Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 73: Too Many Mysteries

A total of 142 slaves were rescued by An and Lee. Most of them stood up with respect as Lee shot himself out of the darkness and landed on the stage with minimum voice.

"What made you take so long?"

An approached him with concern and asked. He glanced at the crowd and brought his sight back at An.

"I found an Illian community."

Lee replied in a low voice. Her eyes went wide for a second by this surprise information, but came back to its normal state. Lee transferred his visual sensory reception to An using Information Transfer.

"How are they doing?!"

Lee asked as his eyes scanned through the faces of men, women and children. An notified that the tortured ones are all alive and awake. She added that those who drink the potion are physically healed.

"Anyone injured or wounded among those I sent?!"

Lee walked towards the crowd as bottles of Horned-Mow milk appeared in his hands. As he passed each bottle to them, another bottle would appear in its place. The fragrant smell of milk slowly filled the room. Lee also gave a bottle to An. She did not drink it, but fed it to someone who stared at her bottle helplessly.

Five minutes later, D sounded his suggestion.

[Lee, you need to find a way to take these people outside.]

'Forget the way we came in. The mayor's manor is closed from the other side. The entrance to the jungle is probably filled with traps. We don't know whether the hobgoblins took the guards down or not.'

[Try searching the office.]

Lee glanced at the office room. He walked towards it and entered inside. There were 4 large desks inside. One had a lot of gold and silver coins piled up on it. Another one had many objects placed on it. D promptly enlightened Lee that those objects are actually relics and artifacts.

A beautiful table carved out of mahogany had a lot of papers and scrolls over it. Lee took a glimpse of those papers and was stunned. Those were the records of all the underhand deals taken place inside the city. Lee did not pry much as he immediately stored the whole table into his Inventory. He did not forget about the previous tables.

The fourth table was at a dark corner of the room and was smaller in size. It was placed over a mat which covered the whole corner. Both Lee and D felt suspicious about its placement and arrangement. Only a bundle of parchments that were knitted together to look like a book, was over it. Lee dusted off it and read its name.

"Codex Fero."

[Wait….how can you read them?]

'What do you mean how ca-'

Lee froze like a statue. His lungs did not breathe. His heartbeats were almost non-existent. His hand began to tremble like a hopeless little deer. He took the book into his continuously sweating palm. For reasons unknown, he was having an avalanche of emotions inside him.

'This….this is a language of earth...Yes, it is from earth...but….how???'

[Store it for now. We will discuss it later.]

D disrupted his daze to reality. Lee quickly stored the book in his Inventory and opened the drawers of the table. There were innumerous parchments bound into books in it. But none had a name in the earthly language. Lee placed the books back inside and closed the drawer. Without a moment's delay, the table disappeared into thin air.

[Wait...don't forget the mat. It looks old, but beautiful!]

As Lee was about to turn and walk away, D reminded him of the mat at the corner. Lee expected to see a hidden door beneath the mat, but his expectations were fruitless. He stamped on the floor and made sure that there really is nothing. But, Lee had acquired a beige and black designed maroon colour mat to his collection.

As soon as he stepped out, An let Lee know that the rescued are all healed and ready to move. D suggested to believe in the hobgoblins and proceed to the jungle entrance. Lee gently rejected his opinion. He had thought of an alternative route. It's just that he does not have any prior experience using it as a safe transportation method.

By leaving D and An to wonder, Lee walked onto the stage. All 143 pairs of eyes were fixated on Lee.

"Everyone…..our rescue method is a little unusual. It may feel like an instant or a millennium, but when you open your eyes, you will be outside. So...can I have your trust?"

The words 'unusual' or 'millennium' did not come into the rescued one's attention. Their ears rejoiced when they heard 'outside'. They rose up and bowed in agreement. Only An could guess what method he might use, while D could not help but facepalm!

Lee was thrilled by their response. He could not wait to use EsGen on them. Hee was aware that the 3 A.M. notification had not popped up. Thus, this was also for measuring the possible Essence output he could get.

Lee took all the milk bottles from them and sold it to the Shop prior to commencing the journey. As Lee instructed, they all came and stood around Lee in a circular manner. An stood apart from the crowd, as he told her to do.


The silence was not disrupted when Lee absorbed them all into his EsGen. As An saw all 142 people disappearing, she asked for the safety of the method.

"To be honest, I have not used this method for safe transportation. That day, the Mo family head's phantom and elders were brought out by this method."

"Then take me too!"

An sounded her opinion in an obstinate manner. Lee tried not to reason with her, but gave her a solid hug. He whispered in her ears that she will be outside before she can know. An blushed and kissed him, and was taken into the EsGen the very moment.

[Why did you use EsGen as a means of transportation? You know that the Essence is not generated from thin air, don't you?!]

'D, first thing, comprehend the bloody situation. The way to the manor is closed. The passage to the jungle is riddled with traps. I may survive, but they cannot. We don't know what kind of dangers exist there. Then the last option is the store.

Yes, we all cannot walk out through the storefront. But I can. If I am alone and have no one else to be bothered about, I can easily sneak in and out of the store undetected. So, I had to take this step.

Plus, there is a more pressing reason. The existence of slave trade is shocking. When it is done by the support of elites of the society and is run under the protection of the merchant's guild, it is more shocking. The reason for the mysterious appearance of Illians in Alls will only surprise us more.

If this store houses such an underground secret, then it must have something related above the ground. Anything I leave behind today without investigating will be lost forever. So I must sweep the place clean and tidy. Then, there is this book with an earthen language. I need to know how that book got here and why! Perhaps, it could be related to the origin of the parchment An spoke about.'


3 A.M.

7250 Essence harvested.


The notification popped up as Lee spat out his last word. D stared at the panel for sometime, before saying-

[Then why are you standing like a tree? Come on! We have a store to turn inside out.]

D's words felt encouraging to Lee. He sprinted towards the raised platform and to the door. As his figure vanished out of sight, a creature with metallic grey colour came out of its disguise. It was staying immobile at the top right corner to the stage. Neither D nor Lee sensed such an existence. It was following Lee with its large downward-pointed triangular blue eye. It slowly climbed down and stood on its hind-limbs. It had the stature of a thin gorilla, but with four arms and an extendable tail. It stared at the passage entrance through which Lee went, for a few minutes.


A loud unintelligible voice echoed through the room as it raised its head and stared at the ceiling. For a normal being, this sounded like crazy blabbering. But for the race called 'Ensifers', this was their racial dialect. When the creature turned its head around and saw nothing in the vicinity, its large eye began to transform into a circle. When it almost became a perfect circle, it slightly jumped and instantly disintegrated into thin smoke. It's presence completely disappeared from Zaxaluke. Not even the Dimension Sovereign could sense it's departure!



Name: Lee

Age: 20

Title: Grim-reaper, Soul Liberator

Fame: 3420

Essence: 112988 (3 A.M.)

Money: 951 Gold, 96 Silver, 86 Copper


Partner: An


Health: 320

Strength: 320

Vitality: 320

Agility: 320

Defense: 320

Endurance: 320

Sense: 320

Intelligence: 320

Resolve: 325



• Greater Poison Immunity (1887/1000000)

• Medium Lightning Immunity (3229/10000)

• Medium Air Immunity (200/10000)

• Lesser Sedative Immunity (35/100)


• Greater Poison Affinity (12081/1000000)

• Greater Lightning Affinity (12591/1000000)

• Medium Fire Affinity (0/10000)

• Medium Water Affinity (0/10000)

• Medium Ice Affinity (0/10000)

• Greater Rock Affinity (11975/1000000)

• Greater Metal Affinity (11974/1000000)

• Medium Sand Affinity (286/10000)

• Greater Nature Affinity (11984/1000000)

• Medium Air Affinity (1165/10000)

• Greater Sound Affinity (12371/1000000)

• Greater Dark Affinity (11998/1000000)

• Medium Light Affinity (0/10000)

• Medium Death Affinity (286/10000)



• Absolute Blade Mastery

• Absolute Nunchuck Mastery

• Medium Bow Mastery (997/10000)


Cultivation: Peak stage Core Formation realm

Qi: 0/1100

Mana: 0



• View

• Foresight

• EsGen

• EsConv

• Flight

• Spotless

• Information Transfer








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