Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 54: Change Of Heart

After a rather unhinged speech, Frost returned to his teammates, who secluded themselves from the rest of the party. They stayed at one corner near the back exit of the main building, where they gathered enough liquor and food for themselves, except for Kiwy, who stayed outside to play in the fair all by herself. On his way to them, Frost tossed his now-empty bottle away, and as he reached for one at Crisis’ table, he was received with teasing smiles and laughs, mostly laughs since he couldn’t even walk straight.

–Weird to see you in such a good mood…– Tricky said sarcastically while Frost tried to find a spot in the circle the squad had formed, choosing to stand right next to Candy. She smiled timidly and then pretended to look away while getting closer to him, and out of instinct, Frost wrapped an arm around her shoulder as soon as she got close enough. She had to contain her excitement, even when he was only using her for support, as he grabbed a bottle and began taking big sips once again. But while Candy saw no issue with his current state, Frost’s tipsy laugh caused some concern among the rest of the group.

–It’s definitely the alcohol messing with his head– Panda replied lightheartedly but kept a close eye on Frost. He remained skeptical of him since he dismissed him rudely earlier, but now Frost cracked up and gave him a friendly tap on the chest. He got comfortable and cocky like usual despite all of his teammates looking at him weirdly, even Candy, who noticed how intoxicated he appeared, but she remained quiet with a smile as she enjoyed getting held by him.

–Yep, but I do think I’m back on my game. It all turned out better than expected…– Frost responded with a fulfilled but dazed grin that caught the interest of the squad. They looked at each other in confusion, and while they had also drunk quite a bit, seeing Frost already halfway through the bottle he just picked up was startling, although in an amusing way.

–Really? Didn’t Indie scold your ass this morning?– Nitro asked in a playful but genuinely curious manner, prompting Frost to scoff at him and respond with a negatory gesture. To Nitro’s surprise, Frost remained easygoing, brushing off his comment instead of turning hostile and not hesitating to answer.

–She tried, but she kept talking to Snake about some future plans or whatever...– Frost replied nonchalantly, making everyone curious all of a sudden. They became silent to think collectively upon hearing his response, all while he distracted himself briefly with Candy’s enchanted gaze as she looked up at him, letting out a sheepish giggle when seeing his skewed grin.

–And what did they say?– Panda asked apprehensively, growing impatient alongside the rest of the squad as Frost took a moment to finish his bottle before speaking.

–I don’t know, that’s what I’m trying to find out as well, but let’s forget about it for now…– Frost responded after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and turning to Candy, who mindlessly tossed the empty bottle away for him since she couldn’t take her eyes off him, almost hitting an oblivious soldier behind them in the process.

–Yea, let’s talk about why you gave that guy such a good nickname. I mean, it’s a bit too much, don’t you think?– Tricky mentioned in a sarcastic and critical manner, but at the same time, genuinely intrigued by his decision, just like the rest of the team. They all inched closer to listen to Frost, and while he hesitated to reveal his reasons, he was amused by his teammates’ curiosity and didn’t think too hard to come up with an answer.

–Honestly, he deserved it…– Frost replied casually, and though his drunkenness showed in his cracked voice, he was straightforward enough to sound genuine to his teammates, and yet they still questioned him immediately.

–Even after sabotaging our plan and getting us in trouble?– Panda asked in disbelief, to which Frost doubled down with a firm nod, or as firm as it could be since his whole body kept wobbling, needing Candy to hold him still, which she gladly did.

–Yea, I mean, he did kind of save me at one moment, although Panda and I had to literally pull him out of danger multiple times. But still, he scared some antipunks, he led us right to them, and, well… He just did good. Besides, having that old nickname would have only discouraged him, so let him enjoy his small victory…– Frost responded sluggishly, mumbling a few words but still getting his point across, which prompted a moment of reflection within the group. They all maintained some level of suspicion, but as he was so carefree about sharing his opinion, they eventually had no other choice but to believe him.

–I’m glad you found the grace to forgive him. He looked very scared of you before, so I’m sure this means a lot to him…– Candy affirmed with a kindhearted voice, smiling with compassion and veneration like she always did with Frost, who returned the smile smugly.

–Yea, whatever, the kid is alright… I hope he still fears me, though…– Frost replied jokingly, getting a few laughs out of the group, although Candy’s seemed a bit forced. She became uncertain as she thought of something else to say, but before she got the chance to, her teammates got in the way.

–And you’re like the master of hard feelings. I’m surprised you let him off the hook so easily. I know if it was one of us, well… It would have ended less than ideally...– Tricky added with a slightly disdainful tone, directing a taunting look to Nitro, who tried to object to her teasing remark before Frost let out a chuckle.

–I guess I just don’t care that much, or maybe it was a change of heart. Either way, as long as we get to kill our enemies, I’m happy– Frost replied indifferently before grabbing another bottle. Everyone shared a laugh once again as he pumped himself full of liquor, but since he was now too drunk to speak coherently, they began chatting like they were before he arrived.

–Yeah, it was so satisfying blowing up all those antipunks!– Nitro exclaimed with a manic grin, and surprisingly, he wasn’t frowned on since everyone seemed to agree.

–Yes! love killing some rats, they somehow smell worse when they are alive…– Frost blurted out in elation, getting a few laughs from his teammates as he lost control of himself. He had to take his arm off Candy’s shoulder to sit down and compose himself, but as she tried to stay close to him, she subtly stood behind him to lean down and rest her hands on his back.

–I think they all have a fetish for dirt and junk, especially those Razer and Slayer guys. I don’t want to be anywhere near them, who knows where their bodies have been…– Tricky commented in a lighthearted manner, but she showed genuine disgust just from thinking of the antipunks, which planted the same idea in everyone’s minds, prompting negative reactions.

–I once saw them hide inside a horse’s decomposed corpse for hours. Even if I caught them, I wouldn’t have even tried to get them. I mean, they probably died of some infection or something anyway…– Panda added with a bemused chuckle, but no one got to laugh with him as Frost immediately scoffed at him.

–I bet they smell just like you after a couple hours out. Remember how much you were sweating back in that desert?– Frost retorted playfully, provoking Panda with a cheeky smile that made him embarrassed. His teammates began laughing at him, but as he hesitated to respond, he chose to laugh with them and not get too worked up.

–Come on, at least I look good, not like that Savage guy…– Panda excused himself, attempting to deter the attention of the group, and while he succeeded, the squad couldn’t move on from the topic as Nitro opened his mouth.

–What do you mean? I heard Tricky had a crush on him…– Nitro claimed in a fake offended tone, drawing attention to Tricky, who was actually triggered by his blatant lie and instantly explained herself while the others laughed at the joke.

–What?! No, I never said that! Eww, I would rather eat horse feces before kissing that guy– Tricky replied with repugnance, not just to the idea but to Nitro as he pushed him away in annoyance. But as her exaggerated response only got more reactions, the squad kept bashing her.

–So you are saying you wouldn’t date an antipunk, even if your life depended on it?– Frost asked in a mocking but curious tone, to which Tricky didn’t think twice to respond with a rigid headshake.

–I would kill myself before doing that, even if it meant saving the world– Tricky answered with such conviction and belligerence that the rest of the team couldn’t help but laugh more, enticing Frost to keep teasing her.

–Where’s your heroic spirit? You know that we have to prioritize others before us, do it for the weak and the children…– Frost added in a witty tone, ridiculing Tricky with his woozy grin, but she got tired of his diligent attempts to make her look bad and finally turned it around on him.

–Oh, so you would date one of them? I’d like to see you go out with Ruin someday…– Tricky asked back with a snide stare, which became rather spiteful as Frost remained cocky. But at the mere mention of Ruin, he shook his head repeatedly and pretended to gag, getting his teammates to laugh while he took a moment to collect himself and prevent puking all over the table.

–Eugh, nevermind. I get where you come from... I’m not even sure if that’s a woman or a malnourished man playing dress up…– Frost replied abhorrently to Tricky’s joke, but he still kept his cool and playfulness as he drank away the nausea.

–But theoretically, you could still date her for the sake of the world…– Nitro quipped apprehensively, bracing himself for Frost’s repulsed reaction, though he only placed his hand on his face to hide his nasty expression and not provoke more reactions.

–Nah, the world is done for in that case… I would rather date Indie than touch Ruin’s wretched snatch– Frost replied adamantly, leaving the team speechless by his resolve in his preference. They contained their laughs and gasps as they looked around to check if Indie was anywhere near them. Unlike Frost, who seemed unbothered to disrespect her behind her back, they all cringed at his comment. However, after realizing Indie was nowhere near close to hear them, they began laughing without much remorse.

–Noooo, that would be waaaay worse. It’s like dating your own mother!– Panda exclaimed in joking dismay, instilling the same fright into their teammates as they didn’t even entertain the idea. Frost just laughed at the idea until he reconsidered it and changed his mind.

–Hey, don’t judge him, maybe he is into that…– Nitro quipped sarcastically, playfully bumping Frost’s shoulder with his fist as he laughed at his own joke. But while everyone else found the humor in it and it further fueled their laughs, Frost suddenly dropped his lighthearted demeanor, and his laugh ended abruptly when he turned to Nitro with a bitter stare.

–Shut the hell up. The only one twisted enough to screw their own family would be you… you perverted little goblin…– Frost replied disdainfully, getting up in a split of a second to confront Nitro. The rest of the team barely heard him as Frost leaned in to whisper his threat at him and then sat back down right away. But as Nitro almost pissed himself, he became quiet in relief at being spared this time. And while the squad kept chatting, he refrained from making any other comments at his chief’s expense, even distancing himself a little to let Candy deal with Frost in case something else triggered him.

| For goodness’ sake
I wasn’t told you’d be this cold |

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