Echobyss: States Of Survival

Chapter 113: The Response

Stuck in the dark, small crevice, the Heartaches and EchoForce remained hidden, as they couldn’t do much but wait quietly for the antipunk army to leave their proximity. They tried making as little sound as possible, but the enemy already drowned out any noise they made, so they didn’t have to worry despite hearing everything the antipunks said as they passed by. None of the things the enemy was discussing were pleasant, so after keeping an eye on the exit for minutes, Ryu returned to the corner where all his teammates were gathered and asked Ignatius to pull out his lighter to provide light for the others to treat their wounds.

Ace, Shade, and Chappy quickly followed and sat next to the Heartaches, waiting for some treatment despite having only a couple of bruises and small cuts on their arms compared to their more serious injuries. Still, Faye didn’t hesitate to reach out and check up on them, helping clean their wounds and patch them up since they were grateful, except Shade, who seemed to focus more on Scott and Zoey’s conversation. They couldn’t get out yet; there was nowhere to go, and the antipunks appeared to be infinite, so they would be stuck here for a while, and they found no better way to kill time than to recount all the kills they managed to get back in the factory.

But even when they were safe chatting with each other, boredom and uncertainty began consuming them, with some mild dread of what was coming lingering and becoming predominant when Panda made a call. The radio had been struck by one of the antipunks’ bullets, but it was still working perfectly, even under a rock, though it did take long to get a connection and contact Indie. Cookie was frustrated as he waited eagerly to hear what Panda was talking about, but the latter only stressed him more by pushing him away to have some privacy.

However, the ones who could see the bright side of the situation were Scott and Zoey, as they appeared relieved and triumphant for their circumstances. They continued holding one another to check if they were okay after sharing a long kiss. They didn’t say a word for a while, only stammering awkwardly from the shock of seeing one another again. But after a while of hugging and confirming that they hadn’t suffered any grave injuries, which almost looked like an act of foreplay that made his friends look away, Scott finally spoke up as his adrenaline ran out.

–I’m okay… I’m not hit… I think… And you are okay, so… Yea, we are okay…– Scott assured nervously but with a lighthearted smile. Zoey still checked his body for good measure until he grabbed her by both hands to draw her eyes up to his face.

–Are you sure? What even happened there?– Zoey asked skeptically, to which Scott reaffirmed his statement with a big, humorous smile and an enthusiastic nod to ease her worries.

–Well, I almost died, but Ace and Chappy kept me alive…– Scott replied in a witty manner, pointing back at Ace and Chappy in the corner, who nodded along awkwardly before looking away again. Zoey cracked a smile and tried not to stress too much, though she couldn’t help but notice that her friends looked more beaten up than Scott when she glanced back at them.

–Are you sure it’s not the other way around?– Zoey joked back with some lingering concern, prompting Scott to think long and hard and reevaluate what everything contributed back at the factory.

–Yea, I pretty much did everything…– Scott replied in a modest, laid-back manner, getting Zoey to giggle and then break into a short laughter together. But as soon as they stopped laughing, her demeanor had a slight change as she placed both of her hands on his shoulders to brush her fingers around his neck and chest mindlessly.

–Of course… I knew you would make it, but I was worried you took so long…– Zoey said in a soft, sympathetic, but coquettish voice, which almost sounded satirical in her way of speaking. She avoided eye contact as she continued to run her hands around Scott’s shoulders to both comfort and tease him, which appeared to work more effectively in its latter purpose.

–You are calling me slow? Do you know all the things coming after us?– Scott asked with a forced melancholic tone, playing indignant but almost breaking character as he had to contain a chortle. For a moment, Zoey kept quiet, looking him straight in the eye anxiously, but she became progressively more flirtatious the more Scott joked around.

–Maybe, I would have probably left in under a minute…– Zoey played along with an arrogant and teasing smirk that made Scott smile. But to continue pretending to take offense, he contained his laughter and huffed before dismissing her, forcing Zoey’s eyes to follow his as he looked away pensively.

–I guess I just liked the action and tried to enjoy it as much as I could…– Scott contemplated in fake deep thought, but he cracked up at his own words once he stared back at Zoey. His response sparked genuine curiosity in her, but it was all mixed with the pestering and slightly amorous nature of her speech, so she took it one step further and leaned closer to respond.

–You enjoy putting your life at risk?– Zoey asked in a soft, alluring whisper that prompted more thought from Scott. But this time, he didn’t hesitate to answer as soon as he thought of a good response, and even when Zoey was right on his face, he played passive as his large and proud grin only enticed her more.

–Perhaps… Maybe I just want you to come save me…– Scott whispered back, trying to force a low and deep voice that sounded silly in Zoey’s ears, but it was enough to enchant her and spark some nervousness. She couldn’t think of anything to say besides a laugh, which almost prompted Scott to do the same, except he saw his opportunity to lean in for another kiss as she had her arms wrapped around his neck.

Zoey kissed him back without a doubt, but while they enjoyed another affectionate moment, the rest of the team wasn’t too comfortable watching the couple flirt and kiss so much. They couldn’t ignore them since they were just a couple of feet away from them, and even if they looked away, they could hear the sounds of their lips smooching. So, after awkwardly trying to focus on anything else, Chappy, Ace, and Shade looked at each other to decide who would voice their discomfort, though they immediately urged Chappy to be the one to step in.

–You know, I’m glad we’re alright and all, but I don’t think this is the time for that…– Chappy commented timidly, staying back with Shade and Ace while trying to get their support as Scott and Zoey immediately turned around. There wasn’t much that needed to be said for the other rookies to express the same sentiment, but the couple still waited for a response from the others as they completely ignored Chappy.

–Yea, that’s just gross…– Shade muttered with genuine disgust before turning to look at the Heartaches as Zoey and Scott continued kissing out of pettiness. Chappy tried to turn away as well, but he still seemed oddly interested in the romantic scene before his eyes as Scott and Zoey’s make-out was heating up. But after noticing him staring weirdly, Ace bumped his arm to draw his attention, as he had more pressing issues to worry about.

–Leave them be, we might not get to live past tonight…– Ace replied with a rather somber tone, turning alarmingly serious as he looked down at the rock floor and tried to carve the stone with his stone out of boredom. Chappy caught on to his bleak attitude, but seeing his friend in this state sparked an opposite reaction since he turned slightly excited for the near future.

–You think? I believe we can survive out here in the wild for at least three months, right Cookie?– Chappy asked with a lively and optimistic smile, turning to Cookie for approval, only to lose his enthusiasm when he saw him trembling next to them. Cookie was sitting down opposite Panda, but far away from Zoey and Scott to not get involved in their couple's antics. He was isolating himself as much as possible, cowering in fear despite being surrounded by friends and teammates, which instantly drew concern from Ace and Chappy.

–Cookie? Are you okay?– Ace asked apprehensively, as he didn’t know how to approach Cookie since it looked like he was having a panic attack. But before he could reach out to help, Cookie himself grabbed his arm and stopped him before nodding affirmatively, although he continued shuddering while trying his best to remain composed.

–Yea, I’m just a little claustrophobic…– Cookie replied casually before frantically looking around their small hiding spot and continuing to freak out. There was barely enough space for him to sit up, and since the corners of both ends were crowded, he was stuck in a small section in the middle, struggling to get air. It also didn’t help that it was too dark and that they would have to wait for an indefinite amount of time, but even then, Chappy and Ace couldn’t really understand the reason for all his stress.

–Is that like an allergic reaction or…?– Chappy asked with intrigue but not taking it seriously. Ace tried to shut him up after hearing his dumb question, but before Cookie could give any sort of explanation, they were interrupted by Panda suddenly crawling back to the middle agitatedly.

–Shhhh, quiet. I got a signal…– Panda ordered the team, urging everyone with his stare, including Scott and Zoey, who panicked and distanced themselves. Both squads turned to Panda and paid close attention as he held the radio close to his ear in anticipation of the signal connecting. A few suspenseful seconds went by, and before anyone could say anything, they heard some static coming from the radio, followed by a few concerning noises and what appeared to be Indie’s voice coming from the other side.

–Panda, report your status, over– Indie ordered assertively, almost shouting to get her words across the shaky connection of the call. Panda noticed everyone around staring and hesitated to respond after hearing Indie’s muffled voice, but then turned around to face the rock wall and ignore everyone while taking a big breath to explain everything that occurred.

–We cleared the factory, but an entire antipunk army was waiting there. They must have sent all their men after us… My guess is that they were hiding in the nearby mountains, but we managed to escape with mild injuries. We’re currently hiding in a hole right next to the path in the mountains. The antipunks seem to be retreating through there. I think they are going north but are most likely still searching for us in the factory and surrounding area. We’ll see if we can sneak past them, but we might have to head north as well…– Panda replied tersely but quietly to not alert the others. Even though the rest still managed to hear a good portion of what he was saying, Crisis on the other hand had no idea despite gathering around Indie to eavesdrop, which she appeared to ignore at first.

–Good, glad to hear everyone is safe there. We suffered a similar issue here in the city. It was a big assault, and we aren’t sure what the number of casualties and injuries was. The guards are still trying to control the civilians and-...– Indie informed, now taking a few steps away from the team after they got too close to her. She continued disclosing more information to Panda in a more private spot near the broken gate, while he just had to stay in the middle of both squads. However, he stayed silent for a while to let Indie speak, prompting the rookies next to him to get suspicious since they couldn’t make out any of Panda’s facial expressions with his back turned to them.

–What do you think happened?– Zoey asked Scott worriedly before trying to lean closer, only to be stopped by him holding her in place with a comforting grip. Despite trying to ease her worries, he seemed equally intrigued, though he was slowly figuring out what was going on, unlike the other rookies, who grew anxious when they noticed his change of expression.

–Don’t know, but it doesn’t look good…– Scott replied with an uncertain tone that made Zoey skeptical. They remained silent, though, exchanging some stares with Ace and Chappy, as well as the Heartaches on the other side of their confined space, where they chattered and speculated. It was enough commotion for Panda to get distracted, so he plugged his other ear with his finger to silence the rest and stick closer to the wall.

–You think they are trying to coordinate another simultaneous attack or…?– Panda asked, becoming almost as uneasy as his teammates, except he was able to hide it in his voice as he sounded more cautious and sensible. But before he could even finish his question and suggest something worse, Indie answered with slight impatience.

–I can’t answer that yet. But I do need you to do something in case the antipunks are on the move again. I need you to find a way out of wherever you are and go north as well. We’ll try to meet up at the-…– Indie explained with a sense of urgency, looking back at her teammates with a halting stare, drawing suspicion as they stared back and continued to question her with their eyes. She looked away once again to focus on giving Panda some clear instructions, but he also struggled to focus. The more she talked, the more committed he seemed to become, to the point he was so invested that he didn’t even notice the Heartaches and rookies picking up on what he said before.

–We really are fighting again, aren’t we?– Chappy asked with a mix of fatigue and annoyance, which the other rookies reciprocated, though the Heartaches seemed to forget about their exhaustion as their curiosity took over. And unlike them, Cookie recovered with a keen grin, shrugging off his fear of being trapped to focus on finding out what kind of challenge awaited them.

–We always fight, that’s the fun part of it…– Cookie replied with a zealous and mischievous tone, which prompted vigorous but silent cheers from the Heartaches, but it didn’t sit very well with Ace and Chappy, who just rolled their eyes and continued moping.

–I wouldn’t exactly call it fun, more like exhausting…– Ace commented with a drained voice, becoming irritated with the others, though he only got them to crack up and seemingly cheer them up. But as it also distracted them from Panda, they were surprised when he began turning around and lowering the radio.

–Alright, sure, I’ll make sure to do that. We’ll see you all there, and also-... Oh, okay, sure…– Panda replied to an extensive list of instructions while nodding along for a good minute. But in the middle of confirming Indie’s orders, he stopped for a second upon a specific request, which stood out for the rookies. They didn’t get to hear what caused him to hesitate, but as they began asking more questions, he suddenly hung up. They looked at him in distress as he struggled to assume charge, but after some inner conflict, he appeared to find the resolve to take responsibility and step up since he faced both squads directly, and with a dignified smirk, he began informing them.

–Listen up, we have to move. The antipunks are trying to reach an ally’s base to join another enemy army that just attacked the city…– Panda ordered in a staid manner, almost solemn in the way his voice restrained his resentment. However, the rookies and Heartaches could tell he was hiding some bitter emotions, especially when he announced the attack back in Rysemery, but that’s all they could focus on for a brief second due to the Heartaches' reactions. They simultaneously tried to stand up as an instinctive reaction, but before they could do anything, Panda continued elaborating.

–Don’t worry, Crisis secured the city and kicked them out. The people should be safe, but the squad is going to leave the guards and a few officers to take care of them while they make their way to our destination…– Panda assured, which managed to ease some worries, but it sparked more curiosity as to what he was referring to. He asked Ignatius to hand over his lighter before walking over to the opposite corner of the Heartaches, next to the entrance, where Scott and Zoey moved over to sit next to Cookie. Panda grabbed a piece of raw steel that had stuck to someone’s clothes, and as he approached the rock wall, he began explaining what Indie was plotting.

–It should be simple. We just need to stay low and try not to alert the enemy or be spotted before we reach the Dead Drop Gorge…– Panda explained while holding the lighter to garner everyone’s attention and show them what he was drawing on the rock, except Chappy, who couldn’t help but voice all of his thoughts.

–What kind of name is that? Are we going to die there?– Chappy asked absentmindedly, though no one except Shade paid him any attention.

–Most likely…– Shade replied with a malicious smirk, intimidating Chappy into shutting up and shifting his attention back to Panda, who seemed unbothered by Shade’s teasing comment, but he still addressed it.

–No, we’ll be fine. If we manage to get there, we’ll have the support of Crisis and also some backup, although that may take a bit longer. Regardless, we need to make our way through the gorge and reach the base, past a major cross. We only need to make sure we get there before our enemies overwhelm our allies, understood?– Panda replied with certainty and resolution, but he was still understanding and encouraging, as both squads needed some time to process the information.

He laid out as much detail as he could by drawing a crude map of the gorge and pointing out their goal, though it looked like no one understood the directions. Regardless, he allowed everyone to check the indications on the rock wall while he waited for them to agree on the plan. Scott, Cookie, and the Heartaches seemed on board instantly, even though Scott couldn’t understand and just trusted Panda. But the same couldn’t be said about the rookies, as they took longer to consider the idea.

–But how do we get there? Do we have to wait for the coast to be cleared?– Zoey asked in a sheepish tone, slightly embarrassed to be speaking to Panda directly, but he reassured her with a calming hand gesture. But at the same time, he was giving her the opposite response as he shook his head to confirm her doubt.

–No, there’s no time. We might have to sneak our way past them…– Panda responded assuredly, to which everyone was both surprised and a little frightened to hear. They all looked at each other to gather some courage to join Panda since it sounded like there were still antipunks near the quarry. However, as Panda tried to urge both teams with a pressuring stare, he then noticed that Zayn stood up to not obstruct what he was trying to point behind him.

–Or we could go through here?– Zayn asked with a curious tone as he drew everyone’s attention to the natural tunnel formed between the rocks behind him. It appeared to be an exit on the complete opposite side of the one they came from, except this one led to an even more narrow passage, one that Cookie refused to look at immediately. But as both squads gained a little hope to see another way out of their hiding hole, it didn’t take much more convincing for them to get on the move.

With everyone seemingly regaining interest in continuing the fight tonight, they all grabbed their stuff, and one by one, they all crawled through the tight orifice at the back of the cave. Taking turns, they all left in order, waiting for Panda, as he was the last one. But once he joined the rest of the group in the opening of the mountain, they reached a series of rocky corridors that appeared to lead them up. They weren’t too certain about taking this route, but since they were still facing the direction they were supposed to go, they began making their way toward the unknown.

| Are we at war with each other?
Are you at war with yourself? |

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