Dungeon Core: Bugged Ascension

041, A new normal (Part 6)


We are a distance from the main camp as Ruth’Moor shouts at my Mentor, “He shouldn’t have been in that camp at all! I wouldn’t have brought my God to Aurora Hephaestus’s meeting if I knew such a beast lurked these places.”

My mentor rolls her eyes and brushes away the argument with her wing, “{None of your hatchlings were in any danger. Leo has long given up hunting for food or sport. He only preys upon Challenge and wished to investigate your camps when there wouldn’t be as much of a fuss about his presence. Noone even noticed his presence; he was quiet and careful.}”

“That’s not the point! Those ‘hatchlings’ are my Duty. I’m supposed to be between them and any potential harm, and because of his late-night stalk I have failed utterly,” she slumps her shoulders in defeat.

Gnat steps over and wraps Ruth’Moor’s Voice in her wing, “{I well understand that Duty. I know we have only just met, so you have no real foundation to trust me. I can only hope you believe me when I say that Leo would sooner die than even allow harm to come to those younglings in his presence. He would sooner be boiled under an onslaught of fire than allow a single blemish upon them while he was near.}”

Reaching her other wing forth a stream of gnats are conjured, pointing towards the membrane of the forest where there is a patch of deeper darkness and a pair of glowing eyes, “{Of all of us, Leo most embodies the ideal- Might upholds the weak. His reach is less than any other of our Father’s children and thus his depth has grown to compensate.}”

I have kept myself small, leaning against the tree ever since I saw that darkness approaching. My own eyes closed as I focus on controlling my breathing even as more and more of my fireflies are captivated and thrumming in response to those swirling pools of light. When my mentor finishes speaking there is a rumble of thunder and a storm of a voice echoes to us, “^Challenge me, she of many. Let me break my body upon your horns. Shred your flesh with my claws. Crack your shells with my jaws. Test me. Feed me. Find me.^”

Then those eyes wink out and the utter night withdraws from that patch of trees, sinking deeper within as I shudder out a breath and let the shakes of terror wash through me.

“My rage, at him, at myself, bids me take him up on that,” I hear her take a cleansing breath as I try to regain control of myself, “But my Duty will not allow it. A true brawl with such a creature would test my limits, and drain resources I cannot spare at this time, so far from home.”

Having gotten a hold of my breathing I pull back my fireflies as I open my eyes and look at Gnat once more. I see her tilt her head as if listening to the wind before she faces Ruth’Moor again, “{What would you need in order to meet his Challenge. Father would like Leo to have the chance to test himself, learn and grow, just as all of us do. But being so far from any Cities, there are no creatures of power to face him.}”

She chuckles, “I would need either a breeding and feeding ground for my Heroes and God, or the ability to come back from the dead.”

Gnat looks at her confusedly for a moment, “{I thought you had spoken with Father already?}”

Ruth’Moor nods, “I have. When we arrived yesterday, I touched upon Life’s new skin and they told me of the potential to create a nest here, protected by Life’s ability to divide and separate realms.”

There is a look of comprehension from Gnat, “{But, you have not actually entered my Father’s dungeon yet. Have you?}” When she gets a shake of the head in response Gnat beckons her and me forth, “{Follow me then, and when we reach Life’s edge, want to push through instead of just speak with him.}”

Ruth’Moor and I follow my Mentor even as her gnats bully my fireflies back into the air where I had them resting upon my skin. After a full night of flight and that draining encounter with Leo, I had thought to have a moment’s peace, but it is not so.

As she smoothly passes through the barrier like it isn’t even there, I reach out and touch it for myself for the first time. It feels like a smooth sort of honey, suspended between the trees. A thickness with a give to it, but effort must be applied. With a glance at Ruth’Moor as his mirrors my pose, with one hand upon the wall, we push forward.

Welcome to Sacred Haunt: DNA |Disease Kingdom, Forest of Dreams|.

As it is your first time entering and newcomers are not currently Blacklisted, you may accept Sacred Protection for your symphony. Note that this haunt’s theme of Disease means your Sacred Protection can be weakened and even broken by poorly controlled Cure and Cleanse spells. You will be notified if and when you jeopardize your Blessing through reckless spellcasting.

Accept {Phoenix Down}? Y/N

I gladly accept the Blessing as I pass through into the |Forest of Dreams| for the first time. The riot of colors suddenly jumping out at me on this side of the barrier as I look to Ruth’Moor examining her hands in amazement, “I did not understand. When the humans called him Divine, I thought that was some guild term for dungeons upon which they built their cities. I did not know that meant he was Sacred. This changes much… so much. The Mu’Reign have not held a Sacred Haunt in dozens of years. Not since…”

She looks at Gnat and her eyes widen as her voice lowers to a hushed awe, “Not since Pestilence fell. By the Facts, what are you, Gnat?”

My Mentor just bows and with an only partially concealed sorrow, “{I am their newest Herald. Too young and weak to wear the power on my own, I chose this Thermal, nevertheless,}” She rises from the bow and looks towards the Titan’s Lair, “{When it Calls me, I answer. Though I lose myself to it and I worry if it takes me too long, that one day I may not return. Forever lost in the Ocean of its magic.}”

“(Never, daughter. No matter what it took, nor how long, I would bring you back to me,)” a man’s voice resounds through the world itself in denial to her fears.

The silhouette of a man is echoed and forms out of the presence of the world next to Gnat. As he shifts his focus from her, he nods to me before turning his attention to my leader, “(Pleasure to finally meet you and no longer by proxy, Lady Ruth’Moor. I… am DNA, Disease Kingdom, Father to the Herald of Pestilence, Founder of the {Organ Spider}, {Heartwood}, and {Realm Woods}, and your gracious host for our-)”

I see a smile fill his there-but-not countenance, “(Symphony together. Lovely terminology there.)”

When she fails to respond after a moment, he turns back to me, “(Greetings as well, young Fyer’Fleye. Bearing Witness to one of the Mu’Reign find their Voice was truly marvelous. If you’ll pardon my possible impropriety, would you be willing to part with a breeding pair of those {Fireflies}? Seeing them firsthand has struck a chord of deep nostalgia and my home would always welcome more fluttering lights.)”

New Quest Available! “DNA” |Disease Kingdom, Forest of Dreams| wishes to adopt a breeding pair of your {Firefly} hive. Note that as a mindhive Entity you will lose all access to the gifted pair, it will be the same as a sacrifice of flesh.

Accept Quest? Y/N

While I haven’t yet symphonized with the haunt, I have heard that none of our offerings have yet been taken and so I gladly accept. Proud to be the one to fulfill our Duty to the Haunt and grant it a piece of ourselves to grow. There is a moment of fog upon my mind, a fuzzy sort of ringing before it pulls back and I shake my head to clear it.

There in front of me are a pair of lights that are not my own. They dance and thrum with mine and I smile, even as I feel an unexpected pang of loss at the separation. The old songs did not prepare me for how it feels to lose a piece of myself this way.

Ruth’Moor’s sudden embrace buttresses me against the tide of melancholy, “There, there. You’ll make it through this. The first time is always the worst. You’ll be okay.”

She holds me close as the sorrow washes over me and my body shakes and sobs in her arms. My vision blurring even as the dancing continues between former siblings.

“(And I’ve gone and done it again. I did not understand what I asked. When each group of you had entered so far, and even during your first visit, there was always an offering presented to me. None of them ever felt appropriate to accept, but then, when I saw these…)”

There is a swirl of Mako that funnels through the pair, their simple lights beginning to shift between a whole spectrum of colors before a tendril of immense Mana weaves through them and sinks back into my hand.

You have been bequeathed a pair of {Prism Bees} by “DNA” |Disease Kingdom, Forest of Dreams|.

Prism Bee: A legendary species evolution convergence for the common Firefly and the Bumblebee. Taking inspiration from the flashing light of the firefly and mixed with a hearty dose of other lights and charm, the Prism Bee forms a hive in gentle harmony with their environment. Having almost no aggression, their fascination aura pulses from their bodies when they buzz their wings, drawing attention to themselves while also having a pacifying effect on mundane observers. Although they have a legendary potential, their temperament means they are very slow to accumulate power, to the point that only at the death of multiple members of the hive will they truly awaken to combat existential threats. Once those are resolved, the remaining empowered Prism Bees go back to their ordinary lives. Merely better equipped to deal with destructive invaders but no less passive to general interactions.

*Thank you for your contribution to expanding the {Monsterpedia}. You have been granted a {Boon}.

My awe at the rush of power flowing through me is interrupted by the cackling from the phoenix that has taken me as her Protégé, “{You just can’t help yourself, can you Dad?}”

Even as the magic courses through me and then flows back out into the rest of my {Fireflies} the voice of the world completely consumes my attention, “(It was just meant to be a pretty rainbow firefly. How was I to know something like that hadn’t evolved yet? Wanting more pretty things in the world shouldn’t be so revolutionary!)”

With her arms still around me, Ruth’Moor bows the two of us towards the gesticulating not-nothingness, “Thank you again, DNA. For your generosity and having brought forth the Hero from this young Voice. Though perhaps it would be best for Fyer’Fleye to retire for the moment. Such rapid advancements are taxing, even for our kind.”

As a {Talon Hound} steps before us, Ruth’Moor lays my exhausted body upon one of her Hero hives and it carries me away. My mind startled to realize that we had been walking deeper in ever since we had passed through into the haunt. I catch one last thing before Ruth’Moor’s Voice is lost to the forest, “For your service, it would be an honor to have a Sacred Duel with Leo. Just point me at him and I will-“

My heavy breathing drowns out the rest as the {Talon Hound} picks up its pace to a gallop to get me outside quickly.

I gasp and retch once we finally cross the border. Mana Toxicity, a debilitating sickness, but one I can somehow bear, despite my inexperience. I lay panting, barely holding onto the now walking piece of Ruth’Moor as I feel the roiling waves of light shimmering throughout my bones as my fireflies continue to evolve and transform into {Prism Bees}.

When I’m brought back to camp, the Quiet ones huddle around me, unsure of what to do, or if they are allowed to touch me. Though one of them musters the courage first, my older sister, still locked behind the mute veil reaches out to me and holds me close.

Her actions seemingly giving them permission, the rest of the Quiet gather me to them and carry me to a resting place. They bring me food and drink and also marvel at the pair of fuzzy, shimmering, noisy bees that flutter between them. Landing on noses and tickling them. My exhaustion so great, it is only my most base instincts that guide them, and as each of them squeal in delight when they are chosen, I’m able to smile and recover my strength.

When my sister grabs hold of my hand and brings my attention back to her. I watch as she glances between the {Prism Bees}, my arm which is softly thrumming with power, visibly erupting through the surface on occasion, and deeply into my eyes. I can see that I’ve brought her another step closer to her Call, but it’s still not quite enough. I find my words and whisper to her, knowing she won’t understand yet, “DNA is going to be a great {Boon} for our people. Just you wait sister, you’ll find your Voice soon enough.”

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