Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 87: Girl in Samurai Kimono

'Why the hell are these snakes chasing me? Do I look that delicious?'

The katana in Mia's hand came down with anger. But the Mucus Boa repelled the strike. The slimy protective layer around its body was a nuisance.


A single Mucus Boa is not troublesome. It is an easy opponent because it lacks poison glands. One only needs to avoid its strangling grip. But when it comes to 7 Boas at once, the danger increases greatly. A moment's negligence and you'll end up coiled and choked from the behind. The mucus layer was a survival adaptation to cope with the intense heat of savannah. But it soon became one of the best natural defense measures.

17 year old Mia ran away from her family as she was forced to marry a rich and ugly orc. The greedy family head did not think about the prodigy's future when gold was in sight.

Her legs were wobbling as she panted heavily. She did not know how long she could hold back the boas before losing consciousness. Her alertness kept her stern and sensitive to the hissing of snakes.

A boa slipped past her field of view and reached her behind. Before she could evade it, another one coiled around her legs. Mia desperately drove her sword through the stomach of the one coiled around her legs. Her fragile blade made of low quality steel broke as soon as it pierced the boa. The bladeless hilt remained in her hand and emitted waves of hopelessness.

The pierced snake writhed in pain and this infuriated the other six. Their eyes resonated the pain and wrath of their wounded brethren. As she waved her useless hilt around, the boa behind her hit her with its tail.


Mia fell on her knees as her back ached. The boa's attempt to whip her was partially fruitful due to its thick tail. But the pain it delivered was not small. Her legs gave up as she tried to stand up. Her precious samurai kimono was drenched in sweat and covered in scratches. The disordered black hair that reached upto her mid-back length fell on her face as she desperately put up one last resistance!

The biggest among them crawled forward and the other surrounded Mia in a successful formation. The boa slowly opened its mouth and showed the gates of death. Mia was not ready to accept defeat as she gritted her teeth in pain and anger. She unconsciously wished for someone to help her.


A muffled shot went past as the arrow descended on the snake. It pierced the boa like a skewer, from above it's head and thrusted it firm to the ground. The force with which it came down, made the boa go flat with a thud.

The snakes became alert as they scanned above them. The sky was blank and they couldn't find the source of the arrow. The boa which was struck by the arrow, squirmed and thrashed the ground in pain.

Mia and Boas surrounding her were currently on a terrain that looked like a wide and shallow bowl. Due to this fact, the snakes couldn't see Lee and An right behind the edges of the rim.


Lee gave a toned down command. Fierce fangs of Fero were exposed when it charged like a ravaging predator. The longsword in An's hand had a pink blade.



Deadly claws and the longsword flashed in an instant. Two boas did not get a chance to evade the attacks and their heads rolled on the ground. Fero bit the wriggling tail of a boa and tore a piece from it. The eyes emitted his natural predator instincts as his chewing jaws amplified the horror of smeared blood on his face. The remaining four boas felt like they were staring into the face of torture itself. They showed signs of retreat, but tried to take Mia as a trophy. But they failed, miserably.



Two more swings of the sword and two more boas fell on the ground. An brandished her sword as she stepped towards Mia, who was struggling to stand up. She felt numb as she glanced at Fero. Her eyes did not even blink.

The boas felt the approaching defeat. The two backed off in a very cautious manner. As they were ecstatic in escaping death, a palm touched their tails. Anything that happened since then was a mystery for the snakes.

"Are you hurt?"

An crouched near Mia as she asked with care. Her longsword had gone inside the scabbard, but Mia had her eyes unconsciously staring at it for a few seconds. The question made her feel safe for unknown reasons. She nodded with eyes faintly tearing up.

An gave her a hand and helped her up. Ruella had followed them and saw the injured little girl with An. Fero was tearing apart the wide and fatty boas. He felt immense joy to have some action and more compensation. He silently dragged the bodies to him and settled down to gobble up.

Lee proudly smirked at Fero like he meant 'thats my boy!'. He and Ruella came close to An.

"She is injured."

An gave a short comment as Mia patted her tattered kimono. It's pale turquoise and uneven black colours conveyed a summary of her situation.

Ruella stepped forward and came near Mia. She raised her hands and a faint glow appeared in her palms. Mia felt a tingling sensation as the faint light touched the injuries. An brushed a lock from her face as she supported Mia who was in distress from the feeling of a druid's healing.


After 10 seconds, Ruella stepped back and faintly huffed in relief. She felt a little dizzy and almost stumbled, but Lee came behind her and caught her. Mia felt her head spinning as she lost consciousness. Her head came down and rested on An's bosom.

"She will sleep while the healing is underway."

She barely said those words and fainted in the hands of Lee. An and Lee understood that a young druid like Ruella had to use a good amount of her powers to accelerate the healing.

"Let's take them back to the tree."

An said as she took Mia in her hands. She leaped and sprinted towards the Okyute Banyan tree. Lee followed her with Ruella in his hands. Fero with his bulging tummy as a boa's tail was hanging from his mouth. Most importantly, Lee did not forget to sell the dead snakes to the Shop.

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