Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 77: Culling the Cultivators


"I wonder how you became cultivators, despite being gutless and fearful! Glad I am not an Illian! HAHAHA….."

The pricking words of D coupled with agitating arrogance performed by Lee was otherworldly! Each and every cultivator around him felt their pride soiled and honour disfigured. That last bit of desire to stay cautious and uninjured flew as those eyes screamed with fury. Regardless of their race, the rage spread out like wildfire. In a nutshell, Lee had successfully pissed them off!

[Here it comes!]

Sharp and deadly metal pierced the air and neared Lee. But what surprised him was not their rage, but the Foresight's trajectory predictions. At a glance, each and every point of Lee's body was aimed. The survival instinct kicked in and metal clashed metal!

Fire scorched the sleeves, ice glaciated the sides of the robe and water drops were annoying. Tiny pieces of rock scratched and shaved the robe off its beauty while wind tried to throw him off the balance. In the end, lightning outdid all. The Damascus steel of earth showed it's might to the Utopian cultivators!

The cultivators were surprised to see that their swords were not able to make him bleed. Unlike his robe, his body was abnormally sturdy. That did not mean that it was painless. Everytime a spear pokes him, he would squirm with anger. When a sword draws an invisible line over his back, his grip would tighten. But D from the inside recited nonstop 'keep cool, be calm, keep cool, be calm.' Lee had to keep calm as his robe was shredded to pieces, and his tee was exposed.

Elves, dwarves, goblins and orcs brought their weapons on him like an avalanche. The goblins were agile. The orcs packed immense strength. The dwarves were tough with their defense. The elves exhibited an unending stream of stamina.

Every cut of Lee intentionally avoided vital parts. Each time Lee feels like the swing will be deadly, he would pull his sword in, and the shallow wound would not chop off the opponent's limbs. While Lee had his left arm's fingers regularly spitting lightning, the blade had an unrivalled and unnoticeable combination of Gravity and Space attributes. The Gravity attribute delivers a minute and momentary escalation of gravitational force on the opponent at each strike. It is so small that a cultivator can hardly feel it, but coupling it with accumulated fatigue can create a slow and effective power-draining method. This also helps Lee, who is in dire need of opponents to increase his elemental proficiency.

The Space attribute is complicated in nature. Even D cannot predict what the strike can cause, but it's relatively lesser proficiency is unharming. Lee confirmed that the Space element gives out an extremely faint spatial ripple when it comes into contact with any object. That said object will have a momentary delay in its motion, though it is only for a minute fraction of seconds. D conveyed that Gravity and Space at its 'Greater' grade is a nonsensically overpowered weapon!


10 A.M.

7250 Essence harvested.


Lee forgot about time as he toyed with the cultivators. The notification came and he realised that he has a more pressing task at hand.

[Mass-release the lightning!]

With a nod, Lee jumped into the sky and did a sideflip as a fiery sword came down where he just stood. The grandmaster pulled his sword out of the ground and roared at Lee.


As Lee flipped in mid-air, sparkles arose from his body and shot out like a firework. The fatigued and high-spirited were flabbergasted alike as they witnessed the rain of white strike coming down on us.


The lightning passed through the cultivators like nothing. The intense numbness and pain gifted by the lightning came many freeze like statues. Only a few who had their legs in Immortal class had enough strength to stand up. The grandmaster's hand began to tremble by the sudden and unexpected amount of shock!

"You are a cultivator. Then why are you against us?!"

Since Lee was physically unyielding, the grandmaster cultivator tried to talk him out. D sensed the microexpressions flashing on the deceitful face and promptly notified Lee.

"Why, you are asking? Tell me, do you believe in Equality?"

The answer came without a delay.


Lee was prepared for all contingencies.

"Then why are these beasts caged? According to Equality, no living creature should be restricted from its right to speak, to move, to eat and to mate."

The cultivator glanced at the caged for a moment and replied-

"These beasts were reported to have killed many beings, including humans. We had to cage them."

"Ohh….then I assume the slaves were also criminals!"

The statement brought surprise to those who remained conscious. The brows twitched as the grandmaster frowned.

"Are you a stupid or what? I just said that I am the one who rescued the slaves yesterday night."

The grandmaster tightened his grip with discontent. The person or group of persons who were presumably behind the escape of the slaves were standing right in front of him.

"Then you shall be beheaded! Sky Severing Fire Sword!"

The cultivator screamed out and his sword's blade began to elongate. The solid blade became engulfed by fire and became the fire. D warned Lee about this particular phenomenon.

[When one has a suitable element enchanted weapon with his/her soul imprint, the element can be fused with the weapon and can manifest the element in its purest form. Now, that blade is in pure fire form. It is now a whip in sword form. It's attack value is greater than your defence. Evade and avoid!]

The movement patterns greatly changed and the whip flashed at Lee. He narrowly leaned out of the way and the blade that brushed past him illuminated its path. The whiplash came from all possible directions. Lee ignored the wounds and cuts popping up on his skin as he frantically avoided the fiery whip. Lee almost took out his blade, but D reproved. He included that even his blade of Higher Mortal grade will shatter in its contact.

"How does it feel to be a monkey, jumping and avoiding each strike? Don't be gutless and fight!"

Lee had his brows twitch in annoyance as he heard this. His regulator of rage almost exploded, but cooled down upon remembering something.

'D, how is my fire immunity and affinity?!'

[Immunity is a little over 2400 in Medium grade. Not enough to put up a fight. Affinity is 0 at Medium grade.]

'Then tell me….how good is my poison immunity?!'


A sinister grin crept up the face of Lee as his speed picked up a little boost. Each leap and dash had sparkles originating from his feet. The grandmaster laughed like a maniac as he saw Lee's desperate attempt to stay alive. His swings became quicker as the fire got hotter.

What that was not noticed by the spectating cultivators, was his open and downward facing palm. The sparkling lightning from Lee's lower torso was not to provide a boost, but was for evaporating the poison released from his palm. The lightning's charge pierced through the poison drops. Though a lot of poison was disintegrated by lightning, those that evaporated was enough for paralysing. Lee ran around the grandmaster realm cultivator with his poison trap. Lee regularly tried to close in, but he confirmed that the poison was not enough.

Lee completely lost it as spheres of dark green liquids materialised in his palms. He added extra jumps and physically exhausting stunts to spill the poison actively. Time to time, he would throw lumps of poison at the cultivator.

Finally, Lee's effort found fruit. The slight sluggishness he felt in the fire whip's movement confirmed that the poison was acting. The cultivator was in an ecstatic state as he thought that his strength is still at peak. When Lee took a sharp L turn, he was caught off-guard. At this moment when he turned the course of the whip, he realised his decrease in speed.

"Be a good boy and shut up!"

Lee's right fist came in contact with the cultivator's stomach. The fiery blade flew above Lee's head as he instantly ducked. The pain and force of contact coupled with Lee's unexposed hind-limb strength was lethal to any normal human. The very instant, EsGen was activated and the cultivator vanished. The spectating cultivators were stunned by this sudden turn of events. Before they could make out a conclusion from the leader's strange disappearance, Lee had already come in contact with each one of them.



11 A.M.

10500 Essence harvested.


Lee walked towards the cage with a bottle of Horned-Mow milk appearing in his hand. His dry throat screamed for the white coolant as he gulped down the milk. Milk was all over his face by his clumsy action. The heart in his chest drummed wildly as he coughed twice. Without minding the keen eyes observing him, he sat on the milk spilt ground.

*huff huff huff….*

"Damn….those people were crazy. At least they could have ran in a single direction!"

Lee sat up with his legs long and his upper torso supported by hands leaned backward. He panted like a tired wild dog.

[At least we got some additions to the EsGen!]

'Yeah, right!'

A relieved smile with a tinge of tiredness was on his face. He glanced over his shoulders left and right, and saw the city residents peeking on him

'Do I look horrible or am I a criminal?'

[Neither. These people have been observing the fight for more than an hour. They have seen you fighting the cultivators and making them vanish. What makes you think that they will come near you?!]

Lee did not reply, but stood up as his drumming heart had calmed down.

'All these commotions have happened, and not a single law enforcer has arrived. Fishy!'

[No, you stupid. Since you looted all the gold and silver from the underground, the mayor is at the necks of all the other guilds. What he wants is money. That's why he gave the cages to Illians as soon as he got the money in his hand. Plus, he ordered the militia to not come near this place till noon, which is now. So expect the law enforcers anytime soon.]

'Right….the cage!!'

Lee walked towards the 4 carriages abandoned at the middle of the road. His eyes scanned the Map and observed his surroundings simultaneously. He almost touched the closed extra long carriages when he heard shouts from a distance.

"Catch him. Don't let him escape. He's the thief."

Lee turned his head and saw the horses galloping towards him. D guessed that somebody might have informed the soldiers.

[We have no time. Store these and fly away!!!]

Lee walked to each carriage and stored them in the EsGen. His tattered robe and tee were pathetic in nature, so ripped them and put them away in the spatial ring. As the armoured horses reached within 10 metres of him, Lee turned away and dashed towards the gate as lightning sparkled along.

After a dozen of seconds, he took off into the air. His destination was a familiar name - Eturt.


Quest completed.

Rewards obtained.


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