Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 45: Meet The Antipunks

Anxiety built up in the crowded elevator as Crisis descended deeper into the cave, being consumed by darkness once again as they reached the end of the shaft. With all of the squad members staying put, Panda assumed his position in front of the team with his shield deployed, blocking the opposite side where they came from. They remained quiet in anticipation, but halfway through their descent, the metallic rumbles of the botched elevator began mixing with the sounds of the miners below. The noise grew louder until they reached the bottom, but when the elevator stopped, the team was caught off guard by the bright lights flashing at the elevator. They were blinded momentarily, but with Panda stepping forward, fully ready for battle, he dropped his guard when they got to see a clear view of what they were facing.

Stepping out of the light right outside the elevator, Crisis found themselves in another large, spacious, but still confined area like the pit above. However, now they came across an excavation site that went deeper than they expected. They stood still on a wide edge of the rock wall behind them, overhanging what appeared to be multiple levels of mineshafts facing the elevator, cutting through the narrow limits of the ravine. Taking a peek below, they found two floors above the spiky floor way down below, consisting of thin wooden platforms and rails, supported only by large beams coming from the bottom.

Each platform connected with a shaft on each side of the ravine, and while there were more mining holes on the other sides, the miners could only access the shafts using the platforms, meaning they were highly trafficked spots from the way they carried and unloaded minecarts full of resources there. And apart from the one on the right being at the bottom, with a tall gap between them, the platforms were symmetrical, adjacent to the huge metal pillar in the center of the narrow cavern that reached the ceiling but also supported the first layer of mineshafts right in front of Crisis.

While they were essentially standing on a cliff, a metal grate walkway that wrapped around the huge pillar connected the elevator exit with the other side of the ravine, where there seemed to be the entrance to the first layer of mineshafts. The pillar appeared to be the main support of the mining site since it held the frame of metal beams below the rock ceiling. While it didn’t seem too secure as some stalactite still poked out of the large gaps in the frame, the beams allowed the miners to hang various lanterns as they did above, but to deal with the depth of the ravine, they set up ropes and chains with pulleys, countering the weight of the loads they brought up with heavy sacks filled with rocks.

The sight was one to behold, but Crisis didn’t pay too much attention to what was found beneath their feet, as their main focus was immediately drawn to what was found ahead on the first layer. Despite all the chains and ropes hanging from the ceiling, blocking most of the view of the industrial catwalk, they spotted more enemies standing at the sides of the pillar. There were five in total, and while they were distracted overlooking the other workers on the lower layers, they stood out immediately by their unique clothing. Their clothes were just as dirty and ripped as the other workers or guards, but they appeared to be wearing personalized outfits, distinct from one another, as well as carrying more elaborate weapons that they had lowered but still in hand.

After exiting the elevator, Crisis’s arrival went unnoticed by seemingly everyone. Seeing as their presence didn’t alert the five scavengers in front, they remained silent and began approaching them while they were still distracted. Frost took the lead as he stepped onto the catwalk, with Kiwy following right behind while Indie tried to get a clear shot at the targets ahead. With all the things hanging from the ceiling, she had to position herself closer, so the entire team sneaked forward until they were right next to the central pillar, getting within reach of the five scavengers.

But instead of attacking right away, Crisis took a moment to glance below the platform they were standing on, getting a few glimpses of the true size of the ravine before they had to focus on the mysterious group that was now turning their backs on them. They were heading to the other side of the ravine, but as Frost tried to creep up on them, the rest of the team stayed behind at the pillar while he went for the kill. He tried to pounce on the two enemies at the back of their group, but he immediately retreated when one of the scavengers got in the way, as the large bags strapped to his back blocked his blades, prompting everyone else to turn around.

–Oh, look who we have here! You finally found us!– the stranger further from Frost exclaimed in an oddly playful manner, sounding almost jolly to see Frost after he attempted to kill one of his teammates. Crisis raised their weapons, but as Frost was in the way, they waited for him to step back and stay close to them, allowing the enemy to approach and assert dominance. While Crisis gave their enemies’ faces a good look, most of them growing hostile or spiteful since they seemed to identify every one of them, they chose not to engage after seeing that the others hadn’t attacked.

–Antipunks…– Indie growled under her breath, scowling with disgust and irritation at the scavengers’ dirty faces. While both Crisis and the antipunks’ main squad were on the fence, they just stared at each other for a long moment, expressing their contempt for each other, except Scott, who was just confused as he watched the tension increase between the two squads without a word being said.

He stayed at the back of the team, right behind Candy, Tricky, and Nitro, out of fear of the situation escalating rapidly out of nowhere. And while it looked like either team could make the move at any moment, they remained relatively composed, taking their time to fester their hatred for one another for a bit longer. And just like with Spook, Frost was staring intently at the head of the enemy squad while assuming a defensive position. But instead of thinking of the move, he thought long and hard about a response first, giving more time for Scott to become acquainted with the strangers in front.

The Antipunks’ main squad, otherwise known as Trash, consisted of five filthy members around the age of Frost or Nitro, though they looked much older due to their common environment not doing their bodies any favors, especially their faces with how unkempt they were. At the front of the squad was Savage, who acted as the captain or leader, reinforced by the brown crown made out of junk that he wore on his braided hair. Even though he appeared to take charge of the squad, his height was around the same as Nitro, meaning almost all of his teammates overshadowed him when he stood in front, though that didn’t stop him from being cocky and flaunting his outfit.

Like all the other antipunks, his plain shirt and shorts were so disheveled and shabby that they were hard to make out. While he was also completely covered in dirt, except for a few spots on his face, his black-stained dark brown trench coat made him stand out despite matching his headwear and the general surroundings. He wore many badges, as well as possessing some crudely embroidered emblems on his shoulder as if he was imitating the ranks Crisis wore. And to top his mess of a look, as he gave Crisis a twisted grin, he showed off his rusty steel grills that appeared to replace his teeth.

The second in command, Ruin, a girl with short, reddish hair and slightly shorter than Savage, possessed the same features as him, even having a badge as well, except her ripped clothes were in such a poor state that she almost revealed too much skin. Both she and Savage stood proudly in front of the three other members, who looked more like regular antipunks, but they made up for their appearances with their excitement as they couldn’t stop smiling.

Two of them were almost identical. They were young guys, around the same age as Scott, with the same height and clothes, grubby, black hair, jagged teeth, and what looked like tattoos among the dirt patches on their faces. They even seemed to hold similar weapons, one being a chipped, curved-end sword and the other a one-sided pickaxe with a large, sharp head, as well as a bend on its handle. The twins were almost hysterical in the way they kept shuddering in anticipation, looking even more unhinged than Nitro at times, though they looked quite normal compared to the last member.

Scrap, the one at the very back who got in Frost’s way with the large sacks of dirt and rocks he was carrying on his back, stood out the most with his figure. While the rest of the squad looked slightly malnourished, he was so lanky that his bones were more visible than his skin. His stomach was non-existent, his ribs were protruding, and his frame was skeletal. While his face was mostly covered by a junk mask, his mouth was completely absent of any teeth, making his grin appear downright unnerving to anyone but his teammates, though even they seemed to avoid looking him in the face. And despite his seemingly frail and bony figure, he was carrying more weight than Panda on his back, with so much load that the bags on his back doubled his size, yet he still didn’t show any signs of struggle.

Every single member of each squad exchanged deadly stares with one another. They didn’t even try to hide their resentment for each other in their expressions, although Trash appeared to be taking it more lightly than Crisis from the way they stared and smiled mockingly. And while they didn’t seem interested in fighting, not even Frost, since he was briefly inspecting the surroundings, Scott could sense Crisis’s desire to slaughter the enemy just from standing next to him.

Even Candy showed some hostility, so as he was the only one not fully aware of the rivalry between both squads, Scott tried to match the team’s energy by pointing his broken rifle at Trash. He struggled to get a clear view of the antipunks with all of his teammates on the way, but after getting a better position, he managed to lock his sight on Scrap, who was the easiest to target. But as no one seemed to notice his advance, Scott just awkwardly kept aiming at the opponents with a forced, menacing face. Crisis completely ignored him despite standing right next to him, but as one of the twins noticed him aiming for Trash, Scott became nervous and tried to hide behind Panda to not draw more attention. Luckily, Frost got in the way, blocking his line of sight with the enemy by taking a couple of steps forward.

–So, this is what you’ve been doing ever since the assault, huh? Like always, profiting off other people’s hard work...– Frost responded after a long silence with his usual condescending demeanor, being more disrespectful as he scoffed at Trash with a smug grin, showing no fear as he stood up to them. Crisis stayed by his side and inched closer as well to have his back while also staying close in case they needed to hold him back.

–We just saw the opportunity and decided to take it. I’m surprised it took you this long to notice…– Savage replied nonchalantly in an arrogant manner, almost imitating Frost in his speech, while the rest of his squad formed a line in front of Crisis to block their way. There was very little space on the catwalk for them to fight, and while Crisis tried to create a formation, they could only stay close and begin evaluating their possible options, leaving Frost to deal with Savage’s taunts in the meantime.

–Oh, I noticed right away, I just wasn’t allowed to take action until now…– Frost responded with more bite, showing more bitterness while his teammates began assuming positions around the catwalk. Trash noticed Indie and Panda asserting their presence as they stood at both sides of the pillar, ready to flank them, though they kept their focus on Frost since his repulsive stare was so provocative.

–Nice to see you are still being bossed around, loser…– Savage laughed after glancing at Indie, but other than a huff, she remained composed. After a quick laugh, Trash ignored her and stared back at Frost, who was now more annoyed than anything.

–You always have the worst insults, and you only make it worse with those ugly faces– Frost replied with irritation and slight confusion, to which Savage and his squad continued to laugh off before drawing their weapons. For a brief moment, Panda and Indie raised their guns to open fire, but they refrained from shooting as Frost and Savage’s argument wasn’t over yet.

–The only thing that’s gonna be ugly is what’s going to happen to you next…– Savage retorted with a bratty grin, turning back to his team proudly as they laughed with him. Instead of taking his shot, Frost also glanced back at his team, but only to give them a brief nod, which they all returned before the antipunks could notice. Scott began panicking, and while he waited for everyone else to make the move, he already had his stolen sword in hand, growing anxious as he saw Frost adopt a familiar demeanor.

–Yea, we all know. Good for you, we are here to clean this place of all its filth…– Frost threatened with a straight face, but as his tone remained as disdainful as ever, it only made Savage laugh more.

–You think you can beat us?– Savage scoffed with more aggressiveness, fueling Frost’s hatred with a malicious grin, which his teammates replicated in hopes of unleashing his rage. Instead, they were distraught when he suddenly became emotionless, lowering his breath as he instantly calmed himself down, catching Trash off guard for a second, and instilling dread in them for the brief silence he kept until he broke it with a whisper.

–Yea, matter of fact, I’m done playing, I might just go for the kill this time…– Frost replied with a deadpan stare, his monotone voice showing only the slightest of what Trash could only regard as joy. They were uneased by the tiny grin Frost gave them while gripping his blades, but his nuanced hostility was able to make Savage nervous, even making him insecure to say another word and provoke him further.

He glanced at his blades, and after catching a glimpse of Frost grinding his teeth, Savage stopped laughing immediately and turned to his team to give them a signal as well. But this time, as soon as he turned his back on Frost, he leaped at him fiercely, closing the distance in a split second. Crisis reacted with a bit of delay to his move, but before they could jump into battle, they were stunned by a cheeky move pulled by the enemy, one that even stopped Frost from killing his opponent.

–Think again!– Savaged blurted out in a mix of panic and thrill as he jumped out of the way right when Frost was about to slice his body in half. And in his place, Scrap threw one of his bags at Frost, which instantly exploded at the first contact with his blade.

The air was instantly filled with dirt, disorienting both squads as their surroundings were suddenly clouded. While Crisis was stunned for longer, their initial instinct was to attack despite the visual obscurity. Panda and Indie opened fire, shooting straight forward through both sides of the catwalk, while Frost and Kiwy cleared the dirt off their faces before trying to attack. Nitro tried to reposition himself to blow Trash up in an instant, but he had to wait to confirm the location of everyone before taking such a risk. However, by the time the dirt cloud settled, all Trash members had disappeared, and instead, Crisis was met with all the other antipunks crowding the ravine.

| The truth is only ever relied
On that which we agree and abide |

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