Earth’s Doom Starts with… Me?

Chapter 63: Before the conquest (5)

During our 'training' days, Elena hadn't gone easy on me, not one bit. Right from the moment I woke up at 5 a.m., we began our magic training session by forcing myself to use psychokinesis all the time, while being all sleepy. According to her, training magic under uncomfortable situations would enhance my control.

We didn't stop there, of course. After all, the next 'subject' we train was requested by me. Physical resistance and strength. I felt like I needed to enhance both my physique and strength too, so I wouldn't die so quickly on the battlefield.

As for my agility, though...

"Ugh." I grunted in annoyance as I used my psychokinesis to twirl some yarn around, trying to crochet a weirdly shaped fabric that I could barely call a scarf.

"Why are you in a bad mood so suddenly, kid?" Elena asked me while she gulped down her third bottle of beer. It was barely even daytime.

"Well, it's just that, you said elves don't only use bows and arrows, right?" I questioned.

"Yeah. That will be inefficient of them if they only use bows and arrows. After all, their habitat is basically a forest. In some cases, trees might block their arrows," she explained, "they're also pretty smart as I've said, so if we humans can use various weapons, why can't they?"

"Exactly. So in theory, there should be a lot of specialized elves, right?" I said as I grumbled again when I twirled the yarn in the wrong direction, "ah! Crocheting is hard!"

"Of course. I've seen them use swords and daggers. Think of them like normal soldiers, except they use biodegradable materials for their weapons and armor," she answered me, "and with different tactics and mindsets, I guess."

"Hey wait, so are we the baddies? We should start using biodegradable weapons, too. This world is barely holding on." I pouted.

"No, we can't do the same as them. They're elves, so they have a higher affinity with nature. That's why biodegradable weapons and armors work best for them, because their magic makes those materials stronger," Elena laughed at my remark, "cute idea, though."

"Ah, so we can't," I sighed, "anyway, my point is, I'm frustrated because I think I will seriously have a hard time against them, even after this training."

"Why is that?"

"You said that the orc kingdom consists of like, half forest or something, right? That's basically a terrain buff for the elves." I grumbled.

"You talk in weird terms, but I see your point." She chuckled.

"Imagine getting sniped from faraway trees or getting stabbed by an assassin elf," I sighed, "that's why I really want to increase my agility, but what am I supposed to do in this room? Run into a wall?"

"Yeah, you can do that." She smiled.

"I can?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Sure. Do it while you spar with another elf. This time I won't weaken him."


"Eh? Again!?" I immediately jumped backwards when I felt something sharp pierced my right shoulder.

There it was, another elf, but this time he was wielding a bow and arrows. I glanced at my shoulder and found that an arrow had found its way into my flesh. Fortunately, due to my increased physique stat, the arrow didn't go deep. I could even see a little part of the arrowhead, making me confident enough to pull the arrow out and wrap some cloth over it.

"Hey, what will you do if he impaled my head or like, my heart or something?" I raised an eyebrow at Elena.

"You'll be fine. I'm pretty good at judging someone's combat prowess." She chuckled as she raised her hand and snapped her fingers together.

"Whoa..." My mouth gaped when I saw that the room around us instantly transformed into a forest.

"Now you've entered my illusion." She smiled sweetly at me.

Ah, so that was why she needed to add the elf dude. If my body wasn't injured by the elf, I probably would be able to break out of her illusion, since it would be too obvious.

"Now, run along, kid."


"Haaaaaa..." I plopped down on the floor that had reverted back into a luxurious floorboard instead of the grassy landscape the 'forest' had.

"Down already?" Elena walked up near me and chuckled.

"It's been 6 hours already... How can I not be down?" I said in between huffs. I couldn't believe she made me run from the arrows for 6 hours straight... I felt like my legs were jellies now.

"Haha, you did a great job," she smiled at me and helped me sit up, "now let's eat some lunch, and continue with our physical training, shall we?"

"Ah..." I sighed in defeat. As much as I'd like to rest, it was my idea to be a punching bag, anyway.

"So, do you want to be blasted with a metal bat, or with my bare hands today?" She grinned.

"...The bat, please." Gosh, this better increase my physique by a whole lot.


A week passed by without much happening. My days were just filled with training and learning about elves, from their behaviors to their hierarchy system and stuff. Sometimes I wondered why Elena wasn't stationed as a general. Her magic was no joke, and she held so much information, I felt as if she was a walking library.

"It should be today, right?" Elena said to me as I walked out of the shower wearing a comfortable sweater with a towel to dry my hair.

"I guess so. Have you heard anything about the raid?" I asked as I sat down on a beanbag chair that I sat on every day since I came back here.


"Hello~! Your favourite general is here~!"

"Ah, perfect timing as always..." I rolled my eyes when I saw the door flung open, revealing a sly white eel.

"Let's go, little cub. We're going to depart in an hour." General Zhang grinned as he threw three big plastic bags at me.

"Ack! What are these? And why so sudden!? You haven't even briefed me about the plan!" I caught the plastic bags with some difficulty and put them down on the floor.

"The plan is to win." He smirked.

I pouted and opened the plastic bag, only to found that it was filled with all kinds of clothing.

"Clothing? What, are we going to camp there for like a month or something?" I asked in confusion.

"What? You're the one who said you wanted three luggage full of clothing." He replied.


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