Dungeon Noble - Squire

DN 4 - Guild Training I

When Jake woke up, the light coming through the window of his room told him that it wasn’t long after dawn. Apparently, he’d fallen asleep on the bed and slept away the rest of the day and throughout the night.

Having that long without being disturbed was rare in the orphanage. This was probably the longest Jake had slept in the last few years, and it felt good.

He felt awake, aware and filled with energy in a way that was entirely new for him. No doubt part of that was his Class, as well.

Heading downstairs, Jake followed his nose to a canteen of sorts. They’d said that food was provided, but Jake wasn’t sure how exactly that would work.

Jake was hesitant to go in, but his stomach was empty, and hunger was gnawing at him as he looked at the array of people eating their breakfast.

Giving in, Jake got a tray and joined the queue for service. Everyone seemed to receive the same selection, though they paid varying amounts and took different things.

A slim, dark-eyed man paid for his small bowl of porridge with a small stack of Wyrdgeld, but the person after him passed over only a single of the blood-red coins.

Jake’s confusion must have been apparent, as the server gave him a warm smile when it was his turn to approach.

“Morning, are you one of the new members?” The server was a middle-aged man with a kind face who was effortlessly managing the replenishment of a dozen different dishes on display from what was being brought to him.

“I am, yes. How much does this cost?” Jake asked, cutting straight to the point as he motioned to the various dishes displayed in front of him. He was too hungry for pleasantries.

“In general, you’re asked to pay what you can spare for meals here,” the cook said, pushing a plate at Jake and motioning for him to start loading it up. “Today, however, there’s no cost. New members get their first week of meals free."

"Oh, okay!" Jake’s eyes lit up as he realised he was eating for free. His stomach felt like it was curling up and dying inside him, so he was quick to start loading his plate up.

Once he had as much as his plate could hold, Jake looked around the room and eventually settled on a table with someone who looked the same age as him. It felt weird to eat on his own, so Jake would rather share a table, even if they didn’t know each other.

"Hi, are you new here as well?" Jake asked as he slid his tray onto the table.

"Yeah, I got my Class yesterday," Jake’s chosen companion opposite answered, giving Jake an appraising look that he returned.

Jake’s breakfast companion was a muscular man with a chiselled jaw and biceps that looked like they could crush Jake’s head. He was an imposing specimen of a human, for sure.

"Excuse me," a soft voice came from behind Jake as they were joined by a third person. "I couldn’t help but overhear, and I have recently received my Class as well."

The newcomer was a slight woman with long ashen hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to go straight through Jake. She gave them both a small smile before taking a seat and having a small bite from a piece of cornbread.

"I wonder how many new people there are?" Jake asked aloud, considering how many people lived in Port Emerald and the surrounding area. He would expect dozens to have received their Class, and the Delvers Guild was well-known, so it should get a lot of attention.

"At least ten from what I saw. I arrived just after a group of people who all came together," the woman said, turning her unsettling gaze Jake’s way.

"I wonder if they’ll make us do some sort of group training?" Jake wondered, thinking back to what they did when new orphans were delivered to the orphanage.

"Attention!" A familiar voice boomed throughout the room as Ari’s broad form filled the doorway. "All new guild members, please come with me. We’re about to run your first training session. Miss it at your own peril.” Ari stepped back out of the doorway, vanishing from sight.

“Do we just go now?” The woman asked, glancing between the empty doorway and her food.

“I know I am,” Jake mumbled around a mouthful of food as he stuffed as much in as he could and ran after Ari. He had so many questions about Classes, and hopefully, this training would start answering them.

Jake and the rest of the new Classers slowly filed into the front room of the Guild, forming a disorderly group under Ari’s direction.

Jake had gotten quite good at guessing how much money someone had by their clothing and how they held themselves, amongst other things. Looking over the others present, Jake could tell he wasn’t the only one without funds, but that wasn’t that surprising given what he’d learned from his attempt at talking to another Guild.

“Okay, that’s everyone. Newbies, follow me,” Ari said, his voice cutting through the idle chatter with ease.

Drinking from a steaming mug of something hot, Ari led them deeper into the building, eventually coming out into a courtyard of sorts.

A pair of older Classers were waiting for them, a woman in impressive armour and a man in robes that were covered with intricate designs.

Ari had a quick conversation with the two while they waited for all the new Classers to filter out into the courtyard.

“Alright, Matthias, that’s everyone,” Ari said to the robed Classer, who nodded and made a gesture with one hand that released a dome of grey energy, which quickly expanded to cover the whole courtyard.

Ari nodded, and the other Classer didn’t react, but Jake felt the small crowd he was in shift a little as everyone reacted to the unexpected use of magic.

“Okay, nobody get too concerned; that barrier is here to protect everything else from you, alright?” Ari said, raising a hand to placate them all and quiet them. “Now, we’re each going to give you a quick talk about your Class, then divide into groups to do some practice. Savenna, if you would?”

“Of course,” the woman in armour said, giving Ari a friendly grin as she stepped forward and exuded a comforting presence. From one moment to the next, Jake abruptly felt as though he was being bathed in warm sunlight. “What you are experiencing now is an aura that bolsters those I consider allies. This is one of the many abilities you can wield using your Wyrd. You will all have a single trait and skill given to you by Ascending, but in time you can learn almost anything, depending on your Class type.”

“Class type?” Jake echoed under his breath, unsure of what he was referring to. A few others seemed similarly confused, which was a little reassuring for Jake.

“I can see that not all of you know about this, don’t worry. That is why we have these introductions. We unofficially split Classes into numerous types, but the most common are caster, combat and crafter. Your Deeds determine the traits you can unlock when you rank up, but your Class limits what you can choose. Skills are much the same, but your Class has less influence on them.”

Excited murmurs ran through the group, but Jake found it difficult to join in. This was helpful information, but if his Class limited what he could get, Jake had the feeling he would get some odd choices.

“The System we are all part of is incredibly mutable. Two people with the same Class could take it to completely different results, and that’s just for your primary Class. In the end, it’s your choices that determine how your Class grows, and it’s your Deeds that will allow you to progress. If you want an example of a Deed, look at your requirements to rank up or reach your next tier.”

Jake did as she suggested and called his status forward mentally.

Deed requirement to increase Tier

1 - 5 Tier I or higher Dungeons bound

2 - Rank X

Requirements to increase to Rank II

1 - 40 Wyrdgeld

“At this point, I should point out that we will not compel you to tell us your Class, but it would be helpful if you did so. We can help identify possible routes with your Class, whether it be something general, specific or even bloodline-linked,” Ari said with an encouraging tone, his words making a few of the others perk up.

Jake would have loved to know more about his Class, but this reminded him too much of the interview with the Triarchy official. He wouldn’t provide any details, no matter how tempted he was.

“For those of you already thinking of branching out, and there’s always at least one of you, you can gain a second Class when you tier up,” Matthias said, adding to the conversation with a grin. “This opens up more Skill slots and more Trait slots, but you are then only able to advance to a new tier if you advance both Classes at once. Two Classes is also your limit until you get them to tier ten, but that’s a lifetime away, so don’t worry about it.”

Jake’s eyes were wide as he drank in the information, already wondering what sort of abilities he would gain and how powerful he would be if he had a second Class.

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