DxD: Shadow Monarch

Chapter 84: Saving red-haired kid (2)


Chapter- 84


Even though her head is down but still I can see her fat cheeks which are somewhat red, seeing that I couldn't help but want to pinch them

"T-thank …yo-you" kid said this in a very weak voice as she thanked me, but still it was enough for me to hear it loud and clear

it seems she is still grateful for the fact that I saved her but what should I do with her, should I send her home myself or should I send her with one of my shadow soldiers

"Where is your home?" I asked this as gently in order to not scare the girl any more than she already is, so it's better to treat her as gently as possible

Hearing my questions, she started to look around but she seemed to have no idea of her current location, as her face started to get pale

I see those people probably brought her into this forest after kidnapping her since this place is basically isolated from others, and not to mention judging from their talk and their fear, I can understand that this child belongs to some kind of high class royalty in the underworld 

I guess I need to find her home myself which is an easy task for me, as I stretch out my hand and offer it to her while I speak to her "Come with me, and I will take you back home"

She just stared at my hand with her eyes like a statue, wait do I sound like a kidnapper? It's reasonable that even though I saved her from those people but still to her I am still a stranger and especially those words I spoke were exactly like a kidnapper

but fortunately maybe after finally gathering the courage and slowly grabbed my hand with her small hand as she trusted me now


"Ouch!" She screamed in pain as she fell back on the ground again as soon as she stood which I noticed was because of her wounds on her knees and not only her knees but her wings also are injured

"Don't move" I said as I bent down in order to examine her wound, I touched the place where she was injured and healed it with very little power of mine which should be enough for her body to bear

She trembled a little but in an instant, her injury healed without leaving a single scar on her body, and she looked extremely shocked that even her mouth opened

I chuckled a little at this funny sight, probably because of the laugh, she got embarrassed 

"I-it was am-amazing," she said with a little shuttering as she praised me after she recovered from the embarrassed state while she stared at me with her shining blue-green eyes 

I offered her my hand again while she stared at me with her eyes filled with admiration

As she again grabbed my hand, shyly? But at least now I can find her family to return her back and hopefully this time her family will be careful enough to make sure her safety 

I quickly began to scan the entire area in order to find a person similar to her energy, which might be the best shot for me to find her home back

But how this small girl's energy is similar to the monarch of destruction or is it because her power is related to destruction? Anyway I just hope she won't become similar to that guy

'Found it' I inwardly said this as I finally found a huge mansion where I could sense multiple people… Or devils in 

I guess that's the place, also those devils must be her family since I also felt the tension in them and it must be because of her

After taking out my dagger from my shadow world, I quickly slash it with that portal opened near her home

Seeing this, she got scared and quickly hid behind me while cautiously staring at the portal that appeared in front of me

I slowly let her inside the portal which I opened inside the garden inside her house, and a place where no one can see us since it's better to hide myself from other people's eyes

Judging by the size of her house which is alot bigger than Grayfia's house, and now I am sure that my prediction was right about before as she is definitely the daughter of some extremely rich family

I got a gut feeling if I got involved with them then it would only create more problems which only would delay me from going to the human world

Not to mention I am sure suddenly appearing inside this house which has such tight security will only make me look like some criminal or thief even though I am pretty sure soon this kid will clear my name but it is still better to avoid such scenes

"Is this your house?" I asked this for confirmation just to make sure, and to my question, she nodded her head slowly or was she just surprised at the fact we suddenly got here

"Then be sure to go safely from here," I said as I returned back to the portal since my work was done and I was very sure that she will be going to return safely to her family after all she was already in her house now 

"WAIT! What's your big brother's name?!?" maybe after finally realising that I was leaving, she quickly turned back me and asked this while shouting and started running towards me

but it was too late since I already crossed the portal and appeared in the same place in that forest where I healed that girl

I guess it's about time I went back too since now Grayfia is back in her home which I saw through my shadow then she must gotten the method she was talking about to prolong Aria's life

I used to shadow exchange and exchange places with one shadow which was present in the mansion


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