Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2323 Reason

Chapter 2323  Reason

Late that night, Emery gathered his closest friends—Klea, Thrax, Chumo, and Julian—into one of Terra City's private chambers. The chamber was dimly lit, casting long shadows over the ancient stone walls.

Thrax, still gripping a goblet of wine, seemed clueless about the tension in the room. He downed the last sip and then, with a loud voice, asked, "What is this?! Can't this wait until tomorrow?"

Klea gently nudged Thrax toward one of the plush chairs. She cast a subtle glance at Emery, signaling that now was the moment. Emery, standing tall in the center of the room, locked his eyes on Julian, his voice cold but controlled.

"If you still value our friendship, you'll tell them what happened at Nova Roma."

The weight of the question fell like a heavy stone in the silent room.

Julian with a relaxed posture, chuckled, but there was a tightness in his smile. "There is no need to be so dramatic."

Before Julian could continue, Chumo shifted slightly, his body tense, moving as if positioning himself to act at the slightest provocation. His silent readiness for a fight startled Julian, who raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Whoa, whoa... calm down!!... I'm not looking for a fight" Julian's tone lightened, but there was a nervous flicker in his eyes as he looked between his friends. "Alright, alright… I'll explain everything."

The room remained tense as everyone sat down, eyes fixed on Julian. Julian began speaking, his words polished and carefully measured as he described his ongoing struggle to secure control over a planet for Nova Roma. He detailed how an old Nephilim master had assisted him, but it came with a significant price—the condition that he would join the Nephilim organization, the Papal Church. Julian spoke as though this was a necessary evil, a strategic move, but his attempt to justify it fell flat in the tense air.

Seeing Emery's displeasure, Julian mentioned their recent battle two weeks prior, where Emery had witnessed Julian's anointment as he accepted the prestigious Heavenly Son title.

Before Julian could continue, Emery interrupted, his voice sharp. "He knelt and accepted the Nephilim faith… not only that… tell them who's the woman that's been helping you all these years?!"

The room fell silent, the weight of Emery's words like a storm brewing on the horizon. Julian's calm veneer broke completely as he realized he couldn't dodge the question. He sighed, eyes flickering with frustration, and finally muttered the name.


Before anyone could fully process it, Thrax exploded into motion, fury blazing in his eyes. "WHAT?!" His body surged with raw strength, and he threw a punch that shook the very air.

The force of his strike was enough to shatter stone, but Julian moved swiftly, catching the punch with an almost casual grace. With a roar, he pulled back to launch another, even more devastating attack. But before his fist could connect, Klea acted swiftly, casting a spell that yanked the gladiator back with invisible tendrils of magic. The energy swirled around Thrax, binding him just enough to restrain his fury.

Thrax struggled against the spell, his voice full of venom. "ARE YOU A FUCKING TRAITOR?!" His words echoed in the chamber, each one dripping with betrayal.

Even Chumo, normally calm and composed, seemed visibly agitated. Sensing the brewing conflict, Klea stepped forward, her voice firm yet soothing. "Everyone… Calm down… let him finish."

Julian's frustration finally boiled over. His voice cracked with emotion as he shouted, "I AM NOT A TRAITOR!! And it hurts me that you all think so little of me!"

The sudden outburst shocked the room into silence for a moment, but Emery stepped forward, his gaze steady, unyielding. "Then explain the secrecy… explain the new planet you call home... It's you, Julian, who thought so little of our friendship"

Julian appeared to struggle to contain his emotion "No… I don't," he began, his voice lowering. "Just because I'm creating a new home… It doesn't mean you all aren't my brother and sister." He turned to Emery "I've heard about your new family too... Didn't you make many deals with the Serpent Clans? I would never think less of you for that… I was sincerely happy to meet your daughter today."

The mention of Shinta caught Emery off guard. but before he could respond, Thrax jumped in, unable to contain his rage. "YOU MORON!! You're talking about the Nephilim!!" His words were spat with disgust.

Julian squared his shoulders, meeting Thrax's angry gaze head-on. "So what if it's the Nephilim? We can't judge an entire faction by the actions of a few!"

Tension lingered in the air as Thrax grew more agitated, his muscles tightening, but Klea, with a gentle yet firm gesture, held him back once again. Unexpectedly, Chumo, usually calm and measured, trembled with restrained rage as he spoke. "Unless the Nephilim pay for what they did to Master Fuxi, I will never forgive them."

The room fell silent at Chumo's words. Hearing such raw anger from him caught everyone off guard. Even Julian was visibly in disbelief by Chumo's intensity. "I know," Julian said softly, "I understand you're all still emotional… I'm angry too. But please, don't get me wrong. I've heard that there's still no proof that the Nephilim were behind this. None of the Kronos have the capability to do such things... So... can we just—"

Before Julian could finish, Emery cut him off. Without a word, Emery casually opened a portal. Its swirling energy cast a faint glow across the chamber, and everyone watched as it expanded, revealing a passage to another location. Emery's expression was unreadable, but his meaning was clear. "Enter," Emery said, his tone flat, commanding. Julian stepped into the portal. One by one, all followed.

They emerged in another chamber within the Terra Palace, its stone walls and flickering torches casting long shadows across the room. The atmosphere here was heavier, more private.

The room was filled with the subtle glow of formation runes, the soft flicker of candlelight casting long shadows against the walls. The air was heavy with the scent of incense, swirling in the dim light, giving the space a sacred, almost otherworldly feel. What immediately drew Julian's attention, however, was the young man seated in the center of the room—Damo. The young monk sat in deep meditation, but his strained expression and the sweat glistening on his skin revealed his struggle. His chest rose and fell with labored breaths, his body still visibly weakened from the ordeal he had endured.

As the group entered, Damo slowly opened his eyes, blinking through his exhaustion. A weak smile played on his lips as he acknowledged his seniors' presence.

"Are you feeling better?" Emery asked softly, his gaze filled with concern.

Damo nodded, though his movements were sluggish. "I am, master... Don't worry about me... I will get better," he replied, his voice thin but resolute.

Julian's eyes lingered on Damo, his initial skepticism fading. Emery explained how Damo was still occasionally struggling with the wound inflicted during the incident, and Julian heard the account from a direct witness. Both Damo's fragmented memories and Fuxi's final moments provided undeniable proof that the Nephilim were behind it all.

Seizing the opportunity, Emery relayed the information he had gathered from Emissary Duncan and Jinkan, outlining the Nephilim's most probable motives. "They want to prevent us from winning the duel," he said, his gaze locking with Julian's. "But it's more than just the caretaker position—they're protecting secrets buried deep within our planet. They'll stop at nothing to ensure those secrets stay hidden."

Emery paused, his voice lowering "I understand… not all Nephilim are responsible for this," he admitted, "But this… this isn't just about the Nephilim. It's about you, Julian. You're making choices that leave me anxious, I am angry because you're making it hard for me to trust you."

Julian stood silently for a moment, and after some contemplation, he turned to Emery and said, "Believe me… all I did… I did for us… for our people…"

He calmly took out a memory crystal and handed it to him. Emery scanned its contents and found detailed information on Kronos, and its magus, including strengths and weaknesses. It was an in-depth analysis that would be very useful for their upcoming duel.

Julian added, "After our fight last time… you told me to choose… here I am... I choose us."

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