Dungeon Champions

Chapter 35: Night On The Town and Chapter 36: Embers In The Wind and Chapter 37: Facing The Music

**Chapter 35 cut to reduce romance, and Chapter 36 cut to keep the story PG! But here's Chapter 37 with some light editing!**

I slept. It was the best sleep I’d had since coming to the Fae Wilds. There were no dreams, no weird worries, no lurking thoughts. Just bliss and warmth and happiness.

We woke early in the morning. The sun was just rising when I pulled myself out of Zuri’s embrace. I wanted to see if I could make every dream of hers come true.

But my Tablet, sensing I was awake, pushed notifications my way.

Britnayel (to Jordan): Are you two coming back soon?

Merielle (to Jordan): Hey, are you two still alive?

Nym (to Jordan): Hi, we miss you!

Skullie (to Jordan): They’ve all been gossiping all night. Just a warning.

I groaned, and Zuri stirred beside me.

“Is it time to face reality already?” she asked, chuckling.

I relayed the messages I’d gotten to her, and Zuri checked her own Tablet.

“It’s worse on my end.” She groaned and stretched. “I was really hoping we could just…ignore them for a few more hours.”

I leaned over, kissing her for a long moment. “We could,” I whispered into her lips. “The ship doesn’t leave until later in the evening, and so we could just take this time for ourselves.”

“Mm…” Zuri wrapped her arms around me. “Just cast off responsibility? That sounds…” She paused, and sighed. “Blissful, if I’m honest. But unwise.”

“Is it? They are adults. Eventually they are going to have to come to terms with the idea.”

“You are wicked,” she said with a deep chuckle. “Tempting me as I try to mother the flock.”


We didn’t leave the inn until the sun was high in the sky.

The walk back to where the group was staying could have been an awkward one. It likely would have been had we succumbed to the messages from our companions. But instead of being ashamed, we walked like lovers do—pressed firmly against one another with her arm around my hip and mine around her shoulder.

I expected to walk in to chaos—fires burning, someone crying in the corner, and Skullie strung up from the ceiling like a piñata.

But none of those things were true.

Everyone was excited to see us when we got back, and there was both an air of worried concern and a bit of jealousy, but the rampant destruction was nowhere to be found. There were plenty of questions—where we had dinner, did we have a good time, where we stayed for the night—but none of them were accusatory.

I did notice that Britney looked standoffish, but it was her default.

The biggest surprise was that everything was organized and ready for us to leave. Everyone had bathed, bags were packed, and someone had even worked on putting together rations for us. Zuri was less than thrilled about that, but I appreciated the touch.

Someone had even made a sort of holster for Skullie on the outside of my pack. It had a small flap that could be released to hide him from view. While not a perfect solution for either of our needs, it was a good compromise to me continuously throwing him inside the bag. At least until we found time for him to take over the minoant's body.

I was sure to test it out immediately, both the holster and the flap. Skullie was not amused, but since we were leaving so soon, I left him there.

Nym and Britney both ousted Merielle as the organizer almost immediately.

I smiled at Merielle. Her initiative was impressive, even if things weren’t perfect. “Thank you for getting everything organized. That was really thoughtful of you.”

Merielle blushed at the praise. “It was nothing, really. I just wanted to make sure we were prepared for the journey.”

“Well, I appreciate it,” I said sincerely.

We took some time to refine the packing, including Zuri making finicky adjustments to the rations. She pointed out that her particular class skills required more than simply going to a library for a spell scroll. “I’ll need to invest time into discovering new magical recipes, or finding folk like dryads who can teach me their ways.”

I almost replied, then realized that Merielle might have taken Zuri’s critique as nitpicking. The elf woman just accepted the feedback, taking it in with a determined look.

She really is changing. Thinking back to my first encounter with Merielle, I realized just how far she’d come in a short time. To be fair, I hadn’t ever known her to be as emotional as either Nym or Britney, but she certainly seemed much more confident.

I replied to Zuri’s comment, “We’ll make time. Nym gets spell scrolls, and you get recipes. That’s how we’ll make sure it’s fair to everyone. We all get time.”

Nym and Merielle both seemed to catch the double meaning of my statement. After a second, Britney gasped, blushing and looking away.

When we were done, we did a last-minute sanity check.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Nym fidgeting nervously. Her tail was twitching, and her ears were flattened against her head.

The rest of the party was distracted, so I moved close to her, resting a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and spun, her eyes narrowed. “Are you doing okay?” I asked gently.

Nym looked up at me with wide, anxious eyes. “I’m… I’m trying to be brave,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “But I’m still scared about the ship.”

I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I know, and that’s okay. Remember, I promised I’d be there for you. We all will be. And Britney said she has some breathing exercises that might help, right?”

Nym’s ear-twitching slowed, just a little. “Right. Okay. I can do this.”

“That’s the spirit,” I said, before turning to the rest of the group. “It looks like we’re all set to head out then. Does everyone have what they need?”

There were nods and murmurs of assent from the party.

“Great,” I said, clapping my hands together. “Let’s go meet Captain Drake and get this adventure started.”

We made our way down to the docks, the salty sea air growing stronger with each step. The bustling port was alive with activity—sailors loading cargo, merchants haggling over prices, and seabirds swooping overhead.

The closer we got, the more I could feel Nym tense up beside me. Her ears were flattened against her head and her tail was tucked between her legs. Sadie was also on high alert, although the feline was better at looking aloof when upset. I gave Nym’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

“I’m here with you,” I murmured.

She nodded jerkily but didn’t relax.

We soon spotted a gruff-looking man with weathered skin and a salt-and-pepper beard. He was barking orders at some deckhands loading crates onto a sturdy-looking ship.

“That must be Captain Drake,” I said to the group.

As we approached, the captain turned and eyed us critically. “I’m betting you’re the lot Giles hired,” he grunted. “You showed up later than I expected. Fortunately for you, the tide's not moving out yet. Hope you’ve got stronger stomachs than you look.”

I stepped forward, extending my hand. “Jordan Cash. This is my team. We’re ready to escort your shipment safely to Lans.”

Drake ignored my outstretched hand, instead scrutinizing each member of our party in turn. His gaze lingered on Nym, who was visibly trembling now.

“Got a problem with ships, girl?” he asked gruffly.

Nym opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Zuri stepped forward, placing a protective hand on Nym’s shoulder. “She’s just a bit nervous about her first sea voyage, Captain. I’m sure she’ll find her sea legs soon enough.”

Drake grunted. “Better hope so. I won’t have anyone puking all over my decks or getting in the way.” He turned back to me. “You lot can start loading your gear. We set sail in an hour.”

As the captain strode away, barking more orders at his crew, I turned to my team. “Well then. You heard the captain, I guess. Let’s get our things on board and get settled. Nym, why don’t you stick close to me?”

Nym nodded gratefully, clutching Sadie tightly to her chest. The feline looked both somehow relieved and irritated to be held.

We made our way up the gangplank, the wooden planks creaking under our feet. The ship, while not massive, was larger than I’d expected. The deck bustled with activity as sailors prepared for departure.

“This way,” a young deckhand called, gesturing towards a hatch. “I’ll show you to your quarters.”

We followed him below deck, ducking our heads to avoid the low ceiling. The passageway was narrow, forcing us to walk single file.

I could hear Nym’s rapid breathing behind me.

“Here we are,” the deckhand said, pushing open a door. “It’s not much, but it’s the best we’ve got for passengers.”

The cabin was indeed small, with three sets of bunk beds crammed into the tight space. A small porthole provided the only natural light, and the air was thick with the scent of salt and old wood.

“It’s…cozy,” Merielle said diplomatically, setting her pack down on one of the lower bunks.

I nodded to the deckhand. “Thank you. We’ll make do.”

As he left, closing the door behind him, I turned to the group. “Nothing to do but get settled in, I guess. Nym, why don’t you take one of the lower bunks? It might help you feel more secure.”

Nym nodded gratefully, still clutching Sadie close as she perched on the edge of the nearest bunk. Her ears were still flattened, and her tail twitched nervously.

“Britney,” I said, turning to the celestial, “now might be a good time for those breathing exercises you mentioned.”

Britney nodded, moving to sit beside Nym. “Okay, catgirl. Listen up. We’re going to start with some deep breaths… I see those ears. Don’t focus on what’s happening out there. Listen right here…”

While Britney walked Nym through the exercises, the rest of us stowed our gear and claimed bunks. I took the one above Nym, figuring I could keep an ear out for her during the night if she needed reassurance.

Merielle perched on the edge of her bunk, looking around the cramped quarters. “So... this is home for the next few days, huh? Cozy.”

I chuckled. “It’ll be an adventure. Here’s to hoping nothing goes wrong.”

Just then, we felt the ship lurch. I cursed my timing.

Nym’s eyes went wide, and she clutched Sadie even tighter.

“It’s okay,” I said quickly, moving to sit beside her. “That’s just the ship casting off. The journey is starting.”

Nym nodded jerkily, her breathing quickening again despite Britney’s efforts. I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“Remember what I promised? I’m right here if you need me. We all are.”

“Th-thank you, Jordan.” She suddenly dropped Sadie—much to the feline’s anger—and clung to my chest. I rubbed the spot between her ears and Nym started to purr, rubbing her face against me, almost as if scent marking. Sadie yowled and tried to also get pets, but Zuri scooped up the feline before she could interrupt.

I shifted how I was sitting so Nym could be more comfortable. She rested her head on my chest, her entire body nearly in my lap. I rubbed one ear in slow, soothing strokes, then moved to the other.

Merielle suddenly appeared, a brush in hand. I took it, but looked at her, confused. “For her tail. Nothing calms Nym down like a good tail brushing.”

It took some adjusting, but I was able to both rub her ears and run the brush through her tail at the same time.

I gently ran the brush through Nym’s soft white tail, careful not to tug or pull. With each stroke, I could feel some of the tension leaving her body. Her purring grew louder, vibrating against my chest.

“That feels nice,” Nym murmured, her eyes half-closed in contentment. Her hands kneaded at my thigh.

Despite how tender and earnest the moment was, I was once again reminded of the catgirls' fae proportions. She weighed almost nothing and was quite slender, other than her chest. Her bottom wasn’t quite flat, but it had no nowhere near the plumpness of Mirielle let alone Zuri.

But her breasts…

Realizing the salacious turn of my thoughts, no doubt influenced by the morning’s activities, I redirected my focus to brushing her tail. The repetitive motions were almost meditative. I found myself relaxing as well, focusing solely on comforting Nym.

In the background, Zuri busied herself preparing her anti-nausea concoctions, the smell of ginger and herbs filling our small quarters. Merielle and Britney chatted quietly, and they kept Sadie and Skullie busy, allowing us our own private moment.

As I worked my way down Nym’s tail, I noticed how silky smooth it was becoming under my ministrations. The fine white fur gleamed in the dim light of the cabin.

“Your tail is beautiful,” I said softly. “So soft and fluffy.”

Nym’s purring intensified at the compliment. “Thank you,” she whispered, nuzzling closer against my chest.

The smell of her—marigolds and mint—was intoxicating. At ease, I wanted nothing more than to drag her into my lap and focus all of my attention on her. Despite my attempts to redirect my focus, I found my arousal growing. I marveled at how something so simple as tail brushing could be so intimate. Her soft purrs and the feel of her warm body pressed against mine were making it difficult to think straight. My mind kept wandering, wondering.

After some time, I felt Nym’s breathing even out. Her body had completely relaxed against me, the earlier tension melting away.

“How are you feeling now?” I asked softly, hoping my voice didn’t betray my inner thoughts.

Nym looked up at me, her eyes half-lidded. “Much better,” she murmured. “Thank you, Jordan.”

I smiled down at her, still gently stroking her ears. “I’m glad. Remember, I’m here anytime you need me.”

She nodded, then hesitated for a moment before leaning up and placing a soft kiss on my cheek. “You’re wonderful,” she whispered.

The innocent gesture sent a jolt through me. I cleared my throat, trying to regain my composure. As I looked around, I caught Zuri’s knowing smile. She raised an eyebrow at me, and I felt my face get warm.

“Now that we’re settled here, I should go check in with the captain.” I forced myself to think about something besides Nym’s warmth and purring. “We should establish a watch for the night, since that’s when we’re most likely to get hit.”

“Before you go.” Zuri gestured, summoning her Tablet and showing me her recipes. “I have three uses of Quick Combine. Do you think I should make them before we go to sleep?”

“Before we go to sleep?” I said, brain struggling to change channels from the feeling of Nym to strategy. “Wouldn’t it spoil?”

“Not if you store it. My storage will keep ingredients, but yours will preserve products for training. I think it should work for me to craft something and give it to you.”

The implications were huge. I beamed at her. “What you’re saying is, as long as we have ingredients, we can prepare for a variety of circumstances.”


“Let’s get a Harmful Concoction ready, assuming you have what you need?”

“I do. Just that one?”

“For now. The attacks happen at night, so if we need to adapt, I want us to be able to.”

“Fair enough.” She lifted her hands and focused. Her Tablet flashed and an outline of a pot appeared to overlap the space between her fingers. Ghostly ingredients appeared, presumably removed from her extra dimensional storage space, joining the mix. After a heartbeat, five separate vials of bright green liquid appeared. They hovered in place, waiting for us to grab them.

I did, storing all five without problem. “The description says they have to be consumed. If we’re fighting monsters in the ocean, is it safe to assume that mixing some of this in the water they are moving through counts?”

“It would, yes.” She gave me a wry look. “Water would dilute it quickly though. You’d need to get it right next to their mouths to ensure absorption.”

“Works for me. I’m pretty accurate with my tossing.”

“Accurate tosser,” Nym giggled, the sound reminding me why I’d been eager to leave the room.

When I moved to leave, Merielle asked, “Should one of us go with you?”

“No, I’ll be fine,” I said, a little too quickly. A little cool, fresh air would do me a lot of good. Besides, it wasn’t like I was going to admit I needed some time away from the gorgeous ladies. “Rest up while we can. I’ll be right back.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.