Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 291: Alive & Awake

The pain clouded his senses but he could hear Ruella's voice. The next second, a soothing sensation rushed up to his body and he fell unconscious.


Standing back up on her feet, Ruella let out a mouthful of air as she pushed his consciousness back to slumber.

When she turned around with beads of sweat on her forehead, Hudson felt weariness from her.

"What was that?"

D, the weightless gaseous projection of the soul, sat over Zena and voiced his curiosity. Ruella inspected Lee Shen's physique and concluded.

"It was nothing serious. His body had not moved for almost a week. The reconstruction made him uneasy and was painful when he tried to move."

She walked out of the room and Hudson followed her. Ruella needed to relax and meditate to get back the spent energy.

While going out of the house, Hudson took the sword off the back of Zena. He intended to give the beasts a few moments to be with their master.

Due to their polar opposite affinities, Fero and Zena have become bosom buddies. They could also establish communication telepathically over a short-range.

The Perrafin tiptoed to Lee and Fero followed her lead. The duo gently rested their heads over the edge of the bed and scanned Lee Shen from head to heel.

Fero glanced at Zena upon his preliminary analysis and Zena nodded at his conclusion. They could feel that though Lee Shen looks peaceful on the outside, his body had gone through numerous hardships and tortures.

When Ruella dragged him out of the death's entrance and into the System Space, they were there. The duo beasts witnessed the pathetic state Lee had been reduced to and could only stand and stare at Ruella's distraught face as she carried him inside the house.

That hour of the day was when D thought this subspace was about to shatter. The wounds on Lee Shen's body emitted an untraceable amount of Amortal's energy which was enough to tremble the whole subspace like an afraid kitten!

And there were casualties.

The terrain and the time inside the System Space were disordered while Ruella tried to nullify the foreign energy. For the first time in her life, she touched the bottom end of the 'boundless' energy reserve of a True Druid, glorified throughout history!

When she felt her powers were insufficient, D did not think twice to partition his soul to repair his body. Though D was a wisp of the soul, it was the soul of the man whom the Will of the Dimension acknowledged being the newest in line of the legacy of the Sovereigns.

Hudson felt guilty for letting D burden alone and he too sublime a part of his soul to stabilise Lee Shen's vitals, and the conjoint effort paid off!

It was only under the combined effort of the trio that Lee Shen was left to live again!

When the trio took a break from the process, it was then D noticed certain anomalies with the system. Since he was the system, he promptly detected the damages.

Like how Hegerus took away the system's immunity feature, the malicious mastermind's powers had corroded the system to its efficiency.



"...he is opening his eyes."

Hours went past and the night succeeded the bright light of day. The System Space, now tranquil and silent, was illuminated by the moonlight.

In the forest near the house, animals and beasts roamed around freely and there the Wyvern trio slept without bothering anyone.

Inside the house, Ruella sat on the chair next to the bed and Hudson was sitting by her. Their eyes were focused on Lee Shen whom Ruella foretold to be awakening at that hour.

Hudson hushedly commented while his eyes did not go astray. He and the woman carefully analysed the micro-expressions waxing and waning on his face.

Finally, the moment of waking up was near. It was evident to them as Lee Shen moved his fingers and his brows knit.





Eyes opened wide and Lee Shen sprang up like a released spring. He sat up on the bed and his face displayed astonishment while he breathed heavily!

That was not the reaction Hudson expected. He unconsciously slid back the chair with him on it.

When Lee Shen jolted up and sat on the bed, it scared Fero and Zena.

But this reaction failed to fluctuate Ruella's resolve. She looked at him with a tinge of curiosity as if she was expecting this.

Lee, with a sense of disbelief, checked his hands. He then checked his body and found that he was perfectly intact.

It was only after his inspection that the figures of Ruella and Hudson were noticed in his sight.

Upon seeing an unfamiliar feminine figure, Lee Shen was about to query who she is when he remembered who she was.


Lee could not express his doubt verbally as a painful headache attacked him. He squinted his eyes and curled his body in pain. He then plopped on the bed and the sound of gritting teeth was audible.

"Relax and sleep."

The moment she spoke, her power was released through her hands and Lee Shen was once again put to sleep.

"Are you sure that there is nothing wrong with him?"

For Hudson's query, a nod was the answer. Though he did not find the answer satisfactory, he decided to believe the True Druid, for now.

"Perhaps when he wakes up tomorrow morning, he would be okay."

Ruella added her words before leaving the room. Hudson and D found the answer adequate but frowned at the 'perhaps' part.

The day ended silent and in anticipation. The night reflected the serenity as Ruella sat under a tree and meditated without a break.


*birds singing*

The melody of birds woke Ruella from her meditative state. The warmth of sunlight shone on her face and soaked her in blissfulness.

With a sigh, she realised that her depleted reserve is back to brim. She could feel the nurturing energy coursing through her veins.

When the house and the cafeteria came into her sight, her stomach grumbled in hunger.

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