Dxd: Ink and Summoning

75- Pray for resolve.

"Did you do something to him?" Although it sounded like a question, it was actually a statement, and everyone in the room knew it.

Jeanne asked Scathach with concern and some curiosity, even though she knew Scáthach's role was to be his teacher and that something like this was to be expected, she couldn't help but be worried, a feeling that the other girls present shared.

Except for Artoria, who was dragged into this secluded area by the other girls.

Scáthach, Kei, Jeanne, Mordred, and Jalter came to this isolated place to talk about what happened this morning, a few things that most people would overlook, but not for those who have been living with him for years and can pick up on those small, almost imperceptible details.

It started with Ahm waking up and going to look for them, which wasn't unusual in and of itself, but notifying them that he was going out was unusual for him, who can communicate using telepathy especially if it was something urgent as he said. 

Even without mentioning how Jalter's body was strengthened by simply being beside him, her skill that allows her to use negative emotions as fuel was upgraded over time and is no longer limited to just her mana reserves, and how she could feel his hidden anger, it was clear that something had happened.

They could clearly see how he felt an unexpected sense of relief after looking at them, not bothering to hide his expression as he did so, and then went out by himself instead of being around as he usually does. 

It was clear that he was looking for them to confirm something.

Scathach took a look at each of the girls present before saying "You've all been through death, battle, and war... You should understand how that marks and changes someone..."

Hearing her words, they realized they all had one thing in common...

Key was a Sarkaz mercenary, as are many Sarkaz in that conflict-ridden world.

Mordred couldn't help but try to avoid Artoria's gaze; she was the one who led that one...

And even if Jalter is a twisted version of Jeanne, she also remembers what happened back then.

War is far more cruel and inhumane than Scáthach, to the point where they prefer the emotionless teacher over it. War teaches students who do not want, need, or deserve to be taught, and it does so without regard for the state of its students, not during it or after it...

That was one of the reasons they liked him; he was quite naive and innocent, even if he tried not to show it, which is unusual for someone with power, given that most of them, including themselves, fought for their current strength with sweat and blood.

These two things are only behind the feeling that he would do anything for them; someone who would and can fight the world for you is quite novel for the girls present.

"But… What did you do to get such a reaction from him?" Kei inquired as to what her teacher had done, and the rest of the room felt the same way, given that the focus of the room is now on the same person, waiting for her to respond.

"I... don't know what happened to him because all I did was direct his dreams down a path that would expose him to feelings like loss and pain... " Scáthach gave a vague explanation of how she did it, but made it clear that she has no idea what the outcome is.

"Are you saying the idiot hurt himself?" Jeanne shouted with an annoyed tone, but they are used to it by this point and know how she is; she will react violently to matters that concern her simply because she dislikes that feeling, making her appear offensive.

"I couldn't change his mind without him knowing about it, so that was my only option, to guide his dream and given his imagination and what he can do... It had to have felt almost real to him." Scathach explained, and they realized how bad things could turn out with something like that.

Especially if it involves them, he is quite known for overreacting when it comes to his loved ones.

She only gave him a nightmare, a real and vivid nightmare, and given that he went to look for them immediately afterwards... what most likely happened there was...

It's pointless to explain that the dream also targeted his fears, doubts, and insecurities, among other things; doing so would only cause more problems...

"But, whatever happened there, it had to have involved us, right?" Mordred inquired, attempting to confirm her guess with everyone present. 

Hearing it made Jeanne nervous for reasons she couldn't fully comprehend "It's stupid to try to deducr anything from it... I don't like it, I want to be with him so he doesn't feel alone" From something like them becoming accustomed to something far worse... In any case, he must need her.

Scáthach understands Jeanne's reaction, when he came down looking for them and asked 'where is Shishou'...

A worried-looking question, but Scáthach wasn't expecting it because she is used to always being on the sidelines, keeping an eye on things and not being the one participating, and just like that, he made her heart skip a beat for something so… insignificant...

"Ahm doesn't need what he already has... So, Jeanne, sit back; we've worked hard over the years to ensure that the last thing he feels is alone." Scathach woke Jeanne up, and she soon realized she had been worrying for nothing; if he felt alone for something like this, what had she been doing all those years?

She literally told him that he can take her anytime so, how could he easily forget about her being there for him? and he isn't that mentally weak in the first place.

Those facts were able to calm Jeanne down.

"So… We just… wait? " Jeanne inquired.

"We wait. " Scáthach said. 

Kei, after looking around, made a suggestion to try to divert their attention: "Should we do something for when he returns?" The others nodded, and started contemplating what they could do for him once he returned.

They began to consider what they could do for him, but the silence was broken by a raised hand and a questioning voice "... A question. Why am I here?" Even if she was concerned for him, Artoria couldn't find the answer to that question because she clearly doesn't belong here, right?


-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.(PoV change) 

A nightmare, a stupid nightmare, which was the last thing I could have thought of but should have expected to happen at some point.

One of the greatest joys and terrors of being someone who uses their imagination and mind is how vivid and lucid everything they dream unconsciously is.

Normally, that would be some Anime or game in a virtual reality-like state, but this time was different. 

I don't actually remember or, to be more specific... I can't remember how it was, probably my mind deleted the entire thing to save me some trouble, but the feeling it left was enough to give me a headache and a slew of emotions that were all over the place for almost ten minutes before I could calm down.

But it did make me realize one thing...

What was my initial reaction to the possible contents of said dream?

I can summon someone to help me if something goes wrong. 

F***** asking someone to help me to solve my own problems! 

Instead of F***** trying to solve them myself! 

And it made me realize how much I rely on it, how much I overlook because everything can be solved with a single summon.

As natural as asking for assistance is, using it as your main solution rather than just another an option is, in my opinion, stupid.

Waiting for the rest of the world to solve my problems is not how I want to live, and one way to start doing things for myself is to use what I already have.

One thing I left out is the [Pandora's box], the place where all my emotions go and twist to form a new kind of chaotic energy.

After using it against Diodora, I couldn't bring myself to use it again; it's too unstable and corrosive, and the worst part is... It's been evolving, and since I've been ignoring it, I'm not sure how much or what of it has changed, much less having control of it. 

All I know is that the [Despair] works like a poison, breaking apart everything 'Mental' related that comes in contact with it. 

I also need to start taking more initiative... Brainwashing and controlling people feels wrong, but I may have to do it if necessary.

I did something that I haven't done since a long time ago, something that I used to do to thank the one who sended me here. 

Pray to the Goddess of Dreams. 

Thank you, Goddess... They are safe and... I'll make sure they stay that way, even if it means forcing myself to do things I don't want to do.

I just hope no one causes trouble because, right now, I don't if I can stop it.

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