now, we are just chilling…– Panda asked nonchalantly as he began eating the omelet he brought from the kitchen, drawing Scott’s attention, but also getting him eager as he would enjoy the privileges of being around high ranks pretty soon.

–Yea, I noticed. But this is cool, I think I can get used to this…– Scott replied with a hopeful smile as he kept looking around at his new teammates, focusing for a moment on Candy, who was almost bouncing with joy as she prepared his food. He didn’t appear hungry, as he was more invested in seeing how his teammates acted around each other. But he noticed that he was mostly ignored by everyone except Panda and Candy, and while it would take him some time to grow comfortable with them and gain their trust, he couldn’t hide his excitement to be a part of the squad now that a mission awaited them shortly.

| He’s been dragging around
He’s the figure of youth |

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