Dungeon at the End of the Universe

8 – It was a long time coming, but we finally have some changes to the status… next chapter

Tentative game-plan set, we started preparing for the inevitable. Which didn’t actually consist of anything much different from what we were already doing, since I couldn’t start enchanting without knowing ow to do it.

So, the talking continued, except that this time it was at least a little bit more of a dialogue, with me asking question to occasionally interrupt (and annoy) Faellen.

It turns out enchanting, at least at the low level, is rather simple. At least for Dungeons. Apparently, all I had to do is flood a mass of material with mana and push said mana to animate it.

“Faellen…” I sighed, “You don’t even realize the problem, do you?” With the fairy silently staring at me, I didn’t even need to hear an answer to know what it was. “Sigh, and with what mana am I supposed to flood it?”

Finally, a look of recognition dawned on its face, “Right… right. Just, just make some with Destroy.”

Once more, I couldn’t help but stare in disbelief, “But you were just telling me how I shouldn’t do that!”

“Eeeh, potato potato. As long as you catch all of it and don’t let any escape it should be fine. Besides, there’s not much worse than the End that could happen anyway.”

With a grumble (that I made sure Faellen could hear) I turned my focus away from there started preparations. First, I made a huge block of Dungeon Stone which would later be turned into fuel for my construct. Then, the real crafting began.

My first idea was a generally humanoid body, but it wasn’t until I was halfway done that I realized I needn’t limit myself like so at all. My mind suddenly flooded with possibilities, imagining all the monstrosities I could bring to life. Two legs, three legs, four legs. Hell, even eight or maybe just one leg. There was no limit to the abominations I could craft into existence.

Sadly, my only companion had to be the party-pooper again and remind me that this is only for a quest. And also that we’re on a bit of a time limit. Which is fair, I guess, but still.

So with that, I finished the boring humanoid design. I didn’t even bother with the head! And for legs and arms I instead gave it little nubs that would barely function as limbs.

Then, just in case, I made a second block of ‘battery’ Dungeon Stone. Better safe than sorry, and a two to one ration of mana to mass seemed good.

I was just about to actually begin, when Faellen spoke, this time it interrupting me instead of the other way ‘round, “Hold on, don’t you think you should practice first? From what you’ve said this will be your first try manipulating mana.”

“Nah, don’t worry about it,” and with that, I Destroyed the two blocks of Dungeon Stone.

The cloud of mana was immediately much larger than last time. In almost no time at all it filled out the whole second room of my Dungeon and continue on through the walls. Alright, maybe I should have practised after all.

With a mad scramble, I activated Manipulate, trying to envelop the whole of my Dungeon and contain the mana cloud. Which, surprisingly enough, worked. Somewhat.

There was the occasional tuft of it that managed to slip past my grip, but overall I would consider this a great success.

The next part of the process was relatively simple. I just had to push it all into much crude Dungeon Stone construct and will it to animate. Which I quickly realized was easier said than done.

Turns out, holding something still is much easier than moving that same amount of something. And while I was frozen there, unable to do much with the mana I held, bits and pieces continued to escape into the void of space.

“Dungeon, damn you still need a name. Anyway, Dungeon, what are you doing?” came Faellen voice.

“Trying. To. Push. Mana. Into. Construct,” I barely managed to force out, most of my concentration focused on the mana.

“Yes, but why are trying to do it stupidly? Don’t force it all inside at once, funnel it it slowly, bit by bit.”

That… may not be such a bad idea.

It wasn’t indeed. Chagrined, I once more tried to push the mana into stone. This time, just a small amount. And it worked! Only a small itty-bitty chunk entered, but the strain on my mind lifted by that much too, making managing the rest all the more easier. Which, in turn, meant the next chunk to enter the stone body was just that tiny bit more.

Piece by piece, I begged the mana to animate my rough construct. Eventually, the mana cloud reduced enough for me to form a gentle and steady stream of it. From there on, it was truly smooth sailing.

Sometime later, the last few stragglers of mana joined the rest of it inside my construct. It was time for the moment of truth.

With bated breath, not really since there was still no air, both Faellen and me watched on as our future would be decided. Would the construct move? Or would it remain inert, dooming us into non-existence?

For the longest time, nothing seemed to be happening and despair began to creep down our backs.

Then, with a twitch of it’s ‘arm’ my first monster came to life. This was soon confirmed by a gentle ping from the System.

Quest notification:
Quest complete!

“We did it!” we both cheered at once. But before much more could be said, it was time for quest rewards.

Reward: Level-Up, ???

Level-Up available!

Selecting reward.
Reward selected:
One-time use Level-Up enhancement ticket

“Okay, good news and weird news,” I reported my rewards to Faellin, “I can level up now and the unknown reward is something called a ‘one-time use Level-Up enhancement ticket’. You have any idea what that’s about?”

The fairy’s eyes seemed to shine with amazement, “No, no, that it good new and even better news! I’m not 100% sure, since Dungeons are one of the few beings that have levels, but I’ve heard of these System enhancement tickets. From legends, that is.”

“So, it’s good?”

“More than good! Some myths tell of these ticket granting power that took the lowliest of mortals to the very peak!”

“Yes, but those are only legends, right? I can’t imagine something cheat-y like that actually existing.” I said.

“Sure, whatever, but most myths have at least a grain of truth to them. This could be the answer to out problems!” Faellen’s excitement didn’t seem to want to go down.

“Alright, sheesh. So now I just Level-Up, right?”

With a nod from Faellen, I opened my status to see the level entry blinking, just like the option to establish a Dungeon had. With one last glance at my starting status, I pressed the button.

Paradox Core of the End (Dungeon)
Level: 1
Primary Aspect: End/Paradox

Create (Dungeon)
Materials: Dungeon [Stone, Air]
Monsters: Crude humanoid construct
Traps: Pit fall
Loot: Crude stone dagger

Destroy (Dungeon)
Control (Dungeon)
Sense (Dungeon)
Final Stop (End)
Ignore That (Paradox)


Where am I?
A Dearth of Adventurers

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