Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 414: A link

"You speak of treason to my universe, the lives of an uncountable number of life-forms hangs in the balance, it all depends on our success in the devouring of fate, you know this and still wish for me to follow you?". Tasha has switched off her killing intent, she no longer saw Yunan in the scope of an enemy or an ally, to her, this youngster was suddenly too big to be seen with such a narrow view.

"You may have focused on consuming fate to help your universe through the culling, however, is the rest the same? Is everyone in the council focusing on ascension, to become primordials, just to save a universe that would be unable to hold them? We both know that your universe is dead, losing its fate in the culling is a death sentence, how long do you think it would take to wither and die without a fate, do you think the number of lives capable of surviving such chaos can be even half the population? You are an over-god, don't play the small tricks with me, even if I am still a mortal".

Yunan exposited that Tasha and the council, who had already forsaken their universe could no longer claim the moral high ground, even drawing upon the empathy of others was a bit too much, but he didn't try to put all members of the council in the same place, some like Tasha, may believe that their universe could still be saved. After she spoke, Yunan was nearly certain that she was deceived long ago, but she can not admit that anymore.

Using the dream divinity helped him confirm that assumption, she still dreamt about her world, about a little alcove that she loved to spend her time in. Yunan also knew for a fact that she could no longer look back, this has gone too far. As one of the strongest gods in her universe, she was introduced to the plan of consuming fate before the culling started and using that power to ensure the survival of their universe, unfortunately, the culling came too fast, and when the other universes noticed the absence of the main powerhouses, they decided to end the weak ones first.

An invasion from a few hundred hostile powers nearly brought the universe to its end, when the victors came to claim fate, a primordial called foul, how could the victors take away the fate when it was being consumed, it was then that the fate was removed from the universe and the over-gods were given their super important experiment, in return their universe would be allowed to survive the culling, it was simply a trap, there was no universe that could sustain itself without a fate, and for a new one to be born would take too long, the council felt that it was too late to back away, especially those who were cheated in the first place, they had the most to lose.

Tasha knew this too, she knew that her universe could never be saved, it could be remade but it could never be reborn, it was therefore imperative to gain the power of a primordial, there were no fights between the primordials, they had deals and insured peace through a multitude of ways, only with the power of primordials could the broken universe find a chance at being reborn.

Yunan did not even feel like telling Tasha that consuming fate had nothing to do with ascension, why would the primordials, beings who only care about being worshipped and consuming dead and dying universes let anyone join their ranks, ascension was something that can not be given, one had to take it, from mortal to divine and from divine to primordial, there was nothing to be gifted about reaching a higher state of being.

Yunan now looked at Tasha with pity. She was stuck, unable to retrace her step and fall back, nor was she able to advance, now she was in a cage, losing the tiny sliver of hope she had used to trick herself into following a path that was not hers. The same was true for the rest of the council, no matter how strong they get, they are walking an oath with no destination, a dead-end would be welcomed by many in the council, Tasha among them. If she were to fail, she would return home to die.

"What I want for you is to not do anything, feel free to share the conditions of our deal and bringing other on it, my offer stands as long as you stop working for the council, feel free to wage your wars and conquer the lands of this planet trade with who you fancy and whatever else you want, I do not need information or help, just stay out of the way, not too hard to do right?". Yunan choose to give Tasha some leeway, he truly had come here on a whim, but when he read her dreams, he found himself thinking about that field outside of Damascus, the one full of moonflowers, that made him feel a vague connection with Tasha, he would still kill her but not on a whim.

There were tears in the eyes of Tasha, she clearly understood what Yunan was giving her, a chance to make a stand, even if she did nor save her universe nor would she ever avenge it, but she could stop walking deeper into the same endless swamp, still, she had been drowning for thousands of millions of years, salvation might look worse to her than death.

The silence was all the answer Yunan needed, even if Tasha still served in the council, the seed of redemption was planted inside her, sooner or later she would do exactly what Yunan needed, disruption of the council, he wanted her to do nothing, but she could do much more than just sitting around if she thought it was her initiative.

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