Dungeon Core Chat Room.

Chapter 44. A day in the life of Abe.

Brothers and Sisters! Do you tire of duels in our small community? Has your honour tier stagnated?

I come bringing news of a proper trial not 10 minutes away. A dungeon is nearby. A proper source of challenge to throw yourselves at. One still unclaimed and free!

Join me! The greater monsters there will follow duelling code! Not a single snivelling sneaky was seen when our raiding party scouted its depths. Power was celebrated. Explosions abound.

Even better the greater fights provide gifts! Trinkets to prove your victory! Any and all who wish to challenge yourself join me! Join me in delving! Join me in excitement and join me in battle!

Excerpt obtained from the speech given to the kakarot tribe upon discovery of the "Unnecessarily Explosive dungeon"

Abe: Yo.

Abe: I did the thing!

Monster Name Lore Description.

Blast Slugs

The first mob encountered in this dungeon. This slug releases a blast of burning mana in a single exploding pulse that kills itself. They are numerous, annoying, and a good sign of what’s to come in this dungeon. If you haven’t learned how to kite a dungeon mob yet now is the time to do so.

Spike Slug

These slugs detonate in explosive blasts, releasing poison-filled spikes at great speed. Identical to the above but can inflict damage over time if “spiked”. Due to how numerous these have become in the past few weeks, it is recommended to bring a generalized antidote or equip items that resist or negate poison damage.

Heavy Armor Slug

This slug is far more heavily armoured than anything else in the dungeon. It can take a heavy beating before being killed and once it does the standard “explode when dead” shtick that is the hallmark of this dungeon, its armour becomes shrapnel. It can also “charge” itself into a massive explosion hiding in the corner of the room while it grows brighter and brighter and then detonates.

Much worse of an attack than the standard and spike slugs these armoured variants are surprisingly easy to deal with. They move slowly and don’t explode unless damaged or having spent several minutes charging so its best to simply leave them alone. They can be outrun with a brisk walking pace and the explosion doesn’t reach more than a room or two even after charged.

Breath Flame Slugs

One of the first monsters most adventurers will find that doesn’t immediately suicidally detonate. These slugs breathe out a thick, nearly invisible cloud of some sort of gas, then control it with Air mana. After adventurers get close, Breath Flame Slugs breathe a small amount of fire into their cloud – detonating it to great effect – while keeping themselves safe and out of harm’s way.

As with all the rest of this dungeon’s monsters, destroying the breath flame slug detonates it.

Sticky Bomb Slugs

The first truly ranged attacker encountered by newbies. These things hurl pellets of sticky cloying slime and other various materials infused with fire mana. Each blast is far weaker than the usual suicide blast. But they cause quite a spectacle and can easily blind the party’s tank. The worst part is how difficult it is to remove the slime when struck and once struck the slime will explode…it's inevitable.

Magma Webs

Large spiders covered in magma armor. These beasts are the creatures most adventurers have to actually fight. Instead of the other mobs, who are usually attack a few times and then blow up. Magma Webs can cover their sticky webbing with magma mana, creating nets of molten rock which can easily kill an unlucky adventurer and are awful to remove. Magma Webs are prone to dropping their nets on adventurers as a lethal surprise. They also have the ability to explode if pushed into a corner, because of course.

Healing Slugs

A rare sight in the dungeon, if an adventuring party encounters this slug. It detonates a blast of healing mana. This pulse heals all party members and has kept newbies from getting killed at least once.

Speed Bomb Slugs

These slugs release blasts of fire mana which they detonate faster than most. Almost always accompanied by a wave of force from them.

Lightning Slugs

Found several floors down, these monsters release blasts of lightning mana. These things are usually one-hit kills. Turning the tanks into lightning rods and blasting their teammates with arcing mana.

Boss Name Lore Description.

Big Bomb Slug This mob is, surprisingly a good example of a floor boss. Powerful, deadly, and with the ability to adapt to a lot of situations - but still beatable. However it shouldn't be the first floor boss. This thing can take hits from a newbie tanks and dps like they're nothing. And its head can easily break a neck or skull. And its speed allows it to maneuver around the room easily. When taken down, it releases a blast of pure uncontained fire mana. Burning anybody near it before it goes into a pile of flesh and metal. Opinion here, just blast it with earth or water magic or even ice magic till it croaks. Makes the run faster and weakens the potential blast.

Heavy Armored Crab A weird boss monster for the second floor. It encases itself in magma mana. Creating a powerful magical armor around itself. Also bolstered by the heavy armor underneath. It walks around the entire boss room, releasing magma blasts that can melt through most armor. Highly recommend the tank rush it and then distract it, while everyone else blasts it with magic. Even the healer. Cause the tank sure isn't gonna want to be healed when their armor is melting around them. Just prolongs their suffering.

King Kong Kabloom A massive gorilla takes up the 3rd floor and has gotten stronger each time the dungeon remakes it. Less information is involved due to that but we can confirm it has boxing gloves that explode upon punches and uses fast movements to quickly get around.

5th Floor Boss Unknown, I doubt it could've caused every party to encounter it to wipe with its attacks. It's likely that its suicide bomb is just incredibly strong and can take out an already tired adventuring party. We plan to send two teams down to take it out. Hopefully enough survive to give us information that we can use to help construct a strategy for everyone else.

Unnecessarily Explosive Dungeon [Dungeon Information]

Known Floors: 5 (technically 10)

This dungeon likes to group floors in 2. A wide-open area with several “optional” entrances to a harder mini floors known as vaults.

There are 5 large open floors but each increases in mana concentration by the equivalent of 2 floors. Each large floor has a boss and several of the vaults have unique bosses as well.

Traps: The main parts of the floor are trap free, however the vaults and new shortcut sections are heavily trapped in two distinct ways.

Vaults traps – unique per vault, but heavily favoring high reaction speeds and careful movements. These traps are designed to slow you down.

Shortcut traps – these traps aren’t designed to hide from or maneuver around, these traps are designed to punish. Set to only go off when someone attempts to skip ahead to a place they haven’t been, the whole length of the tunnel is set with small monsters that suck in light then release it in a massive burst of blinding brilliance. There are monsters that create cracks and snaps loud enough to burst eardrums and some unseen monster that can inject armour with some sort of weird magical virus that spreads through equipment and causes it to explode. Add in a healthy mix of the normal explosive mobs and you have a hallway that's hell to get though without specific counters.

All of these monsters or traps are controlled to not hurt anyone using the shortcuts legitimately however it seems like someone attempts to skirt them daily and several have died braving their passages.

Yes, this is worse than facing the floor bosses. Yes, it’s a cramped space full of holes of scuttling bugs that explode without warning. No, using some variation of [deafen] or [blind] on yourself doesn’t protect you from the traps. That just makes you stumble into a blast slug defenceless.

Loot: This has kicked off recently, it started with most of the rewards being offered as explosives. The loot has mellowed however and switched to full system rewards or shiny jewelry and is now quite generous. Outside of the vault and boss rewards the local alchemist and artifacer scenes are thriving.

General Notes: The two main features of this dungeon are the heavy use of bombs and vaults.

Vaults have been seen before but is a rare feature not normally offered by such a young dungeon and even fewer have committed to it to the extent the Unnecessarily Explosive Dungeon has. Bombs are not unique either but are equally rare. Combined, this can be considered the only bomb vault dungeon in existence.

A final note: Each mob is less a “specific” type and more a category. This dungeon is always changing its mind and experimenting and there are plenty of bosses in some of the vaults that never show up again after being defeated once.

Innearth: ayy!

Abe: Get on in the stream lads let me show you my bombing layout. Some nice targets today I’m sure ya’ll will enjoy.

As each dungeon joined the stream, it cut to a wide open area. A floor nearly as wide as Bose's, but with much fewer buildings and much more “expanse”.

Surprisingly it wasn't empty, for every few dozen meters there was a fragile looking structure.

The ground and ceiling are a dusty reddish grey colour, but all the barriers and buildings are brightly painted in varying qualities. A wooden tower is dumped with speckles and stripes of green and blue while another metal plate creating a sideways tent is covered in dark yellow spirals.

Dotting the land were makeshift barriers and trenches. Roughly four large castle-like structures were placed closer to the edges with huge signs above each.

Abe: We all in? Let's gooooo! I need some energy from you all! Get that influence pumping!

Rushing to one of the castles without waiting for a response Abe phased the camera through several walls in his excitement. The screen flickered black multiple times as he brought them in and down the keep's interior.

Abe: main part of each raid is a new floor my guys, stole that basement shenanigans from Fed! Anyways watch the excitement my dudes. Watch and learn.

Near the bottom of the building sits a gold treasure chest. A group of buff green men approached the chest cheering and high fiving each other. In the upper corner of the room a spotlight tracks the men across the floor.

Standing in front of the chest the man in the lead pulls out a large weathered greatsword and breathes in deep. As their chest puffed out, thick waves of mana started running down the sword’s length. Rawer and more uneven than any skill Innearth had seen…but faster and with a stronger loop of power. At first he thought it poorly done but as the sword began to shine in his mana sight he started to revise his opinion.

With a single slash the chest was sliced in two, soft metal parting before the slice and exposing a pile of trinkets. Gems and daggers and – as the group began raiding it – personalized items that materialized in their arms alongside the cheaper rewards.

As soon as the last orc grabbed the last item, the whole room pulsed. Glowing lines of power raced out of the corners of the chest – splitting off into hundreds of thin bright lines of fire that landed on innocent-looking rocks or chairs or lampshades.

Each normal appearing bomb cracked as it activated – the illusion flaking away and revealing pulsing orange organic looking bombs. Each flickered with ominous light as more and more cracks split their outside, exposing a raw jelly-like substance.

Quickly turning serious the group moved unsurprised at the development. They turned and began jogging up a flight of stairs at the edge of the room. Dodging pitfalls and swinging walls as they moved through the building reaching the first floor and facing hallways twisting around and around between them and the exit.

Their actions became more frantic…while their faces became more excited. A faint rumble filled the air and dust fell from the ceiling as parts of the hallway shook yet every orc had gained a massive crazed grin at the danger they were in.

Pulling out a varied array of “large” melee weapons the orcs gave up on the “correct way out” instead deciding to attack the walls and escape out the side.

Each carried a different weapon, but all applied the same sort of “sword mana” to the implement and swung it in a similar wide and smashing manner. An axe, a sword, a spiked mace, a lamppost taken from the wall. Each was coated and swung and swung again.

53s after the invisible countdown started, the group breached the outside wall laughing and whooping. Ripping the last bits apart with their bare hands they flung themselves in different directions and began rolling to various outcroppings and makeshift shelters.

A single explosion rang out hollow and muted before a deafening roar happened as every single bomb was set off.

The whole of the 30x30m building detonated. Chunks of stone and metal flying hundreds of meters in every direction while constant rumbling took hold of the whole area. A few barriers and rickety towers struck by the shrapnel splintered at this moment, collapsing here and there and extending the time this explosion was dragged out.

2 of the orc’s shelters were struck at this moment but all of them had performed a similar “enhancement” to their shelters and the hazy mana reinforced and held firm.

Behind the group, a cartoonish mushroom cloud of smoke rose from the rubble of the building pushing up against the roof and spreading out as it dissipated. It took till most of the smoke was dissipated long after the rumbles had stopped before Abe finally spoke.

Abe: Explosions are great in all sizzles but there's really something special about big ones you know? Something inherently exciting. It's also so much more fun to bomb something that will break than it is to just release bombs in an empty area am I right?

Amy: I haven't really ever considered bombing anything but I guess?

Innearth: so what, you build stuff just to break?

Abe: yep! Each of these bad boys are a schematic I can reprint...the whole heist vault is technically a trap and as long as I leave the mana content as low as I can, they break easily enough.

Innearth: …that seems almost like cheating but wow. Glad you can print whole “heist vaults”. I wonder if you can print rooms as well? How much do you have to add to it before it is considered a trap?

Abe: Gotta add quite a bit, but it's fine if most goes into decorations. Want to see another?

The camera fell through the floor, passing through stone and going dark for a long drawn out second before coming out into a second nearly identical “large and wide floor” below.

Looking around Abe seemed to be checking the vaults in this area before finding one currently being raided.

This time instead of excitedly skipping the vault he moves the camera down and glides through the open front door. The vault is a house with a rickety looking porch leading into a pastel painted grandmotherly home.

Gliding around the house as if the group is an adventurer they see most of this house is made of a white porcelain like clay in different light shades. This vault’s walls were covered in paintings. Its roof hung with chandeliers. Its floor covered in various furniture and monster corpses.

Pretty average for a house even with the burn marks and bits of monsters strewn about.

…I’m actually surprised at how much detail is put into this place. How did Abe manage it?

…Actually, I already saw part of this. Checking with his mana sight most of the room glowed in his vision. Illusions blanketed the rooms and while nearly every item was “real” the peeling paint and fabric on them wasn’t…Innearth wasn’t able to see through most of the illusions but it was pretty easy to tell they were here and Abe had gotten lazy on some of the less important sections the illusion mana covering them weak and transparent.

Okay, satisfied with that even if it's slightly ruining my immersion. I’ll pretend it's normal.

An old fake door at the back was ripped open. Hidden behind paint and ripped slightly off its hinges the camera moved over to the hole and peered inside.

Rickety looking steps lead downwards and then twist to the side, obscuring the depths from view.

When following them down, a dusty mostly empty basement was revealed.

A swinging lamp in the ceiling casts shifting shadows on the walls and illuminates a couple attempting to break into a solid steel box with a large wheel on the side. The safe has many small dials and switches covering all visible edges and is bolted shut pretty tightly.

The woman moved her fingers quickly in the air, causing glowing glyphs to form in their wake before shattering again and again.

The man held a black skeleton key while he scrambled about the safe, flicking switches at random looking for a hole to place his item.

Abe: keys for the crypt vault lol! Granny's boom box needs a code from the wasteland they haven't found. I think they will get in though, otherwise I wouldn't have brought you all here. Sorry you missed their fight against granny and her knitting. That was a fun fight but it ended shortly before we started the stream.

In the stream the women’s shaking fingers carve out yet another glyph and this time it sticks. Hanging in the air for a moment as if considering whether it wants to continue, the glyph starts to solidify more and more – it growing brighter with “mana sight” and dimmer with “regular sight”.

Faint chains seem to materialize around the whole safe before shattering and being ripped off –links being flung into space and then disappearing – the apparition more a visual concept of what just happened. Smiling as she heard a faint click from the box, the women reached out and pulled. The handle swinging wide with little effort and exposing the contents within.

Shining with glee the women’s eyes greedily stares through the treasures and she lets out a faint gasp. The sound alerting her partner who rushes around the side of the safe and joins her. A bright smile upon his face as well.

Grabbing her side, he looked over her shoulder and gave a nearly identical gasp before reaching around and pulling out a solid plate of paper-thin metal to look at.

Innearth: why are they so excited?

Abe: firmament. It's a bludgeoning and explosion proof metal they can use to make incredibly light armour.

Fated Eternal Design: oh! DIY dungeon rewards. They have to design their own loot.

Amy: Let me guess. They can sell those for a lot of money?

Innearth: seems like you were just too lazy to make an item.

Abe: guilty :3. Don't worry bro I can tell you want to see how our super awesome friendship monster does against monsters I'll show that off next.

Grabbing sheets of firmament then immediately turning and running the pair get a headstart on the inevitable countdown.

A faint ticking sound is heard while lines of mana race through the inside of walls destabilizing several cached bombs.

The pair rush through the house tripping on chairs and pushing through doors as they run out onto the porch and make a beeline for the nearest trench.

Diving into the trench, the pair's movement quickly turns into a blur as they enter its depths.

A closer look shows a faint haze over the trenches, enthalpy mana blanketing the whole area in a field of sped-up time.

The pair is long gone by the time the house explodes and this time it seems to shatter as a chain of small explosions collapses multiple parts simultaneously.

Abe: Never. Gets. Old!!!! Get it? Old granny lived there? Anyone? Eh would have worked better if you saw the granny fight. She fought with knitting needles. I might remake that boss it was hilarious.

This time the explosion did more than simply make a mushroom cloud. A swarm of wriggling slugs were flung out of various nooks and crannies in the roof and walls. Protected somehow from the initial blast but not from the impact as each land around the surroundings and explode.

Some of the secondary explosions send smaller blobs of slime like material out that detonate as well before the collapse is over. The house is gone and surrounded by black ashy marks.

This time Abe doesn’t sit in silence for a few minutes before continuing.

Abe: Alright, Well those are my vaults. I love each and every one of them, but I can tell you guys are getting bored. Why don’t we go see a good old-fashioned bout this time?

Fated Eternal Design: You know, I was interested to see what other vaults you had. These are some great themes I’m really impressed!

Innearth: Lets see a fight!

Abe: Alright, First off let me find a webber.

Pausing and then flying over to the corner of the wall the group finds the whole side is covered in thick molten webs.

Several eyes peek through the molten threads and suddenly Innearth can see them.

The monsters he and Abe made together. Earth and Fire. They were designed based loosely on Innearth’s original magma spooders but heavily altered after Abe had a say in it.

A huge portion of the inside had been shifted around and replaced with multiple glands that released a sticky only semi explosive goo and a dense endless molten mana.

They could truly “make a monster together” by paying equal amounts of the mana cost and letting the system print the monster out at their own dungeon and several spiders were this variant. Void legs and various mana crystals for Innearth’s contribution with semi-stable explosive goo and a weird “solidifying” organ for Abe’s. These monsters could only be made if they worked together. There was also a version that Innearth could make alone that included his crystal bats and a version that Abe could make alone that used no crystal or void parts.

Watching their combined monsters scurry about and harass a group of adventurers filled Innearth with pride. It was just like he had his own adventurers. That was him. Those were his.

Well okay, they are both of ours. That gland that solidifies goo also uses enthalpy mana so I can’t make the web-making versions myself.

But still! Look at them go!!!

Both dungeons now had several web weaving spiders alongside Innearth and Abe’s “solo” versions of each spider. In that regard both had nearly identical sections of magma webs full of spiders but somehow. Somehow seeing Abe’s version gave Innearth more excitement than his own.

Maybe because right now his spiders only caught snakes, but Abe’s were actively in battle with adventurers.

A cloaked figure in an edgy sort of flowing darkness that existed only as decoration dodged back and forth and shot fuzzy blue bolts of energy upwards. 3 spiders danced with this adventurer scrambling around on their web and occasionally slicing off small sections to drop down upon their harasser.

Fated Eternal Design: That adventurer has good taste in clothing!

Innearth: …if you say so.

The adventurer paused for a moment and held one arm steady fingers sprayed out. Grabbing the outstretched arm with their free hand to steady it further they cast. A splitting bolt of fuzzy blue becoming 2, 4, 8, 16 shots before impacting the area. Each time the bolts split they shrunk slightly but not by a factor of 2.

Webs that were hit swung around and dimmed as the magma cooled and the one spider that got hit was paralyzed, greyish-blue frost spreading away from the impact site. A moment after the spider froze it fell downwards, a large explosion bursting forth from the corpse when it hit the ground.

The two remaining spiders took that moment to counterattack. A web was spun out from one while the other controlled it like a seeking snake in the air. The adventurer was grabbed by the burning thread and gasped as their clothing shimmered and broke apart revealing mostly plain looking black cloth that quickly caught fire.

Shaking about as the thread melted into them the adventurer let out a gasp of pain before they were immolated.

Amy: Yeah they were not wearing protective clothing. Do you also have a problem with adventurers being too fragile?

Abe: Eh, a bit. That’s why I took your advice and made a healing slug. It gives most of the newbies a safety once or twice.

Innearth: Look over there!

In the corner, one of the latest variants of combined spider was weaving a 3-dimensional rune using magma webs. Each web spun out and then hung in the air, the design growing larger and more complex every second.

With a final sort of dash, the web was complete – seeming to flicker with mana before suddenly turning purple and indistinct.

As the colour shifted the effect became known. Within a 50m range around the floating ball, gravity flipped.

A trio of heavily armoured warriors twisted about in the air before landing in the magma webs covering the ceiling. Their armour flickered with runes and turned much of the webs that touched them to crumbling stone. Long metal staffs were used to swipe through the molten threads like little more than cobwebs while the group spread out and cleared a free area on the ceiling.

Spinning their staff with one hand a warrior let out a barking yell and caused a spinning whirlwind to push out and rip into the webs taking 2 spiders into the air in its passing.

Seeing the gravity field was ineffective and bringing the warriors closer to them was dangerous, the original spellcasting magma web struggled to interact with and break their original construct. The construct – while slowly dimming – was mostly ethereal and even with void tipped legs, the spider was unable to touch their own spell.

Not giving them a chance, the shortest armoured adventurer flickered like a light was switched on and of really quickly. Each flicker accelerated them towards the spellweaver with more and more force and the dozens of meters were crossed in less than a second.

Stabbing through the magma spider with their plain looking pole caused the spider to explode but the adventurer was already past and switching direction towards a new target. Each flicker of light and mana let them change course sharply – all the motion in one direction being perfectly transferred to the new one in sharp unnatural jolts as they slaughtered all the spiders on this stretch of web.

The final armoured adventurer simply ran around swinging their pole back and forth – each connected swing crumpling anything it hit with a massive amount of physical force.

…Innearth was beside himself.

Innearth: Man, they went like swish and blam! I know I sound dumb but wow. I thought they were goners for sure when they fell towards the webs but then they turned it all around.

ZeMadDoctor: That one of your monsters?

Innearth: Half mine :3 I made the spell circuit though! That spider had a tier 3 core instead of a tier 4 and was still able to cast multiple spells…you only saw the one though :/ pity.

Abe: We have one more stop in my tour if you guys are done here.

Innearth: …yeah I’m done. I think I want you to share this with me again after the tour. I want to see the results of my experimentations every now and again :3.

Waiting till the field weakened and broke – causing the armoured group to flip around and land on the real ground once more – the camera moved to the end of the floor.

A stadium met their eyes, completely different from both the floor itself and vaults behind.

A round room with several “seats” above holding cheering…cheering figures for looking closer they were all made with illusion mana. Less real people of any species or race and more just the “concept” of a crowd.

Bright lights swung about high in the air and a single large golden ape stood heaving in the center of the room.

The group of orcs had reached here and seemed to be arguing over who got to face the boss.

Ignoring the monster not 10m away two orcs held each other in a gripping handshake a wave of mana thundering through their arms and pushing the dust around them in a circle.

A brighter tinge flushed their green faces while muscles flexed, and they attempted to budge the other.

With a great deal of effort, one was lifted up off the ground and pushed away stumbling backwards and cursing.

The other orcs patted the winner on the back as he turned to face his opponent.

This orc’s weapon of choice was a massive barbed mace. Halfway between something shoddy and new, it looked like it might once have been well made, but was now thoroughly thoroughly “used and abused” – with bent spikes and cracks along the well made length.

Bowing slightly, the orc held the mace above his head and dashed forwards – a guttural, happy warcry slipping from his lips.

Jumping up the ape exploded their legs midair and flung themselves about in a controlled manner.

Dodging to the side and then back< the ape's fist struck the mace from the side, and a massive burst of energy shockwaved out as the orc was forcefully spun in a circle – their balance momentarily lost.

Making the best of their impromptu spin the orc stepped into it completing the full revolution and shifted their trajectory slightly, aiming directly for the ape's head.

Ducking down just in time the ape crouched in a boxing stance and swung up towards the orc’s chin, its fist steaming slightly from the first explosion.

This time more prepared the orc pushed mana out briefly enforcing their head enough to take the full explosion unharmed before countering once more with a diagonal swing.

The next few minutes were spent repeating similar moves each either dodging or tanking their opponents’ hits. Despite seeming in true danger once or twice the audience of orcs made no move to help their comrade instead bobbing slightly as if annoyed they weren’t the one fighting.

Innearth: You should have made a boss for each of them bro.

Abe: brooo! It's too late now. This boss takes a full pool to make and I can’t just pop them out for all 5 of them.

More and more blows landed as both orc and ape lost their initial energy.

Several explosions landed on unenhanced muscled limbs bruising and breaking bones while an equal amount of heavy strikes had done the same to the ape.

Thick soupy monster blood leaked out of the ape’s arms and chest while their shock-absorbing arms no longer functioned as well.

The orc’s left arm hung limply by their side, but they maintained a firm smile as they beat back and down the ape.

Finally it was over. A swing hit the ape’s core and caused a chain reaction of small explosions the fake crowd's cheer rising to a crescendo as bits of monster flesh rained down on everyone present.

Turning to the side the victor dropped his mace and held out a hand before a new weapon materialized in its place.

Dense. That’s what the new mace was. It looked similar to the weapon Innearth had made but larger and with a stripe of some silver material spiralling around and around its length.

Abe: That’s it! I’ve shown you everything exciting. Go on, rate my dungeon. Its rad huh.

Amy: Yeah, Pretty well put together Abe.

Fated Eternal Design: I’m glad it seems you took some of my advice to heart.

Innearth: Well done m8.

ZeMadDoctor: …yeah good job. Better than I thought you’d have to be honest.

Innearth: You should show me the spawning rooms you were telling me about! I want to see how you are mass producing blast slugs.

Abe: Ehh, That’s just some messy internals. Not that exciting. I already told you how it works.

Innearth: I want to make my ownnn. I’m sick and tired of making my own weak monsters. I want to feed my stronger monsters slimes or something, but don’t want to spend any time making them.

Abe: Okay, real quick final stop.

Rushing down and to the side the group came to a room full of wiggling blast slugs that moved about incredibly quickly.

The whole room was sped up more than anything else they had seen so far and every few minutes a slug would be sliced in two – sharp blades flipping up through the floor and severing the worm-like monsters into equal parts.

The severed parts slowly healed into two separate monsters and slugs scooted out small tunnels in the room constantly – instinctively making their way out into the dungeon to find places to patrol and adventurers to attack.

Abe: Innearth already knows this but time is needed to make a monster, these monsters can multiply because they have no core. If they are split into equal portions and then healed, they become two identical monsters.

Abe: …as you can see I think. Basically, this only works because they don’t have a core. If they had a core and were cut the side with the core would heal and the other break.

Abe: If they had two cores and were cut with two separate bodies they wouldn’t heal as well – not being able to heal back the missing core the body parts would wriggle until they reached each other and re-attached. Any questions?

ZeMadDoctor: Time is needed to make a monster? Can you clarify?

Abe: Yeah if they heal too “quickly” they don’t grow into equal sized new monsters. The sliced part just

Innearth: Sorry these are your exploding slugs right? Why aren’t they exploding when they get cut?

Abe: Use explosions enough and you start to figure out how to block them. Remember the firmament earlier? Whole room is surrounded by a different material that suppresses explosions from happening in my spawn room.

Abe: Well! I think with that my tour is done. When do you think you’ll advance Innearth? I want to see what you’ve come up with bro.

Innearth: 2655/2736 exp till level 48. Nearly there.

Amy: Make sure to expand your influence downwards before you advance. It gives you a greater descent. I wish I knew that back when I advanced.

Innearth: Yep. Thanks again. I’ll show you my dungeon soon!

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