Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD (danmachi / kinda SI)

Chapter 12.2

It took only a few seconds to look at a page and forever remember it with the sharingan, I’d still have to take my time comprehending the books contents later, but I wouldn’t need to return to the library to do so, I’d already remember every word.


Almost three hours later I finished memorizing all twenty two books, my eyes were killing me, I had a headache and my brain felt like it was swelling with too much knowledge inside my skull, but I could remember everything I had read.


I felt like I’d need another health potion as soon as I left the library, but saving the one hundred thousand valis needed for another day entry was probably worth overusing my eyes once.      


I stumbled out of the Library almost carried by Tiona, the Amazon was giving me an odd look but, after I had dismissed her concerns, she didn’t ask me about it again.


Soon I managed to find a quiet, grassy spot and rested myself against a small tree, a piece of cloth covering my eyes to prevent further use while Tiona decided to get some street food for us. I wasn’t complaining.


I took deep, even breaths as I downed a health potion and hoped it was enough to alleviate my sharingan overuse, maybe I shouldn’t have read all 22 books, half of them wouldn’t even be useful at the moment.


Still, I now knew far more about the things around me and, while reviewing the information still sent spikes of pain through my brain, I had no doubt I’d recover in a day or two and learn even more.


“Here.” Tiona said and I felt something hot and greasy touch my cheek.


Without opening my eyes I lifted my hand until she put the treat in my grasp.


“What is it?” I asked as I bit into the thing, its texture was strange and there was some meat inside, or was it fish? I couldn’t tell, at least it wasn’t bad.


“Nobody knows we just call it U.F.O’s, unidentifiable fried object.” I almost did a spit take at the name, but managed to swallow. “The auntie who prepares it refuses to explain, saying it’s a secret recipe or something.”


“It’s tasty enough I guess.” I said and relaxed further against the tree.


No longer hungry and with a potion working overtime I was already starting to feel better... if I didn’t try to think about all the information I gained anyway.


I wonder, would a true Uchiha feel the same way if they did something like this?  


“Newbie-kun, you still want to visit the magic shop today?” She asked as she sat down by my side and bit into her own food.


“Yeah…” I said as I finished swallowing. “I’m feeling better already and I don’t want to lose another day shopping. Did you ask Riveria about it?”


“Yup, she says she does her staff maintenance at the Witch’s Secret House.” She said and started messing with something, lifting a corner of the cloth in front of my eyes I saw her pulling out a map from inside a pocket. “Here, it’s like, very close to the Pantheon.”


“The Guild’s headquarters?” I asked, not remembering any shops around the place, then again, it was called Secret House so… “Help me up?”


Turns out the Witch’s Secret House was, surprise, surprise, very well hidden.


We had to go down a very narrow stairwell leading to a basement that ended in a single, thick wooden door with nothing to say it was a shop.


Tiona walked ahead of me making sure I didn’t fall since I still didn’t feel at my best, then she knocked hard on the door and opened it.


The shop itself was more spacious, a wider room with enough space for almost twenty people, its walls completely covered with shelves or small drawers, there were also several complicated grimoires held behind glass walls, strange runes marking the edge of the glasses.


I made the mistake of glancing at one of the grimoires, a small green book with complicated, vine like patterns and a six star drawing on its cover that rested on top of a small red pillow, reading it’s pricing I winced.


155 million valis was far, far too much to even think about.


Making sure I avoided touching anything and risk damaging it I looked at the rest of the store and saw a beautiful elf, she was looking at a white wooden staff resting on the counter with intricate carvings along its shaft.


Even smaller than Tiona, the elf had straight, raven black hair, pale skin and red eyes, she also wore a white dress with light blue details that covered her body from the neck down leaving only her face exposed.


When we approached the counter the woman only gave a brief glance our way before turning away, but I still caught the slight widening of her eyes when she looked at me.


What? I was pretty certain I hadn’t spoken with any elf beside Remilia; most of them were racist assholes anyway.


Soon, the witchiest witch that ever witched came back from inside the shop holding a white want in her hand.


She was dressed in a black robe with the traditional pointy hat, had sharp nails, a huge pointy nose filled with warts and her wrinkles had wrinkles.


I half expected the woman to crackle like mad and fly off on top of a broom at any moment. Instead, she handed the wand back to the elf and received a bag filled with money.


“I finished repairing the spell stones; try not to ruin them as soon this time.” The old woman said and received a nod in return.


Receiving her wand the elf turned around and looked at me one more time before ignoring us as she left the shop.


“Who’s she?” I asked in curiosity, I didn’t recognize her and, with the sharingan, that was saying something.


“Dunno.” Tiona shrugged.


“Filvis Challia, a good costumer, but what brings you here young man?” The shop owner said as she sat behind the counter and in front of a large cauldron.


I raised an eyebrow and looked after the retreating elf, already turning the corner after having climbed the stairs.


I wanted to follow her out of the shop, but I didn’t feel up to running after her, I was too likely to stumble and fall on my face, so I just committed her face to memory.


I’d find her later, when I wasn’t feeling so shitty, and properly thank her for saving my life in the dungeon.


“Right,” I said and glanced again at the bag filled with valis, a lot of valis. “I do hope you don’t just deal with large purchases.”

“Don’t worry, most of my stock is made for beginners, what do you need?”


“Do you have anything to help lower an enemy’s magic resistance?” I asked as I looked around the shop in curiosity.


“Hmmm, I do have something like that yes, but I don’t think they’re in your price range.” She mumbled and smirked at me. “Cursed weapons and items are expensive you know?”


“Does it have to be a curse?”


“Perhaps if you explain why you need it I can come up with an alternative.” She said leaning over the counter, her eyes showing interest. “New spells are always interesting to me.”


I thought about it, I didn’t want to reveal my ability to anyone, that’d be stupid, but I could give the woman a rough description without revealing too much if it would help me improve.


Mord’s team already knew it anyway and, while I didn’t think they’d try to come after me, I had no confidence they wouldn’t tell anyone while drunk.


“I have a spell capable of casting illusions against a monster, it’s extremely useful but can’t affect monsters much stronger than me and the illusion breaks easily.”


“Interesting…” The old woman lifted an eyebrow and looked at me with a shine in her eyes, tapping at her chin with a long, sharp nail, she thought about the situation. “And how much is your budged?”


“Fifteen thousand valis?” I tried to sound the woman out while considering things.


That’d leave me with only 5 thousand in reserve, but I was quickly improving my ability in the dungeon and I expected a large improvement in killing monsters after I went through the information on Dungeon Monsters I had gotten.


The witch snorted, then started snickering at me with amusement, just as I was about to walk out she motioned for me to stop and gathered herself.


“Ah… don’t mind me, sometimes I forget how it is to just start out.” She wiped a tear of amusement from her eye and leaned back. “For the record, expect any magical tool to be at least 100 thousand, there’s a few things cheaper but they’re trinkets that won’t help you in the dungeon.”


“I see, I guess I’m just wasting your time then.”


“I didn’t say that, I said I’m interested in new magic and illusions magic is very rare.” She said as she pulled a piece of parchment from bellow the counter. “How about we make a deal?”


“What kind?” I asked suspiciously, if she asked to sign in blood I was out of here.


“Usually something like this would be a waste of my time, but I’m willing to make you a very cheap wand, something around forty thousand and with only a single spell stone, if you come agree to come back to tell me what effect it had on your spell.”


I thought about it, then I looked at her. “I still don’t have that kind of money right now.”


“You can pay ten thousand now and the remaining valis when you come back.” She offered a glint in her eyes as she sensed my interest.


I was feeling highly suspicious, I couldn’t see what advantage she could get from the deal and it left me feeling uneasy, “And what exactly will this wand do?”


“I’m thinking I’ll make something simple, concentrate your mana when you channel the spell from your hand.”


“That… won’t work; I don’t use my hands for the spell.”


“Oh, even more interesting!” the challenge only seemed to make the witch happier, “Hmmmm, how about this then, instead of a wand for targeting I can just make you a ring, with enough control you can channel your mana through the ring concentrating it, then draw it out when you want to use it.”


“Is there any detriment to doing it that way? And how long is that gonna take”


“Sure, the spell stones will deteriorate twice as fast and it will take longer to use the skills, but its cheap equipment anyway.” She waved her hand dismissing his concerns. “It’ll only take me 4 days.”


I looked towards Tiona and sighed when I saw she wasn’t even paying attention anymore, making any of my illusions slower to cast seemed like a huge setback, but it could be exactly what I needed when facing a stronger monster.


“Alright, I agree.” I nodded and shook the witch’s hand.


I left the shop together with Tiona, when we were finally back in Orario’s streets the Amazon turned my way. “So, what’s up with this Filvis?”


“She saved my life in the dungeon.” I confessed as I avoided Tiona’s eyes in shame. “I had a mind down and she carried me into safety before a monster could kill me.”


“Eh, and I thought she’d be one of those elves who look down on us.” She said while putting both hands behind her head. “Don’t forget to pay her back; you’re my apprentice now you can’t go making me look bad!”


“I won’t.”


Tiona walked me towards the center of Orario and the sky started changing as night arrived, she talked about things on Loki familia and I asked questions.


Eventually, the guilt from having her spending so much money on me started bothering me and I sighed. “Thanks a lot for today Tiona, I really needed it, how can I pay you back?”


“You know what? How about you tell me one of your stories then?” she asked with eagerness.


“Alright, you have a deal.” I smiled and watched as she went back to Loki’s house.


Feeling lighter than I had since coming here I returned to my room, eager to take a shower and close my eyes, maybe then the last of this headache would be gone.


Chapter 13 should come to my patreon at the start of next week.

If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics:

Reincarnated as supergirl

Reincarnated into a H World 

Welcome to the System 

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A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez and Travis cox  for supporting my work!

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