Dungeon Noble - Squire

DN 60 - Growth I

The next floor of the undead Dungeon was a mix of the second and third, with them beginning in a burned-out building and progressing out onto the street, where small groups of zombies were waiting.

Without the numbers needed to swarm them, the zombies were quickly dealt with, and the group pushed onto the Guardian floor and the end of the Dungeon.

The final floor was an inversion of the fourth, with them exiting out into a mist-filled street and entering a palatial mansion through a broken wall.

Jake couldn’t help but notice again how much more was happening in this Dungeon compared to the others. He’d been wondering if the locations they went to were created by Dungeons or somewhere in the world.

Now that Jake had experienced this Dungeon, he was leaning toward the former opinion more than ever. The featureless buildings blocking their path elsewhere were just too at odds with the ones that they went into.

“Okay, through here is the ballroom. There are five zombies dressed as nobles, but once we fight them, two Empty Ones will come out of hiding.” Nepthys explained, having seemingly taken on the role of passing their experience on to Jake.

“Right, so what’s the plan?”

“We try to kill as many of the zombies at the same time as we can. That’ll wake up the Empty Ones, so we pull back, deal with them, and then finish off the zombies. The room is lit as well, so there is no need for the torches.”

Jake gladly dropped his torch off to one side and unslung his shield. He kept it loose on his arm, as he expected to cast it aside for his dagger at some point, but it was useful to have.

Nepthys opened the door and led them into what was the most intact room they’d seen so far. Burning torches sat in sconces around the edge of the room while a chandelier hung in the centre, casting its light over the ash-covered furnishings.

Five zombies were scrabbling through the broken remnants of a massive table, one of two that had once stood in the room.

At their entrance, the five undead slowly turned to face them before beginning their shambling advance. Thankfully, the room was big enough that Jake and the others had plenty of time to get into position.

Four of the five zombies fell at the same time as they all attacked at point-blank range, the fifth dropping a moment later as Nepthys put her off-hand sword through its heart.

“Well, that went better than expected,” Alan said as two of the grey-skinned Empty Ones burst out of hiding and began to sprint toward them. “Going for left!”

Rhew and Nepthys joined Alan in focusing on a single one of the creatures, leaving Jake to hold off the other until they were done.

Thankfully, while the gaunt creatures were fast and strong, they lacked anything like the iron fur of the hounds or the scales of the lizards.

Shifting his grip on his shield, Jake waited until the monster was almost on him before throwing it at its face.

Unsurprisingly, the Empty One swayed out of the way of the impromptu projectile and dodged Jake’s sword, but his dagger slid home.

The monster snarled in pain before throwing Jake away from it, leaving a deep wound down his arm in the process.

Black lines of poison were spreading out from the wound in the creature’s chest, but they didn’t go far, and they were fading even as Jake watched.

The shock of his dagger failing to kill something almost lost Jake his life as the Empty One rushed him, the edge of its talon-like nails catching his neck and slicing through with ease.

Throwing himself backwards, Jake launched the dagger in his hand at the creature to distract it.

The fast-moving monster slid around the attack and was on Jake a moment later, giving him no time to think, no time to catch his breath.

Repeated training allowed Jake to dismiss his dagger as sharp nails cut into the flesh of his arms, and a wrench of his wrist made him release his sword.

A pale grey barrier sprang into existence, blocking the creature’s next attack and giving Jake the moment he needed to conjure his dagger and slash the monster’s throat.

The poison within the dagger might do little to harm the monster, but it was enough to stagger it for a moment.

An arrow and a cluster of icicles struck the creature a bare moment later, knocking it from its feet as Jake retrieved his sword.

Nepthys reached the fallen monster before Jake, piercing its heart with her longer blade and ending the fight.

“Are you alright?” Nepthys turned to Jake with a concerned expression.

“Nothing a potion can’t fix,” Jake said, sheathing his sword and dismissing his dagger before pulling out a potion. “You made fighting one of them look a lot easier when you did it.”

“The advantage of being several ranks higher than you,” Nepthys said with a pleased smile. “You seemed to have a plan, though. What happened?”

“My poison didn’t work on it to the same degree as usual,” Jake said, sighing as the potion got to work, healing the damage the monster had done. “Which makes sense, now I think about it. The bloody things are undead, after all.”

Nepthys’s eyes sparkled with restrained laughter as she cleaned off her swords and sheathed them. “A learning experience, I’m sure. Now, let’s get all this done so you can claim your reward.” Nepthys gave Jake a subtle wink before turning to draw the Wyrdgeld from the dead monster.

The emphasis the Inquisitor put on the last word briefly made Jake’s eyes widen before he realised she meant the Boon from binding the Dungeon. Thankfully, she’d already turned away and missed the slight flush on his cheeks.

The reward for the end of the Dungeon was just additional coins, matching the one for the Challenge, and just a few minutes later, Jake was walking through the final exit.


The darkness of passing through one of the Dungeon’s true doors lasted for a few heartbeats longer than usual before Jake emerged.

As before, Jake found himself in a brightly lit chamber, though it didn’t feel quite as thick with power.

Four empty pedestals sat in the centre of the room, with the metallic Throne waiting on the far side. The reddish-brown metal glinted enticingly in the torchlight, and Jake eagerly made his way over to take his new seat.

The cold metal was briefly hard and unyielding, but as before, Jake felt it shift and mould itself to his frame, curving around him in an almost possessive manner.

Congratulations, Jake Khesh, you have bound the Dungeon Haugask Deja. Choose from one of the four rewards the Dungeon has selected for you.

The four pedestals began to glow, an image forming over each of them as the air in the room thickened and pressed down on Jake.

This time, Jake was ready and focused his attention internally, letting him feel the distinct touch of something foreign brushing against his mind.

As before, the touch vanished as quickly as it came, and power flowed into Jake from the Dungeon, moving through his body to vanish into his soul.

The power flow was significantly less this time, and Jake waited a moment before sighing in relief as no notification of an increase in tier came.

Rising from the Throne, Jake stepped down to the pedestals, feeling energised and invigorated by the power that had flowed through him.

The first image was of a zombie rising from the ground, and the whispers in Jake’s mind told him that it would allow him to animate the bodies of those he slew.

The second image was of his own face, bloody-mouthed and grinning wildly. A chill went down Jake’s spine even as the whispers told him that it would allow him to feast on the blood of the enemy, healing himself.

The third image was of his hands, though his nails were elongated and thickened, becoming talons. The whispers called it a temporary enhancement he could apply to himself.

The fourth image was the same as last time. A globe of grey Wyrd filled with potential. The whispers told Jake that he could choose raw Plexus power rather than a boon.

Jake wasn't entirely sure what that fourth option meant, but he had a rough idea. The unknown aspect wasn’t great, but he didn’t want any of the first three, either.

The Triarchy were already going to be trying to kill him, but at least he had allies. If he started eating monsters, summoning the dead to his aid, or gods know what else, those allies might fall away.

It wasn’t worth it, and Jake wasn’t that interested in any of them to risk it.

Deciding to take the Plexus power, Jake triggered his status so he could compare it afterwards and see the effect.

Name - Jake Khesh

Patron Deity - The Great Dungeon

Class - Dungeon Noble - Squire

Tier - I

Rank - IV

Dungeon Network - 2

Plexus Strength - Minor

Plexus Manifestations - 0/1

Plexus Points - 1


Physical - Lesser Noble Constitution (I) - Rare- Descended from a Noble bloodline, you have a minor enhancement to physical characteristics.


Passive - Personal Plexus (I) - Very Rare - You gain the ability to bind Dungeons and form your own Plexus that may contain Dungeons of minor strength. Currently, Dungeons up to Tier I can be bound. Doubles the Wyrdgeld cost of advancing in Class Rank.

Patron Gifts

Passive - Agent of the Great Dungeon (I) - Very Rare - You are bound to the Great Dungeon by blood. Other followers of the Great Dungeon will recognise you and aid you as they may.

Passive - Sense Dungeon (I) - Rare - As an agent of the Great Dungeon, you are able to passively sense the location of nearby Dungeons in a meagre range.

Plexus Boons

Hidden Fang - II - Granted by the Holrswar Murk Dungeon, this Boon allows you to Manifest a dagger with inherent poisonous properties. Using the dagger, summoning it and dismissing it all draw on the power held within it on Manifestation.

Deed requirement to increase Tier

1 - 5 Tier I or higher Dungeons bound

2 - Rank X

Requirements to increase to Rank V

1 - 160 Wyrdgeld

“Huh,” Jake muttered as he examined his status, noting that he’d gained a Plexus Point and his Dungeon Network had increased. Plexus Strength and Plexus Manifestations had remained the same, though.

Reaching out to take the Boon, Jake felt the energy flow into him, banishing all of his lingering aches and pains. Unlike with the dagger, there was no new knowledge that abruptly came to him with this Boon, so Jake triggered his status again.

Name - Jake Khesh

Patron Deity - The Great Dungeon

Class - Dungeon Noble - Squire

Tier - I

Rank - IV

Dungeon Network - 2

Plexus Strength - Minor

Plexus Manifestations - 1/2

Plexus Points - 1

Plexus Boons

Hidden Fang - II - Granted by the Holrswar Murk Dungeon, this Boon allows you to Manifest a dagger with inherent poisonous properties. Using the dagger, summoning it and dismissing it all draw on the power held within it on Manifestation.

Plexus Development - I - This Boon may only be increased in rank by choosing it at additional Dungeons, but it has no cap on its rank level. Increases Manifestations available by one per rank. Granted by the Haugask Deja Dungeon.

“Interesting,” Jake said softly, taking in the new information with a growing smile. The increase in his Manifestations would be incredibly useful.

It was a shame about the Boons here not being to his liking, but hopefully, the other Dungeon would provide something more in his style.

Taking a last look at the Throne, Jake turned and left the way he’d entered.

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