DxD: Shadow Monarch

Chapter 133: Meanwhile Tiamat (2)




"How unfortunate" Tiamat muttered to herself as she couldn't help but find this situation really unfortunate since this meant she could find her target

She couldn't help but curse the current generation wielder of that Sacred Gear which contains Ddraig's soul and blamed that person for his or her incompetence 

Even though Jinwoo told her to not hurt any innocent person but to her the person who is the host of that Sacred Gear which contains Ddraig's soul is not innocent

More like she concludes that whoever is related to that dragon is guilty even though it might seem unfair but that also shows how much hatred she has for Ddraig

She hates that dragon to the core since that dragon never returned her precious treasures which were bought from her treasury

And since those treasures which that dragon took from her are priceless meaning that by any means Tiamat can't get those treasures from anywhere else for a second time

That's why her hate is so deep for Ddraig, and she won't stop killing Ddraig's host until she gets those treasures that belong to her 

'First let's check that place' Tiamat thought of this in her mind as she decided to check the Area herself, since maybe then she might be able to find that person if she saw it with her own eyes

Not to mention right now she doesn't have anything else to do at all at this moment and since it's been a while she has free time now

And since she doesn't know when will be next time she will get time like this, she decided to go out now 

If she is lucky and then finds that host who still hasn't awakened Ddraig then it might be beneficial since even though she doesn't plan on killing Ddraig's host yet

Due to the fact that the person still hasn't awakened Ddraig yet which means she can't communicate with that dragon until he is awake but at least she hoped to find that person who is the host of that dragon in this generation

There are multiple reasons for her to do this like she imprisoned this generation host of that sacred gear in which Ddraig's soul is sealed until he successfully his or her Sacred Gear forcibly or by natural training

This way she is not killing anyone with this method, and since he didn't say anything about imprisoning someone

She doesn't think Jinwoo would have any problem with this but first, she needs to find that person then she could think about what she will do 

With those thoughts in her mind, she quickly grabbed a mask and a big hoodie to cover herself since the previous time she went out to burn those scumbags to ashes to vent her frustration

The previous time Tiamat went outside, she noticed how many people were staring right at her which annoyed her very much especially people who were watching her with dirty 

She couldn't help but want to kill all those people who were nothing but insects and those insects were staring at her with those eyes 

She could easily sense that people who she considered nothing but insects were giving her grazes with nothing but envy, greed and lust

Which makes her want to burn all those people who were giving her those grazes into ashes but she somehow controls herself 

Some men even tried to approach her in the hope of getting her phone number and some tried to approach her just to take or even ask about her name but Tiamat ignored them without saying even a word 

For her, they were insects and who cares if insects tried to speak with her, some of those people were persistent and kept trying to get her phone number Or name but as soon they saw Tiamat's emotionless eyes like a cold murderer, they immediately flee 

On the way where she was going, even got blocked by some thugs after seeing her beauty and in the hope of getting the taste of her 

Fortunately, things didn't happen the way those thugs were expected since as a result her arms and legs were crushed by her 

Those thugs make Tiamat reach her patience limit as a result she brutally beats all the thugs or more accurately says that dirty insects

She broke all those thugs' bodies without any effort even though she tried to hit them with very little strength to not accidentally kill them but it was enough to break all the bones inside their bodies

Which makes her think how fragile humans are, but at least she was relieved that she didn't kill them

As soon as other thugs who were planning to do the same got scared they all immediately ran away as far as possible without even looking back 

But still, she didn't let them off easily as she picked up some stones from the ground and threw these stones towards all the thugs who were running 

She threw those stones so fast that stones became like actual bullets as they penetrated their bodies but since she didn't aim for those thugs' vitals, she was sure those insects would survive

At Least if someone saved them before those thugs lost too much blood and died due to blood loss and since this happened on the public path, those thugs got saved just in time but Tiamat didn't care about this as she moved forward even without looking back

Anyways this makes her understand that her current appearance is too eye-catching for humans and since she can't transform into her original form which is a dragon because she is sure that will probably attract more attention and she is not sure that she was not sure that she won't destroy anything at accident

This makes her confused about what she should do as she looks around and finds one person wearing a long coat and a big hat with a Mask 


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