Dungeon Core Chat Room.

Chapter 52. I guess I can see why battles royal are popular...

Technocratic City-State of Irthl Practical Court

Case QZ21T12UOM-D-K1

Adventurer’s Coalition



Joulee Celsius



Whereupon the proceedings of the above matter commenced

BEFORE: Judge Rue Conway, Fairy



Reagan Wright, Android (Former Human)



Joulee Celsius, Human

Melvin Murphy, Human


The Prosecution accuses the defendant of using a Dungeon Work Environment to commit murder on six(6) coworkers.


Carla Alpenter — Half-Elf

Fivrit Jaduckle — Half-Dwarf

Dr. Jason Gaines — Human


Transcript of Proceedings

THE COURT: The proceedings will now begin. Mr. Wright, would you like to do an Opening Statement?

MR. WRIGHT: Of course, Your Honor *clears throat*

MR. WRIGHT: Good morning, my name is Reagan Wright, and I am the prosecutor in this case. It is my pleasure to represent the people of the Adventurer’s Coalition. On [DATE UNREADABLE], the defendant in this case committed murder on six of the coalition members inside a Dungeon. After the conclusion of the case, we will ask for a verdict of guilty.

MR. WRIGHT: Your Honor and the Committee, this case is about a lady who betrayed her coworkers for monetary gain. The prosecution will call two witnesses to the stand. We will call an Admittance Employee who was working the dungeon on the day of murder and can confirm that the accused has entered the Dungeon with a party of six others and left by themselves. We will also call a barman of the “Good Coin” inn in which the defendant was staying with her party. They will testify about the motive of the accused.

MR. WRIGHT: Furthermore, we shall present irrefutable magi-video evidence provided by an anonymous third party that requested to be kept private under the [REDACTED] act.

THE COURT: Thank you, Mr. Wright. Does the defense plan to present their opening statement now, Mr. Murphy?

MR. MURPHY: No, Your Honor.

THE COURT: Then Mr. Wright, please call your first witness to the stand.

MR. WRIGHT: The Coalition calls Ms. Carla Alpenter.

Carla Alpenter

Called as a witness on behalf of the Adventurer’s Coalition, having signed a magical contract, was examined and testified as follows:

Direct Examination

Q: Good Morning

A: Good Morning

Q: Please state your name and profession for the Court.

A: Of course! My name is Carla Alpenter, and I’m an Admittance Employee for this town's Dungeon.

Q: How long have you been in this position?

A: Two and a half years. I’m hoping for a promotion to the Coalition’s Receptionist soon.

Q: And what does the position you currently hold imply?

A: I’m tasked along with my coworkers with checking that all Adventurers who enter have the clearance to do so and note their Adventurer’s Identification Number in an entry-leave logbook.

Q: The logbook in question is the evidence object AD-03 correct?

A: Yes sir.

Q: And you were on duty during the day of [DATE UNREADABLE] from the 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon, yes?

A: Correct.

Q: So, you have logged the party in which the defendant entered the Dungeon, as well as her leaving the Dungeon by herself.

A: Yes, the party of seven entered the dungeon and the lady indeed left on her own.

Q: Did the Accused have more baggage than before?

A: Yes, she did; however, we considered it to be monster loot, which the Coalition does not buy outside “Acquire” quests, so we didn’t check her baggage.

Q: Did the other party members leave the Dungeon on that day?

A: No sir, they did not leave the Dungeon, so according to Coalition Policy we have reported them missing to the Board Chairman for the issuing of a Recovery Quest.

Q: Did such a quest get issued, and what were the results?

A: The Board issued the Quest immediately and a party has assembled next day at dawn, returning the same day afternoon with the grave news.

Q: Thank you, this is all.

End of Examination

THE COURT: Thank you, Ms. Alpenter, you may leave.

MR. WRIGHT: The Coalition calls Mr. Fivrit Jaduckle

Fivrit Jaduckle

Called as a witness on behalf of the Adventurer’s Coalition, having signed a magical contract, was examined and testified as follows:

Direct Examination

Q: Good day.

A: Ah, Good day, Mr. Wright! I’m hoping that you’re doing well today!

Q: Thank you, I am fine. Please state your name and occupation for the Court.

A: Why, of course! My name is Fivrit Jaduckle the owner and barman of the “Good Coin” inn at your service!

Q: How long have you been the owner of the place?

A: From the beginning! I made it with my sweat and hard work! But for the exact time, that would be around thirteen years now!

Q: So did the Defendant’s party stay at your inn?

A: Course’ they did! I remember the face of every customer! Even from years ago! My memory is exceptional my friends always say.

Q: How long did they stay?

A: They stay for round’ half a month till the event. Poor chaps.

Q: And what were the part’s dynamics you observed?

A: The lads were a nice group. They got the “groupy” feel, y’ know? Like they got the perfect chemistry. Other than the new member ‘course. They were spending quite a bit on gear, it seemed to me that a recent excursion went really well. The new member, in a lot cheaper gear it seemed, being that ra-

Q: Thank you, That’s all.

End of Examination

THE COURT: Thank you, Mr. Jaduckle, you may leave.

THE COURT: The Court will now adjourn for a thirty-minute recess while we wait for the coalition to prepare the defining evidence.

Excerpt obtained from The first half of the court case "Party Murder in dungeons"

The Unique monster battle royal was in full swing. At the half an hour mark the 500 or so unique monsters had dropped once more to 450. After a full 5 hours that had dropped to 300 and slowed down somewhat. It was at this stage that battles became slower and results more decisive. Many of the remaining monsters had high degrees of survivability. The ones with heavy damage had been taken down by strange truces that formed between monsters that formed gangs and fragile alliances.

The other main change was the result stated by the system beforehand. “Ascension”

Of the monsters that remained roughly 14 had ascended and immediately jumped in strength.

That was…well Innearth thought it was surprising based on how long it had taken him to ascend 3 monsters in his own dungeon.

14 in only 4 hours! But then again…I guess other cores knew this would happen based on the rule that allows us to save our monsters. Out of around 1600 initial…remove the 84 that Abe took out. Let’s say 1500 or so initial monsters if there are 300 left that means on average each of the remaining monsters has taken out 5 unique monsters…is that all it takes? I mean most of the monsters that have ascended have killed more than that.


Of those 14 ascended 3 immediately forfeited and were “saved”. The cores who made them unwilling to let them continue participating now that they had changed.

Of those 14 there were also two powerhouses that had claimed whole areas.

The Black Lich had formed an army that swarmed the jungle where he had set up a base of sorts.

Two impromptu alliances had formed and attempted to take him out but neither had survived.

On the other side of the floor, a sea of constantly growing tentacles that had originally been a ball from Amy had claimed the lake. Each of the tentacles that came up and moved about on shore were relatively weak… however there were literally thousands of them and it seemed like as time went on they continued multiplying without an end. The water level had also dropped making Innearth nearly positive the monster was using the water to fuel its tentacle growth.

The other ascended monsters were all very strong in their own right, but they preferred to roam around seeking out more prey.

Innearth’s invisible snake had also ascended nearly an hour ago. It had killed over a dozen monsters with sneak attacks before shivering and becoming more real.

That of course boosted its abilities slightly…but the initial ascension was mostly fixing the monster to survive without dungeon magic constantly keeping them together. There was also the fact that Innearth hadn’t seen the snake’s real body since it had ascended and couldn’t tell if any changes had been made by the advance to level one.

The current situation was as follows. Innearth’s crystal snake was stalking the wooden origami creature through the abandoned carnival zone. A humanoid creature of mud that had also ascended was stalking the illusion of the snake. Behind the creature of mud the shifting brick creature that hadn’t yet ascended spun and grew behind it and Innearth was nearly positive it was hunting the mud…It was hard to tell emotions or intent from the stack of bricks after all especially as it drifted back and forth as it moved.

Coming upon a black beetle that dripped oil the origami charged, and the line of creatures was added to once again.

Turning to face the new opponent the beetle started sliding rapidly sideways leaving a greasy trail behind it. The origami creature spun about and then crashed to the side two googly eyes spinning wildly and making the creature look crazed.

It was at this moment the mud golem pounced and Innearth received a message.

Brutality Queen: Oh, so sorry for your eventual loss but my mud golem has a few special effects your snake is going to find out about soon. I heard from Amy that weak looking snake is yours huh. Shame…I’ll give you 10,000 mana not to wimp out and save it when its about to die :3. Golems gotta eat!

Innearth: …go away.

…oops. That had kind of just slipped out of Innearth’s thoughts and been typed without him thinking it through.

Innearth: I mean okay. But when my snake smashes your stupid ball of mud – who makes monsters out of mud – you can’t be weak either. Let it die fully and nurture my snakes

Brutality Queen: pfft. I’m not saving that blob. I have a dozen others like him. He can join them in triumph when he wins this event.

Innearth felt incredibly guilty for agreeing to this…Even through a screen and the disassociation of watching everything from far away he felt protective of his snake.

The dismissive attitude of Brutality queen had to be a front right? She has to actually care about her children ascended monsters…right? That means she’s going to wimp out and save her mud golem last second and I should pay close attention and do the same right? …I don’t owe her anything after all…I need to name the illusion snake. They…he?...she? oh it's hard to tell from here. They are important…but maybe if I want to commit to this minor bet, I can’t name them just yet. That will only make it hurt more. I refuse to let Brutality queen get the satisfaction of beating me. She annoys me too much.

While dungeons spoke of the monsters' fates they frantically struggled.

The mud golem attacked the illusion of Innearth’s snake and quickly switched to sliding into the greased area. The bug continued to slide about making a whole section of street greenish black and the bricks arrived on the scene.


The mud golem switched targets to the origami, its movements smooth and unimpeded by the grease. The bricks grew forwards in a similar manner to Innearth’s endless mass of crystals while the bug actively used the grease to move – skating about as the grease pushed their flat bottom about faster and faster the more was released and built up. The only two monsters negatively affected by the grease was the origami creature and Innearth’s snake. The origami creature was slammed into a brick wall that toppled over and faint plants grew down the golem's arms to choke it. The illusion of Innearth’s snake appeared to be doing fine but as no one was being attacked they were obviously staying back.

Plants continued to grow down the mud golem's arm, rapidly wrapping around and strangling the strange folded creature – thin pieces of wood breaking off as it was crushed and ground to shards.

The beetle took this moment to slam towards the mud golem's back even as it shivered a light passing over it indicating it had just gained enough levels to evolve.

Stepping away from the completely dead crane as it dodged to the side the beetle missed and bounced off a portion of the already damaged wall like a hockey puck bouncing away.

This is the moment when things started to get weird. The brick golem appeared to miss the mud golem…but then suddenly a huge chunk of mud had been blown to the side as the position of the bricks shifted sideways roughly half a meter.

The “Dead” crane appeared to suddenly be slightly less damaged before being finished off by a glistening copy of the illusion snake. A small mouth opened up and it appeared to rapidly eat several sections of the monster before slithering away…the whole scene having been held back and then sped up to reach the actual state of the world.

Slopping messily mud reformed good as new and the mud golem used a new attack it presumably had just learned after its new evolution.

A hundred seeds flew up and into the air slowly falling to the street around them.

The illusion of the snake despite being out of harm's way, suddenly looked panicked as it dodged back and forth – far away from the seeds that landed and sprouted rapidly into sharp green spikes.

The plants that landed dug down into the ground and the smooth street was broken up and shattered as plants dug deep into the ground turning this section of the road into a path reclaimed by nature.

In a strange turn of events the illusion of the snake got stabbed by a “random” spear despite being situated outside of the main area but at no point did its projection of its real body stop.

Glaring it ripped itself out of the spike and writhed in pain while watching the mud and bricks face off.

You’re okay. You’re okay. You’ve got this. Don’t worry…Innearth fretted like a parent on the sidelines watching his monster struggle.

The ascended snake had no eyes but Innearth could still see its razor-like focus as it watched the bricks fight the monster that had wounded it.

Appearing to relax and slither away the illusion disappeared but the battle rapidly became “weird” again as illusions burst forth.

Theoretically, the illusion snake couldn’t harm either of the two monsters fighting in the street right now. The brick-like creature had no core and was an incredible unit of a tank It fought by building out two walls and then slamming them together or making a flat floor in the air and then dropping it downwards. Innearth’s snake could barely pierce one of the bricks with its spiked head let alone damage the whole creature enough to cause any lasting harm. The mud on the other hand was strangely amorphous. Sure, it had a humanoid shape but there was nothing Innearth could see that his snake could damage with just piercing attacks.

…however the snake subscribed to a different school of thought than using its own body to attack.

One of the mud golems legs was suddenly gone and from the way it staggered the attack had just happened. Jumping backwards the mud whipped an arm in a wide low swing as if searching for what attacked it.

As the bricks slid forward and raised a huge hammer-like block of itself above the mud a jump happened where the actual shot appeared to jump forward in time its image catching up to the actual body and carving a chunk off the front of the golem as it attempted to dodge backwards with one leg.

Falling into a heap the mud lost its humanoid form reverting to a shape closer to a mud slime while green shoots sprung up across its “back” providing a canopy for the bricks to land on cushioning its next attack as the mud attempted to escape.

Once again, a chunk was blown off from the side of the mud and the culprit appeared. The grease bug was still here but its presence had been hidden as of the past few minutes.

Hidden from the whole fight the illusion snake gained enough experience to evolve mid battle.

Its small mouth grew to a gaping maw and its one spike shrunk and split into a dozen teeth in a circular lamprey-like mouth. Unlike Innearth’s previous snake that was the only change as it reached level 2. Size would make illusions harder after all.

The battle continued and despite the beetle initially being weaker and despite the mud golem and bricks being evenly matched on their own… hundreds of small mistakes were made as the hidden puppet master directed all the actions being taken. Every interaction was set up specifically to harm and box in the mud in a vendetta against the creature that had hurt it.

It only took a few more blows before the mud golem was completely smashed and its body stopped reforming.

Yes! I knew she could do it! HA! Take that Brutality Queen. TAKE THAT. It would be unbecoming of me to message that Core now…I know I won. She knows I won. That’s all the matters. I can be the better Core. Heh. I love you so much illusion snek. You’re get out of jail free status has been reinstated with full force I will not let you die!

Turning to one another as if they hadn’t just been working together the bricks grew a long wall sideways, bricks flipping around in all directions like a hidden door opening into the wizard world.

Swinging once – the beetle jumped forwards into its path before being flung into the wall, its side cracking and leaking fluid.

Pressing its advantage, the bricks crashed forwards and smashed the bug into the wall a huge splatter happening as the bug died. For a moment it appeared much more dead than it was and then suddenly as if the illusion snake realized the bug had actually died and had given up on getting the kill in a second time the splattered wall became a less excessive crushed mess.

Shivering slightly something inevitable happened. The bricks ascended.

The following ascension was…was weird. It was much more drastic than previous ascensions…dungeon magic had kept it moving normally but to be considered a monster that existed on its own quite a few tweaks had to be made. A single brick was chosen and modified into a core appearing to blaze in mana sight. From that core lines of magic spread out throughout the rest of its body seeming to jump from brick to brick. As it ascended it actually grew as many of the surrounding rubble became incorporated and the nicer looking bricks from the walls of the street were pillaged.

These new bricks were a different colour then the initial ones so when they integrated the monster appeared speckled as different shaded bricks moved about.

Warily appearing to search around it for the puppet master, the bricks spent a few minutes searching before deciding to continue on down the street. Giving up in the search of something new to fling itself at.

A few minutes later and the scene flexed with items moving about for safety.

The illusion snake had dragged both kills into a pile in the corner and was hungrily ripping into them. The pile of mud and bug shards and juices did not look appetizing…and really could not have been nutritious. But some aspect of being part of a monster made them edible for the newly ascended monster.

Rivulets of mud fell out of its mouth, but the snake seemed to prefer eating the bug. When its meal was done it headed off once more. No rest for a monster in this event!

Days passed in a similar manner. This event did wonders for monster growth and the new count of ascended monsters actually roaming around was close to 28. The 300 had dropped to under a 100 and for the first time they learned what “shrinking” the area meant.

The mist-like wall pulled inwards clipping the far edge of the lake and shaving around 100m off the radius of the zone. Behind the wall of mist, the actual walls of the area were moved inwards and the few monsters that ignored the walls' advance were struck by a frantic fear as soon as the mist grew close.

Now. Of the remaining monsters that were still alive, the two behemoths maintained their iron grip on the surroundings but a few more monsters managed to make themselves known. The bricklike creature was now strong enough that despite its new weakness Innearth couldn’t imagine anything being able to take it out with pure strength or regular magic. It wasn’t the strongest attacker and was much smaller in its influence than the behemoths… but as a physical tank, nothing was stronger than it.

FED’s masked creature had slowly grown into prominence. For one it appeared to have the eternal potion integrated into its body as well as mist magic. Its main method of attacking appeared to be spreading and controlling a mist that froze anything it touched slowing its time down to next to nothing and letting it approach and take them out with simple wind blades.

It had already been dangerous near the start but as the battle royal progressed it had ascended and then evolved once after. Now its mist spread further than a few meters away and it was quickly shifting into a position of strength similar to the lich.

Doc’s monster had also risen to prominence. It was a rat-shaped creature with a truly strange unique ability. Anything it touched could be swapped with its flesh at its own discretion. If the rat touched a golden boar-like monster, parts of its own body grew golden, while parts of the boar were suddenly the weaker molerat-like texture the rat had initially been. Those weak spots could be shot easily because the rat had come equipped with a slowly recharging energy gun that shot a plasma-like mana bolt and took a minute to reload.

Over the course of the game, this rat had pillaged materials from dozens of creatures and now had a marbled form. Damaged parts were swapped with new ones and it stacked “powers” from some of the materials it had integrated.

Of the creatures remaining, Innearth thought it had the highest chance of taking out the bricks while he also secretly thought his snake could beat the rat in a sneak attack.

Because the illusion snake was still going strong.

The Illusion snake continued to pit monsters against each other gaining experience for its actions and then either stealing the final kill or eating the remains once all the survivors left. It was an inglorious existence but a reliable one.

Through safe manipulations, it had managed to evolve twice more over a 4 day period. At level 4 its body thickened and grew whiter while its mouth was smoothed over once more becoming more natural-seeming. At level 8 its scales grew and flaked into curved rivets and it became much faster at moving. Both evolutions had also increased the range of their illusions and while they were functionally perfect before they were also heavily based on the surroundings…

Now the snake could manipulate its creations to the point they could look like anything. Fake monsters could appear to startle others and Innearth was nearly positive…some of the illusions can permanently alter the world? Is it because of the void core I added into the original circuit? Is it helping the illusions actually damage stuff? … but with the amount of shenanigans that were happening in each illusionary battle, Innearth couldn’t be too sure about his guess.

As the monsters dwindled and the area shrunk, Cores placed bets on who they thought would win. The Lich and Mask were currently tied in popularity for #1.

Innearth stared at the remaining numbers and didn’t like his monster’s odds. There were still quite a few monsters left that it could contend against, but of the remaining monsters, many had AOE attacks and were basically off the table. The snake’s range for illusions had expanded…but it was still only close to 100m while the mist of Bose’s monster was now double that and Amy’s million tentacles stretched over a kilometer.

Day 6 had a huge upset. Innearth’s snake went on an assassination mission against the lich slipping through the army that filled the forest like a ghost. At the same time, the rat made a mad attack against the bricks and the “time mist mask” attacked the tentacles.

The rat managed to integrate a few bricks but that ended up being a mistake – the bricks of the brick monster were equivalent to hair or clothing and damaging them didn’t hurt the core.

The rat however now had a rock-like solid portion of flesh, that cracked when the bricks started smashing down again and again into it. Three hits and the rat was pulp that flickered and was teleported out by Doc – who refused to let the ascended monster perish.

Innearth’s snake managed to reach the “king” and attack its black-boned host from the shadows moving past its bodyguards and shattering it behind them. Grinding several of its bones to dust and crunching down into its skull the snake gave no indication that anything had happened and despite being connected and immediately commanded to protect him, the bodyguards were too late to save their master. Deciding to cut his losses Abyss saved the lich and suitably sadly congratulated Innearth in the group chat.

Abyss: Dammit…to a Core less than half my age too. Did you know I used an actual lich’s bones in the creation of this undead? An actual necromancers’ bones and soul as an undead. And it died to illusions…sigh. Congratulations. I hope you are having fun with the games! It's important to have fun.

Innearth: Yeah…they are alright.

Meanwhile the most cheating monster Bose’s “time mist mask” failed its assault of the tentacles. Flying across the top of the lake and slowing down all the tentacles around it to a state much stronger than normal eternity magic would allow it appeared to be winning.

But then after luring it in tentacles outside of the range of its mist flew up on all sides to wrap around the whole lake creating a dome that crushed inwards incredibly quickly and then suddenly slowly once they hit the mist.

Over the course of nearly an hour, the tentacles descended like a blanket. The thick sticky goopy tentacles formed an airtight barrier that pushed the mask as the source underwater – diluting the time effect and cascading into it being drowned. Air monsters did not do well completely submerged by water.

With the two favourites to win dead and gone, tons of Cores lamented their bets and still others found new favourites to win.

A few minutes after this point the bricks turned towards the lake and started wading into the water. It remained submerged for close to an hour and due to the popularity of the monster a camera was placed near the bottom of the lake to watch its assault.

Its clapping attack was slowed down in the water but had the negative effect of pushing water which shoved most of what it aimed for out of the way. However conversely the tentacles were even weaker against the bricks for despite their number they weren’t strong enough to pick it up or crush it.

Its attempts to wrap around the golem was met with parts of its body shifting and squishing the tentacles foolish enough to try and contain it while it constantly moved closer and closer to the core.

The center of the lake grew thicker and thicker with tentacles and the bricks had to innovate new attacks to start ripping a path inward. This whole excursion into the lake took over a day from start to finish but finally it managed to reach the core and crush the blobby center into the lakebed.

That provoked an underwater ascension that caused the golem to almost shatter. The large brick sized blocks were split into 8 pieces and the fine control it had was increased. The monster that emerged from the lake walked on 6 legs instead of growing.

It also brought with it a huge amount of sand which swirled around it as it moved about.

The number of monsters still in the running dropped and despite its relatively weak position, Innearth’s snake grew to prominence as one of the final 25. Then final 10.

It was when the snake attempted to manipulate a creature covered in countless weapons into attacking the bricks that everything went wrong. The Praying mantis-like creature had saws and drills and scissors and blades coming out of every visible section of its body. The snake had been hoping those drills and hammers could counter the small bricks, but they rung out when they stuck ineffectively.

This would have been fine, but it seemed like the brick monster remembered the snake's interferences when it had attacked the mud golem and had finally had enough.

Half a dozen blocks flew out of the main core of the golem pulling sand with them and wrapping around the whole center plains they had fought in. Taking a cue from Amy’s attack of the time mask, a solid sandstorm was created roughly a kilometer long that slowly spun and contracted.

Innearth’s snake made an illusion of it slipping out of the approaching barrier but it continued inwards not fooled. Next it made an army of illusionary monsters that seemed to attack the bricks but they couldn’t deal much damage to the main core nor stop the advance.

100m, 50m, 10m.

Unsure exactly where in the ring his monster was but terrified that this was the end and not seeing a way for it to escape Innearth moved through event panels frantically.

Forfeit the match as if your monster has died while saving its life.

Forfeit? Y/N

Hitting that button with frantic energy Innearth picked the snakes original home in his crystal caverns and swooped it out of the cage depositing it unceremoniously into the pillar room.

The Illusion Wurm was safe.

His newest precious ascended monster was safe.

Taking the time to check over, calm down and comfort his monster; Innearth turned to see his final score, making sure to rename the monster at the end.

Battle Royal ScoreBoard.


#5. Innearth [Illusion Wurm]. Kills [23], Time lasted [7 days 10 minutes. 48 seconds]


Abe: Well done m8. I’ve dropped to 30th place sadly despite having the most kills. Your monster lasted till the top 10 but got 5th place so it's not just the number you went out on...

Amy: Babby was killed! I couldn’t find a place to put her and that stupid lump of bricks slaughter my poor babby.

Fated Eternal Design: Hey. That beast killed my time mask too okay? We are all disappointed we didn’t win.

ZeMadDoctor: Ah. Not quite. I’m quite happy with my gains. This is my second ascended monster. And after ascending the way its integrated that material into its body…its fascinating.

Innearth: This next event…it says we have to join in groups of 3?

Abe: Who’s our third member bro?

Fated Eternal Design: Ah. That would obviously be me. We’ll make a great team.

Innearth: …alright! I guess we have a team then. It says we have to sign up together come sign up and add my name so it will finish processing my application.

Abe: Oh-ho! This event looks fun.

As the group prepared for the next event they ignored the final moments of the royale. The bricks sought out and eliminated the final stragglers who were a mixture of strong monsters that hadn’t faced any of the behemoths, or cowardly ones who could hide really well in their chosen areas.

As if guessing the event was soon over, the time before the “So You Want To Be An Adventurer event started was dragged out slightly longer to let the bricks win. A Tier 6 Core by the name of “Endless Dream” was surprised and delighted to claim victory and the dragon's body reward.

But the dungeon games continued on. There were plenty more chances to win and plenty more competitions to challenge themselves on.

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