Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 63: The Exquisite Longsword

The overall length was 118.5 centimetres. The blade alone was exactly 92 centimetres while the divided grip was 18 and a half long. The 19 centimetres wide guard was accompanied with a uniform 4.5 centimetres wide blade.

Navy blue leather wrapped the grip clockwise with elegance. The 3 centimetre long guard on either sides literally resembled an asphalt grey coloured raven spreading its wings. The body of the raven was replaced by a trilliant diamond on either side. The 4 centimetres long pommel with metallic luster was the extension of a long, thin needle housed inside the grip. The slightly larger radius of the pommel acted as a fulcrum to accelerate the swings.

The hexagonal cross-sectioned blade of ink black colour was the best thing about this longsword. The 12 centimetres at the tip of the blade converged to a needle point. The unyielding strength and featherlight property of Cold Nyx Silver kept the weight of the sword below 450 grams. The pommel and the guard were also fashioned out of the same substance.

The sword laid in Lee's hands horizontally. No matter how hard she tried, there was no resemblance she could find between this sword and her previous one. To craft a longsword from an almost worn out traditional chinese jian sword can only be considered as a lie. Her hands refused to take a hold of the sword.

Lee noticed her clenched fist and unwilling face. Lee stepped forward and took An's right hand and placed it over the sword's grip. An understood his intention. Since she did not want him to be disheartened, she held the grip gently.

The moment she held it, a wave of familiarity passed into her hand and travelled through her body. Her eyes went wide as she felt the same feeling of holding the memorial sword. Her surprise skyrocketed as she effortlessly lifted the longsword. D chuckled at An's innocent expression.

"How… did you make this? Was it really made from the old sword?"

Her words had a difficult time coming out of her throat. Her attention was entirely on the sword.

"The blade, guard and pommel are all made out of Cold Nyx Silver we collected before. As for the diamond and other parts…'s a secret!"

Lee smirked as he spoke and added to pull the pommel out. As An pulled it downward, it came detached and the thin needle connected to it was exposed. Lee warned that the needle is coated with poison, and An placed it back in its place. Lee assured that it will not come loose unless she willfully pull it out.

An raised the sword and felt it's featherlight in her palm. The wings and the black blade gave of an overbearing aura, which she liked. As she was getting familiarised with the longsword, Lee asked her to inject her qi into it.


A short and muffled buzz was heard as she injected her qi into it. Now, a pink hue can be seen along the edges of the blade. She was astonished to see the sharp edges of the blade taking up a pink colour. Her hands felt uneasy for some reason unknown to her.

"The uneasiness you feel is the special property of the sword. When injected your qi into it, the blade begins to vibrate at a very high rate. The initial agitation is the sword getting familiarised with your qi. When the uneasiness dies out, the sword would have recognised you as it's master. It will only bring its maximum potency when in your hands."

As Lee described, the trembling stopped after a few minutes. An was more happy to see that the entire blade edges were of the bright pink colour. Lee detailed that a continuous supply of qi is not needed. The sword can feel her mind as she holds it.

"There are a few things you have to be cautious of. The sword is lightweight, so it is essential that you completely adjust with the sword. Since it is very easy to swing and is a longsword, you have to be aware of its range.

The sharpness of the Cold Nyx Silver is otherworldly. This longsword can easily be graded as a Higher Silver category. The uncommon lightness and superior sharpness can injure anyone.

Finally, whenever the pink hue appears, the sharpness of the edges takes a dramatic increase. If not careful, you might end up killing innocent lives."

Lee turned to the screen as he finished advising. He instantly modified the scabbard of the sword to fit the present one. After paying 23 Essence, the scabbard appeared in his arms. Lee passed it to An as he explained that the inside is lined with the left-over materials.


The tiredness took effect as he felt sluggish. He fell on the bed and told An to wake him up after an hour. An vigorously nodded as her eyes were carefully scanning the wondersword's exterior. Lee saw her balancing the sword horizontally at her fingertip before completely nodding off.



10 A.M.

1820 Essence harvested.



"Lee….Lee….wake up….wake up!"

Just like he asked, An waited for an hour and then rocked him until he sat up on the bed. The longsword was placed in its scabbard and was right next to her. He rubbed his eyes and yawned again for no reason. He peeked at the Map to see a good number of disciples roaming the streets of the city.

"Looks like the time is perfect for making a grand entrance. Do you want to come with me or stay here?!"

Lee probed at An, though he knew her answer would not be the later. As he expected, An replied that she wants to come with him. Both of them quickly had a bottle of Horned-Mow milk and a few loaves of Honey Bread before going out.

Descending the flight of stairs, the concerned goblin girl standing at the desk was the first thing An noticed. A full-fledged damphir standing next to her had her hand supporting her chin. As the duo's footsteps attracted the girl's attention, she quickly approached them.

"Sir, a few Wind Jade sect disciples were here asking for you about half an hour ago."

The words of the girl had a tinge of concern. Lee nodded as a response while An probed-

"How can you tell that they were looking for him?"

"They described his clothes in detail. At a glance, the outfit strangely stands out!"

The damphir stepped forward as she answered. She took a light bow to show respect to her customers.

"Thank you for the information. I'll bring the change when I come back."

Lee said as he turned to the door. An followed him as her sword's scabbard caught the attention of the receptionists. Their eyes were in awe by catching sight of the beautiful and battle-spirited scabbard and the guard and grip of the longsword. The wings of raven and the trilliant diamond surprised the goblin girl as she did not see such an accessory on An before.

The doors were opened and the duo entered the streets. D reminded Lee that the sparring arenas were a great place to fight with sect disciples. The nearest arena was marked on the Map and Lee paced towards it.

"Hey you… are the one who defeated our elder, eh?!"

A shout from the behind paused Lee's track. He turned his torso to see three Wind Jade sect disciples. The two males carried a spear and a mace respectively while the female had a jian sword unsheathed in her hand. The man with the mace stepped forward as the mace rested on his shoulder.

"Follow us obediently and you shall not be hurt. Resist and you will suffer."

Lee noticed his surroundings as he became a beacon of attention. His extraordinary perception picked up someone informing his fellow disciples of Lee's position from a faraway distance.

"I don't think it is that easy. I will only follow one who defeats me."

Lee shook his head in disagreement and turned to walk away. The man was enraged as he comprehended Lee's answer as a rejection. He gripped his mace with rage and stepped forward, but the girl stopped him.

"Then I challenge you!"

The feminine shout made An turn her head instantly. Seeing an arrogant smug in the 19 year old girl's face, she inwardly felt sympathy for this hotblooded child.

"Towards the arena."

Lee walked towards the arena as he declared without batting an eye. The very moment, a panel opened up and notified him that the quest is now active.

Step by step, he drew closer to the arena. The disciples from the three sects recognised him from his outfit and tailed him. They all came to know that Lee would only follow the one who defeats him. Their eyes glistened as they picturised themselves overpowering him and being gifted with cultivation scrolls and precious pills! Some of the disciples noticed An's premium weapon. They knitted their bows as the woman in cultivator robe was accompanied by a longsword!

Arenas were the platforms raised from ground by the height of an adult's chest and measured 13 meters in length and breadth. The firm and smooth surface along with uncommon toughness was the signature property of Gigian rocks.

Lee reached on the platform with a single leap. As his feet came in contact with the rock, Lee felt a restraining force nullifying a portion of his strength.

[Do not worry. This is a hidden property of the Gigian rock. It limits the released potential of anything it comes into contact. This keeps any potentially destructive power from going rampant. Only a very few can successfully create cracks on this rock in a single hit!]

Lee listened to D's description as the opponent came up on the platform. Though only 19 year old, this girl exhibited steadiness and proficiency as she pulled out the sword.

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