DxD: Shadow Monarch

Chapter 119: Kyoto




I couldn't help but think about the previous few days which I lived because these past days felt like a dream 

It's exactly like those stories in the book that my mama used to tell me at night and I can't believe that it actually happened to me in real life

I am sure that my mama will shocked if she knows that I have experience, first getting taken by those bad people And then Prince saving me from those bad people

I really can't wait to tell these things to mama and I am sure she will definitely reward prince for saving me because she loves me the most 


"I miss her…" I muttered this myself as I released a sad tired sigh, because even though it's only been a few days but I am already missing her so much

'But it's all alright!!' I said this in my mind loudly as I motivated myself because Prince already promised me to go back to my home in just a few days and I was sure he wouldn't lie to me

So it's only a matter of few days before I meet my mama again and I am sure she will be happy to know that prince helped me 

I wondered my mama what would be doing right now and I couldn't help but wonder whether she was all right or not because I was sure she would be very sad after not finding me anywhere

Maybe she already ordered everyone to find me Or maybe she herself would have left her all work and started to search for me because she would be super worried for me

Somehow I want her to know that I am alright, so that she doesn't need to worry for me and also her know that I will be back in just a few days 

But it's impossible now because those bad people have already broken every item my mama had given me and I don't know how to contact her now

So I could only hope that she would be alright now, at least till I got back to her and then I could let her know that I was fine, so she didn't need to worry about me anymore

'But the prince will leave after taking me back home?' I couldn't help but ask this question to my question because even though my head was always down when he was telling me this due to embarrassment

Still, I clearly hear through my ears that he will drop me back at my home and leave which I don't like at all

Going home meant the prince would leave me which I hated and even though I wanted to go back home I didn't want him to leave me

'Is that any way in which he can live with us back in my home?' I asked this question to myself in my mind since I couldn't help but think how nice it would be if Prince could live with me and mama back in my home

Maybe I should ask my mama about this since she always has a solution for everything, I am sure she would find a way to let that happen

Right now I should sleep otherwise I won't be able to wake early and then the prince will think I am a very lazy girl which is something I never want to happen

With those thoughts, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but it is difficult to sleep especially about thinking about today but still, I forcefully closed my eyes as I tried to sleep


[ Jinwoo PoV ]

"Phew~" I release a sigh of relief thinking about today as I sit on my bed, and have to say I didn't expect that kid to be so well-behaved 

Since she is the daughter of some big shot, so I expected her to be spoiled but it seems I was wrong or maybe she is just due to recent events happened to her 

And now here is a totally unknown place where she has no one to rely on other than us, so maybe she is just trying to appear as well-behaved as possible to not make us angry in the slightest

At least now that I know she trusts us which is really good and I am glad she liked my food very much

And I am so sure about that because when she was eating the food, her fluffy tail was swinging very fast which only means that she really enjoyed the food I made

That's not only due to that but also the fact that after taking the first bite of the food, she immediately started to eat like she hadn't eaten anything for many days 

She ate too much food which makes me wonder how such a small body can contain such a big quantity of food inside

At that time her body looks like some big balloon that will explore at any moment while her face looks very satisfied which kinda makes me glad

Due to the way she ate the whole meal, her whole mouth got very dirty and I found this rather very funny 

it can't be said the same for Tiamat because seems to looking at the kid with cold eyes filled with disappointment maybe she expected the kid to more better and mind her table manners

But I don't mind it at all, so I quickly grab the napkin and wipe it off for her since I feel no one else will do this 

Maybe afterwards the cleaning, she realized that she had eaten like a starved animal and that's why her face became pure red probably due to embarrassment as she kept her head down the whole time

Not only that but her fluffy tail as well as her ears also got dropped which wanted me to have her head pat and cheer her up

Anyway we are finally going to Kyoto after 2 days since we are gonna go like normal people which means we need to pack our bags especially when I consider this trip as part of Aria Training


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