Dungeon Champions

Chapter 21: Fancy Gear

I gathered my companions and we moved to a quiet corner to review the options Basbro had found. We found a polished table with just enough silver embellishments to suggest it was expensive and overstuffed, insanely comfortable, chairs. As we settled in, attendants brought us a selection of non-alcoholic drinks and snacks.

When we sat down, Basbro waved his hand over a rune and magic danced across our skin. “Protection spell,” he said with a professionally thin smile. “Sound dampening and anti-tracking. We’ve found it helps our clientele feel more comfortable.” He paused, and something mechanical ran over his eyes. “Sir, if I may?”

I motioned for him to continue, and Basbro stepped forward, reaching for my hand. I complied, holding out my hand and he carefully removed a tiny, nearly invisible bit of metal from the underside of my wrist. It had a simple symbol on it, likely a rune. He held it up, showing it to me before crushing it between his fingers.

“A tracking charm,” he said. “Likely placed by the gentleman you were just speaking with. We don't allow such things here at Massie's Emporium. But I also thought it's best to avoid making a scene on the floor.”

He glanced over at one of several suits of armor stationed around the room. The armor was covered in magical glyphs that glowed with sullen, promising power. “While violence is quickly dealt with, it is best if it doesn’t happen.”

I frowned. “Thank you, Basbro. I appreciate your diligence.”

What was that guy’s plan? Seeing where I came out and…hunting me down?

The thought was chilling.

“Is there a way to mask Tablets?”


I shook my head. “Tin’s little trick made me think about it. We’ve all got a target on our backs just for having our Tablets. Until we get a few more levels, it might be best to mask what we have.”

Basbro nodded. “I believe that is something one of our vendors provides. I will check the pricing and let you know.” He looked away, obviously sending some sort of message, before his eyes refocused and he smiled. “Now, shall we review the options I've found for your party?”

“Sure. Let’s start with Merielle’s options,” I said.


Merielle’s Options

Limited, Elemental Fighter’s Gloves: Add 2-4 [Elemental] typed damage to your melee attacks. Can be activated or deactivated with a command word. Upon activation, you may select which type of element. Only Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Acid may be used with this model.

Vicious Mask: Your critical attack range is increased by a [Small] amount. As an [Elf] your ability to see in low-light situations is enhanced. You can now see clearly in all but perfect or magical darkness.

Sword of Mourning: Your attacks with this weapon appear to deal no damage until the opponent is reduced to zero hit points. Opponents struck with this weapon do not appear to be wounded, and healing effects do not work on them. After 30 seconds of not being damaged by this sword, the damage vanishes. Limitation: This weapon is only useful against enemies subject to bleed attacks. Undead, golems, and many monsters will be immune to this.


“What do you like the look of,” I asked her.

The elf looked uncomfortable. “Are you sure? I’m…happy with the stuff you got us in the common area.”

“I am. This is important to me. We are a party, and even if you left right now I would feel better about you doing so if you had some actual gear.”

Merielle grimaced, but then pointed to the Elemental Fighter’s Gloves. “I don’t do much in the way of elemental damage right now, but they feel more useful than the Vicious Mask or Sword of Mourning. I’m… not very good with a sword.”

I nodded approvingly at Merielle's choice. “The gloves seem like a solid pick. Versatile damage types could come in handy against different enemies.”

“I agree,” Merielle said. “And I like that I can activate or deactivate them as needed.”

“Good call,” I said. “Basbro, we'll take the Elemental Fighter's Gloves for Merielle.”

The goblin nodded and made a note. “Excellent choice, sir. Shall we move on to the next party member?”

“Let's look at Nym's options,” I said.


Nym’s Options

[Health Barrier] Amulet: This amulet will absorb up to 15 points of damage per day. It recharges after 24 hours.

[Physical Defense] Amulet: This amulet decreases the chances of your being hit with a critical strike by a [Moderate] amount.

[Magical Defense] Amulet: This amulet decreases the damage you suffer from magical attacks by 3-5 points of damage. Non-instantaneous negative magical effects have a [Small] chance to fail.


I looked over at Nym after reading through the options. “What do you think? These are all defensive options, which is what we were looking for to keep you safe.”

Nym's ears twitched as she considered the choices. “They all sound useful,” she said thoughtfully. “But I think the Magical Defense Amulet might be best. We don't know what kind of magical threats we might face, and having some protection against that could be really helpful.”

I nodded. “Good reasoning. The chance for negative effects to fail could be a lifesaver too.”

“Plus,” Nym added with a tired grin, “it fits my theme!”

With a chuckle, I patted her between the ears. “Sounds good.” Turning to Basbro I said, “We’ll take the Magical Defense Amulet for Nym. What about options for Sadie?”


Sadie’s Options

Kitty Harness of [Speed and Stealth]: Your movement rate increases by a [Modest] amount. Your [Stealth] skill gets a +2 bonus.

Kitty Harness of [Shielding]: This device will absorb up to 15 points of damage per day. It recharges after 24 hours.

Kitty Harness of [Skipping]: 3 times per day you may [Teleport] a short distance [30 feet].


Sadie leaped up into my lap, rubbing her hand against my Tablet-holding hand. I obviously couldn’t expect her to tell me what she wanted, so I looked to Nym. “Care to translate?” I said with a chuckle.

Nym giggled and leaned over to scratch Sadie behind the ears. The feline hissed and swiped at her, before settling into my lap. I could feel her purring up a storm.

“So rude.” Nym said, holding her hand as if she were injured. But then she shook it off and sighed. “She says she likes the sound of the [Skipping] harness. Being able to teleport short distances could really help her get out of tight spots.”

I nodded. “That makes sense. It could be a great escape tool for her.” I looked down at Sadie. “Want to be able to teleport?”

Sadie meowed and headbutted my hand affectionately.

“I'll take that as a yes,” I chuckled. “All right Basbro, we'll go with the Kitty Harness of [Skipping] for Sadie.”

The goblin made another note. “Very good, sir. Shall we move on to Britney's options?”

“Let's see them.”


Britney’s Options

Boots of [Speed and Stealth]: Your movement rate increases by a [Modest] amount. Your [Stealth] skill gets a +2 bonus.

Boots of [Skipping]: 3 times per day you may [Teleport] a short distance [30 feet].

Belt of [Liquid Motion]: You become [Modestly Resistant] to being grappled or held in place, either physically or magically.


“Interesting,” I mused, looking over Britney's options. “The Boots of Speed and Stealth and the Boots of Skipping seem similar to Sadie's options, just in boot form.”

Britney leaned away. Something changed in her; while everyone else was reviewing their lists, she was eager and interested. But now she tried to put on an aloof and distant attitude. “Honestly, they all sound serviceable. But I think the Belt of Liquid Motion might be the most versatile. Being able to slip out of grapples or magical bindings could be crucial, especially if we're going up against my stepmother's forces.”

Despite her posturing, she had smart reasoning. I gave her what I hoped was a reassuring look. “Good point. It could give you an edge in close combat situations, too.”

“Exactly,” Britney said, the corners of her lips curling. “And it fits well with my retribution abilities. If I can stay mobile and avoid being pinned down, I'll be much more effective.”

“Are you then going to use the boots I found you to replace your glass slippers?”

Britney wrinkled her nose up. “For now.”

“All right then, that sells me,” I turned to Basbro. “We'll take the Belt of Liquid Motion for Britney.”

The goblin made another note. “Excellent choice. Now, for Zuri, we only have one option due to her unique requirements.”


Zuri’s Option

Cooking Kit: [Common] and [Uncommon] Herbs and Spices, along with a magical cooking kit that will reduce your cooking time by a [Significant] amount. This kit integrates with your class abilities, allowing you to summon and dismiss them. These items remain “in state” meaning if you store an object while it’s hot, it will remain the same temperature until it is retrieved.


“It’s perfect,” Zuri said breathlessly. “Everything I wanted and more.”

“Are you sure you don’t want something to help you in combat? We could get you something simple, if you’re worried about being unfair and having more than one item.”

Zuri shook her head. “If I’m deeply involved in combat, something has gone really wrong. My place in the party is providing buffs or poisons against our enemies. As we level, I’ll need better and better gear to compensate for my lack of martial or magical class. And that gear would be better distributed to the rest of my party.”

“I just mean… what if you’re caught off guard and we aren’t around to help you?”

She smiled at me. “I’m touched that you’re thinking about me in that way, but I’ve got my natural defenses, if it comes to that.”

“Fair enough.” I slapped my hands down on my upper thighs and looked at Basbro. “I think that’s everything, then.”

“Nothing for you, sir?”

I shook my head. “I’ve got plenty. Let’s make a deal.”

Basbro released us from our little containment field and we were encouraged to go explore a bit longer while he ran prices, and then also run the numbers on a mask for our Tablets.

I felt a little discouraged that our warrior was going to be running around without a weapon, and so went up to a few of the curated weapon shops that were on the showroom floor. My party traveled with me, but they were all very cautious of those around them.

“Oh, look at this,” I said, selecting a long-handled war hammer from where it hung on the wall.

As soon as I touched the weapon, the shopkeeper practically manifested at my side. He was a stout man with massive mutton chops and a beer belly that spoke of a familiarity with the finer things in life.

“It’s a fine weapon,” the shopkeeper said. “The narrow face of that hammer will make short work of nearly anything, be it a head, ribcage, or breastplate. And the long handle gives it a bit of range. It’s also got magical properties.”

I expected that would be the case, which is why it was up here instead of downstairs.

“May I?” I asked, my hand on the handle of the war hammer.

The shopkeeper spread his hands. “Please do. Just don’t use it on anyone or anything here.” He barked a single laugh, then stopped when no one else joined in.

I pulled the hammer from the wall, looking it over. It was expertly crafted, with a four-foot long handle that ended in a spike. The face of the hammer was small, probably only one or two square inches in total, which would concentrate the force of each blow. The back of the head was a wicked, slightly curved spike. Tiny runes and symbols had been carved over the entirety of the head.

I passed the weapon over to Merielle, who accepted it, wide-eyed. She hefted it in both hands for a moment, then looked up at me.

“It’s actually a good bit lighter than I expected,” she said. She looked down at the spike on the butt of the handle. “Oh, I can even use this like a spear if I get in a bind.” She raised the hammer and jabbed at the floor several times, as if driving the pointed butt of the handle through a fallen enemy.

“How’s it feel?” I asked.

Merielle glanced around, ensuring no one was nearby, and gave the hammer a few test swings. My Battle Scholar class abilities—with a bit of help from my borrowed memories—immediately filled me in on the proper technique with the weapon.

I held a hand out to Merielle. “May I?”

She placed the hammer in my hands, and I took a step back.

“You need to let the momentum of the head do the work,” I said. I jabbed it forward like a spear, striking air with the top of the hammer head, then dropped the hammer and let its weight spin it in a vicious overhead arc.

That first strike continued around into a second one, aimed at an invisible sword-arm in my mind. One good blow from this hammer would shatter every bone in that arm.

I handed it back to Merielle, who looked slightly wide-eyed as she accepted the weapon.

“If you want it, it’s yours.”

She nodded mutely.

“Would you like to know the magical properties of the weapon before purchasing?,” the shopkeeper asked. It was clear he was hungry for the sale.

I shrugged. The fact that the weapon had magical properties was enough, but I was willing to bite. “Please.”

He waved a hand and a notification came through to my Tablet.


Handshake of the Titans: The hammer grows in size and mass upon command, increasing its reach by 5 feet and its damage from 2-4 to 5-8. Limitation: While enlarged, the hammer has [slightly] reduced accuracy. The growth can be activated [three times] per day.


It was a damn fine weapon, and the enchantment was quite perfect for our frontline fighter. But I just gave the shopkeeper a bored shrug. “Ah. It’s… fine. Those limitations are quite large.”

“Yes, but increasing the range of your fighter is quite useful.”

“Only three times a day, however.” I sighed. “Perhaps we can find something more intune with you, Merielle.”

Instantly the shopkeeper stuttered. “N-no offense to my fellows here, but these are the finest weapons you’ll find on this floor.”

I looked over my shoulder at my party, who were all watching me in awe. “Do you ladies really believe we won’t find another magic hammer up here?”

Merielle gave me a knowing smile. “I can see three from here.”

“Ah. See, perhaps they will have enchantments that are more our speed.”

The shopkeeper shook his head. “You’re the adventurers attended to by Basbro, correct?” When I said yes, he nodded vigorously. “Excellent. Let me speak with him. We shall get you a fair price for such a weapon.”

I took my time thinking about it, and then nodded. “Sounds good.”

Basbro found us a short time later. He had all of our new gear ready for us, including the Handshake of the Titans hammer—which he told me was offered for so low a price it should have been illegal—and five Tablet masking spells. Each could only lower our visible Tablet quality by one tier, but it visibly changed the color and could be disabled at any time. It wouldn’t fool anyone with detection skills, abilities, or equipment, but it would save us from situations like earlier.

All told, Basbro took 4,000 gold and four out of my eighteen diamond claws, which felt like a lot…but also we were happy, safe, and much better geared than when we arrived.

With the significant, if limited, boosts this gave each member of the party, I decided the trip was an outstanding success.

Shopping Trip Summary

Common Room Shopping

Wardrobe: All members purchased 5 changes of clothing, including two sets of luxury (royal quality) outfits with jewelry. Zuri’s wardrobe includes heavy-duty enchanted cloth to help contain her hair. These clothes are stored in their storage bags.

Total Cost: 350 gold.

Mundane and Magical Ingredients: Zuri purchased enough [common] and [uncommon] herbs and ingredients to produce 100+ of her recipes.

Total Cost: 300 gold.

Storage Pouches: Each girl purchased [2] [100lb] storage pouches.

Total Cost: 2,400 gold.

Healing Potions [Lesser]: Each girl purchased 4 lesser healing potions.

Total Cost 800 gold.

Adventuring Kits [High Quality]: Every member of the team has an updated Adventuring Kit. These kits include rope and pitons, basic medical supplies, bedding, goods to mend clothing and armor, several weeks of food, cold and hot weather supplies, etc. These are stored in the storage pouches.

Total Cost: 150 gold.

Total Common Room Spend: 4,000

Tablet Room Shopping

Limited, Elemental Fighter’s Gloves: Add 2-4 [Elemental] typed damage to your melee attacks. Can be activated or deactivated with a command word. Upon activation, you may select which type of element. Only Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Acid may be used with this model.

Magical Defense Amulet: This amulet decreases the damage you suffer from magical attacks is reduced by 3-5 points of damage. Non-instantaneous negative magical effects have a [Small] chance to fail.

Kitty Harness of [Skipping]: 3 times per day you may [Teleport] a short distance [30 feet].

Belt of Liquid Motion: You become [Modestly Resistant] to being grappled or held in place, either physically or magically.

Cooking Kit: [Common] and [Uncommon] Herbs and Spices, along with a magical cooking kit that will reduce your cooking time by a [Significant] amount. This kit integrates with your class abilities, allowing you to summon and dismiss them. These items remain “in state” meaning if you store an object while it’s hot, it will remain the same temperature until it is retrieved.

Handshake of the Titans: The hammer grows in size and mass upon command, increasing its reach by 5 feet and its damage. Limitation: While enlarged, the hammer has reduced accuracy against smaller or nimble targets. The growth can only be activated three times per day.

Veil [Tablet Altering Enchantment] x5: This enchantment alters the appearance and perceived power of the user's Tablet, reducing its visible quality by one tier. The spell manifests as a shimmering, translucent layer over the Tablet, shifting its color to match that of a lower-tier Tablet. This illusory mask can be activated or dispelled at will by the user. It will only fool a casual viewer and can be seen through by detection skills, abilities, or equipment.

Final Cost: 4,000 gold and 4 (out of 18) Diamond Claws.

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