Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 85: Jungle Jewel Bind


8 A.M.

15345 Essence harvested.



The daylight spread through the sky and the visibility was increasing. The symphony of wild birds in the morning was pleasing to the ears. The refreshing breeze that caressed one's cheeks and hair blew consistently. Under the dense cover of leaves, five figures sat on the short and thick grasses on the ground.

Lee, An and Ruella can be seen sitting in a triangle manner while Fero mildly pesters the antelope. The envelope of silence accompanied with melodious chirping was followed by the detailed exposition. Lee and An glanced at each other as they stared at Ruella, who resembled a philosopher at work.


"I do have the desire to accompany you in the adventures, but my life as a guardian druid is bound to this Silentwood Forest. Without a guardian, the forest would perish. If that happens, my life would end. Thus, I can only wish you good luck on your journey."

An was disturbed by Ruella's comment. The pleasant behaviour Ruella exhibited was pleasing to her. An would die to have such a companion in her journeys. She stared at Lee intensely. Her eyes demanded him to consult the supreme cultivator.

'D, any solution for this?!'

[Hmm...….since she is the only guardian druid of the forest, she would be aware of the presence of the Jungle Jewel. Ask her where it is.]


"Ruella, do you have any idea where the Jungle Jewel might be?"

Ruella was confused and surprised to hear a term exclusive for forest druids, from a human. She could not suppress her curiosity.

"How do you know about the existence of Jungle Jewel?!"

[Tell her that it is complicated to explain, and that she can be liberated from the Jungle Jewel bind.]

"The reason is too complicated to explain. But I can release you from the Jungle Jewel bind."

Ruella was flustered from the response. Her confusion reached its pinnacle, and she stared blankly at him for a minute.


"That is the jewel!"

Ruella turned her head and glanced over her shoulder. Her eyes fell on the large egg. Lee and An followed her line of sight and were surprised to see that the egg-like thing was actually the Jungle Jewel, which they do not know anything of!

[Tell her to go and stand near the Jewel. Let her place her hands over the jewel. You will need to kneel down in front of the Jewel and repeat the chant after me.]

Lee promptly said and did what he was told to. He conveyed D's warning to An and she took her antelope and Fero at least 40 metres from the spot. Using a fallen tree as a cover, they braced for unprecedented explosions, in any.

[I will recite the chant now. Remind Ruelle to be conscious and focused at all times. After the chant is finished, the binding will weaken to its maximum. You will feel an immense pull towards the Jewel at the very moment. Before anything else is drawn and touched by the Jewel, you need to take out a being from your EsGen storage and make it contact with the Jewel. Or else, the binding will be restored and will become many folds stronger than before.]


Lee glanced at Ruella and gave a final warning. She had no idea of what Lee was capable of, but decided to believe in him. As she steadied her face and resolved her mind, D was ready to lead the play.

[By the law of Flora and Fauna,

That which controls the pride and honour,

Recognise this guardian's will,

To not have a fate of ill!

Take the elements as witness,

To bring a soul back to its senses,

I say, release the bind,

May fate bring another find!]

As Lee promptly recited the sacred releasing bind, a force swept out of the jewel and filled the forest. Lee sensed many beasts running towards where they were. He almost forgot to proceed to next steps.

Lee quickly brought a Spikehog from the storage. Before it could squirms and cry, he pushed the hog's forehead towards the eggshell. The force immediately dispersed as the hog floated over the egg. It slowly descended on the egg and took rest with a prior familiarity.

[The bind has been removed. Ruella is an ordinary druid now. But, your responsibility does not end here. Since the guardian Spikehog is assimilating the bind with the Jewel, you need to protect it from attacks. The Jungle Jewel is an addictive object to almost all beings, especially wild beasts. The beasts will only attack you, since you recited the chant.]

'That is a relief!'

Lee glanced at the Map and noticed the beasts slowly moving in. D warned him not to absorb too many animals into his EsGen storage. He also added to not kill them, but scare and scatter them.

Lee called out Fero, An and the antelope and they came near him running. Ruella did not know what had happened, but she felt herself feathery. The slow advancement of animals gave Lee an idea regarding how to halt them. D approved the usage of paralysing poison.

Lee stepped forward as lumps of poison appeared in his hand. Lee walked around the spot where his acquaintances were standing, while continuously throwing the paralysing agent on the ground. Since they can take some time to take effect, Lee continuously emitted lightning from his palms as he walked around. Flashing and flickering lights shot out of him and illuminated the surroundings. Lee only cared about the safety of his acquaintances, and nothing else.


A wave swept across Lee from his behind. He quickly turned around to see the Spikehog standing on the Jewel. It had a faint radiance surrounding it. It slowly jumped down from on top of the Jewel and made a growl, which was unnatural to a hog. Somehow the growl scattered the beasts away and they went back like fleeting clouds.

[Now that it has consciously taken the role of guardian of the forest, we better leave the woods, immediately!]

Lee informed the others regarding the change and quickly moved on their way out. They did not go back in the northern direction, but went forward to south. Ruella was feeling unusually dizzy, hence she was supported on the shoulders of Lee and An. Fero and antelope were cautious of the floral vibe from her. It was after walking for over 30 minutes that they exited the woods.

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