Earth Dies

34. Lusty Magical Girl Transformation 🩷

A blinding pink light erupted from Bridgette's midsection, as she briefly floated in the air, arms spreading out to the side as she did, her axe gently spinning by itself in the air to her side. The ball of pink light floated forward about a foot away from her midsection, dimming slightly in intensity so Bridgette became visible once more in the dark cavern. An invisible wind seemed to come from the pink light, billowing her hair into the sky around her as her clothes vanished, leaving her stark naked and stretched spread-eagle several feet above the ground. Suddenly, pink tentacles appeared to squirm from the light, stretching toward Bridgette.

First, a pair of tentacles reached out and grabbed each of her breasts, wrapping obscenely around them and squeezing hard, jutting her tits painfully forward. Then the tips of the tentacles wrapped themselves further around Bridgette's nipples, small mouths opening at the end of the tentacles and clamping hard onto her nipples and seeming to suction themselves into place. Bridgette gasped as the tentacles bit down on her nipples, tiny teeth acting as living nipple clamps on her sensitive flesh. The tentacles then disconnected from the light, leaving just the sections wrapped around Bridgette's breasts, creating an appearance of pink ivy tendrils, circling her breasts painfully.

Another, thicker tentacle emerged from the light, this one reaching down toward Bridgette's waist. As it drew closer, it split in two, the smaller of the segments reaching back toward Bridgette's ass while the thicker section positioning itself at the entrance to Bridgette's pussy. The tentacles then gently brushed forward, the tips just gradually teasing open Bridgette's holes, as the tentacles seemed to pulse with energy. The tentacles then pushed themselves inside, stuffing deep into Bridgette's asshole, gaping her rosebud wide open as nearly a foot of tentacle seemed to climb inside of her. Likewise, the front tentacle shoved in, a pink ooze running from the tip of it as it penetrated the floating girl.

Bridgette let out a loud "Unf 🩷" as she was violated by the writhing appendages, the tentacle on her pussy continuing to probe deeper and deeper until her stomach distended, the outline of the tentacle visible against her lower abs. A tiny sprout then emerged from the tentacle and latched itself onto Bridgette's clitoris, pulsing and sucking on the nub, before the whole stalk disconnected from the light and became a throbbing pink patch of flesh, connecting Bridgette's pussy and ass, but covering nothing else. As the ball of light faded, Bridgette floated back down to the ground, her hair and eyes turning a bright pink color as she did, as she shuddered in repeated orgasms. The entire process had taken only a few seconds, but had transformed the girl from a scantily clad warrior to a sexual goddess out for blood.

Bridgette's voice seemed different, almost husky in a sensual way, as she uttered, "It's my turn to have fun now." Colin let out a hysterical giggle while Alice just stared, amazed by the incredibly lewd and arousing transformation. Bridgette's eyes burned pink and her skin seemed to emit a soft glow as she raised her greataxe. Alice watched as Bridgette shot down the tunnel, illuminating the walls as she ran, racing toward the mystery danger. Alice waited a beat, then charged after her friend, with Colin following along right beside her.

The three ran down the tunnel, which quickly opened into a second subterranean cavern. This one was approximately sixty feet in diameter with a twenty-foot tall ceiling. Alice glanced around to get her bearings as she entered, noticing that while it was mostly dark, a few of Colin's pebbles had landed in corners and gave a faint illumination. Also, Bridgette seemed to be lighting up the area directly around herself.

On the far side of the cavern, Alice saw a slightly larger than average kobold wearing what looked like a robe and holding a curved dagger. At its feet lay a second kobold with its throat slit violently open, blood pooling on the floor. Eldritch green lightning crackled from the corpse, twisting up the robed kobold's body and writhing around the dagger, as it looked up at the three intruders.

"Slay them" came the eerie voice of the kobold, echoing in a sinister fashion. Immediately, a dozen kobolds jumped from the sides of the room and rushed toward Bridgette, with six of them surrounding the glowing pink figure while a few turned to face Colin and Alice.

"Shatter," Colin shouted from the back of the room. An enormous thunderclap split the room, seemingly centered on Bridgette. All the kobolds surrounding Bridgette went down, bleeding from the ears, eyes, and any other orifice. The robed figure glared at Colin and pointed its dagger, spitting something in an unfamiliar language. A green bolt flew across the room, striking the boy and flinging him into the wall of the cavern, tumbling him to the ground in a heap, blood streaming from his head where it had struck the rock wall.

Alice pointed a finger toward Colin, whispering "Heal" as she did so. Pink energy flowed out, surrounding Colin as he regained his feet. His wounds sealed themselves back up, and he grinned, feeling healthy again. "It'll take more than cheap magic tricks to take me down, you overgrown lizard," he shouted.

Three more kobolds ran to Bridgette, stabbing at her with their daggers. Two of the daggers deflected off her skin, somehow failing to do damage to the naked girl, while the third stabbed into her arm, drawing blood but barely doing more than scratching her. Bridgette swung her axe, splashing the kobold that had hurt her back against its companions in a spray of blood and viscera. The robed figure pointed again, this time at Bridgette, and said the most startling thing.

"Your mom."

Bridgette doubled over in surprised laughter, falling to the ground at how outrageously ludicrous the statement was. She pounded at the floor of the cavern, dropping her greataxe, howling in joy as tears came to her eyes. Two more kobolds approached the prone girl, drawing their daggers and stepping alongside the two already there as they stared down, the four of them ominously standing over the prone redhead.

"What the fuck, B?" Alice shouted, confusion on her face. "It wasn't that funny. Get up!"

"She can't," Colin yelled, realizing the danger they were in. "She's trapped in the spell."

"How can we help her?"

"Gotta kill the caster, or at least fuck him up badly enough to make him lose his concentration. Let me see what I can do, just keep her alive."

Colin rolled his sleeves up, pointed his finger guns at the kobold magic user, and let out a deadly serious "pew pew" as he fired his finger guns. Four glowing bolts shot across the cavern, homing toward the robed figure. At the same time, the kobolds surrounding Bridgette all stabbed down with their daggers, piercing her defenseless body mercilessly and splashing the cavern floor with her blood.

"FUCK! GET UP BRIDGETTE!" Alice screamed, desperately casting a healing spell. The pink energy washed over the prone girl as she moaned in pleasure, still wracked by maniacal laughter.

Thank the fucking goddess for lusty healing, Alice thought, not for the first time. I will let Fi fuck me senseless if it gives me the strength to keep Bridgette alive.

The robed figure staggered back as Colin's magical darts hit him, his body rocked by impacts, Bridgette finally ceasing laughing and gasping for breath as the figure's hold on the spell expired. Instead, it pointed its dagger toward Colin and green flames surrounded the boy, the backlash of magical energy from Colin's attack being reflected back upon him in a twisted demonic curse, and the wizard crumpled to the ground, motionless.

"Shit shit shit!" Alice squealed, casting another heal as she tried to get her friend conscious again. Colin's eyes flashed open again as he started to pick himself off the floor yet again, gasping as air re-entered his lungs and he staggered to his feet, clutching his staff, a panicked expression on his face.

Bridgette also picked herself off the floor, recovered from her uncontrollable laughing spell, grabbing her axe as she stood, as the kobolds stabbed at her again, daggers flashing in the dim light of the cavern. As before, two of the kobolds had their daggers seemingly glance off her bare skin, unable to so much as scratch her. However, one kobold stabbed into her leg, its dagger tearing into the soft flesh of her upper thigh in a gush of blood, tearing through her quadriceps muscles. The last kobold shifted its hold on the knife and sliced across Bridgette's neck, missing the artery but spraying blood across the standing kobolds as a flap of skin tore free.

With a scream of pain, Bridgette slashed out at the kobold that had stabbed her in the neck, her greataxe doing so much damage that the creature literally disintegrated into a red haze of gore. She then swung again, taking a second kobold by the neck and killing it just as effectively as the first, its small body flying into the wall and crumpling to the ground, a pool of red oozing onto the cavern floor. Colin finished standing and once more cast his missiles, this time slaying both of the remaining kobolds next to Bridgette, leaving only the robed figure standing against the three friends.

The kobold turned its dagger toward Alice this time, another green bolt of crackling energy flying across the cavern. Alice felt the bolt impact, then found herself pinwheeling through the air and painfully slamming into a wall, before landing on the ground with a thud that knocked the wind out of her. She gasped for breath, trying to push herself to her feet and re-orient herself.

Bridgette raced toward the robed figure, slashing at it with a great overhand movement. Impossibly, the small kobold caught the edge of her greataxe with the point of its dagger, stopping the axe before it could do any damage. Bridgette swung again, once again being parried by the smaller creature.

Colin moved around the edge of the cavern, trying to find a good angle where he could shoot an additional missile at the kobold without hitting Bridgette. Three more darts quickly flew from his hands, striking the strange creature and staggering it but not dealing a fatal blow.

Alice reached out a hand, pointing to cast a heal toward Bridgette, but before she could finish the word, the kobold struck at Bridgette, who was busy holding a hand to her bleeding throat. The glowing green dagger stabbed deep into Bridgette's chest, sinking to the hilt. As Bridgette sank to the floor, the kobold released his grip on the weapon, allowing it to remain in place as she slumped forward. Blood oozed from around the dagger, dripping obscenely down Bridgette's chest as she sank into unconsciousness, her body going limp and lifeless.

"Heal!" Alice screamed, casting desperately. A pink glow briefly surrounded Bridgette before it vanished, almost seeming to be drawn into the dagger. Bridgette did not seem to wake up or otherwise heal, despite the energy being depleted. "Colin! It didn't help her! What the fuck?" Alice cried. Then she noticed the green glow from the dagger seemed to be rejuvenating the kobold. "FUCK! I think it stole her health and my heal to fix the bad guy! Colin, she's dying!"

Colin ran forward, shooting his finger guns as he went. Three more bolts ripped out and hit the kobold. It staggered a step away from Bridgette, but remained standing. Alice tried another heal, the pink glow once again briefly appearing before being sucked into the dagger, transforming into a green glow that flowed from the dagger to the kobold.

"Alice, stop healing! I have to get the dagger out! You're only making it stronger!" Colin reached Bridgette and grasped the dagger, readying himself to pull it from the girl's chest. He was then struck by another green blast, launching him back across the cavern before he could rip the dagger free. Colin lay still, blood trickling from his body into the dirt and stone floor beneath.

Alice ran forward, heedless of her own survival, until she reached her lover. She ripped the dagger from Bridgette's chest and pressed her lips to Bridgette's mouth, channeling all of her divine energy through her love into the lifeless girl. A pink glow surrounded the two girls as Bridgette gasped back to consciousness, wounds sealing themselves. As the pink glow faded, so did the tentacles surrounding Bridgette and her hair shifted back to its normal auburn color. Blue eyes blinked as they stared at Alice and pink ooze dripped loudly onto the floor in the sudden silence as the tentacles vanished and Bridgette returned to normal, the erotic armor falling apart.

Another viridescent blast flashed across the room, hitting Alice and ripping her away from Bridgette's embrace, spiraling across the floor and landing in a heap. Alice struggled to raise her head, glancing back at Bridgette and the kobold, blood trickling from her mouth as she coughed.

Bridgette leaped to her feet once more, grabbing her axe, and swinging viciously at the kobold. She struck hard, hitting the defenseless creature and severing first one arm, then the other. As she reared back for the killing blow, the kobold fired one last energy bolt, the malevolent green energy crackling across the room and slamming into Alice as the world went dark.

Sorry for the cliff, hope it doesn't ruin your weekend! Can I just say what an absolute pain in the ass it is to fight a warlock with Repelling Blast? Just truly annoying. Worst eldritch invocation ever. So naturally I turned it up to 11 for the drama.

As I was writing this scene, I randomly had an image pop into my head when the kobolds were standing around Bridgette, stabbing the shit out of her. I goofed around with some image generation tools, trying to make my twisted humor a reality. IYKYK. Did this amuse you? Would you like to see more art thrown in throughout the book to highlight relevant or amusing scenarios? If so, let me know below! I definitely left notes for myself in a few other chapters going forward of funny things I could create.


Final author note, apparently I have a lot to say right now. I took some of the feedback, rewrote a little bit of Book 1 and added some extra (next few chapters specifically), I think it's in a much better place as a result. You might be interested to know the current state of things:

  • Book 1 (complete): 46 chapters. 10 are 🩷smutty🩷, 36 normal. Book is about 77,000 words or 1,500 words per chapter.
  • Book 2 (in progress): 34 chapters (so far). 8 are 🩷smutty🩷, the rest normal. Book is currently about 54k words, I anticipate probably 10-15 more chapters to finish it.
  • Book 3: Rough outline, maybe a page.
  • Book 4: Rough outline, maybe a page.
  • Book 5: Rough outline, maybe a page. Plus the last chapter sketched out.

That said, I reserve the right to go back and insert new chapters wherever makes sense to add more to the story if it helps make it stronger. I'm also thinking about writing some interludes (and possibly an interlewd, too) to fit between Book 1 and 2 and show off a little more of the world, maybe get a head start on introducing some side characters. Based on those numbers though, this is chapter 34 and I'm 46 chapters ahead when writing.Or put differently, you've read about 53k of the 131k words I've written so far.

I feel a little bad, like I should give you guys more content, but I'm already posting three days a week. At this rate, you won't read the stuff I wrote today until February, which is kind of insane. Thoughts?

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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