DXD: Rical Phenex ( Gamer Gacha )

002 Administrator and Character Creation


002 Administrator and Character Creation

Absolute darkness that all I have been able to see for the last 10 or so minutes. At least that's how long I imagine it's been, can't really tell in this place. None of my senses seem to be working right, all I see is the darkness, I can't feel, I can't talk and I can't hear anything.

I'm surprised and how calm I am acting at the moment, usually I would have been freaking out at the one-minute mark, I mean who wouldn't. It seems whatever state I'm in is either blocking or muting my emotions.

My confusion continues to grow as I continue to wait and see if anything is going to happen if anything is going to change. Finally, after an unknown amount of time something changes. A blue screen appears before me with some words.

[Welcome! Congratulations on joining Gamer Inc. I am the Administrator and I will help you set up your account today and tell you all about your own custom Gamer System!]

I don't know whether to celebrate or cry at that news.

[let us start with your character creation. Oh, it seems your sponsor has chosen your first world, Highschool DXD. Your one lucky man, The women there are some absolute best of the best in terms of sexiness.]

Yeah, they are gorgeous no doubt, but it's an insanely dangerous world with a lot of crazy people that will just kill me because they can. I think to myself, surprisingly still calm. I usually would have raged at this being my first world. He or this place I'm in has definitely done something to my mind. Maybe I have the skill, Gamers Mind?

[It seems your race, name, time, and place of insert have all been selected for you already.]

Well, that's a bummer. One of the best parts of any RPG is picking who you want to be and what you want to be, But it looks like I don't even have hands or mouth to choose for myself.

[Wow, your sponsor really went all out for you.]

Can't say that doesn't sound promising.

[Let us see here race has been set to high-class Pureblood Devil.]

Nice, good choice. I wouldn't want to be a squishy human or a servant to someone else, and defiantly wouldn't want to be an angel, I would have fallen in seconds with Gabrial around.

[As a high-class pureblood devil you will be a part of a noble family that has been set to the Phenex family and all the perks that come with it and more, but ill get into that a bit later. Like I said your sponsor went all out.]

Damn! One of my top two picks, if it was me choosing it would have been between the Phenex or the Beals.

[Your name will be Rical Phenex, fourth son of Lord and Lady phenex right between Riser Phenex and Ravel Phenex. Your starting age will be 16 and you will be starting a little over 2 years before canon.]

Ok. I can work with that, I'll be the same age as the cast, and I will have some time to train and get strong because if Rical Phenex is like any other pureblood devil with a bloodline he would never have trained his abilities.

[ Well let me accept all the presets so that we can get you a copy of your new body, so we can have a chat and I can tell you all you need to know about your system and you can ask all the questions you must have wanted to ask since I started conversing with you.]

Cool, Hopefully, he will answer everything I want to ask and not just tell me my authority is not high enough to know the answer.

[There we go you should have a new body any second now.]

Slowly in the darkness, a stunning young man starts to shimmer into existence with golden locks and eyes so blue that you would think you are looking into the very depths of the Mediterranian sea.

Gulping in a mouthful air like it's the first breath I have ever taken. Well, I guess for this body it is the first breath it has ever taken. And then immediately after coughing all the air out again like I have TB or something.

[You alright there kid.]

"Yeah," I say for the first time with this body hearing a voice that would make any women swoon.

[It happens to everyone when they get put into a new body. Well anyway do you have any questions for me, before we get into your system and how it works?]

"Yeah. I have a few." I say through haggard breaths. "If I have a Gamer system, then can I assume that the reason I am so calm is due to the skill Gamers Mind?"

[ No. You do not have the skill, Gamers Mind. The reason you are so calm is that you have been implanted with the mental suggestion to be okay with your death, your current situation, and to stay calm.

But that's only since you got your body when you were just a soal you could not feel all your emotions because you did not have a brain with all the chemicals the brain uses for emotions]

"And I'm guessing that me being okay with you doing that, is also your doing Mr. Administrator?" I ask while glaring at the screen with my eyes. Knowing I would not have been happy with this before.

[ Yes.]

"And that I can't remember anything about my death, my name, the faces and names of my loved ones?"

[ Yes. That was my doing as well. Remembering the death from your previous life would have scarred you in your next life, And to move on in the next life your old name would not have been necessary, neither would your memories of your loved ones, they would have been detrimental to having a full life. So the memories were removed. Trust me this was the best option for you.]

"Okay, ill just move on from this." I say. Not like I really Had an option."If I have a new body and a new brain will it make me think any differently from before my death?"

[A good question, And the answer is yes but not because you have a new brain but because as a devil you will acquire sins that will change you to match them. but the sins will be according to the life you and the original Rical Phenex have lived your lives so far.]

"Why will I get Ricals sins? Is it because I'm taking his body?" I ask not really wanting the trouble they will surely bring me.

[No, It is because you will be given all his memories from before his death and thus all his experiences.]

"Okay, Final question for now." I say." You said and I quote " All the perks that come with it and more." So I assume that means I have the Hell Flames, Wind manipulation, and Rebirth from the Phenex clan bloodline but what did you mean by and more?"

[ Well I was going to show you your status later when I was explaining the Gamer system, but I guess I'll tell you about some of it now. Say Status with the intention of seeing your Status.]

"Status." I say while imagining a status screen like in The Gamer Manwha.

In front of me appears another screen other than the Chat the Administrator has been using to talk to me. But very similar in design being Bright blue with silver accents lining the borders.

Rical Phenex

Points - 0

Age - 16

Race – Pure-blood Devil

Bloodline - Mutated Phenex

Physical Status

Strength – Low Low-Class

Endurance – Low Low-Class

Dexterity – Low Low-Class

Magical Traits

Demonic Power – Low Low-Class

Demonic Reserves – Low Low-Class

Demonic Control – Low Low-Class


Parasitic Hell Flame-

Phenex Rebirth/Immortality-

Wind Control-

"Well, why am I low class in all my stats, and what does Parasitic Hell Flame have to do with it?"

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