Dungeon Noble - Squire

DN2 23 - Ranking Up

Gargan eventually called an end to their practice, but Jake was pretty sure it was out of consideration of needing sleep for their delve the following day.

Otherwise, he was pretty sure the caster would have been more than willing to stay up all night discussing magical theory.

Felix had been Jake’s source of information to his point, but just an hour with Gargan showed the world of difference between someone who’d been around long enough to pick up a few things, and someone who was passionate about it.

Heading back to his cabin, Jake felt his pulse start to race as he lay down and triggered his rank up.

Sufficient Wyrdgeld is present, presenting ascension options for Tier II Rank V.

You currently have one Trait slot available and one Skill slot available.

At this time, you have unlocked two additional Skills that may be purchased.

Lesser Sprint - Common - 100 Wyrdgeld

Lesser Blade Mastery - Uncommon - 200 Wyrdgeld

At this time, you have unlocked two additional Traits that may be purchased.

Lesser Endurance - Uncommon - 200 Wyrdgeld

Lesser Weapons Expert - Uncommon - 200 Wyrdgeld

At this time, you have insufficient Wyrdgeld to make any upgrades or purchases.

At this time, you have two available Plexus Points.

Boons available to be upgraded

The Mighty Drake - 2 Plexus Points

Would you like to upgrade one of your Boons?

“Yes,” Jake said, fighting down the last shreds of reluctance

Upgrade completed, continuing with Ascension.

Congratulations, you have ascended to Tier II, Rank V. The expended Wyrdgeld shall be used to refine your physicality.

Would you like to discard any Skills or Traits at this time?

Jake refused the prompt before gasping as the energy flowed into him.

Every time he did this it was with more Wyrdgeld than the time before, and the greater quantity of energy made the process easier to track and the changes more distinct.

Usually, he was tired and barely awake for this, but this time he focused on what was happening. A wealth of energy was flowing into him as the System converted the Wyrdgeld into raw power, with just over half of it going into his body, while the rest flowed into his core.

Jake could feel the excess be consumed by his Boons to fuel their own growth and realised that even without using his Plexus Points, his Boons would gain strength as he rose through the ranks.

Foreign power intermingled with the process as the System enlarged the Boon he’d chosen, and Jake felt a spark of curiosity about what Moby would be like now.

Turning his attention back to the changes happening within his body, Jake found the process almost complete, but it brought with it a bone-tiredness that he found difficult to resist.

Letting it wash over him, Jake relaxed back onto the bed and slipped into sleep.


The following morning Jake woke with the dawn and went through his usual routine of getting to grips with his new strength.

As always, the increase was noticeable, but slight enough that it didn’t take too much time to adjust.

Alan and Nepthys were likewise running through some exercises and adjusting to their new rank, and through unspoken agreement, they joined together for a run around the area.

A run was just enough to get Jake’s blood pumping and help loosen him up, making him feel a bit more at home with himself.

“Well, either of you get anything alongside your rank up?” Jake asked as they came to a halt back where they’d started.

At this rank, and with weeks of hard work, neither Jake or Alan were phased by the run, which only drove home how much Jake had changed since he’d Ascended.

He’d been considering how much Alan had improved in the last few weeks, but if he was being honest, he could tell that his own changes were just as dramatic.

The thin, underfed person who’d taken up that unwanted Class was long gone now. Wyrd infused food, plenty of training and steady progress through the ranks had given Jake all the strength and endurance he’d dreamed of back in Port Emerald.

“Nothing for me, I had enough to get there, but not enough for anything new,” Alan said.

“Same here, but we at least have enough between us to outfit ourselves properly.” Nepthys motioned over to Ivaldi’s as she spoke and Jake nodded with a grin.

“Well then, let’s get our things and see what we can afford,” Jake said, waving over Aspen and Gargan, who’d just emerged from their cabins.

“Is it time?” Aspen asked, jogging over with an eager expression, already wearing his armour and carrying both his spear and backpack.

Gargan was also fully equipped, and despite his neutral expression, Jake thought he saw a hint of excitement in the reserved caster’s posture.

“Not quite yet,” Jake said, chuckling as Aspen sagged slightly. “But it is time to do some shopping.”

“Ah right, here,” Aspen said, producing the Wyrdgeld he’d offered the day before. “Go get yourself some armour, if nothing else.”

“My contribution, as well,” Gargan said, passing over a matching amount.

Jake thanked them both and hurried over to Ivaldi’s, eager to spend what they had and get things moving.

“Jake Khesh, be welcome in my domain,” Ivaldi said as Jake entered the store, the big man appearing as usual to sit behind his low counter. “What are you looking for today?”

“Well, we’re taking a run at the Dungeon as a whole today,” Jake said as Nepthys and Alan joined him. “So we’re looking to get as fully equipped as we can be.”

“I see,” Ivaldi said, his gaze lingering on Jake for a moment before he nodded and gestured to the walls of the store, which were covered with different styles of weapons. “I have basic equipment for all Classes, please let me know what you would like.”

Jake started to turn away before pausing, glancing at Alan and looking back. “What would the basic equipment for an Inquisitive Scholar look like other than weapons and armour?”

A slight smile touched the corner of Ivaldi’s mouth as he reached out of sight and pulled out a small brass object. “A looking glass is commonly recommended. Any Class equipment like this would be five Wyrdgeld.”

“Done,” Alan said quickly, hurrying over to take the looking glass and pay Ivaldi.

Despite its small starting size, the looking glass was telescopic and extended out a good distance when Alan used it.

“What about for Dungeon Nobles or Inquisitors?” Jake asked eagerly.

“I’m afraid the basic requirements for your Classes are covered by your Patron Gifts,” Ivaldi said, though he reached out of view to pull out a leather cuirass and a pair of bracers. “Armour is most definitely recommended, though. Leather armour would be twenty-five Wyrdgeld apiece.”

“Do the bracers count as one?” Jake waited until Ivaldi nodded before sighing and producing the Wyrdgeld for three sets of what Ivaldi had in front of him. “This will be almost all our Wyrdgeld, but I think it’s a good choice. What’s your thoughts, Nepthys?”

“Agreed, we need the armour more than anything. I’ve had a set like that in the past as well, it does quite well against monsters in the Beast category.”

Jake heard the unspoken reminder that it would do little against an Enhanced monster, let alone an Awakened one. Still, it would help them get to those fights in the best shape possible.

“Alright, three sets of armour and then the rest goes to potions that we split between us. Do you need any more arrows, Alan?”

“No, I should be good with what I have,” Alan said before hesitating and shaking his head. “Actually, let’s get another couple of bundles, just to be safe.”

Thankfully, the oddly cheap pricing that Ivaldi had for such things meant that another fifty arrows was just two Wyrdgeld, and it was only a single Wyrdgeld for a pair of his basic healing potions.

At one point, that had felt like a lot to Jake, but he now saw just how outlandishly cheap such costs were. There was absolutely no chance that these potions were that cheap to produce, which meant that there was a greater purpose to them being so discounted.

The free replacement of gear in the first tier was meant to have been a deal between the Delver’s Guild and Ivaldi, but Jake wondered just how true that was.

Putting his musing aside for the moment, Jake led the way back outside and dumped everything onto one of the benches, letting the others grab out what they needed.

Figuring out the straps and fasteners for the cuirass took a few moments, but soon enough, Jake was ready and raring to go.

Something about putting on armour had really driven home for him just how important this delve was, and Jake wanted to waste no more time in starting.

Thankfully, he wasn’t the only one, and the rest of the group quickly gathered at the entrance to the Dungeon.

“Alright, so we’re going to do the first tier the same as always, but I want everyone to be paying attention,” Jake said as they made their way through the towering Dungeon doors. “We can’t afford any mistakes so soon.”

“Don’t worry, we’re taking this seriously,” Aspen said firmly, grounding the butt of his spear in emphasis.

“Alright then, let’s be about it.”

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