Dungeon Champions

Class Options TIme!

Class Options


Based on your background and current challenges, your class selection has been limited to the following three Epic Classes.


Fury’s Enforcer

Class Name: Fury’s Enforcer (Epic)

Description: Fury’s Enforcer gains combat momentum as fights drag on. They specialize in defeating boss monsters or high-level enemies.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience for defeating opponents who represent a significant threat.

Granted Powers: The damage you deal with melee weapons (including your fists), increases by 1 for each round of combat, up to a maximum of 2X your current level.

Level 1: Gain a slightly increased chance to deal a critical strike for every wounded ally within sixty feet of you. This benefit only applies during active, ongoing combat.


Disrupting Fist

Class Name: Disrupting Fist (Epic)

Description: Distract and disrupt magic users of all types.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience whenever you defeat, or help defeat, a magic wielding opponent.

Granted Powers: Whenever you are within melee range of an opponent who casts a spell or uses any magic, you gain an extra attack. This attack can be made on any other opponent within your range.

Level 1: Gain a slightly increased chance to deal a critical strike to magic users. Your critical strikes also deal additional damage to magic users.


Ballistic Knight

Class Name: Ballistic Knight (Epic)

Description: Gain enhanced maneuverability and abilities to defend and protect your allies.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience from challenging combats.

Granted Powers: Your movement rate increases by 25%. While in combat, your Agility score decreases the chances of an enemy dealing a critical attack to you, or any nearby allies you are actively defending.

Level 1: You gain 10 hit points.



Based on your background and current challenges, your class selection has been limited to the following three Epic Classes.


Scouring Tyrant

Class Name: Scouring Tyrant (Epic Spellcaster)

Description: You specialize in magic related to the theme of cleaning, or transformation.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience from using offensive spells in combat, or overcoming difficult cleaning tasks.

Granted Powers: You are treated as 2 levels higher when determining what spells you can learn and your total mana. You may learn spells from any list, provided it relates to cleaning or transformation.

Level 1: The duration of your non-offensive spells is increased by a small amount. This increases in proportion to your level.


Nature’s Hand

Class Name: Nature’s Hand (Epic Spellcaster)

Description: You are able to interact with, and summon, natural allies.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience when you defeat opponents using befriended, or summoned, creatures. Also gain experience with befriending magical wildlife.

Granted Powers: You may speak with all animals, including monstrous ones. Note: This power does not grant the target intelligence. You may learn spells down both the druidic and clerical paths.

Level 1: Summon Ally (4 Mana) – Summon one befriended animal or monster whose power is equal to, or less than, your own. This is a teleportation effect. Any summoned creature will appear within a targeted space 30’ from your location. Note: If you summon a creature to deliberately kill it, you will receive zero experience for any encounters involving that creature.


Spawn Boomer

Class Name: Spawn Boomer (Epic Spellcaster)

Description: You specialize in summoning mana constructs that can deliver devastating spell-attacks. This class has greatly reduced diversity but gains far more damage.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience from defeating enemies with your spells. You will earn bonus experience based on the amount (both volume and value) of damage to the surroundings your summons do.

Granted Powers: You may summon a spell construct for 3 mana. This spell construct includes a number of trigger conditions and verbal commands. It can deliver or cast spells on your behalf while it is within range (15 feet per your level). You gain access to a limited, destruction-based spell list. You spend half the normal mana to imbue your summoned construct with your spells.

Level 1: You may summon 1 additional construct.



Based on your background and current challenges, your class selection has been limited to the following three Epic Classes.



Class Name: Savior (Epic Spellcaster)

Description: Gain access to healing spells that you can cast rapidly.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience whenever you heal an ally in a dangerous situation. Gain bonus experience for saving lives.

Granted Powers: You may learn all manner of healing and purification spells. During combat, you gain enhanced perceptions that allow you to cast these spells twice as fast.

Level 1: All healing spells you cast cure an additional [3] hit points.


Nag Witch

Class Name: Nag Witch (Epic Spellcaster)

Description: Gain access to spells that influence the minds of others. Note: This is considered an evil class. If you select it, as a celestial being, this will corrupt your essence. Doing so will unlock special benefits, along with numerous negative consequences.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience from influencing the minds of others.

Granted Powers: You may learn any spell that influences the minds of others. This is a highly restricted list and reserved for those with access to an Epic Tablet and your unique background.

Level 1: You gain an additional attribute called “Charisma.” It is equal to your Magic attribute. It helps you influence others. This magical attribute will cause you to radiate an evil aura to those sensitive to it.


Thorned Angel

Class Name: Thorned Angel (Epic Spellcaster)

Description: You use your magic to deal retributive damage to your foes. At higher levels, you will gain access to powerful healing and curse magic.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience from combat. You also gain bonus experience when your magic saves an ally’s life.

Granted Powers: Target an ally within 30’. Whenever that ally takes damage, reduce it by 3 points. The enemy takes 3 points of retributive [holy] typed damage whenever they attack the ally. You may only have one active protected ally at a time. Using this ability costs [3] mana to activate, and an additional [3] per [6] seconds it remains active.

Level 1: When your retributive effect ends, the ally is healed by 4 hit points.



Based on your background and current challenges, your class selection has been limited to the following three Epic Classes.


Surprise, I’m a Chef!

Class Name: Surprise, I’m a Chef! (Epic)

Description: You know how to cook a variety of magical dishes. Unfortunately, these require special components that will require adventuring or lots of money to acquire.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience when you help contribute to a combat. Gain bonus experience from having a direct hand in acquiring new materials for your recipes or when your cooking directly helps your allies overcome an obstacle.

Granted Powers: You can manifest a portable cooking table, complete with a small selection of Epic-grade tools at will. If you acquire additional tools of at least [Epic] quality, you may add them to this cooking table. This power grants you extradimensional storage for ingredients, preserving them at the moment they are stored. You may store up to [2 pounds] of these ingredients per your level. You learn [5] special recipes and may acquire more through experimentation or adventuring.

Level 1: You become immune to any negative effects from sampling your own concoctions. You also gain significant resistance to diseases or other side-effects from ingredients you harvest.


Mad Alchemist

Class Name: Mad Alchemist (Epic)

Description: See “Surprise, I’m a Chef!” Instead of cooking, you’re brewing. It’s a similar concept.

Experience Criteria: See “Surprise, I’m a Chef!”

Granted Powers: See “Surprise, I’m a Chef!” Replace “cooking” with alchemy and you get the idea. You’ll need to harvest rare elements and chemicals instead of (potentially) edible items.

Level 1: See “Surprise, I’m a Chef!” It’s basically that, but for elements and chemicals.


Medusa, Advanced

Class Name: Medusa, Advanced (Epic)

Description: Lean into your medusa heritage, allowing you to turn enemies to stone with greater precision and effectiveness.

Experience Criteria: Gain experience when you turn difficult (resistant) targets to stone.

Granted Powers: You may add your level to your stone gaze attack, enhancing its efficacy. You also gain complete control over your serpents.

Level 1: You may mold subjects you turn to stone as if it were clay.

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