Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 134: Face To Face

Spook’s entrance sent a wave of shivers down the Cloudstars’ spines as they stood sinisterly in the dark of the gigantic and desolate room. It was just Reaper, Freak, Daishi, Onyx, Scarecrow, and Voodoo facing Crisis and their allies; no other omens were visible or even capable of joining as the other side was closed off. Despite their eerie and menacing look, the Cloudstars instinctively ran at Spook without realizing how big of a threat they were, but Crisis stood in the way and made them stop to realize they were mistaking Spook for any common omens. In reality, the enemy squad had such a strong aura that they could pause the fight to exchange deadly stares with Crisis. As the animosity between each other could be felt by any external force, both squads contained their hostility and remained in place to have a contemptuous conversation.

–Left the backdoor open… It amazes me how careless you guys can be sometimes. But hey, we’re finally here…– Reaper broke the ice tauntingly, posing brazenly with the rest of the squad to intimidate the Cloudstars. They were mostly confused to see Spook taking their time to slowly approach and talk down to Crisis instead of jumping into battle right away, as both squads put away their weapons for a moment. Their actions contradicted the obvious and increasingly hostile tension between the two, which was never more apparent than when Crisis collectively rolled their eyes in annoyance at the sound of Reaper’s grungy voice.

Even though the opportunity presented itself, the Cloudstars were too suspicious of these omens, especially because they couldn’t read the ulterior motives behind their forbidding façade since all of them except Daishi and Freak wore masks or concealed their faces. Unable to see past Reaper’s skull mask, the Cloudstars were apprehensive in their approach, trying to form a semi-circle behind Crisis while pondering how to deal with the opponent. Crisis did seem to see through Spook’s front and anticipate their move, although they just seemed irritated at their mere presence right now and could barely contain their disdain and unconditional hatred.

–At least we are not cowards who run away after losing a fair fight. I mean, seriously. When are you going to drop this mysterious crap and face us without your dirty tricks?– Nitro responded furiously, so indignant by Reaper’s comment that he kept clutching his grenade launcher as a threat. In response, Spook laughed at his poor attempt at intimidation, and before Reaper could continue speaking, his teammates made sure to mock Nitro in case he engaged and blew up everyone in his proximity.

–It's funny you say that. Were you hiding, or did I just not see you during the fight, huh? Actually, it might have been my fault. You’re so easy to look over, you crooked, frail, whiny shrimp– Freak asked in a rhetorical and belittling manner to further provoke Nitro, prompting Kiwy and Candy to hold him back and try to calm him down while Frost and Panda stepped forward to deal with the enemy’s demeaning strategy. They said nothing in return, as they appeared to be formulating a plan by sharing glances, but as Spook kept approaching, everyone else kept their eyes on them.

–Yes, that battle was nothing but a warm-up. We needed to buy some time, that’s all. But I bet you weren’t expecting to see us again so soon… And you are left with this clown leading you? I feel bad for you…– Reaper asserted nonchalantly, turning to his teammates to scoff at Crisis’ attempt to retort. Saint didn’t share the same level of contempt as the rest since he couldn’t even identify half of the Spook’s members, but even he was so enraged by their witty insults that he pulled out Dominion to cut to the chase. But as none of his teammates did anything to confront the enemy, he sheepishly stepped back before Frost broke his silence with a sneering grin that was just as cheeky but more calculated than Reaper’s.

–Don’t be, you see, we don’t have time for scoundrels. You aren’t worth it. Only showing up when it’s convenient, trying to get all the attention since the rest of you can’t even wipe their ass by themselves for their life…– Frost replied indifferently, taking on a derisive tone and ignoring Spook by pretending to look away and signaling the Cloudstars to leave. He gave his squad a subtle signal that indicated everything they needed to know, with Panda getting the message as they locked eyes for a split second. But after getting confirmation, Frost kept playing it cool and stared directly into Reaper’s eyes with genuine disgust.

–You are pathetic, good-for-nothing parasites trying to get your grip on everything to prove your masters otherwise. And I know you’ll try to do anything but delay the inevitable. Well, that ends tonight, and it won’t even last long enough for you to enjoy it…–Frost added with a stare seeping confidence and malice, going beyond contempt as his derisive stare riled Spook up, drawing their attention momentarily to allow Panda to make a move. The latter slowly put one hand behind his back and gestured at the rest of Crisis, with everyone but Saint understanding as they began retreating alongside the Cloudstars.

–How can you be so delusional as to think you have a shot at us? Whatever you say won’t change the fact that those weaklings you have for allies are trapped with us. And it's with a heavy heart that I must announce… We are not taking prisoners…– Reaper asserted with a mix of exasperation and resolve as he was seething at Frost’s dismissive attitude, trying to intimidate the Cloudstars again. By this point, Crisis's surprise had worn off, so they took advantage to lead them upstairs while Spook was still distracted. Even though it looked like the enemy could pounce at any second, Frost and Panda remained calm and didn’t move a single inch, assessing their surroundings since they would most likely have to fight right here. But as they stayed silent and looked around subtly, they noticed the hangar entrance was an open gate, and they could buy themselves time before an inevitable showdown against Spook.

–Good, 'cause we are not leaving until we're done with you…– Panda retorted with a frighteningly grim expression that caught Spook off guard, putting them on edge as they saw the warning and anticipated an attack. They predicted the move, but with Panda’s threat taking their eyes away from Frost for a second, he reached for his blades and pulled himself forward to deliver a quick strike.

All of a sudden, both teams were interrupted by the turmoil of a large group coming from behind, and as ready or eager as both squads were for a fight, they did not expect a third party to join in and disrupt everything. The omens had won the north gate but lost the south, as a huge swarm of ravagers began pouring into the south hallway, flooding the main hall in seconds, and making their way fast into the lunchroom. They came straight towards the unsuspecting Cloudstars, who turned their backs but only caught a glimpse of them as all the lights in the building began flicking before turning off one by one.

With darkness concealing the ravagers’ moves and leaving the Cloudstars disoriented, they decided not to fall back and make a run for the stairs, heading to the second floor before the ravagers could catch up. Crisis stayed behind to focus solely on Spook, who stepped back deeper into the hangar to lure them in, but as Frost and Panda charged at them without realizing the ravagers were approaching, they couldn’t look back to see if their teammates were following. Mid-attack, the last light behind turned off, and right as Frost crossed the entrance, the lights in the hangar turned off as well, with Spook disappearing in thin air alongside them. Only one light stayed on, in the center of the hangar, where Frost spotted Reaper, but before he knew it, the gate closed behind him and shut right in his teammates’ faces.

–Here we go, much better. Let’s leave the others out of this, shall we?– Reaper scoffed smugly with laughter as he stood alone in the only circle of light. Frost ignored him, instead shifting his focus back to ensure his team had made it inside before the gate closed. He realized he was the only one who succeeded, but he maintained his composure and knew what needed to be done.

–Head upstairs and stay close to our allies! They are coming for you, watch out!– Frost shouted through the thick metal gate, loud enough for his squad to hear and follow the order. The ravagers right outside could be heard approaching and taking over the room, and despite not getting a response, he loosened up and took a big breath. He turned his attention to Reaper and began walking straight fearlessly, approaching the circle of light while spinning both blades as a scare tactic, only for his opponent to do the same and fiddle with his scythe.

–Yes, that's it. Let them deal with one another. We never get time for ourselves… But here we are, no distractions, no friends to help you, just you and me…– Reaper snickered with malice and enthusiasm, his eager grin barely concealed behind his mask as he kept mocking Frost from afar. But as much as he tried to provoke him, Frost was already resolved and advancing, fed up with the banter, and heading to get this over with.

–I don’t need friends, they are a nuisance…– Frost responded in a low, detached voice, as if he were grieving, which contrasted sharply with his murderous glare. His heartless words turned into a cryptic threat that amused Reaper even more. He laughed wickedly, lowering his scythe as he scrutinized Frost’s sincerity while looking him in the eye.

–Looks like you learned from last time… Of course, you also said you’d be done with me in a minute, and look at how that turned out… Focus now, maybe you’ll get a hit if you put your mind and spirit into it…– Reaper sneered as disrespectfully as always but quickly dropped the attitude as Frost raised his blades. He was slightly obscured from his point of view but wasn’t in a hurry, and yet, Reaper could see an attack coming very soon, so he held his scythe with both hands just in time for Frost’s sudden move.

Before stepping into the light, Frost struck while Reaper least expected it. Instead of running and giving him time to react, he swung one of his blades several meters away, pulling the trigger halfway through to use his grappling hook as a whip to extend his reach and get just in range to slash him. Reaper was caught off guard but managed to dodge, though a miscalculation in his step and the blade's arc caused him an injury. The tip of the hook triggered with contact to unfold the tiny spikes for legs it had, and they cut Reaper’s abdomen deep enough to make blood gush out. He immediately covered his wound with his hand and stared at the wound in disbelief, now starting to feel the sting.

–Is that close enough?– Frost asked mockingly. Briefly concerned, Reaper noticed his injury wasn’t too severe and scoffed at him for finally landing a shot. But now that he got a taste of Frost’s new gadget, he became excited to get more out of him, and just like his opponent looked pleased to see him bleed, Reaper was thirsty to spill more blood.

–Alright, I’ve been waiting for this…– Reaper replied fiercely before getting in position. Frost didn’t wait for him to finish, as he grappled onto the metal beams holding the ceiling above the light circle. He closed the distance in a split second, gaining height before dropping down to attack and going for his head.

Reaper seemed more confident and wasn’t scared of his upgrade blades, as he effortlessly blocked his attack with his scythe’s handle. On the other hand, Frost wasn’t holding back, and unlike his focused and composed exterior, the rage built up packed a punch. His strike knocked Reaper back, which he tried to follow with another, aiming lower so he couldn’t block it. His opponent didn’t intend to play defense and jumped over the blades while swinging at his head in midair. Frost dodged and narrowly avoided a fatal blow, only getting his hair slightly trimmed, but he had to duck and turn his back to Reaper.

Frost tried to get up and immediately hit Reaper’s back while he still could, but he wasn’t fast enough. Reaper countered with a swift attack, already in action before Frost could even swing his blades, which he had to redirect last second. Using one blade to block the scythe, he used his free hand to stab at his chest, but Reaper protected himself by pushing back with his weapon. They clashed for a second, a short span for Frost to change his approach, as Reaper could overpower him with his scythe if he kept pushing back with just one blade. To avoid being pierced in the heart, Frost pulled away before Reaper pushed his blade away, and as he got on his knees for a second, he aimed up to shoot the grappling hook from the other blade.

Reaper was forced to step aside and let Frost grapple to the ceiling, but he still tried to slice his feet in the air. He jumped as high as possible, making Frost ball up before he escaped his reach, and then hung from the ceiling upside down like a bat. Frost looked down to see Reaper quickly give up on trying to reach him since he was too high. Instead of attacking, Reaper ran into the darkness on the right side of the hangar, where Frost lost track of him, but he seemingly kept him in sight. For a moment, Frost looked around frantically to search for a trace of Reaper. The light right above blinded him with its shine, so he only caught a few glimpses of faint shadows that blended with the equipment and industrial furniture around him.

Frost listened to Reaper’s footsteps, hearing him in different directions. He was circling the light circle to disorientate him. Frost struggled to keep track, but he turned in the right direction just in time to see Reaper use tall racks on his far right to leap from the shadows. Reaper’s scythe swung vertically as if he were trying to hook Frost down, but he blocked his attack midair with one blade, still hanging from the other. He sent Reaper back to the ground, frustrated by his reflexes, and stepped back into the dark in preparation for his next move. The attack made Frost lose control and swing uncontrollably from one blade. He spun at least twice before he decided to let go and head back to the ground. However, he didn’t know which way he was facing when he landed on his feet, and when trying to spot Reaper, he caught him already charging from behind.

–Gotcha!– Reaper laughed as he sneaked up behind Frost, signaling his attack too early. His scythe was an inch from smashing Frost in the back of the head when he kicked backward, parrying blindly as he couldn’t turn away but forcing Reaper to step back into the shadows. This time, Frost realized he was too exposed and decided to mimic his opponent to be just as elusive.

They both moved in opposite directions, unseen by each other, as they distanced themselves from the light. They knew one of them would make a move sooner or later, but for now, they stuck to the stalking strategy while using their environment for cover. Frost reached the very end of the right side, where he took a moment to breathe before picking up some nearby tools and scrap. He threw them far away to create noise, drawing attention to the front of the light circle and aiming farther away to lure his enemy.

As Reaper cautiously approached, ready to strike, Frost quietly circled the left side to flank him. His opponent had abandoned his position and was charging at where he thought Frost was, so the latter took the opportunity to run behind Reaper. He predicted his fast reaction, so he threw a wrench at his back, forcing him to turn around, before grappling to the ceiling once again for a boost. Frost leaped over Reaper, who had already turned once and reacted in time, so he instinctively slid his scythe over his shoulders to protect his back as Frost attempted to stab him with both blades. He leaned forward and managed to dodge the blades, but not by much, as his scythe’s handle couldn’t block the tips and got him cut mildly on his back.

Before Frost could follow that up, Reaper faced forward, ready to fight again. However, Frost was more aggressive than ever, and as he kept swinging both swords consecutively, he didn’t give him a chance to strike back. Reaper kept backing away, but Frost’s relentless strikes began overwhelming him to the point where he had to stop breathing to not let his guard down for an instant. He didn’t risk fighting back and took advantage of his bigger weapon to always block since Frost delivered more attacks per second. But as Frost was wearing him out and they were about to reach the left wall of the hangar, Reaper decided to lure him as close as possible to shove him with his scythe, buying himself some time to gain the higher ground.

Reaper jumped onto a lift next to one of the tank maintenance stations, which he activated to elevate himself out of Frost’s reach. Right after, Frost began searching for higher ground as well, but as Reaper kept ascending, he allowed him to get to the top of a hanging platform. That’s when Reaper realized Frost wasn’t chasing him or climbing his way up to him. He leaned over to peek down, only to be surprised when Frost appeared on his level as he simply grappled up to the platform, hanging right below.

Before his opponent could realize it, Frost swung one of his blades at his feet, which Reaper barely noticed. The latter jumped away from the ledge and lost his footing momentarily. Regaining balance, he saw Frost get up and approach with a purpose. Since Reaper was holding his scythe to shield himself, Frost saw no way of hurting him without putting himself in danger as well, so instead, he tried tackling him. His opponent wasn’t going to let him put his hands on him, so he instinctively swung his scythe.

Frost dodged by freezing in place and not taking a step closer, tricking Reaper into hitting one of the chains holding the platform instead. Before he could realize what he had done, Frost cut the other two chains behind him loose, leaving only three at his opponent’s side. The platform began tilting before collapsing entirely shortly after. They both fell from the highest platform onto some metal beams that were part of the maintenance station’s frame. The fall broke their descent, but they continued falling onto industrial racks. Even when Frost tried to hook to the ceiling, Reaper pulled him down with him, causing both to hit their backs on the hard metal and then smash a few crates before rolling to the floor.

After quite a fall, they both struggle to get up for a second. Once they managed to grab their weapons, they shared a dramatic look of pure vitriol before resuming the fight. They were now using the racks and more of their surroundings as cover, but Frost stuck to his strategy of striking continuously to prevent Reaper from taking a breath. His opponent dodged everything with his scythe, but whenever he faltered, he used crates to shield himself, grabbing whatever he had nearby to place between them in desperation.

At first, Frost was frustrated after repeating the same attacks with no results, but he noticed Reaper was wavering more, so he decided to use the same tactic to his advantage. They had a few tall and wide racks around them, all filled with crates and scrap parts. Frost didn’t hesitate to push a rack next to Reaper as a distraction, which didn’t draw his attention until he fully committed to the strategy by stepping back and running around the racks. As Frost kept causing a mess, Reaper regained his composure and began pursuing calmly, clearing the way by kicking everything he threw at him. But it was only after Frost cleared two levels of a small rack between them that Reaper realized what he was up to.

Frost kept hiding behind racks whenever Reaper caught up to him. But after tiring him out with the cat-and-mouse game, Frost hid behind the small rack he had cleared out, staying right in the middle to force Reaper’s hand. He had to choose which side to chase him after, but he saw some clear gaps between decks to attack through, and since Frost was almost hugging the rack to his chest, Reaper attempted to stab him through it. Just as the head of his scythe cut through, Frost stepped back and quickly grabbed the heel with his bare hands to pull it away from Reaper. They struggled for control until Frost turned the scythe upward, causing it to get stuck in the small gap between decks when Reaper tried to pull it out.

Reaper took a second to realize his scythe was jammed and tried to turn it sideways to free it, but Frost seized the moment. He jumped over the deck right above after completely clearing it, put away his blades, and slid right through it without inconvenience. He barely squeezed through, but while Reaper was still trying to retrieve his weapon, Frost delivered a sliding sidekick to his skull mask. Reaper was knocked back and forced to let go of his weapon, now standing right in front of Frost, who followed with two punches, bringing him to the ground. He then jumped at him to continue beating him up, and Reaper couldn’t shake him off as he was restrained.

Once he got the satisfaction of battering his face, Frost swiftly pulled his blades out to finish the job. Before he could slash Reaper’s throat, he grabbed him and pulled him down, nearly stabbing himself with Frost’s blades but making him miss the shot. Buying himself a second to find a way out, Reaper pushed Frost’s body off him since he couldn’t pin him down when holding his blades. But as Frost was still armed and about to slam his blades into his face, Reaper rolled a few inches to his side with a grunt and curled up into a ball, seemingly out of fear. It was nowhere near safe from Frost’s blades, but Reaper positioned himself where he wouldn’t get crushed by the heavy rack behind Frost, and he let out a chuckle as it came down on both.

| It really didn’t make sense
Just to leave this unresolved
It’s not hard to go the distance |

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