Dxd: Ink and Summoning

77- Morning and breakfast.

That night before.

Nyx, the primordial Goddess of Darkness, Erebus' younger sister, creator of Tantos, and apparently... doer of petty tasks like infiltrating a new faction attempting to establish roots in Britain.

There's nothing wrong with them trying to establish themselves; it's a common occurrence, whether it's the branch of a faction seeking independence from the main one, or some who think too highly of themselves, or both; killing each rising faction would cause problems and conflicts, but that's where her task comes in, gathering materials to capture the core of that faction for later use if necessary.

Who knows how many Factions like those appeared during the years, and how many of those were 'integrated' or simply out rooted in such a way after causing trouble.

That is the ability that the old established Factions have over the new ones, to gather 'fail safes', also known as Blackmail material, in case they need to be used.

She would never have done such a pointless task if those damned Sacred Gears hadn't been mentioned somewhere in the middle of the explanation of what this was all about.

While other Gods are blind to the dangers of such petty 'for-humans tools,' she and her brother are well aware of their danger.

It could be because of years of fighting against humans, or because Sacred Gear is still a relatively new concept, but they seem to treat them the same way they always do with humans... 'They will die in a couple hundred years, so why bother?' or 'How much can they accomplish in 50 or 60 years?', '50, 100, what's the difference?'

Most of the humans who achieved success throughout history were either 'lucky', having been blessed by gods or by one of their... trinkets or even having children with their blood in them.

But who could blame them when even their accomplished Mages aren't much in our eyes... Given God's inherent resistance to magic in general, it would be analogous to an ant learning how to effectively blow oxygen at the humans. 

Simply pointless.

A sigh couldn't help but escape her lips; at least she found people who understand their risks as well as she does and are willing to take a step towards finishing it.

It would only take one person with the necessary resources… Like those damned Evil-Pieces or something along those lines and you've got yourself a new big and long-lasting threat.

And that was quite some time ago... There have been cases where being half-human is enough to be born with a Sacred Gear, and who knows how many are aware of it and are taking advantage of it.

That's why she agreed to this mission: combine disappearing humans with fewer Sacred Gears discovered, only an idiot won't see the connection.

But they are just that, speculations, and sadly it was her who got dragged into this and not her brother.

She is simply a far better candidate than her brother, concealing herself and performing all necessary tasks from the shadows with her hypnosis magic, as opposed to her brother, who is only good at tricking people.

While pondering the absurdity of it all, the Goddess walked casually towards her destination, perhaps too casually had she known who lived there

But she doesn't, and it'll cost her.

Unfortunately for the Goddess... She was too preoccupied with herself... or perhaps she never took the mission's dangers seriously, so she was far too slow to react when a red light appeared, illuminating the shadows she was in; it was too late to realize that all her escape routes, including space, were sealed.

"Wha- "

Her direct battle progress is undeniable and admirable and going against her where she is prepared is incuestionable and fatal.

... ... ... 

 The next morning was just like any other; it appears that everyone uses this time to forget about everything and relax.

The only thing that has changed over the years, aside from the breakfast served, is the number of people who have settled.

Artoria, who is eating alongside Mordred and looking awkwardly at her Father, being the last one.

Mordred usually tried to do pretty much everything her Father does but…

Mordred enjoys eating, particularly sweets and fast food, but she knows she can't compete with Artoria, which is why she doesn't even try anymore

She did it once and hasn't done it since, learning her lesson to the point where Mordred can't decide whether Artoria is better at fighting or eating.

Mordred no longer trying to imitate and follow Artoria at every step is the perfect way to show how far she has progressed over the years and her transformation from the almost Berserker-like Saber that she was.

Is it wrong for me to be proud of her? Because I do a lot of it.

So how could she not give in to Artoria? I never expected to see someone literally shine and smile while eating a ridiculous amount of food, but there she is.

Maybe that light has something to do with how I mixed the different version of herself into one? A Goddess was also in there…

If it weren't for obvious reasons I would suspect that she has Gourmet Cells or Saiyan genes mixed in her even

As for getting them for her? Sorry but doing the equivalent of starving a hungry Lion is not a good idea for the good of everybody else

What would I do if she were to attack Dragons just so we can cook them for her? 

The problem is not the Dragon but what would we do AFTER them? 

So, for the wellbeing of all species in DxD and other universes, it's better not give them to her. 

Back to Artoria, who managed to eat quickly while also appearing regal; I'm not sure if she even realizes she's doing the whole shining thing.

Given that her entire attention is on the food on the table... perhaps not.

Meh, Let's just say that it's the fault of her being part Dragon, needing more nutrients or something like that and then deal with it. 

Kei and Scathach are doing what they always do: eating and drinking their tea or coffee quietly while observing the others. Shishou did have a smirk on her face when she noticed me staring at her.

That's both concerning and... enhancing; it's surprising how mischievous she can be at times.

I asked them the first thing that came to my mind without thinking much "Did you get enough sleep last night?" When I asked, Kei nodded while looking at me with her beautiful red eyes and giving me a sweet smile, but Scathach made an annoyed face.

I need to take Kei out one of these days…

"I couldn't sleep well because there were some strange sounds that lasted almost the entire night… " She then looked at the sisters as did everyone else. 

"Last night, I also discovered a rat trying to sneak in " She told me in a low voice. 

A rat? I will ask her later, respecting that no one seems interested in it right now

There is a time and place for everything.

Jeanne simply smiled back and continued drinking her tea happily, while Jalter tried but failed to do the same, finding it difficult to conceal her flushed cheeks.

I may have forgotten that we were in the middle of the house when we... "Sorry about that... " At least no one seemed to be upset about it, maybe Mordred looked more annoyed than the rest, but that's all there was to it.

I may be Half-Human and  Half-Genius

Doing something so… noisy without anything to cover the sounds of it is surely a great idea Past Me! 

Even better in a house with people with, let's say, 'better than average' hearing.

I'll make it up to them later; it's been a while since we've gone out, I don't want them to be only training and fighting all the 

Ideas… ideas… 

Scathach and Kei were the closest so I went first to them, gave Kei a hug and a kiss which she returned and did the same for Scathach except that she was the one who pulled me for the kiss after the hug.

Mordred was watching our interaction and considering doing something... braver of her.

Following them are Jeanne and Jalter, who accepted without hesitation.

Then I went to Mordred, and she surprised me by approaching me first and kissing me before sitting back proudly, as if making a decision.

But... Girl, what about our hug? 

Sigh. What is this troublemaker up to now?

Artoria was up next, surprisingly focusing on something other than the food in front of her and realizing who was in front of her, gaining a rosy complexion recalling the sounds from the day before.

Not knowing what to say I asked her about the only thing I could think of

"Would you like a hug as well?" Is it excessive or Is it too little? I honestly don't know how to interact with her.

It's difficult to tell how Artoria feels because she always wears a serious expression and our interactions are limited

It's my fault since I'm spending most of my time with the other girls and Artoria is dealing with things related to the new Camelot 2.0 Beta that we are making.

I need to do something about this... I'm not even sure how much she cares about this Camelot, which is sad.

At least she is comfortable with me, seeing how she accepted and gave me a hug before returning to eat without a change in her face.

She seemed to have a favorable impression of me, perhaps a little too favorably, and I believe I know who the culprit is; Scathach's gaze and growing smirk said it all.

Looking back at Artoria, her shine seemed a little brighter, albeit not very noticeable.

As for the nex-"Nya~ Ahm! *Sniff* "

"Ahm! "

The two cats, Kuroko and Shirone, jumped at me as soon as I got closer and began burying their heirs on my chest while raising their tails straight to show their happy mood.

Let's ignore the black one with the red face sniffing me.

With the morning greetings completed, all that remains is to finish and then begin preparing for the day, also ignoring the black cat sitting on my lap and that she is moving too much...

Later that day.

The entire faction is doing well, teaching the kids and all that wasn't too difficult, and new things have recently been introduced, such as animals or should I say monsters? Beasts?

Wells Dragons, Tigers, Wolfs and many other creatures are moving around the area to become acquainted with them.

The beast would bite or scratch the kids if something happened, but never anything dangerous, which isn't important because magic can heal most wounds, which is one of the first things we taught them.

This teaches them to respect the beasts, which is necessary given that most real magical beasts are intelligent and dangerous.

They all love it and adding some familiar ones like the blue eyes toon white dragon flying around is fantastic for them.

Many things have changed with the factions as a result of some issues with how we invite the kids and their lives.

Who would have thought that helping the child of a neglecting parent would help the neglecting parent?

There are some bad parents out there, but even the worst understand the consequences of abandoning their child but... What if they left the child alone and he is living well? 

Why bother looking for them or buying them something if someone else will give them the food or clothes they need for living out of pity?

And if they don't do it? Of course curse and shame the ones who didn't give things to the child they are neglecting

Sad but true. Great song btw.

Not all of them are bad, and they all have their own set of circumstances but explain that to a child.

When I was younger in my past life, I used to ask for things all the time, things that I would forget after a day, a week at most.


At least some of the faction's older members have matured enough to deal with such issues on their own, which is a positive development for everyone involved.

They are also making contact with the magical community in the human world when one of them revealed himself after noticing that his friend was wearing enchanted items.

At the very least, he is not dumb and took numerous precautions before 'accidentally' flaring his magic and being discovered by his long-time friend.

Well, it went well, and I discovered something interesting about my own place, they seem to call Paraiso.

He is well accepted by his outsider friend, who took him under his wing as a talent he discovered and took under his wing so he could appear in front of his family and the magical community without people searching for his background

It appears that they are good friends with no hidden agendas between them, which is not surprising given the poor familiar upbringing of both boys which wasn't hard to realize after following the outsider teenager for one day and looking at how he was treated at his 'home'.

Our children tend to be a lot more 'brighter' than most Mages which is something I'm definitely proud of

For the time being, this is a good thing, and taking precautions is a good step from our child; you never know with Magus and the likes if the ones from FATE are to be taken as an example, as we did in our classes.

Let's see how this plays out and then deal with it, whether it's positive or negative.

I will take some precautions and ask Le Fay to keep an eye on them, she's the only one of us who occasionally deals with the magical community.

Although it wasn't the only thing I discovered about my Mind World, there was something much more concerning about a certain young girl who had stopped seeing the real world as the... real world

She had been saved by one of our own in an accident and had lost her family, so she was quite depressed, which made a big mess for me.

When I asked Shishou, she explained that those who enter my Mindscape have an anchor in the real world since they know and feel that they are a part of it but then the question I never asked was… what about those who don't see it that way?

Having someone 'Real' become one of my Paints is unsettling to say the least, and something to keep an eye out for in the future.

Thankfully everything was stopped in time and she only needed some mental care and more contact with the outside world to recover, but that doesn't change how much I need to look out for things like this

At the very least, I learned about my own place and gave Scathach some new ideas to try out.

With that out of the way, I'd like to go talk with the girls about their future plans.

There are many things to consider, such as Trihexa or the war against the other world, and those are just the things I remember from the anime, so there could be more...

I'm also planning to start looking for opportunities outside of our world and possibly traveling to others, but I may need to do some research and possibly even ask Scathach for help with some things that I have in mind with the System.

Every time I mentioned the System and what it's capable of, her eyes lit up in a curiosity that could only rival a child's but she never tried to ask about it; giving her a chance to work with it might be a good enough gift for her. 

I don't think it's a good idea to rely on the MC and bet everything in this world on Issei to solve everything.

Hm… Where should I begin? Scathach did say something about a sneaking rat... 


End of the chapter


I'll just thank those who waited and get right to what good came out of this.

Imagining and thinking, what a writer should do.

I've got a good idea for this portion of the novel, and I really feel like we need some action, so that's what's going to happen.

First, there will be some chapters in which the girls discuss what they want to do or are doing, followed by a battle in which their progress will be shown more directly.

Again. Thank you for your patience, comments, power stones, and everything else.

The next chapter should be available tomorrow or the day after.

As for the multiverse part mentioned in the chapter, yes, in the first chapters there was a mention of only being able to be in one world, but that was a recently deceased MC who had just received his gift, so that's why, I'll change the way it's done to become a kind of reverse summoning but that's something to be explained later.

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