Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 67: Bastards Should Suffer Before Death!




" anything wrong?"

Lee and An can be seen sitting on the bed. She shook her solemn face as her fist clenched in rage. Lee knew that it was a bad idea to tell her that there is a slave trading centre in the city. The one who suggested this idea, D, was dead silent. An's grave expression suggested Lee to shut up until she replies anything verbally.

"The Mo family's arrogant brat was very happy when I was defeated. She demanded me to kneel in front of her. I had to do it because facing one's arrogance with pride in return, only worsens the problem."

There was a scar inside An. She was sharing that locked chapter of her life which only reminded pain and suffering. Lee felt a piercing pain in his heart as her lamenting voice fell in his ear. An struggled as she held her weep back. Lee and D were intrigued by this unprecedented show of emotion.

"But….the troubles did not end there. Soon after, she saw me walking on the street with my elder brother and his companions. That day was my brother's birthday. I was happy, but she wasn't. She planned to put an end to my life and those dear to me.

My father was soon wrongfully accused with treason. His old age did not hold long as he was found dead in the prison cell a week later. Me and my brother were hunted by the bounty hunters. Thus….one day, we were ambushed at our hideout.

My brother was an inner disciple of the Dream Flower sect. His achievements had brought him many rivals and enemies inside the sect itself. These fellow inner disciples knocked down and tied us. In front of my eyes, they pierced their sword through my brother's chest. They eliminated him as he might be a threat to their glory.

The arrogant brat appeared as I cried out loud. My screams in pain was joy to her ears. As I saw, she gave the disciples a pouch of gold coins and they went away pleased.

I was blindfolded as something struck me unconscious. When I awoke, I was inside a cage with many other girls. From them, I came to know that it was a slave trading place. Like me, they too did not know where the place was. My hands were only tied with rope as I was unconscious. As I undid them, some goons came in and saw me almost breaking out.

I fought them with all I had. When I asked the girls to follow me, they were reluctant as they were already spoiled and were waiting to be sold to the highest bidder. Reluctantly, I had to escape out of there.

I was in a forest when I came out after locking the entrance hatch behind me. I ran straight ahead as I did not know where I was. Luckily, I met Freya. I told her that I was lost in the woods. When asked where I was currently standing, she told me that they were going towards the capital city. I joined them and reached Yeuvis.

Only a pile of ash remained where my house once stood. The sadistic bitch of the Mo family had bribed local officials to burn down my house. Later I came to realise that the locals looted my house before lighting it up. Fortunately, no one came across the underground chamber. In that room barely enough for three people to fit, that sword remained. I took the sword and vowed to end the Mo family once and for all.

I know I cannot fight Mo family. So I began to look for the slave trading place. I went through almost all forests. It was then I was poisoned with the barnacle fruit. All these years, I could not find any clues regarding the slave trade. And are given the task to destroy that hell!"

Tears rolled down An's cheek as she produced a smile to cover up her exploding heart. Lee could not help but hug her as his eyes welled up.

"Don't hold it back. Cry it out."

For the second time, Lee said these words. An's muffled cry filled the air as she embedded her face into his bosom. As she cried her pain out, a thunderstorm brewed inside Lee.

[After she is done crying, release the Mo family bastard in front of her.]

Lee nodded as his hug tightened in anger. An felt a slight suffocation as his grip hardened. She squirmed in his hands and he released her.

"What would you do, if the Mo family head was to appear here?!"

An did not understand the question as she wiped her cheeks with her sleeve. She did not reply, but looked at him with curious eyes. Lee waved his hand and a body appeared out of thin air and fell on the ground.


The man was unconscious and immobile as the EsGen storage provides no freedom of movement. Lee turned him over with his leg and his face was revealed.


An gasped and the next second, her sword came out of its sheath. With a swift blow, he chopped the head of the man. No blood spilled as the body and its severed head remained on the ground. Seconds later, the body and the head evaporated into the air leaving nothing. Lee and D had their jaws fallen to the ground.

"I learned a lot about the Mo family in the past years. The most important thing is their family head. He has cultivated a technique that creates picture perfect copy of himself. These phantoms go around and stay in public while the real head is cultivating somewhere. These doppelgangers act as scouts to acquire information."

Lee was shocked to see and hear the shocking truth. All this time, he was keeping a phantom inside his EaGen storage. He felt a slight sadness and this phantom was a good source of Essence.

"I don't know how or where you stored him, but it was a good idea to pull him out now. He is one among the many scouts of the treacherous Mo family head."

Lee nodded in agreement and waved his hand again, saying-

"Are these fake too?!"


The Mo family elders came out of thin air. They fell with a slightly louder noise. Lee noticed An's grip tightening with hatred.


Mo Liwei was kicked so hard at his groin that he writhed in pain. Mo Chao's hands were stamped and his finger bones broke. A long time in the EsGen storage punished them with disordered vocal chords. This was a shock to the Dimension Sovereign, who constructed the EsGen. Lee asked doubts regarding this mysterious feature of his EsGen.

[I swear, I did not know it had such an additional property. But I am happy it turned out to be a silencing one.]

Lee stepped forward and calmed the raging An. She stopped her kicks and turned at Lee in a vigorous way.

"My mother slit her own throat when she was chased by these two rascals. These bastards soiled my father's name by associating him with street prostitutes. Those sluts gave away these two swine's names at a single strike. If I don't torture them to death, my father and those who died unreasonably by the hands of the Mo family will not forgive me!"

Lee was silent as he could only see Mo Chao and Mo Liwei getting thrashed and turned inside out by An's sword and legs. Their muffled moans and An's often loud kicks can bring out dirty imaginations in the minds of those hearing them from the outside.


4 P.M.

3250 Essence harvested.


The notification popped up as Lee was sitting on a chair at the corner of the room. He could no longer hear the moans or kickings. With wonder of what had happened, Lee turned his head and what he saw was utterly pitiful.

Two hideously disfigured, but alive bodies lay on the floor in a puddle of blood. The proud Mo family elders ended up becoming a punching bag of their own wrong deeds. The faint expansion and contraction of the two bloodied chests signified that could die at any given moment.

"I have left a bit of life in them both. Can you extract their memories?"

An sensed Lee walking towards her and asked, as her piercing gaze was over the blood red floor. She stood tall with her sword in her hand, and blood dripped from its blade tip. The Mo elders were pathetically turned into a bundle of meat.

Their bodies covered innumerous shallow cuts. Their eyes were gouged out. Their sexual organs were beyond recognition and resembled spaghetti, and their limbs folded and twisted like a maze!

Lee stepped near the two and touched their heads with his index fingers. All it took was a few seconds to probe and extract almost all information and memories, except fornicating and raping. Those excluded memories made Lee angry so much that he just punched their heads and it splattered the brains out. Those two were at their last lap of suffering.

"Memory is extracted. Don't give them a peaceful death!"

Lee whispered as he walked past An. She saw his actions and can guess what he had seen inside these misbegotten sons' heads. Lee turned around and saw An driving her sword through their hearts slowly. Their final wriggle almost died down as their souls nearly departed the bodies.

[Lee, use your Sense and utmost focus to capture their souls the moment they escape the bodies. Since they were of the Soul Condensation realm, you can exploit their souls too!]

Lee spread his sense inside the room. Seconds later, the Map faintly spotted two wisp like souls leaving the bodies. At once, Lee activated his EsGen and the wisps were sucked into it. Other than D, An did not know why he suddenly extended his hands and retracted them back.

"Let's store the bodies for now and later dump them at an arena. There will be a few who will be happy to know that these two are Mo family's elders!"

Lee did not wait to listen to An's opinion as he had absorbed the hideous figures into the spatial ring. Lee immediately used Spotless to remove the blood stains and stench filled in the room. After spending 60 Essence, the room was restored to its previous form.

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