Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 143: In The Spirit Of Survival

Saint braced himself for the end, but it never arrived. Instead, the chaos in the hall began to subside. Weapons were sheathed, and the fight slowly dwindled into silence. Momentarily, Saint froze as he convinced himself he had died and found an eerie peace. Yet he could still hear the murmur of voices and, more prominently, a piercing, high-pitched sound echoing through the base. It was the siren blaring outside, its shrill tone powerful enough to pierce the entire gorge. Everyone seemed taken aback but responded uniformly. Saint and the rookies, bewildered and irritated, soon realized that the siren had miraculously brought the battle to a halt as all parties stood down.

One by one, soldiers on the battlefield lowered their weapons until the gunfire stopped altogether. Even the two armies advancing on the base abruptly ceased their assault and began to retreat, disappointed and annoyed by their wasted opportunity. Saint, dumbfounded, grabbed his sword, ready to clear a path as soon as he saw both ravagers and omens turn their backs. Just as he moved to attack, Frost intervened. He seized Saint’s sword mid-jump and didn’t let go despite Saint’s attempt to resist. His initial hostility shifted to confusion as he watched enemies retreat peacefully. He looked back at Frost in disbelief, only to find more questions than answers as he appeared unexpectedly relieved.

–We made it…– Frost said, exhaling deeply. He returned Dominion with a reassuring smirk before sharing a hearty laugh with Panda, who approached with a beaming but exhausted grin. They shook hands firmly, and Panda pulled both Frost and Saint into a triumphant, brotherly embrace.

The rest of the squad quickly found their way back to the center and joined in; their spirits lifted. Candy reached out, hugging all three, though her embrace on Frost made him wince as she pressed against a wound on his stomach. They had all managed to survive, but their struggle was evident in the numerous cuts and bruises on their arms, faces, and torso. Nitro’s wounds had reopened, Kiwy had a large bump on her forehead after being hit, and Panda’s arms were too strained from enduring high stress for an extended period. Lifting his arms for the hug made him groan in pain, but despite their injuries, the squad savored the brief respite from their suffering.

–What is going on?? What happened?– Saint asked, his confusion palpable as he was surrounded by his teammates, but they refused to give him answers. They remained quiet to savor their unexpected victory. But as the hall cleared and the surviving Cloudstars joined them, Saint began to understand. They hadn’t won; no one had, yet they still succeeded, not by defeating their foes but by merely surviving.

Following the blaring siren, they began exiting the Cloudstar base. The south hallway revealed a battlefield that had settled into an eerie calm. The damage was evident from the ruined walls and countless bodies littering the courtyard. But it was as if everyone had forgotten what they were even fighting for as all violence had ceased. Saint struggled to process the scene and remained skeptical. Crisis seemed more accepting of the sudden end, but they were also on edge as they looked for the rest of the team.

As they left the base with the Cloudstars, more allies appeared from the rooms they were hiding in. Despite not fighting until the end, they celebrated upon seeing their surviving teammates. Crisis seemed slightly bitter but looked eager to do the same once they were out in the open. They saw that the New Saviors had taken control of the situation, now covering the entire southern flank while calling for the enemy’s attention. Up ahead, they spotted Indie and the rookies standing atop a remaining segment of the wall, guarding the siren that ended the conflict as it continued ringing.

While the rest of Crisis breathed a sigh of relief and cracked smiles upon seeing Indie and Tricky, Saint felt a pang of concern for her exposed position. He was about to rush up to reunite with them when Panda restrained him, preventing any interference as all combatants gathered around the courtyard. With the New Saviors forming a circle around Indie’s position, both omens and ravagers spread out. They either began to leave or watched from a distance as she prepared an announcement. She held a radio attached to the device, and after turning off the siren, she began to address everyone in the field, including the now casual enemies heading back to where they came from.

–Attention, this is an official military announcement I’ve been asked to relay… To every soldier who engaged in tonight’s battle, a call to cease all hostilities has been made. Our leaders have reached a settlement and signed a truce agreement between all factions of the Atharia continent, effective immediately. This truce is a call to halt all military actions and withdraw from the battlefield by midnight; therefore, any future conflict from now on will be met with the appropriate judicial response– Indie began, her voice resonating with authority as she held the large piece of paper in one hand and used the radio in the other.

Her commanding tone held everyone’s attention, even Spook and the omens attempting to flank the base. Despite their confusion or displeasure, especially the ravagers, who were eager for more conflict, they paused to listen. Saint and the rookies, equally puzzled, focused intently on understanding the unexpected announcement. They were fascinated by Indie’s imperative abilities and how no one dared to object.

–The Order has acknowledged the futility of further bloodshed and ordered a termination of all military operations around the Dead Drop Gorge. All soldiers are directed to disarm and withdraw from the battlefield. We implore everyone to resolve differences through diplomatic channels to prevent further cycles of violence. Let us work towards peace and come together to end this conflict for the greater good…– Indie continued, her voice steady but imbued with sincerity. Her compelling words and unyielding resolve resonated with many, though some remained frustrated and left the battlefield indignant. Despite the mixed reactions, her eloquence won over the most, including Crisis, who felt a sense of pride watching Indie navigate the situation skillfully while also speaking from the heart.

–Negotiations will follow, and the accord terms will be refined as needed. Measures against any offenses violating the agreement have been initiated. All factions will be held accountable for any breaches, and the Order will address offenders accordingly. For now, you are advised to return to your homes and refrain from any actions that could escalate tensions. We honor the losses sustained tonight as necessary sacrifices in our quest for resolution against the challenges our world presents. We continue to explore alternatives to overcome the hardships that have shaped our hearts and spirits. May we all embrace this truce with gratitude and work towards lasting peace. The Order of Enharmony states... I appreciate your attention– Indie concluded with a touch of compassion, a stark contrast to her usual stern demeanor that made Crisis suspicious.

Her diplomatic and reassuring manner managed to appease even the most aggressive ravagers and the coldest omens. Once she finished, the once hostile forces, who moments ago were intent on battle, now calmly retreated. There were no arguments or acts of violence, even as the Cloudstars celebrated. To Saint’s surprise, instead of confronting Indie and the New Saviors, the enemies peacefully exited the battlefield, leaving behind the bloodshed as if it had never occurred. There were no laughs or cheers, but they were all compliant and went home to either mourn or celebrate. Crisis and the Heartaches stood amid the quieted battlefield, awaiting EchoForce and Indie to descend from the wall.

–You did it!!– Candy exclaimed with joy as she saw her sister descending the stairs with Indie, helping Cookie, who was struggling with his injured leg. As Tricky heard her sister’s cheer, she abandoned Cookie and ran to Candy, enveloping her in a joyous hug.

–We all did it…– Cookie chuckled, almost losing his balance on the stairs but staying upright with Indie’s support. She then let go to join her team, leaving the rookies to assist Cookie while she was welcomed by her teammates. Maintaining composure, Indie contained her worries as she checked on her squad’s condition. She was about to call for other medics to aid her teammates, but Crisis ignored their injuries and welcomed her with overwhelming support, including Frost.

–Great call on the truce. We were struggling a little for a second…– Frost said nonchalantly as Indie approached. His sly grin and tone attempted to mask his relief with excessive confidence, but Indie was quick to recognize his pretense and immediately cut through any banter.

–You were about to die…– Indie remarked coldly, yet with a trace of amusement, watching Frost’s expression shift from feigned confidence to genuine relief. He sighed and cracked a brief laugh to drop the act, in turn making Indie smile slightly, though her focus quickly returned to assessing her teammates. Despite their exhaustion and injuries, they seemed reinvigorated by her presence and asked her all the questions instead.

–Wait, how did you get a truce accord signed up so quickly?– Nitro asked, echoing the curiosity of the other members. Frost, however, had already deduced the answer, observing Indie’s brief hesitation. She glanced around to ensure they were alone, and after pulling the squad closer into a circle, she revealed the truth.

–I didn’t. Snake is handling that as we speak…– Indie replied casually, shocking everyone but Frost, who laughed at her audacity. The others were incredulous but soon accepted that she had indeed tricked the enemy into a truce. Their concern faded as they saw the enemies retreating without incident, though Saint’s skepticism remained.

–Then what about that paper? This Order, or whoever is in charge, already made the call, or- did th-?–Saint asked quietly, pointing at the paper tucked in Indie’s belt. His mix of curiosity and anxiety mirrored Candy and Nitro’s expressions. However, Indie’s confident demeanor soon reassured them, and the squad began to smile mischievously.

–Oh, this? I just wrote it on the way. I didn’t get to finish it, so I had to improvise, but it’s not like anyone will check it…– Indie answered smugly, almost bragging as she showed the half-empty paper to her squad. They stared in awe, barely making sense of her disjointed scribbles. Her teammates were impressed and more entertained, bursting into laughter while Saint looked on disapprovingly but bewildered.

–B-but… Won’t they know when they receive the official announcement?? Aren’t you getting in trouble if they find out you lied?– Saint asked sheepishly, stammering in his dumbfounded state. He grew nervous since no one else shared the concern. Indie looked around once again, took a deep breath, and simply shrugged it off with a tiny smirk.

–I’ll make sure the Order replicates my message as closely as possible. No one pays attention to details anyway. But if they do and have something to say… They’ll just have to go through me…– Indie asserted with a menacing undertone, becoming more impish as she boastingly stared at each of her teammates. Completely speechless, Saint shook his head in disbelief but ended up laughing with everyone else, pleased by her bold course of action.

–See, that’s how you use your power for the common good or whatever we are supposed to be doing… If only you could use that influence more. But hey, at least it came in handy this time… I’m glad you learned something…– Frost joked, his tone sarcastic but genuinely praising Indie. She accepted the compliment with an uncharacteristic smile, surprising Frost in return with her rare display of happiness, but she tried to keep it cool.

–I’ll keep it in mind. I’m also glad we got here on time. It was a tough trip, and, umm. I-... I’m just glad you are safe…– Indie responded, attempting to be lighthearted but ultimately sounding heartfelt and growing embarrassed. Her sincerity and pause to compose herself captivated Frost, making her more nervous as they stared intently. Frost was about to deliver another joke but was momentarily speechless, absorbed by her gaze. The other members stood awkwardly, sensing the intimate moment and trying to break the silence with whatever came to mind.

–Come on, just kiss already…– Tricky quipped quietly, eliciting laughter from the team, except Candy, who didn’t find it amusing. Frost heard the comment and scoffed, slightly embarrassed, but remained silent as he and Indie shared a tense stare. This time, there was no spite, resentment, or even disapproval like the squad was used to; it seemed more caring and heartfelt, which prompted Panda to step in to connect the two.

–What about you two hug it out?– Panda suggested lightheartedly while trying to pull Frost and Indie together. Nitro, Candy, and Kiwy immediately agreed and joined in a group hug. Despite their resistance, they were soon surrounded by their teammates, reluctantly accepting the embrace. Indie was uncomfortable with direct contact and avoided it but stood awkwardly close to Frost, who found himself in the middle of the communal hug and couldn’t escape it.

Meanwhile, Scott observed from a distance, feeling uncertain about joining the group hug. His attention shifted when he saw his friends descending the stairs. Shade and Chappy appeared ready to collapse on the ground but managed to walk. Zoey, however, ran straight to Scott, leaping into his arms and crying tears of joy. He hesitated at first, still disoriented and concerned for her well-being, but eventually embraced her, holding her tight and rubbing her back to comfort her.

–Zoey, oh my… A-are you okay? Are you hurt?– Scott asked, worry evident in his voice as he checked for any major injuries. Zoey nodded repeatedly and cracked a giggle as his hands tickled. He held her head and looked at her closely, but as she managed to smile through her tears, he got the reassurance he needed and got emotional. He tried to contain it, but his friends left Cookie behind to rest against the wall, interrupting his moment with Zoey.

–We all got hurt… But look at us, the training actually paid off!– Ace said lightheartedly, despite his fatigue. Scott was relieved to see them safe but refrained from joking, noticing their injuries and torn clothes.

–It only took getting shot a couple of times, but it’s okay…– Shade added with a chuckle, showing off a bullet wound on his chest. The rookies were mortified for a second but laughed, having shared the same pain to a certain extent. Scott, initially taken aback by their attitudes, soon relaxed, seeing how they brushed off his injuries, which somehow bonded them closer.

–You all did great, I’m sure it was fun, probably…– Scott replied, his tone heartfelt but playful, earning a few laughs. Ace and Zoey pretended to be offended but continued the lighthearted banter amidst their relief until Scott embraced his girlfriend again.

–You should probably join your team there…– Zoey said, pointing behind Scott at Crisis, who were still sharing a hug despite Frost’s attempt to break it apart. Scott glanced back, hesitating to join them, but before he did, he turned back to his friends to say one last thing.

–We’re all a team here. I’m glad we made it, can’t wait to tell the people back home…– Scott replied with an assuring smile. Zoey blushed, and Chappy, despite looking dazed, managed a faint smile.

–And I’m glad I don’t have to do that again. I don’t even feel m-...– Chappy mumbled before fainting. Shade and Ace caught him but laughed as he continued babbling. With them taking care of Chappy, Scott waved at the rookies and walked back to his team, hoping to join their moment before it ended. Just as they were about to separate, Candy noticed him standing shyly nearby.

–We can’t leave him out of this… Come here…– Candy called, drawing attention to Scott. Apart from an exasperated Frost, they all welcomed him as Panda opened his arms to let him into the circle. Though they couldn’t hug anymore, they stayed and bantered as a team.

–Woah, watch it with the sword. Don't turn me into a statue…– Nitro teased as he stepped aside. Saint playfully thrust Dominion at him, making him flinch and eliciting a few laughs. His insecurity was wearing off, but he remained slightly reserved as the squad quickly moved on to praise him for his performance in battle.

–This must have been a lot for you. You got more action in a month than we did in two years!– Candy exclaimed with a mix of excitement and sarcasm. The other seemed slightly jealous but nodded in agreement, except Frost.

–Speak for yourself. I’ve been consistently slashing throats and collecting scars since I was five– Frost bragged lightheartedly, nudging Candy with a smirk. His comment made her crack up but was mostly met with skepticism and a few eye rolls.

–It’s not about who carries the most trauma for the longest, alright? You have some experience now, but there is still so much potential to be nurtured. Though, I’ll say you are already just as good as half of us…– Candy responded kindly. Saint, a bit shy, nodded in appreciation, receiving a hearty smile from Candy but a judgmental look from both Indie and Frost.

–For sure. It was great what you did back there, you really have it in you…– Panda added sincerely, patting Saint on the back. Saint winced, his body still aching and ready to crumble, but managed to respond with gratitude and patted him back.

–Thanks… To be honest, I wouldn’t have made it past the gate if it wasn’t for you… I just tried not to mess up and get in your way because you seem to handle everything pretty well– Saint said, growing embarrassed and shying away. Panda’s encouragement made him feel more comfortable, and despite the squad’s humor, both Candy and Panda seemed heartfelt.

–That’s what I’m here for… That’s what we do, protect each other, even with this lunatic trying to blow us up every chance he gets…– Panda reassured, giving Nitro a hard noogie. He laughed it off and Saint resisted the urge to join in the teasing, growing quiet instead, but that didn’t stop the others from poking fun.

–Yeah, I’m glad you are still with us. I’ll need to scrap your grenade launcher to repair our weapons…– Tricky added sarcastically. Nitro immediately tried to argue and protect his beloved weapon, but Frost interrupted their squabble, addressing Saint directly with a surprisingly low amount of contempt.

–You did well… Really, I thought you wouldn’t keep up and we’d have to use you as bait… Of course, I’m kidding, I would never do such a thing…– Frost quipped with a jaded tone that didn’t amuse Candy but made Nitro and Panda crack up. As he stepped closer to Saint, making him tense, Frost dropped the passive-aggressiveness and subtle threats to place one hand on his shoulder.

–I can now safely say you have earned that nickname…– Frost affirmed. Despite his wariness, Saint took this to heart. Finally getting some respect from his teacher, he began smiling proudly. Unable to think of a response, his admiring gaze said everything he needed to. But the moment was short-lived as Frost stepped back and brushed off any teasing stares from his teammates.

–I wouldn’t say it’s the most appropriate after he killed half an army, but sure…–Nitro joked, breaking the silence. The squad laughed, more focused on Saint than ever.

–Umm, so who got the most kills at the end? Technically, my bomb killed half an army...– Tricky asked curiously but with a boastful smirk. She was immediately hushed by her sister for interrupting Saint’s moment, but she didn’t mind. On the other hand, Indie was inspired to speak up as she seemed to echo Saint’s thoughts.

–Doesn’t matter, the important thing is we survived and we’re all safe so we can fight again together. And now, we have a good addition to the team– Indie replied reassuringly, sparking some enthusiasm in her team, especially Saint, who couldn’t stop smiling at his teammates and finally receiving approving and appreciative looks.

Saint had nothing more to say and didn’t need to. He remained silent, savoring the moment with his new family. He glanced back to see his friends supporting him as well; even the Heartaches seemed to be cheering in the distance. With signs of a good victory, he was left satisfied alongside all of Crisis, free from the constant burden of battle. At least for now, they could rest easy knowing their efforts paid off and they had secured a temporary peace. Even if future fights awaited, tonight’s experience had forged a stronger bond among them, proving they could tackle any challenge together.

–Oh, and I forgot… We must stay to clean up this mess and help our allies rebuild their base, so…– Indie interjected, attempting to make a brief sidenote to keep the mood light but inadvertently dampening it immediately. The team groaned collectively, though they couldn’t help but laugh at the poor timing.

Saint, Frost, Indie, Panda, Candy, Nitro, and Kiwy shared a heartfelt laugh, their eyes turning to the sky as the clouds parted to reveal the moon’s gentle light. Standing together, they basked in their hard-won triumph, feeling a renewed sense of unity and strength. They silently acknowledged their resilience and readiness to face whatever came next. With their spirits lifted, they shifted their focus to the tasks ahead, prepared to tackle new challenges together. As they embraced their role as a cohesive team, they realized that despite the hardships to come, their collective will and perseverance would see them through. No matter how grueling or taxing the next mission might be, they had proven their ability to overcome their personal conflicts and thrive together, even if it only meant surviving to see another day…

| Safe in the light that surrounds me
Free of the fear and the pain
My questioning mind has help me to find
The meaning in my life again |

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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