Dxd: Ink and Summoning

83- Ink Vs Lightning.

Artemis is still here…

I don't want to get on her bad side, let alone hurt her seeing how Apollon is supposed to replace Zeus in the future if what I know about DxD stays true…

And she did nothing to deserve it either.

And I also can let [The Painting that hates] get some fresh air, I also want to try something with it.

I made it, and it never took a specific form, so 'shaping' it into something should be possible, but I've never tried it before.

Let's see…

A book appeared in my hands under the watchful eyes of both Zeus and Artemis, and sensing the danger and my focus on her, she began running to the forest.

Both seemed to recognize Annihilation Maker but only Artemis took it as a threat.

There isn't much to talk about this book made from [Annihilation Maker]

I needed a place to organize all my creations, and what better way to do so than with a book?

Each page has a different monster or character I created for me to summon and it can also make them If I give a general idea of what I want.

[Nameless Endless]

I simply named it after what it represents, Endless being one way to describe imagination and Nameless because those monsters remain unknown until I call their names, if they have any.

I closed the book after successfully summoning Asterios, the Minotaur, from FGO and fusing it with [The Painting that hates], but not before taking one last look at it, smiling at the two pairs of eyes staring at me.

There were two cartoon-like figures in its pages, one resembling a devil with a smile and cut pie eyes, and a female with a halo and two white horns on her head.

Below them it reads: Bendy and Angel, respectively.

'Next time buddy, she isn't our enemy' I reassured them before closing the book. 

With that said and done…

I won't be holding back.

'Close everything that isn't required for the fight.' Sorry, kids, my Mindscape is taking a day off today.

Zeus was there, simply watching everything unfold in front of him with an arrogant attitude, as if everything was under control, as if everything happened because he allowed it to happen.

'Start all Mana Battery Monsters'

I knew he had a loose mount, I had prepared for it, and I was expecting it to be like this and yet...

'Summon HER,' a silhouette appeared behind me.

Dusk's shadow, which appeared last time as a shadowy barely reconocible figure, is now much more solid and detailed, looking almost the real thing.

Unlike the last time, we mirrored each other's movements, the only thing that distinguishes us apart now aside from our gender is the colors of my paints that turned much darker.

How quickly things can change... I had to force myself to imitate her the last time.

Again, there's no reason to delay, and having Dusk's shadow out to multicast is helpful.

Nothing will keep me from punching him in the face.

He is even casting lecherous glances at Dusk's shadow… 

Really, with each passing second, his face becomes more punchable...

I also took Dusk's sword, which resulted in a System notification.

[The synchronization progress of Operator Dusk: 99.9% » 100%]

I stabbed the sword on the ground while mentally commanding, 'Start the Ink Machine, keep the [Ink] flowing'

I realized a long time ago that what gave me Dusk's abilities was a small piece of a soul attached to my own, which I assume came from Dusk herself.

I kept it there at the cost of an incomplete synchronization as a gift to her, who is terrified of disappearing one day due to her own nature as a piece of a whole that may get back together at any time.

Even if it may be useless.

So, her sword and shadow became my alternative for achieving a complete synchronization.

[Ink] began to bleed through the lines of the sword, and within one minute, the entire area was covered in black.

But Zeus wasn't standing still; the gray clouds in the sky had so much lightning in them that it appeared as if the entire planet's thunderstorms were coming on a single place, and it was getting stronger, all while Zeus himself was in the air looking at me.

The entire site did appear to be divided in two, from the ground to the sky, as my [Ink] began to paint the air and, eventually, the sky itself, transforming my side into a painting-like scene that didn't seem to belong in the real world.

The calm before the... thunderstorm could only be described as Zeus' side.

The entire sky was grayed, and the few rays of sunlight that made it through the clouds, as well as the white light from the lightning, were the only sources of illumination, creating a nice contrast to the blackening of my side.

I'm definitely making a painting out of this.

Well, my entire mana pool was being converted into [Ink].

Even I have no idea how much of it I can make.

"Kid, if your plan to fight me was those girls... it sure worked, you are giving me a HARD time. aHahaha," Zeus said with a perverted grin. 

Only to be met with an already darkened sky that darkened further as a wave of Ink blocked the light and attempted to engulf him whole.

The wave was struck by lightning and, like water, was split into an enormous number of pieces.

However, those parts transformed into a swarm of beasts and monsters that began to run, crawl, jump, and fly towards Zeus.

Only for the scene to repeat itself, but Zeus seemed to notice that their number and size were decreasing with each thunderstrike and got confident in himself, dismissing the attack entirely.

They learned how to avoid and minimize the damage caused by the thunder, but they couldn't do so when lightning jumped and chained between them.

So, Albeit now closer by the fifth time, the Ink Monsters had been reduced to bugs and a few smaller animals, which Zeus destroyed with another thunderclap.

But this time Instead of disappearing, the Ink transformed into a massive wolf that tried to bite Zeus, only for him to grab its mouth and rip it into two pieces effortlessly.

With an unimpressed look Zeus tried to remark how useless those numbers were against him…

"Petty trick-Ugh!" 

…Only to be met with a punch from the human figure who materialized from the wolf's torn mouth, sending him flying backwards.

Was it effective? No, not with a barely discernible lightning armor surrounding Zeus's body absorbing the majority of the damage

And that is without counting the natural toughness of his body that is used to circulate his lightning and his status as a God king.

A ruler among Gods who are known to be Supreme-Class at the bare minimum… with some exceptions, of course.

It was useless but… it just felt so nice to finally punch him in the face.

And well, the emotional damage was there, and boy he was furious.

I surrounded him with monsters, and he continued to kill them with his bare hands, attempting to chase after me but being unable to do so because I had affected his five senses.

Right now, no matter how hard he tries, I appear in the corner of his eyes, making him even angrier since a human is toying with him like this.

Tired of this game, Zeus gathered lightning in his hand, but to my surprise, instead of unleashing it in a massive attack on everything around him... 

As he looked at me, his face turned into a winning smirk.

"Huh? " The next thing I knew, a hole appeared in my chest as my body was paralyzed by the lightning, and Zeus appeared in front of me in a flash, grabbing my left arm and punching me into the ground with the other glowing from all the energy concentrated in it.

Although brutal and fast, the attack wasn't really effective as my hand appeared from the smoke trying to grab his face "I see, bio-lightning..." Now my left hand is the one grabbing him, preventing him from evading.

Damn Bio-lighting, of course he can sense something so basic to track my body… 

Zeus gathered more lightning in his arm and attempted to punch me to free himself, but he was overwhelmed by an invisible energy that covered my body like armor.

I mentioned that I don't use my psychic abilities very often, not that I don't know how to use them.

Psychics, you see, generate a type of invisible energy that represents their mental strength in the real world, and unfortunately for Zeus…

"Ugh! "

...Right now, he's doing the equivalent of a human attempting to punch a steel wall.

But that wasn't all; a massive arm formed behind us, attempting to send us flying with a punch.

"MmMm!, MMMM!" 

With the incoming attack and the pain on his face, all Zeus could do was struggle and try to break free by punching me harder and faster, only to end up in the same way only with his hands hurting more and more

The arm eventually reached them, but when it was only an inch away from me, I vanished, leaving Zeus alone to take the hit.

"You FUc- Ugh!"  

Zeus roared in rage, humiliated, and attacked the giant arm, attempting to stop it only to be sent flying overpowered, 

This time the Ink had form, one that was resistant to lightning.

But it didn't ended there, before he could stabilize himself another arm materialized and slapped him to another direction

This happened over and over making the God of the sky into a flying ragdoll

It lasted until lighting struck, this time not at me nor at the arm, but at Zeus himself surroundings him in lightning far surpassing the arms resistance making it disappear before it could hit him


Seeing the lightning gathering in Zeus' hand in the form of a thunderbolt I knew what was coming and responded in kind.

This was one of the things that Zeus was known for, The Thunderbolt.

Pure Divine lightning concentrated in a simple and relatively small form that can disintegrate almost everything with a simple scratch as the element within would instantly infect the victim and run across their entire body.

Zeus, humiliated and toyed with, wanted nothing more than to disintegrate me, but despite being in his line of sight, he couldn't do it.

His attention was drawn back to the 'painting' where I had left Dusk's sword stabbed on the ground when the fight began.

A giant dragon head materialized in the sky of the Painting-like scenery and opened its mouth, preparing to attack.

The attack was nothing to laugh at because I developed it after watching Sirzech fight with his Power of Destruction.

It's nowhere near the power of Destruction, but it was certainly intimidating when it was created from the union of Azura and Pandora.

And luck was by my side, it seems that It took too much focus from Zeus to keep all that lightning element and Divine power together in a single form and he knew how slippery I was.

And his pride couldn't bear to back off right now.

Zeus chose to attack the dragon head instead of attacking me and exposing himself.

Zeus hurled the Thunderbolt at the Dragon as soon as the ray of energy shot from its mouth.

It wasn't a contest; the Painting simply lacks the strength to fight something of that caliber, but...

Even though I lost this exchange, I was ecstatic about the gift Zeus had just given me.

The Thunderbolt cut through the energy ray and finally impacted the entire painting, replacing the previous Ink with pure lighting, but it only lasted a moment before disappearing into the painting itself.

I grinned as I looked at the paintings in my arms, which now had lightning streaks moving across them from time to time.

If I discover what makes this Lightning Divine and apply it to my own Ink... 

Unfortunately, this fight is coming to an end

I can feel the others approaching.

It's the first time I've felt this way, wanting to use Pandora and Asura to their fullest, eager for more... conflict which is unlike me.

I told the rest to finish, while telling Jalter to say some things I wanted to Apollon.

As for Zeus, well… it would be rude to leave without a parting gift, right? 

'Pandora... Get ready'

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