Dungeon Core Chat Room.

Chapter 74. The bloody dimension of friendship and demons.

Hey! Dungeon reviewer Tom here.

Today I’m going to explore a dungeon that goes by the name of Nomix.

Nomix is a stranger dungeon than most – as expected from the city of scribes – and the surrounding city is actually the area I grew up in!

The main drop of the dungeon is magical parchment and ink. Occasionally single use charms but mainly blank paper as white as powdered snow.

While most adventurers would find this drop somewhat unsatisfying – other than the ocasional mage – the people of Nomix look towards the loot with satisfaction. And with good reason! This dungeon makes some of the best parchment in the world – some have taken to calling it paper to differentiate it from the more standard parchments.

As the premier place to get a decent quality grimoire and the home of the largest enchantment trade this city is a city of magic. The process of storing spells or wizardly secrets on light weight materials, means the city has some of the most knowledgeable practitioners of magic in the entire central continent!

The most popular export is easily mass produced “secret finding scrolls” – they function by letting adventurers scan an area to reveal hidden passages or alcoves… but I’m getting a bit too excited thinking about my hometown.

The Nomix dungeon itself contains mostly origami golems enhanced with magic. Numerous magical items guard the dimly lit hallways – and the librarians! The deadly librarians lurk behind counters and shelves, ready to strike as soon as you lower your guard.

For humans, this city gatekeeps some of the only methods of gaining the [scribe] class as well as the more esoteric [paper mage] and [ink mage] classes.

For elves it provides a safe source of writing material that doesn’t harm trees and for gnomes it provides a perfect source of material for their racial spells.

The flora and fauna that surround the city have been changed over centuries and now low level monsters contain black blood usable as ink – contain quills that work great for writing and dyes that can be used to paint illustrations. Even trees close to the dungeon have their leaves turn into white and clean sheets but those are lesser quality than the paper riches that can be found in the dungeon.

Anyways. As far as a dungeon experience goes there are probably more exciting dungeons out there… but this one has a special place in my heart. It’s the first dungeon I ever delved, and I look at the paper enemies with nostalgia filled eyes. I want each and every reader to think back to what your first dungeon was. How you felt when you first gained your class or found your first hunk of treasure. As a bit of personal information my very first proper reward is a very durable quill. I’ve kept it to this very day and despite not doing much it is my most prized of possessions.

Anyways, this review has gone through a bit of a tone shift hasn’t it! I figured after 300 reviews I had to do something special. Thanks for sticking with me and as always.

Thanks for reading.

Excerpt Obtained from the popular serial "Tom's Dungeon Reviews Issue #300"

Amy: …I’m definitely going have to give my vote to queen. Besides being biased towards nature and life-based monsters – this is just so much better than the majority of her normal monsters. She’s improved the most and that counts for something for me.

Fated Eternal Design: I simply must agree but for a different reason. This is less a monster than a whole concept. Its set off all sorts of ideas in my head. I’m going to try and build a flying version of this that adventurers have to travel across. I want to make a whole bunch of them with carefully sculpted mist mana to look like clouds! Think of that! The dreaded sky, captured and tamed in my dungeon!

Amy: We are voting on aesthetics’ not concepts.

Fated Eternal Design: Oh, well…the natural beauty of this island is pretty great. The harmony of the lake ties into the biome like quality of the trees…etc. She’s artfully combined a dungeon and dungeon monster into a single concept! …ah why am I justifying my rating while you gave some flimsy justification of growth? We are voting on aesthetics not growth!

Amy: I’m sorry! My vote is based on how it looks. I like the trees and pond and natural look. I just tried to give a different reason because I know I’m biased towards that. I didn’t mean to be hypocritical!

Abe: It looks like she just picked a random part of her dungeon and gave life to it. :3<

Innearth: Hey Abe, I thought your monster was pretty cool, so you have my vote at least?

Abe: …are you just saying that because queen already has the two she needs to win and you want me to feel better?

Amy: Abe your monster was cute but too close to what you normally make. I liked the fuzziness but it was just a bit worse than the trees Queen sculpted and those cute little wooden teeth. Oh! You should add some adorable little spikes to the rim of it if you remake this monster! OH! Abe you should give your monster a massive tongue and tons of adorable eyes everywhere.

Abe: Thanks… it's fine. We’re cool. I’ll take my loss. No Biggy. I’m Finee.

Brutality Queen: So I won? Well I figured I would. Love the confirmation though. Feels greeeaat. Hey Doc, want to send me a keycard into this exclusive club you guys are working with?

Innearth: …

ZeMadDoctor: Oh! You’ve sorted it out? Good. One sec queen.

Doc moved the portal stone about – finally picking a spot roughly between the two existing “influence” gates, making an equilateral triangle of portal entrances.

He then sent a message to Queen to open their end without much fanfare.

Innearth was only partly paying attention when it opened – immediately switching more of his mental “processing” power to focus on the stronghold they were building. He stared about at everything as the gate violently formed.

On the Void side, the portal appeared to open as if in slow motion – and as it did the whole area began to shake and warp continuously as reality stretched and their 3D illusion warped.

The Void density increased slightly but significantly – by around 30-40% – and countless cracks and tears appeared violently in the walls and defences they had made.

Innearth: I thought we were stable?

ZeMadDoctor: We are bridging more areas. It's bound to get more dangerous – don’t worry everything is still really stable! There’s no problem with the portals or area… it's just dragging us into a deeper section of the void. Like when we open the cross continental connections.

Innearth: Are all the additions going to do this?

ZeMadDoctor: Probably. The link to you was worse. And this one is only around a third of the same increase? I can’t imagine the other links being worse than this. It might be a fraction of this. It might be close? Without more data. I really can’t say. Did it just go up by 2/3 to your 2/2 ? did it just get multiplied by 133.33%? Is it random? Just based on distance?

Innearth: I get it. You need more data.

Watching queen start slowly pushing through the gate was interesting, but immediately replaced in importance by the increase in demon incursions.

Several humanoid demons peeked into the zone – casually pulling aside the tattered kinetic threads of Doc’s cloth while they did so. Each had an oblong body and limbs but their proportions looked off.

One demon’s head was much smaller than it should be – two massive eyes appearing to be squished onto its small head. The second had three hands and carried a carved bone spear that looked both straight and like it was heavily curved – it hurt Innearth’s core to examine too closely like demons sometimes did in the real world. The third and final demon had a huge hole where its stomach should be.

Appearing to phase through the defences, this trio headed straight for the newest gate – correctly deciding it was the least defended.

Less than 2m into the room, the roach knight came streaking from the side. Space appeared to warp as it moved quickly – void liquid moving out of its way and rippling space around it made the walls and floor appear to be under a rippling pool.

The spear-wielding demon curved and deflected the initial strike – hand blurring to defend – but diverted the roach knight into the baby-headed demon who seemed unable to keep up.

Despite being much slower, the baby-headed demon was still alive – if heavily wounded. Alive despite taking the full brunt of the knight’s charge.

The hole-filled demon reached out as if to hug the knight – still embedded in its buddy. Long fingers extended at odd angles as if each were a sharp-angled snake with a mind of its own.

Throwing its head to the side, the knight tossed the “baby-headed demon” into the knife hand’s path. At the same moment as the baby was skewered, a spear came in a spiralling twist from the fastest demon.

The roach knight parried the spear with a spike that shot out of its side, then pushed out a steady beam of laser mana that began slowly forming a smoking burn on the spear demon's face.

Despite being able to melt through solid metal and mana-reinforced supermaterials like butter, the laser mana attack did a pitiful amount of damage to alive demonic bodies.

Quickly seeing the attack was useless the knight shifted slightly – appearing to infuse itself with the laser mana instinctively. Lines of light flowed just beneath the skin of the roach knight – all moving incredibly quickly – before suddenly the knight shifted into a rapid spin.

As the roach twisted through the air, every single spike on one side extended out like a saw. The first spike was parried away awkwardly as the demon moved back, but the rest smashed its weapon out of its hands and sheared through. Spikes ripped apart the surprised-looking demon's body in several spots – killing it decisively.

Several quick dashes with glancing swipes and stabs later, and the other two demons lay floating – the gravity materials Innearth had made being mostly broken after the shift.

Pouring its laser mana in a wide beam around the group, the knight slowly melted – and then vaporized as their resistances were overcome – the demons, turning to face its next opponents.

Innearth: I don’t like how that was closer than it has been. The knight has been overpowering all the demons pretty one-sidedly up until now.

ZeMadDoctor: …Innearth it took them out in less than five seconds. Three on one. It's still overwhelmingly stronger.

Innearth: …I guess.

Innearth tried to compare the strength of his knight to the strength of the demons currently crawling through the walls or appearing already partly in the room.

The knight was easily twice – if not four times – as strong as all of them individually.

…but there was only one knight – a cumulation of all of Innearth’s abilities used over a full month of design not to mention the material cost and mana cost…

Innearth: I guess.

ZeMadDoctor: Now you’re just repeating yourself. Listen, help me shore up some of these defenses. And then we can see about holding them off. I’ve captured demons similar in strength to these before… so as long as my kinetic barriers don’t have any holes in them. They should be fine. I’ve even captured one or two a level above this. And I’m pretty sure your monster can handle those as well.

Innearth: I learned this with my bastion but – if you give them a non-blocked path in, they will take that instead of trying to break down your walls. We could make a single entrance and try and funnel them through that?

ZeMadDoctor: Sure. That’s a plan.

Working on walling themselves off, Innearth barely noticed when a stream of muddy slimes started helping take down the smaller demons. They streamed out constantly – Queen somehow able to make several blobs a second – each with random features and a suicidal tendency to jump straight into the mouths of giant space fish.

As she piled more and more fluid monsters through: first one, than two, then three slimes ascended – She just made them! How are they already ascending! I mean sure…they are fighting demons…but still!

As the ascended monsters fought and increased rapidly in level, they shifted away from being “one of the horde”.

Instead of picking on the weakest demons as part of a group, they formed a second squad that began taking down stronger demons one at a time – using their non ascended brethren as “mud shields” and obstacles.

Slowly the tide of battle shifted from a frantic attack to a more steady trickle. Innearth and Doc repaired all the walls and healed the turrets – with Innearth starting to think more deeply about defenses.

Innearth: Hey guys. Okay, so building outwards is a tradeoff right now. The further out we go, the farther away most of the demons will appear to attack us from. If we build outwards we are going be bigger and attract more demons…but we will also have more space to build defences and more time before they get to our gates.

Innearth: I can also unroll the void in the space we have claimed – it will increase the size for us without increasing the size for them and won't attract as many…but as me and doc have figured out it's going to make it harder to overlap the same place. Sorry I’m getting distracted. What’s our plan? I want this event to succeed.

Brutality Queen: Let's see. Personally I think we need more room to relax in and space to set up traps, but I’m still trying to orient myself to what is here.

ZeMadDoctor: We need to estimate how far we can safely go and stick within it. Currently, we have a space roughly 100m in diameter. With walls and our defenses it’s trivial to continue but our margin of error is small. I recommend we continue to increase our size by small increments and stop well before it gets dangerous.

Innearth: …so two for expanding. Doing so slowly seems like common sense. Do you think we can detach a hallway if it looks like it's going to be overrun? Like throw it away and go back to a smaller hallway afterwards?

Brutality Queen: oh! Smart. I like that.

ZeMadDoctor: Detaching probably won't work. If anything is close enough to have discovered our hallway. They will be close enough to discover our main base.

Innearth: Guess that makes sense. And now that I think about it, I’ve discovered demons are created from random junk in the void. I haven’t figured out yet if our influence stops them from appearing but there’s a chance we toss a hallway out into the void and it's out of our influence… it might become a huge demon that comes back and attacks us.

Brutality Queen: we should have a better name for the space than “base” – How about “Shattered Land.”? Or maybe “The conjoined realm”.

Abe: …soo. Having fun? Not feeling left out at all over here.

ZeMadDoctor: We are safe enough currently. But if we add another… I’m not sure if we will be overrun. There’s a sharp jump in difficulty around when the stronger demons appear and I don’t want to risk it just yet.

Innearth: I’m going start building a hallway.

Turning to his new goal, Innearth began to expand with more single-minded focus than he had in a while.

He moved outwards in a straight line while building a void stone tube. The walls and floor wrapped around into a mostly three-dimensional cylinder and weirdly shaped bricks were made that could fit into each other perfectly.

Innearth amused himself with interlocking pieces like a puzzle – compressing cones and moons before interlocking them and letting them set behind him.

All along the path Innearth embedded a single crystal circuit to help his influence stay connected and despite it not really mattering Innearth gave the hallway a weak gravity.

Periodically demons would crawl through and occasionally they tried to bite or “suck up” the walls before they solidified.

Innearth ignored them for the most part.

At some point, he noticed Doc was overlaying some sort of kinetic strengthening blanket into the wall he had already made. And, at another point, he found Queen was creating seeds and embedding them into different spots.

She was creating plants from scratch using nothing but some mottled green and brown mana and regular physical materials!

Typically seeds were created with two inner magical materials squished together – one with that mottled mana Innearth was hesitantly calling “plant” and a second…“attunement” flavour that was smaller in quantity but affected the finished product more drastically.

From the small amount of time that Innearth spent watching, he pieced together that somehow the first element with plant mana affected the shape. Iron, made spikey bush-like plants and magnesium, fern-like creations. If the second material used sword mana it created spiky metallic-looking plants or ferns that pushed out a field of sharpness. If it used mental mana it created a purple spikey bush with bright pink berries…or a fern that dripped hallucinogenic liquid around it.

The shell didn’t seem to matter but occasionally queen seemed to swap the material and shift to a different variant of earth mana almost arbitrarily. She also kept changing the shape and size of her seeds hinting at a process similar to Innearth’s circuits. Once she made a seed the size of a large egg leading Innearth to believe a tree or something would be made – but nope that just made a small flower that shot mental mana pollen into the air and confused any demon who passed by.

At first, Innearth was slightly jealous of Queen’s ability to use “Plant mana” and the sheer variety of combinations she was making. Slowly however he came to realize she couldn’t control her magical plants very well. When used in a monster sometimes they made vines that could grab stuff…but most of the planted plants were more organic. As a material, his X crystals were more versatile and there were more opportunities for experiments with circuits.

She could make seeds and then surround them in life mana to speed up their growth…but the plants grew in random unruly directions and didn’t seem as effectively dangerous as something like Doc’s turrets.

The biggest draw of Queen’s seeds was how little mana she was using initially…but as soon as she turned around and grew them with life mana, the benefit was lost.

I guess I’m happy enough with my affinities. Besides. I’m ignoring a key part of friendship.

Innearth: Hey queen! Make seeds with these materials!

Innearth made specks of void-stone, solid-void, unlife, undeath, and chipped off a tiny piece of nullstone dropping them all in the middle of their hallway.

Silently queen accepted his offerings and threw up vines out of all of them – one by one stopping when the nullstone variant didn’t grow.

The void-stone and solid-void variants created dark spiralling and thick root-like plants that hungrily drank in the void liquid. As they grew around the passage they dug into the walls and dangled in the air they strengthened themselves – creating a physical barrier that was hard for demons to breeze through. The undeath and unlife versions on the other hand created smooth but flimsy-looking strings that were immediately ripped apart by a passing demon.

Brutality Queen: …sorry this last one doesn’t work. Others seemed fine. Those first two specks were the same as the walls? I think I can make some plants that increase the wall's strength if you make more of them. If I try to increase their strength too hard I might weaken them…and well If I block off a passage completely the hallway is useless. If you give me a bunch I can try some things out? It seems promising so far.

Innearth: sure!

ZeMadDoctor: you think we are good on expansion?

Innearth: Well…the difficulty dropped pretty quickly as soon as we started funnelling them into this passage. I was going just keep expanding till we reached a point that felt dangerous…guess we are good for now?

Brutality Queen: There’s still quite a few bypassing the passage but you’re right. The open door really does draw them in.

ZeMadDoctor: Correct. I think we can add another dungeon safely at this point.

Abe: hi.

Innearth: lol, Abe have you been thinking of defences?

Abe: If you mean thinking of offences then yeah. Demons are weak against kinetic and mental mana right? Well I’ve been focusing on shockwave bombs that translate nearly all their energy into a kinetic blast and psychic bombs that are just blasts of damaging mental mana. Done some…ahem. “experimentation” to test out which ones are the best. Blew up some adventurers. Had a blast.

ZeMadDoctor: Abe I’m sending you a pair now.

Innearth stopped everything he was doing and made sure to let his mana pool fill up nearly completely. He paused most of his regular dungeon maintenance in preparation and made sure to fill the empty spaces with monsters.

If a few adventurers found empty hallways with non respawned monsters they would just have to deal with it.

Abe’s portal was placed directly in between Doc and Innearth. The triangle was broken somewhat – but Innearth mentally turned it into a star by mapping out where FED and Amy would go.

As the gate opened and they were dragged deeper into the void in a silently rumbling manner, Innearth focused on the surroundings – working to patch holes before they even appeared.

The process was a losing battle. There were too many rips and tears being formed too quickly to keep up with.

It's only going to take a moment and every little bit counts.

Abe’s addition didn’t seem to increase the density by much more than Queen had and the “damage” was much lower this time, but the jump in demons was significant.

From all sides hulking creations swam and crawled through – as if they had lined up and been waiting for this very moment.

A dozen humanoid demons were dispatched by the roach knight and despite being able to kill them quickly… the fast-moving lancer could not be everywhere at once.

A demon that looked like an elf in a black suit – but with its entire chest area being a sideways mouth – reached Queen’s gate (her gate was the farthest away and most “separated” from the others).

The demon stabbed its hand through her dungeon circuit – a single vine surrounded by muddy material in a tube – hand sinking through the muddy center, presumably groping around Queen’s dungeon.

Innearth: I’ll save you!

Brutality Queen: …this is fun.

As Innearth tried to direct his knight to kill the demon currently squishing itself through a tube smaller than its body, Queen’s monsters attacked it frantically – presumably from both sides.

Vines wrapped around the “body horror dapper elf” and tried to both pull back and restrain the creature's body before being torn to shreds.

A giant pool of black mud surrounded the demon in a mini tornado as one of Queen’s ascended monsters wrapped itself around the creature.

A few seconds later the ascended mud slime was consumed – being sucked into the demon's mouth even as it ripped its restraints and pushed further – once more straining and contorting into a painful-looking shape.

Finally the roach knight had a moment of time to dash past – single spear stabbing through the center of the demon and forcefully ripping it out of its attack.

By now Abe had barely managed to poke his metaphorical head into the chaos. He seemed to orient himself instantly and begun creating a line of suicide bombers. Each glowing beetle ran towards and exploded against the legs and arms of demonic invaders dealing next to no damage.

Abe used an entropic tube for his dungeon circuit – a single passage that sped up time on the inside and thus sped up the speed of his influence passing through it.

As soon as he had expanded enough to focus and realize the explosions weren’t working he appeared to calm down and remember his plan. Instantly the line of suicide bombers stopped as Abe set up a zone of “sped time” to work in.

A moment later a new line of suicide bombers started pouring out of this zone – these actually damaging the demons a bit and physically flinging them about. Magical explosions were filled with mundane shrapnel and tweaked to better damage the endless swarm of demons.

Innearth felt disoriented having part of his influence sped up but quickly saw its use and began sharing the space.

The system didn’t seem to change its printing in the area, but Innearth found he could manually make monsters much faster by building it completely in the small point.

More void-based infantry snakes were put together in the zone and then Innearth refocused his attention on filling in walls. It really felt like trying to stop water with a net – no matter how many holes Innearth filled or places to slip through he found demons kept coming.

Slowly but surely the bulk of their invasion was shifted towards the hallway once more. And, after a day of solid frantic monster and wall building, they were once more in a position they could relax a bit. Demons still appeared in the dome but less frequently and weaker on average.

Abe: Roach knight MVP. I want to reward the champ. Think it’ll like a firework show?

Brutality Queen: …that felt close. Too close. Will we survive our next addition?

ZeMadDoctor: we should expand our central area a bit more. The hallway draws their attention. But when the center bit breaks. They are way too close. I think a kilometer between our gates and the walls would be good?

Innearth: …I think I’m going have to make a second roach knight. It’s not like it uses any unique materials, its just expensive.

Abe: Bro. I need to make me a roach knight. I feel like I wasn’t nearly pulling my own weight with that last wave.

ZeMadDoctor: …yes. My monster-making skills have been getting rusty.

Brutality Queen: I’m not going even try to make a strong monster right off the bat. I will however, try to raise up a larger army of ascended and see about powerleveling them to utility.

Amy: I’m not as impatient to join you all. Make sure to be safe before adding me.

ZeMadDoctor: I think FED is the best dungeon to add next. I’ve been carrying the kinetic defences. But I know a good amount of mental effects would be useful. It would have been better to add him instead of Abe…it would almost have been better to add him second. But Innearth has a bit more experience with the void.

Abe: …I can’t even be mad about that.

Fated Eternal Design: I’m up next?

Innearth: We need to make a stronger group of core defenders before that point. It took me a month to design and build my knight.

Fated Eternal Design: I’m patient. Like Amy said I can wait.

Abe: Innearth can you share some materials with me? I have a good skellington of what I want but don’t think its going to be enough.

Innearth: of course.

Innearth spent some time giving pointers on his friend’s monsters but mostly found it was better to let them build on their own.

He returned to the second roach knight.

I don’t feel like I’ve gotten qualitatively much better at monster design since I last made this. I want to say the laser effect is too weak against demons…but I’m hesitant to just remove it in case it affects its speed. Would adding a bunch of runes make it stronger? Probably. I’ll see about asking my dwarves to etche runes into the bones or into the spears of the frame.

As Innearth tried to compare what had worked and what hadn’t, his design was less an attempt to “recreate his previous success” and more a process of trying to make the earlier success cheaper without lowering its capabilities.

This was not a monster Innearth wanted to mass-produce. At least not yet.

While Innearth toiled away, a nearly constant war was happening between the demons and the group's defences.

A massive shark-like demon began eating the hallway at one point – starting at one end, its whole gaping maw fitting around the tunnel-like it was eating a particularly stoney burrito.

That demon had been stronger than most of the humanoids but dumb as bricks and easily dispatched by Abe tossing a massive modified kinetic bomb down its throat.

At another point a single rope-shaped demon had materialized in the center of their building crawling halfway down Doc’s gate before they realized and cut it to threads.

They slowly attempted to build their central area out – expanding past the walls and attempting to make a second further out shell – finally making the “kilometer away from us” goal that Doc wanted.

This secondary zone made them feel slightly safer but it highlighted the fact that no matter how strong of a wall they made, demons kept finding a way past it – instead of breaking it they just ripped through space. They slipped past it like some sort of quantum tunnelling vermin and the size of this “secondary zone” highlighted how many could get around their defences.

Time went on and Innearth’s crystal dwarves went over how runes shifted and broke or changed when shrunk. A simple set of shapes that weren’t too badly changed by the shrinking were tested and then applied and Innearth made countless small tweaks to the design.

Finally, around when Innearth gave life to his second knight, the two other dungeons brought forth their “strongest boss” level creations.

Abe had doubled down on time mana with explosive joints. The center of his creation was a giant tier 14 entropy core a meter in diameter and covered in thick, heavy armour.

Surrounding it were spikes similar to the roach knight embedded at various angles to bypass each other. Reinforced spears that literally exploded outwards from explosion proof chambers.

It wasn’t nearly as “strong” as Innearth’s knights, but time mana was a hack all on its own – when it sped itself up it moved just as fast.

Doc had gone a separate route. His monster was essentially one of his turrets given legs – instead of one bullet making mechanism, there were ten.

Each made 20cm long massive bolts and filled a huge storage container that fed into three separate “barrels”.

He had then taken a page from Innearth’s book and let his researchers take up some of the slack.

A grey potion created by one group of his researchers coated each finished bullet in some shiny material (regenerating when used) and a separate device was attached that was covered in looping scripts.

That scripted portion in turn gave the “turret monster” the ability to scratch a single word into each bullet – the monster’s tier 12 core and rudimentary circuit interlocking with the enchantments letting it in turn enchant its own ammo.

This whole setup was incredibly focused but almost “boring” in its result – magical effects wouldn’t be beneficial against demons so they were focused on increasing the speed and durability of the bullets. This allowed them to be fired slightly faster and hit slightly harder despite their much larger size.

All good things.

Innearth: Well, good attempts, good attempts. Neither seem to have the same magnatism as mine but they were good showings.

Abe: How high was your knight's cores again?

Innearth: 16?

Abe: …alright spill. how did you make those? I tried but it just kept leaking. Took all I had to make that T14. All I had man.

Innearth: Mana oven. I thought I went over that? :3 Besides. Circuits are more important than the strongest core – my knight has thousands of cores in it and whole circuits that are T4 or T8. Besides. If you make it once the system lets you print them.

ZeMadDoctor: Okay. Let us take these out for some stress tests and then we can add FED to the mix.

Brutality Queen: I’ve been sending out scouts constantly and most of my spawn have gotten acclimated to the Void. Toughened them right up I’m sure they’ll be of help.

Innearth: Just warn me when you are adding FED okay? I have to clean up my dungeon a bit I’ve been letting it sort of fall apart recently.

Abe: Will do m8, will do. Should be a day or two to test our bosses out and then we can go.

ZeMadDoctor: A day?! I was thinking a month of testing to really figure out their capabilities.

Abe: We’ll notify you bro. Shouldn’t be that long.

Innearth: Thanks.

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