Dungeon Core Chat Room.

Chapter 60. Tier [6]... I curse having [0] adventurers.

Entry 78.

I feel pretty vindicated. I kept telling people something weird was happening with the hypnotic dungeon and suddenly this “island” appeared inside of it.

I think all of the stuff I found beforehand might actually have been some strange ritual to summon the island. It’s the only explanation that makes sense to me - it also makes sense that others wouldn't have figured this out until now. All the rituals happend in hidden areas of the dungeon that adventurers wouldn't have been able to reach without teleportation.

I overheard some people talking about how the island was in some unknown area and the system portals just brought us into that unknown area…but as my class has a variation of teleportation built into it I found it pretty easy to pinpoint the island. Even blipped in and out a few times to make sure it was actually there the whole island was set at roughtly the 50th floor.

Now. Other than being satisfied that I was right! I actually had fun wandering around the island. After being wound up for weeks the island itself was much less dangerous than my imagination was making out the strange occurrences to be. I even found a secret questline by reuniting some monster cows! I shadow blipped them into this arena and got a neat shadewalker amulet from the system for my troubles. Boosts my class abilities by 50%!

Excerpt obtained from the diary of a random adventurer 2000AS.

Okay, so first things first. I've tried to make my dungeon exciting enough that anyone who actually shows up will want to tell their acquaintances about me. I know it's unrealistic but I’m imagining they walk into a big house thing full of adventurers and yell “guess what I found! Come check it out”…

That doesn't help me actually attract adventurers however. At least not initially.

I guess my first problem might be that all my entrances are facing inwards to the valley. I'll try expanding to the other side of the mountain range while I think of other ways of attracting adventurers. Nice productive goal I can work towards.

Diverting most of his free mana towards expanding sideways, Innearth spent a few months and made a long hallway without any stops along the way.

The further he expanded the slower his expansion efforts got but the faster and more efficient he got at expanding. Without the "dungeon flesh" effect of running high mana "claimed" crystal veins it would have been nearly impossible to maintain a nice speed. Without one of his burrowers doing the actual digging, it would have taken even longer.

Additionally, every time it got a certain distance long, he would shrink the hallway in one direction with as high of a compression factor as he could. That helped him with both influence transfer, as well as conveniently making his nearly 50km long hallway feel closer to 300m long. The wider he made the hallway the easier it was to shrink the distance but the longer it took to dig.

The shrinking became a rhythm. Every 3 days he would stop his burrower and then PUSH. Spreading a vast amount of mana and pulling space inwards as hard as he could. Every single “shrink” Innearth did he got better at the process indicated by his experience shooting up. A visual indicator of how he was improving. Near the start his “shrinking” factor was near a 1:80 scale but by the 8th or 9th shrink he managed to reach nearly 1:200 consistently. It was to the point that he ended up redoing some of his earlier work that wasn’t “good enough” once his speed dipped once more.

This was a reasonably long period of Innearth’s life. His mind was split into 4 distinct goals consistently – expansion, experimentation and growth in his existing dungeon, experimentation and brainstorming ways to attract adventurers, talking in the group chat and socializing. Every time he wanted to shrink however, he focused 100% of his attention on the process. All of his attention was busy for the hour or so it took to spread Void mana over a vast distance and then hold it in place after it shrunk.

Now, while he was expanding to hopefully a more visible location, he tried to think of actions he could take to attract attention. Looking at first light mana and then remembering the combination he got with light and crystal Innearth started to play with Laser mana. It was initially a “that made an eyecatching material it might work” and then quickly started to descend into a “there’s more to this mana type than I first thought”

A single multi faceted ball was made that shot hundreds of small dots of light out of it. After actually playing about with the material more Innearth found by cutting or growing into flat sections the small dots would combine. Flat sections shot out stronger and stronger beams of light the larger they became.

By curving those flat surfaces slightly into concave and convex shapes the scattered beams could be squished into a single point. Playing around with the focused beams Innearth watched in slight shock as a nearly instantaneous line of mana and light first bounced off a crystal plant then started burning a hole in a crystal turtles dull side.

…huh. That’s…well more interesting than the original.

Spreading out the effect, the concentrated laser became a spotlight of mana that shot forward light. A beam of light that left a faint cylinder of harsh yellow whiteness in the air it passed through.

This "spotlight" was much safer to point at stuff although after leaving it trained on a variety of monsters Innearth found the weaker ones started to smoke and act uncomfortable after a few minutes. Playing around with different materials Innearth found some which helped focus on the damage while others helped focus on the light itself or the strange visual beam through the air.

There was some fun interactions between different materials making different colours and combining in fun ways when they crossed but Innearth had a specific goal and managed to not get distracted by the uses.

Finally finding one of the materials that barely seemed to heat up or hurt monsters and plants but still gave off a reasonable amount of light and a blue tinged colour, Innearth started thinking about how best to utilize it in his attracting efforts.

Animals and I think sapients do well with noticing movement. So I should set this up spinning.

...I should probably also set up the finished effect to better show off my area.

...I'm started to see the best way to do that and I’m not looking forward to it at all.

Designing a container that spun whatever was contained inside of it constantly – mounting a massive wide “laser cube” – and then giving it to the crystal dwarf to try and improve, Innearth hyped himself up for what was happening next. Sloping up slightly Innearth pushed to make a new entrance on the other side of the mountain range and finally broke through.

After procrastinating a few hours by tidying up his new entrance – rimming it with nice torches and tiling the ground around it – Innearth took the plunge.

First Innearth raised a pillar upwards, pushing it up out of his influence and growing it underneath – similar to how he had won against Brutality Queen when growing the mini pointed hill (or mountain).

Then without leaving himself time to talk himself out of it, Innearth started expanding his influence up out of his entrance. His fastest growing crystal mana and material in his grip he flung himself up building at the absolute edge of his attention.

Immediately Innearth felt the wind rip and weaken his influence. He felt exposed. Vulnerable. The light but constant breeze was uncomfortable and the feeling of emptiness around him pushed in and made every single one of Innearth’s dungeon instincts clench with an irrational primal sort of fear.

5 minutes. 10 minutes. 25 minutes. The anxiety sharply increased as Innearth pushed his domain up roughly but after a point quickly became constant and suffocating.

Finally, at roughly 35 meters tall and 40 minutes into growing Innearth couldn't take it anymore.


Innearth tried to lift his now slowly spinning tower topper ineffectually.

Too heavy.

Innearth panicked and yelled for the snake trio to help him carry it.

It would have been much easier for the snake scout to have done so, but they were out foraging and hadn't been in for a few days.

Hurrying the trio up Innearth watched as they grew a spiral of crystal out of the tower and pulled his cube up to the top – slipping and nearly dropping it a few times but managing to make it.

Doing his best to be patient Innearth continued and managed to add another 50cm or so before the group made it.

Affixing his device in place Innearth immediately severed the whole tendril outside his base –cutting himself off from his new crystal lighthouse and the horror of the outside world.

The uncomfortable feeling and innate fear rapidly disappeared and was replaced with the gross feeling of a lost limb. Of not being able move or feel apart of yourself and then slowly that too faded.

Taking a few minutes to recuperate Innearth blankly reviewed what he had done and tried to figure out if he had missed anything.

Crystal tower with spinning spotlights...check. it's pretty strongly affixed in place even if a bit roughly placed. I think I did it!

Now what else can I do?

Well how about a harmless mental compulsion? Innearth started working on creating mental materials with a list of similar effects.

"I need to find this dungeon"

"I think it would be fun to find this dungeon"

"If I don't find this dungeon I'll die"

"No biggie. But when I have time I think I want to wander over and see what that lighthouse is doing"

"I'm missing out on something. If I find the crystal dungeon, I'm sure I'll remember what it is I'm missing"

“There’s probably something exciting around here!”

Dozens of overlapping desires and compulsions to find and delve Innearth went into the materials. Sadly, even by placing them around his entrance they only extended a few meters away from the entrance. The absolute strongest extended a dozen meters out and the weakest only worked if an adventurer was actually standing on it...so not useful.

Taking to his easiest lazy action, Innearth asked his crystal dwarf for help.

Wandering up and acting uncomfortable around his entrance the dwarf considered his setup. Picking up materials and looking around the area before nodding slightly – a goal in mind.

Touching a small pin on his chest the dwarf called two weaker dwarfs to come help then turned and retreated back to his workshop. The two came down the hall carrying a floating platform a few minutes later and began efficiently looting and flinging the materials onto their pallet. Taking up positions on either side, the two spun the platform around and pulled it down to the workshop.

As soon as the materials entered the workshop the strongest dwarf began processing and refining the raw materials into different forms. Metals were melted and cast in wires stones were cut into sheets or ground into a clay after being dunked in strange baths.

Slowly as the dwarf processed materials and worked on them, an artifact began to form in the center of the room. A multifaceted gyroscope of runes and metals offset stacks of plates and fiddling bits that interlocked in precise ways. At some point in spell complexity, Innearth could no longer tell if the dwarf was doing stuff for specific reasons or if it was simply "the aesthetic".

Partway through the design, the dwarf stood up suddenly and rushed over to the slime booth. Asking for the largest core Innearth could make and then returning to build without waiting for a response gave Innearth some time to think.

Theoretically…I have a max AMU of 12865. Following the system lines…a tier 9 core is 9000 and a tier 10 core is 11000.

But…well I’ve barely made the equivalent of a tier 8 core before…I haven’t even explored having a core that large for a boss yet.

I don’t know if I have enough control to make tier 10 but I think I can manage a tier 9 core for this…

Picking one of the lowest sections of his dungeon to make sure the ambient mana would at least slightly slow down the leaking, Innearth pushed mana as quickly into the core as he could forming layers and holding them together as tightly as he could to prevent leaking.

…Hey I actually managed 10 layers! Don’t think the middle two were dense enough considering the system is telling me it’s a tier 9 core but I think it counts. Some nice experience for that action as well I see. Let's bring this up and hand it off to my dwarf.

Layers of runes and sheets of crystal were sandwiched between more plates of material and sections were attached with wires and the occasional monster material or crystal dust.

Finally the dwarf was done.

Beckoning to his helpers, the three dwarfs carefully put their device onto their floating pallet and then trudged back up to the surface. Innearth watched on hopefully as the device was set up in the entrance. This is it. I can feel it. I’ll soon have a line of adventurers!

Standing over it, the dwarf reached out and started to check the device over one last time making sure it was safe after being transported.

Slowly the dwarf removed both of its gloves wincing as they slipped off and mana began whisping out. A final symbol was drawn carefully on the side. Then, decisively the dwarf stabbed their finger deep into the center core and pushed mana forcefully out of it.

Energy rushed out of the monster rapidly as the device was kickstarted. Slowly a ring floated up like a halo above it as the device whirred to life.

Like mist in Innearth’s mana sight, pinkish geas spread out of his entrance and rushed out into the unknown. His snake scout returned at that point and started looking back and forth informing Innearth of the clouds progress.

100m. 1km. 10km. 30km. The mist kept flowing outwards ever so slightly slower the further away from his entrance it travelled. At this point Innearth might have even thought it would have continued on endlessly if not for a certain spoilsport butting into his business.

Caution: Actions have been linked to a "widespread non-consensual geas". If purposeful pollution reaches a critical point this warning will turn into a calamity alert as a system-enforced war crime. Have a good day.

Boooooooo! Who says I can't control this whole continent to search me out. I’m not hurting anyone :3<

Grumbling Innearth told the dwarf to shut it off.

Scratching his head slightly the dwarf pantomimed a bit to indicate that he couldn't turn it off then visibly deflated. Reaching out he slashed his finger through the working several times finally breaking some critical infrastructure. Stepping back, they watched as parts of the device seemed to implode and others explode in a weird sort of uncontrolled but “orderly” manner.

Bits crunched into nothing and shrapnel flung out accompanied by a nova of mana. As the magical explosion hit the entrance to Innearth’s dungeon it warped the lower density stone slightly and clung to everything.

A slightly hypnotic swirling fractal spread around the lip of his dungeon and a ring of grass right around the outside of his newest entrance shivered. The grass seemed to melt slightly and then solidify and grow upwards in reds and purples. Finally the original device finished fusing with the surroundings and settled down – a fleshy pink but no longer spewing pink….rocky blob.

Without the source, the geas immediately stopped spreading and then slowly ever so slowly faded away.

Innearth noticed a few animals that had been making their way up the side of the mountain shake their heads and run away again – spooked.

…Back to the drawing board I guess.

Cleaning up his entrance somewhat, Innearth created a spider bat pair and shoved the unique blob into its center before setting it loose in the magma halls. The grass and pattern he left as decorations because they didn’t seem to be negatively affecting the surroundings.

So… That idea only failed once I decided to go massive. The system didn’t seem to care about the harmless little mind control attempt until it started getting really really big. Wonder why?

Well anyways how about making the effect more contained. I have to figure out how to get it to reach adventurers…maybe I can send stuff to my friends? Have them help a Core out?

Hey! Crystal Dwarf! I have another job for you. Help me make an item that can lead adventures to my dungeon! I want to send it to all my friends.

After a moment Innearth saw the dwarf was standing in the slime booth.

Yeah, what’s up?

“…I’m going to need you to figure out how to direct them. I can make a trap to drive them to get here but I need a way for them to actually locate your dungeon.”

…well okay. Uh. Hmm. Innearth thought through his materials.

The longest ranged mana seems to be mental mana? We made pins that were connected between our dungeons and the adventurers in the dungeon games. I don’t know how far that is, but we could pretend it's infinite right? Can you use that?

“That is…I’m the one who boosted it to that range. It’s definitely not infinite. But that is a relatively cheap connection you are correct. I can try and hitch onto that but I’m going need a bit more to actually get a direction…”

To be honest my somewhat lazy way of innovation is to normally either figure out what a material does and then come up with ways to use it. Or figure out something I want to do and think through materials I have that work for that…Do you think connections might help?

“It might be able to solve it but I don’t have the knowledge for it. I think…I think there's a material that might help. I have a vaugue idea of what it looks like in nature but not how a dungeon would make it.

“Kinetic and Mental mana should be able to make something I can use.”

…I’ve heard that’s a dungeon killer. Doc made a demonic mana item that wasn’t a demon so it might be safe to work with…I don’t know I’ll ask his advice. What exactly do I need to make?

“My…innate knowledge calls the combination curse mana. There's a phenomenon of items or spells that follow a marked person or place to the end of the earth. Spells that move without rest to kill someone when they stop running away. Weapons that keep appearing in random strangers hands and convincing them to travel to and kill the marked person. That…and a few runes I can use to help control curses is about all my innate knowledge can tell me. I think with the right sort of curse materials I can bring people to you.”

Innearth: Hey Doc, I know you play around with demonic mana a lot do you know how to deal with the Kinetic+Mental madness flavour? One dungeon guides called “MIMs” and my dungeon monster called “Curse Mana”.

ZeMadDoctor: Hello yes. I have made some materials with that combination. A name for it is curse mana? That’s good to know. Either way. I’m not dumb enough to have made a monster with it. If you want to make it safely I think the minimum protection could be sealing off a room with lots of either life or death mana.

ZeMadDoctor: Don’t think that makes it safe to make a MIM however. You read the guides right? It attacks your influence directly! It won't even have to leave an experimentation room to kill you.

Innearth: Yep. Not planning on making a MIM. Just trying to make some cursed items in a safe and controlled manner.

ZeMadDoctor: Oh! One last piece of advice. Make a vat of healing potion to throw any cursed items in if they seem dangerous. Even if it doesn’t break the… “curse” it should suppress it. You can figure out how to destroy it with void or something afterwards.

Innearth: gotchu…so mims can attack your influence directly. Is there a chance any of the materials would do so even without being turned into a monster?

ZeMadDoctor: …that is a good question. I happily forgot about that when I did my own experiments. I can send you the list of materials I tried as a safe list?

Innearth: Please.

Okay. You’ll have your curse materials. I want to set up a containment area to make them just in case. Doc just sent me 7 different combinations that were safe. Hopefully one will work for you.

“That would help. Tell me when they are ready and I’ll test them out”

Designing a room with first a layer of life metal, then death metal – and then just in case, unlife metal and undeath metal – Innearth sealed it off from the rest of his dungeon. Just for good luck some of his weaker null stone was routed to surround it and the door attaching this room to the workshop was reinforced several times.

In the middle of the room, four constructs were made. A vat of healing liquid, a vat of poison, a flat stone worktable, and a void stone basin that could quickly be filled with acid mana.

He was ready.

Combining the 50/50 tin and copper “High tin bronze alloy” with Kinetic and Mental mana, Innearth watched as the shapeless blob pushed itself out into a reflective glassy sphere. Despite trying to shape it afterwards the material kept reforming into a perfect bead. Like liquid that wanted to be a sphere at all times and would flow into that shape if cut.

Carefully placing it on the table Innearth made sure it wouldn’t start damaging or attacking anything.

Next making the electrum material that Doc had vetted Innearth found himself naturally making a sharp edge despite aiming for a block shape.

This material immediately began “looking around” and aiming itself at unseen spectres…After a few moments of carefully watching it, he realized it was tracking the living monsters outside of the room.

Somehow it could sense and orient itself towards living creatures despite being trapped in a room and insulated with quite a few protections.

Moving on Innearth made 4 more combinations with various alloys that seemed inert but made him nervous.

Alright. Come on in and see if any of these will work for your purposes.

The dwarf wandered into the room closing the door carefully behind him. As they walked towards the table the second material leapt at him seeking to cut before Innearth grabbed it and shoved its struggling length into a vat of healing potion. Filling up the basin with void acid Innearth pulled it back up and melted it away.

Checking each of the materials a second hiccup happened when one of the “inert” blocks latched onto the dwarf’s hand when it passed by.

Nearly fusing with the dwarf's flesh it dug into the dwarf’s body violently pressing itself inwards before it was dunked into the healing liquid pool and fell off.

Checking the rest of the materials the dwarf pulled aside 3 of them and then carefully pulled out the bloodthirsty block that had attacked him making sure to keep it stabbed on his void finger.

Walking back to his workshop with the items Innearth carefully watched him go and then melted the leftovers.

I guess now I just have to see if that was enough?

As if as an afterthought Innearth noticed he was now at tier 6. Level 65 already, the system’s tier up had happened without much fanfare and hadn’t even bothered to inform him it was happening.

Without adventurers, that was just a glaring “0/2500 delves” to remind Innearth he sucked.

“Hey boss… I think we have a problem.”

Hmm? What's up? Innearth absent-mindedly responded. Something felt weird in this moment but he couldn’t tell what it was just yet.

“So the system got confused while ascending me right. It mentioned something about an evaluation that needed to be done along with an extended alteration? I can't work on the tasks you've assigned me while that's happening. Sorry in advance, there are a few ready made locators on my workbench. Damn my head hurts. Shove off system I need to –”

A few things started to stick out to Innearth. The crystal dwarf sounded...slightly more articulate for one. Or if not more articulate more…expressive? Less focused on information and more…Even before now he’s talked more than others. The way his voice sounded just then was somehow more however. Something else to focus on is how exactly the dwarf was talking to me…He’s not anywhere near the slime booth and I’m not purposefully finding that to talk to him – That’s not the most important point though! The crystal dwarf is ascending! What’s happening!

Focusing his attention over to the dwarf’s workshop in the darkness floor, Innearth saw a table set with a strange device. On the floor lay the dwarf, passed out with a large amount of mana gathered about him. Beside him lay several bracers that Innearth ignored for now.

Crystal flesh occasionally bubbled and popped before returning to normal while twitches wracked the dwarf’s body. The process that other monsters had undergone while ascending was drawn out slowly and carefully for the dwarf and it seemed like there were more changes happening than usual.

...and while looking down over the dwarf's twitching body, Innearth felt compassion well up. This wasn't his monster. This wasn’t a puppet. This was his son. His precious little son.

Staring at the process from a dozen different angles Innearth waited – worried about what was happening and wondering what had gone wrong.

Finally, after what seemed like a maddening eternity, the process ended and the dwarf was still.

Two eyelids opened and the dwarf slowly stood up clutching his head, sweat dripping down his…textured skin?

Moving over to the device on the table he grasped it and started funneling mana into various parts than then diffused into the atmosphere. As the mana dispersed it suddenly twisted into a web of mental connections that somehow managed to interface with his influence and finally reach him.

Hey. Sorry boss. I feel weird like my body's not my own.

I have eyes. What… happened.

Anyways, here's what I've gained from the system. I’m going need a bit before I can return to making locators.

Concentrating slightly the dwarf pushed his memory of the falling events through the machine towards Innearth.

[Ascending]…situation fuzzy. Providing detailed logs per [Protocol 12].

Required experience met through the creation of the device [universal communicator].

Upgrading [dwarf] race. Class not found.

Ascending [dungeon monster]. Experience not gained through fighting.

Non simple situation discovered. Assistance request quest issued?

No relevant entities to contact.

Shifting to desire function

Hello entity.

Are you a dwarf or a monster. Would you like to be a [dwarf] or a [monster]?

Please make a decision that impacts the rest of your life.

Dwarf system Monster system

Dwarf System Chosen.

Due to racial background, fallback system is used instead. Race set to "Kobold" - known path detected.

Closest sapient settlement [dwarf majority] [kobold system] set to [dwarf system].

Kobold state needs modification to fit into polite society.

Major modifications are as follows. Mana construct [crystal core] shift to [crystal brain].

Mana construct [crystal core] shift to crystal heart.

Mana construct [dungeon circuit] shift to life system

Stomach added. [Rudimentary mouth] shifted and joined to stomach.

As a sapient race, permission must be obtained to make these alterations.

Accept? Y/N

Optional kobold modifications with leftover experience (evolutionary energy 24) are listed.

Gain eyes [7p]

Gain ears [5p]

Gain nose [8p]

Gain reproductive facilities [45]

Eyes, ears, nose selected. Leftover energy set to [stat points 3]

Due to sapient race status, the following modifications must be done in a safe manner. Quick evolution not available.

Putting kobold [unnamed] to sleep.

Thank you for running the interactive ascension wizard. Ending log functionality.

...that was. That was a lot. Innearth needed a moment to process what he had just been shown. First off. The system could put log information out if confused? No, obviously that wasn't the most important point.

The crystal dwarf...was a kobold? The...offspring of dragons? That seems wrong it should be closer to the offspring of dungeons...cor..old? dunold? Ah. I’m getting of track.

The crystal dwarf...is a sapient race? ...he evolved into a sapient race??? ...how is that even possible?

Innearth knew the crystal dwarf was important but didn't know he was that important.

...hey uh...crystal dwarf? What do you want to do now? And do you want to name yourself or should I name you? Do you want me to get you anything? How do you feel? I just realized how horrible your current accommodations are. Do you want a bedroom? Need anything for your workshop? You don’t need to work constantly. I would love more help with attracting adventurers however.

Reaching out slowly the ascended crystal dwarf placed his hand on his device and reactivated it.

“I...would like to name myself. I have a sense of Dwarven names, and I have a sense of your naming style, and the two do not mix at all...Onyx. My name is Onyx for I was born in darkness and now I can see...”

“That was a joke. It fits my new people's naming sense and the single claw you gave me is black.”

You can tell jokes! Onyx it is.

“As for the rest of your…questions. I think.”

The dwarf paused and seemed to consider his next words carefully.

“I think…I think I want to travel. I want to find more dwarves. I want to see the world. Is…is that okay? If I go off to find people I can make sure to direct them towards you. I’m positive you’ll be popular, I’ll do a good job of talking about how great you are.”

“Oh! I can teach some of the dulls how to make the locators for you as well...so is that okay?”

Innearth felt strange. He had just gained a son and now they wanted to move out? Why didn’t he want to stay here with me forever like his siblings?

…but he didn’t want to hold them here against their will.

Is…is it because I was making you work endlessly before you ascended?

“No! You gave me purpose and…I’m sure that’s why I evolved into my own being. I just…want to find creatures like me. I feel like…I feel like once I do so I’ll become much happier”

So…this is goodbye?

“Oh no! I’m not leaving yet. I told you I need to train my replacements. I also want to make some supplies before I leave. Some weapons and items I can use to protect myself.”

Okay…Do you think the weaker crystal dwarves will be able to do what you did? Should I make another dwarf like you?

“That would probably be the best. I can try and teach the dulls but I feel like some of the more complicated runes are completely beyond them. They also don’t seem to have any innate knowledge.”

“Wow. It feels strange being replaced. I really do like feeling like you need me and that I have a purpose.”

Innearth spent some time with them before turning to make their replacement.

A tier 4 core in the center of the dwarf schematic along with some large nodes and distinct spots.

Deciding as useful as having a whole bunch of them might be he didn’t want them to be without anything to do.

…A faint hint of the first words Innearth had heard from Onyx bubbled up to the surface at that moment. “What is my purpose?”. Eesh. Yeah. One at a time is fine. There only needs to be one head of the dwarfs with plenty of more disposable subordinates. I don’t actually know how to improve them – I could add a bunch more cores but that might break the existing small circuit that made the dwarf able to use runes and gave them knowledge.

…I guess I can improve their internal structure ever so slightly based on stuff I’ve learned from all the iterations with the weaker dwarves. Hope it doesn’t break their strengths if this doesn’t work I can always make another using the older template.

Printing out Onyx’s replacement Innearth took a closer look at the items they had made.

Each bracer had a bunch of mental mana compulsions along with a “compass” in the center that pointed towards a domed item in the center of the table. Moving the device around Innearth saw the needle constantly pointed towards it following a slight mental connection between the two with a slight fuzzy purple tint to its pink cord.

There also appeared to be some mechanism that would snap the bracer shut with as much force as it could, a faint prick of curse mana fusing the clasp to an unsuspecting adventurer's arm. They looked good…but Innearth had a faint idea of how to improve them.

Hey. These are great! I have one last idea. Currently they do a good job of getting stuck on adventurers and making them want to come here but…I want to be nice. How about we make them items that are useful as well? So even though they are stuck on an adventurer they won't want to take them off because they have good effects. What do you think?

“Oh! Great plan. Yeah, I can make some simple effects on the existing ones easily enough. Future ones can have crystals built into them with runes to bring out their best effects. Is this my replacement?” He looks taller than I was.

Yep. When you are done with these I’ll see if any of my friends will offer them as rewards.

Innearth: Alright. Anyone want to help me out? I have a plan to get adventurers you just have to offer these items as rewards!

Amy: I am not offering cursed items as rewards. Rewards are no strings attached bonuses for doing good things. I don’t want to ruin that. I can definitely place some of these as traps however. Put them at the bottom of pools with scramblers and skriplers “protecting” them.

Abe: Bro! Of course I’m down to help. I agree with Amy though. Perfect trap. Mwahaha. You got tricked! Now you have to go find a dumb dungeon in the middle of nowhere!

Innearth: Rude :3< But thanks. I’ll send you both a few dozen to start.

Fated Eternal Design: These would be a great “BAD END” for my newest questline. If adventurers don’t save the mist puppy they get these items instead!

Innearth: …they have good effects guys. Stop making it out to be the end of the world to share some adventurers…you have plenty already send some my way :3<

Abe: So what does everyone think about my new fireworks? I’m setting them off every time someone beat a boss. I’ve gotten a dozen colours and effects so far.

Fated Eternal Design: Oh? Let me see, those could be useful in small doses.

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