Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 88: A King and hisGeneral

WARNING: NSFW CONTENT.Please be advised that the following chapter has 18+ sexual material and should be exclusively reserved for a mature audience. If you do not wish to read such things, then feel free to skip the first half of this chapter. This will not affect your reading experience as long as you know the implications are there.You have been warned.


It was dawn. The morning light shone dimly beyond my eyelids.

It would be right to get up around this time, however, I pulled my blanket over my head and dug myself further into my bed. Something that was right was, in other words, something you could delay if you didn’t feel like doing it……Is this sophistry? No. If something can’t be wrong, then it can’t be right……. Therefore, I want to sleep more. I have the right to do so. Who achieved the most in the vanguard? Everyone should turn a blind eye to this degree of laziness.


There was a time when Schopenhauer overlooked nationality and positions and looked into the point of sameness between humans. The answer was simple. Laziness, this principle turned out to be both a part of human nature and our essence. All humans are the same in the fact that they’re lazy. Therefore, my current action of pulling a blanket over my head at dawn is justified by Schopenhauer…….

“Lord, wake up.”

Is it truly a lie if a lie isn’t revealed as a lie? Newton shouted while his mustache bounced up and down. The apple went up in reverse! The apple got tired while falling down, so it went back up……. As Newton got excited by this new revelation, he climaxed. His partner surprisingly turned out to be General Zepar. Is that so? So Zepar is Newton’s partner, huh? Did my subconscious perceive Zepar and Newton as partners? I am in awe of my creativity.

“Hah. Your Lordship intends to sleep in today, it seems.

“Why is General Zepar defending……Mmh.”

“If you do not wake up, I will do something obscene to you.”

“Aristotle’s lover, huh……? A splendid camis…….”

“Very well, then.”

I felt something squirm around. It was my blanket. Blankets tend to move around occasionally. In a world where apples go up to the sky, squirming blankets aren’t weird at all.


Something warm enveloped my lower body. And then,


A tingling sensation filled my skull and a strong wave of pleasure washed over me. My spine shivered and my hips were forced into the air. My mind must have not been conscious enough to properly give orders to my body as it was swept away by the rapid torrents of pleasure that had abruptly breached the dam. 

“Chuuu……slurp, mm.”

“W-What, are you, uuuuugh!”

I barely managed to figure out what was happening as I lifted my blanket up. A blonde girl had latched her head against my lower body. It was Laura. She was licking one specific area of my body even though it wasn’t erect. The way she was performing her fellatio was unique as she was using both hands to hold the foreskin open. She licked the inside while holding it open like a flower petal. ⎯⎯Not only have I never received this sort of oral sex before, but I’ve never felt this much pleasure before either!

“L-Laura. Please wait. Calm down. Let us discuss, wait!”

“Mm, nn, mmm, nnn……slurp.”


Another wave of pleasure washed over me. I kept curving my back like some sort of shrimp. My mind became blank as I laid on the bed panting. I was like a flower that had its stem bent. A ringing sound kept echoing in my head.

Laura spoke to me while my consciousness was still hazy.

“Gulp. ……Good morning, Lord.”

She spoke in her usual, peaceful tone. 

“I hope you were able to sleep well last night.”

“Thanks to someone, I was able to sleep r-really well.”

This is bad. My voice was still shaking. I couldn’t control my tongue.

“What was that?”

“What do you mean by ‘that’?”

“The thing just now.”

Laura wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief. There was another thick white substance beside saliva on her face. Laura wiped her face clean.

“Mm, was it not a fellatio? This is not the first time, so I do not understand why you sound so surprised. I recall that I did this the day before yesterday behind the quarters.”

“I am asking because it wasn’t a normal fellatio!”

“Aha. I see.”

Laura nodded.

“It must have been a first for Your Lordship. Personally, I refer to what I did just now as foreskin fellatio.”

“F-Foreskin fellatio.”

I repeated her words involuntarily. This wasn’t a phrase that a girl who was of royal birth from a duke family should be saying. Whether or not Laura noticed that I was dumbstruck, she proceeded to proudly elaborate about the details about foreskin fellatio.

“For starters, foreskin fellatio can only be performed when the man is not erect. Peeling the skin and licking the inside is what you call foreskin fellatio, so since the penis and skin will become firm if the member becomes excited, the skin cannot be peeled. Therefore, it is a fellatio that can only be performed when the skin is loose.”

“Penis, member, foreskin…….”

I shuddered. Who was it? Who’s the person that’s making this 17-year-old girl utter such words? Laura is using words that would be more normal for a 37-year-old to say and not a 17-year-old.

“I heard that this fellatio presents a special kind of pleasure different from normal fellatios, so I decided to test it out today. It seems it satisfied Your Lordship, so I am pleased.”

“The sensation was way too overwhelming. Also, foreskin? Is that not filthy? Please keep your dignity as a lady.”

Laura tilted her head.

“Your Lordship does not use the bathroom and you do not sweat. How could it be filthy?”


She’s right.

Ever since I became a Demon Lord, I didn’t have to use the bathroom unless I happened to eat quite the amount of food. It’s the same with sweat as well. I could only sweat if I ran like crazy. This interested me, so I tried looking into it and it turned out that it was because half the bodies of Demon Lords consist of mana. Therefore, my body didn’t give off a bad scent or give a dirty feeling when fellated. 

Once the sensation of pleasure finally washed away, I noticed what was in front of me. Something was floating in midair. It was a hologram. The following sentence was written on the blue hologram.

「Laura De Farnese’s job level (Sex Slave) has risen!」


I stared at the notification, stupefied. Once I checked her status, her sex slave job actually did rank up to C from D. This meant that Laura performing that foreskin fellatio or whatever raised her job level. I don’t know what to say……. This is quite the postmodern method of level raising.

“Hurry up and get up. A long time has already passed since the rooster has cried. A healthy mind raises a healthy body, and a healthy body provides healthy living habits.”

“Uugh. I understand.”

I got up. Honestly, it’d be fine for Demon Lords to only get 2-3 hours of sleep a day. They’d be fine even if they stayed up for 4 days straight. I’ve been staying up all night for the past few days, so I wanted to get in a bit more sleep today. Once I managed to push my urge to sleep away and got dressed, I heard Laura say something behind me.

“Mm, this was effective. From now on, I will wake you up like this every day.”


You’re going to level up like crazy, Laura.

I exited my quarters after I finished getting dressed. I briefly washed my face using the washbasin that was located just outside of my quarters. The morning wind brushed against my face. I stretched before taking in the sight before me. Thousands of campfires were burning on a vast plain.

The monsters didn’t need anything like a tent. Campfires were more than enough for them. Some monsters even disliked the heat from the campfires. Areas were separated according to races as family members and comrades slept leaning against each other. Tens of thousands of vague emotions drenched my mind.

I took in the emotions for a moment before I consciously ignored them. Recently, I’ve been getting more proficient at reading other people’s emotions. I could block them off to a certain degree if I didn’t want to read them. Although it was difficult to ignore excessively powerful emotions like excitement during battles. You could get used to anything as long as you tried hard enough.

At that moment, a giant approached from an empty lot. I didn’t have to guess who it could be. Excluding the ogres, there is only one person who is more than 4 meters tall. The giant deliberately waved his left hand in greeting.

“Oh, if it isn’t the lover whom Miss Barbatos favors.”

It was Rank 13 Demon Lord Beleth. I mentally groaned.

“Good morning.”

“Yes. It is quite a good morning. After seeing your face, I believe that my already good morning will become even better. Ptooey!”

Beleth spat on the ground. He was really easy to read.

There was nothing to guess. Ever since Barbatos publicly declared that she would make me her lover, Beleth has been treating me like this constantly. He was the stingiest lolicon in the world.


Beleth bent down and shoved his face towards mine. Don’t come near me, you ogre boar. How will you take responsibility if your lolicon stench gets all over me?

“Yes? What is the matter?”


The boar snorted. What’s up with him? Is he hungry? Is he trying to turn on his charm and ask me for food right now? There are hundreds of human corpses in that tent over there, so go fill yourself over there. It’ll only be troubling for me if he tries to turn on his charm.

“Ehem. There is something I wish to discuss with just the two of us.”

“……Laura De Farnese here is my devoted retainer. Please do not mind her.”

“No, well. It is something that females should not really hear.”

Beleth furrowed his brows.

“Be more perceptive!”

I was stunned. Who would’ve thought that Beleth, who looks like half of his brain is made out of muscles, had enough rationality left in him to distinguish between male and female! If I wrote a thesis on this, then I would undoubtedly throw the academic world into disarray.

Furthermore, this boar used an advanced word like ‘perceptive’……. There’s a chance that this guy thinks of himself as a person. This is an earth-shaking event. The academic world will most likely go into a serious debate on whether a boar could be considered as one of the other races.

“Laura, I will be having a brief word with Sir Beleth.”

“Understood. I will be waiting at the front.”

Laura bowed her head.

Once she had walked far enough, Beleth brought his face closer to mine. Referentially, this guy’s nostrils are as big as my head. Warm air kept going in and out of those holes. I almost felt like an electric fan was being pointed towards me.

“Hey, you. It’s about that.”


“Ehem. Khm, it’s about that. That you know? Did you do that?”

I looked at Beleth as if he were a crazy person. It appears that ogre-boar hybrids have a unique language of their own. It consists solely of demonstrative pronouns. His entire method of communication consisted of only saying ‘that’. Well, he is a gentleman whose brain is filled with muscles, it must be difficult to come up with a word beyond ‘that’.

“Please speak properly. I do not understand what you are trying to ask.”

“I’m asking you if you really slept with Miss Barbatos!”

Sheesh. I felt a headache coming.

A guy who was more than a thousand and five hundred years old is stuttering while asking if someone slept with someone else. Why is a guy who should know this much acting innocent? I answered him in a really pitying tone.

“Are you really that curious? Did you not ask the same question yesterday as well? People might think that Sir Beleth is a virgin if they were to hear this conversation.”

“W-Who are you calling a virgin!?”

Beleth jumped in anger. The ground shook slightly as the 4 meter tall giant landed back on the ground. This boar isn’t a normal boar. If you grilled a boar this big, then you could probably feed an army of 20,000 for 4 days.

Beleth mumbled in a tiny voice.

“I have simply been living a life of abstinence for the past 1,400 years.”


“I have never embraced a woman ever since I began to serve under Miss Barbatos. It would be disgraceful towards my devotion if I did such a thing.”

Beleth looked incredibly serious.

What did this ogre crossbreed say just now?

“I made a vow one thousand four hundred fifty six years and forty six days ago. The day I met Miss Barbatos was genuinely a historical moment. I swore that I would not take my eyes off Miss Barbatos until the day my resolve vanishes…….”

“Wait one moment. Sir Beleth, I do not understand fully, so I wish to ask you something.”

“What is it? I was about to tell you about how manly I am.”

Beleth stuck his lips out as if it were disappointed. That honestly made me want to vomit, but I held it back as I asked.

“In other words, Sir Beleth……are you saying that you did not have sexual intercourse for the past 1,400 years? Furthermore, you also remember not only the year you met Miss Barbatos, but the exact day as well?”

“That is correct.”

Beleth nodded confidently.

“That is how sincere my feelings are.”


I’m certain now. This guy is a serious nut job.


TL Note: Thanks for reading this chapter. I didn’t expect this chapter to start off with NSFW stuff. It gave me a PTSD flashback to that temporary job. The one I ranted about. I need to hurry up and bury that memory. It’s fun translating the lines where Dant is making fun of people, so that helped.

Other than that, nothing else to say, so I’ll see you guys in the next release.

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