Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 400: 400th Chapter

After a week or so of hunting around the 90th floor, Yunan returned home, confident that he wouldn't cause any injury or damage, finally, the control over his strength has returned to him.

Riding on the back of Drogon, the man and pet dragon arrived at the pocket dimension, where a silent atmosphere smothered the place. After finding himself alone, Yunan took a bath before heading out for the mainland.

The bright palace was full of merriment, cheerful laughter and smiling faces everywhere, there were decorations, colourful lights and some very neatly-dressed guests wandering here and there, all of them were having the time of their lives, holding drinks in hand, they danced, flirted and socialized, the scene could only be described as festive.

Yunan felt a bit lost among all the strangers, he asked a servant about his wives. The servant almost fainted from fright when Yunan asked his question, not daring to delay the king, the servant lead Yunan to the gardens where a tent was set up. There he found his wives mixing with some dainty looking noble women, all of whom were young of age and had bright eyes.

The unnaturally enthusiastic guests were nearly stunned into stone statues when Yunan walked inside the tent. The sheer lack of respect to the queens, not to mention the uncanny similarity to the God-king, the degree of comfort exuded by Yunan was the most stunning, his slow walk into the tent in simple attire, nothing fancy or festive, no aura of nobility or strength.

The bright-eyed ladies emerged one by one from their stunned state thanks to the bright smile on Reina, all this time, the queens were prim and proper, polite smiles and perfect manners, that only broke when Yunan strode inside the tent, each wore a brilliant smile that stole the light from the room, the naturally enhanced beautiful faces almost becoming sources of light themselves.

Hugs and sweet whispers were shared before Yunan could even realize what was going on, it felt like he was out of his element, but he did not dare to show anything on his face, Lady Mito would flay him for showing any signs of his true emotions in public.

Ignoring the jealous gazes, the intense stares and the occasional worship sent towards him and his wives, Yunan made a small gesture and his wives led him to the centre of the tent, there he found the rest of the family and family friends trying to keep up with the number of people rubbing shoulders and elbows with them. Sone enjoyed the attention, some cared little and some outright rejected the advances of the crowd, especially old Markus, since he was no longer pope, he hogged Hephaestus and Martin as well as Fortuna and Death, a collection of wines and snacks floated around them like a shield, stopping all those who wanted to exchange words or socialize with the bunch.

Apophis didn't join them, no, he had been roped into some kind of religious gathering, he seemed to enjoy the chaotic feel of the group much better, there were some priests and bishops and the occasional god in disguise. His teachers were doing their things, the spot where they stood felt like a good place to be, a sign of something being terribly wrong going on.

What attracted his attention was the absence of both Cat and Kaeser, although he had been an absent father, he didn't skimp on guidance and support for the two, thankfully, Kaeser grew up like his father, working hard and taking care of his responsibilities, he wasn't the best material for inheriting the throne, but he would be a good king. not that there was anything to do as the king of the Twilight Pearl kingdom, one only had to read the reports and let the kingdom run itself.

As for Catelyn, she grew up into the dream girl, the perfect girl in her mothers' eyes, willful and headstrong, but still capable and experienced, she took well to etiquette and the role of the prettiest pretty princess, socializing and making her existence known throughout the world, she was accomplished as an adventurer, diplomat and badass lady who can open a can of whoop-ass on anyone that disrespect her, her attitude during negotiations and other political meeting was sweet and reserved, but if anyone made any unwanted advances, said the wrong words about her family and kingdom, well, there had been recorded incidents of her beating up people and walking away.

Since the two were not present, the occasion was not even worth asking about, he just followed the lead of Reina, who introduced him to a few people along the way, he said the pleasantries, smiled the smile but never got his attention away from the gods in disguise, many of which tried to avoid his detection.

The group didn't linger and joined with Markus and the rest, Markus was looking very old, Martin looked like he was losing his strength, both were the former generation of world leaders, even if Yunan was a Primordial, he would show his respect to the two of them. He bowed deeply and greeted them with his best mannerisms, then, as if they were equal, he hugged each of them and joked with the two about their ages and wrinkles, mostly teasing them about his divinity and readiness to help the two in ascension if they so desired.

The occasion was simply a reoccurring party that Cat started of boredom and then it became a yearly tradition, neither Cat nor Kaeser were too bored this year and decided to do something or the other, as for the gods hiding among the mortals, Yunan guessed that they belonged to the type who enjoyed meddling with mortals and watching them live their lives.

Since the party was already ongoing Yunan sat down and hung around with the group of elders, him being old as well by now according to the standards of ordinary humans. The rest of the people in the tent took their leave soon enough, most of them hated the idea of being there around the god-king, the rest felt that being ignored by said god-king was too much to bear with.

The clinking of tankards, the choking laughter and the occasional physical roughness made the atmosphere feel as typical as it usually is at home, even the two youngest joined later as well, seemingly well integrated into the festive culture and strange debauchery of the family, all nice and cosy and happy at all times.

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